The Disciplinarian Ch. 06

Please read the earlier chapters before you read this one. Otherwise, it won’t make much sense. Also you’ll find it a lot more erotic if you first understand who these characters are and where they are, physically and emotionally.

Naughty Hands

I was nervous at work the whole day thinking about what sort of punishment Jennie might have in store for me that night. I could hardly eat any supplier because of the butterflies in my stomach. This did not go unnoticed by Jennie and she kept glancing at me all through the meal and evening with a self-satisfied grin.

Just before nine o’clock, Angie arrived. So, I thought, they are going to double-team me. I wasn’t really surprised.

At precisely nine, Jennie told me to wait in my bedroom. Then she and Angie went to the kitchen. I sat on my bed and wondered what they could possibly need from the kitchen. Suddenly, memories of Literotica stories that involved spankings with spatulas and big wooden mixing spoons came back to me, and my stomach did a flip.

Seconds later they came into the room and to my relief Jennie was carrying only our young mitts. Angie had only our kitchen timer, which she put on my dresser.

“First, put these on,” Jennie instructed as she handed the mitts to me. As I took them from her, I could see that she or Angie had attached a plastic scouring pad to the palm of each mitt with safety pins.

“What are these for?” I asked.

“These are your naughty hands mittens,” Jennie explained. “I had a friend who worked in a home for the severely retarded. Some of the patients would masturbate all day if they weren’t restrained. So the staff would put these thick mittens with a rough surface on their hands. It hurt them to rub themselves, so the mittens effectively prevented them from masturbating. You are going to wear these for the remainder of the night for the same reason.”

“I’m not mentally disabled, Jennie!” I protested. “Thisis outrageous. I’m not putting these on.”

“Suit yourself,” she replied calmly, “but we’ll just have to tell Mr. Daniels about your disobedience.”

“Damn it, Jennie!” I said, gritting my teeth in fury, but I wasn’t going to risk harming my new relationship with Mickey. He had apparently told Jennie that she could punish me in any way that she wanted. Muttering angrily, I put on the mitts.

At that moment, we heard the clicking of our front door knocker.

“That must be Robby,” Jennie said as she headed for the door.

“Robby? But you broke up with Robby months ago. Why is he here?”

“I ran into him the other day and invited him over to watch a DVD,” she explained over her shoulder as she continued walking across the living room.

“Wait,” I protested. “You’re going to send him away, right?”

She stopped and turned back towards me with her hands on her hips. “Now why should I cancel an invitation just because you can’t keep from touching yourself?”

“Well, then,” I retired to a second suggestion, “You two are going postpone my punishment for another time, right? I mean you’re not going to go through with it while he’s in the apartment?”

“And why shouldn’t we?” Angie asked as if what I’d just requested was an outrageous favor. “You should have thought about all the potential consequences when you broke Mr. Daniels’ instruction. Now you’re just going to have to deal with the situation.”

We heard the knocker again.

“Just a moment!” Jennie called out to the unseen Robby on the other side of the door, and then turned her attention back to me.

“Look, he won’t actually see your punishment, if that’s what’s got you worried,” she explained. “We’ll do that in your bedroom while he waits out here. But, mind you, this is a favor I’m doing you that you really don’t deserve.”

With that, she walked to the door, but then she seemed to get an idea and paused just as she grasped the doorknob. After thinking a moment, she turned back towards me and a wicked grin sliced ​​her face. “But,” she said smiling, “I’m going to make it part of your punishment that you have to tell Robby the truth if he asks you any questions. If you don’t, I’ll tell Mr. Daniels that you disobeyed.”

With that, she flung open the door and Robby strode in with a six-pack of beer under his arm.

He was 25, tall, dark-haired, and medium build. If you overlooked an ill-advised soul patch on his chin, he wasn’t bad looking, which was Jennie’s main criteria in boyfriend selection; but he was cruel, even by her not too refined standards, and she’d broken up with him after only a month of dating. She hadn’t mentioned him in months, so I wondered why she hadn’t invited her current boyfriend. She’d described the new man to me, but I’d yet to meet him.

“Hi ya, Soo May!” Robby exclaimed, “Long time, no see!” Robby had never learned the difference between his indoor voice and his outdoor voice.

“Hello, Robby,” I said nervously trying to think of a way to get out of the room before he could ask me any questions. An idea quickly came to me.

“Why don’t I take those beers to the fridge while you start the DVD?” I asked, reaching out my hands to take the six-pack from him.

—the hands that had over mitts on them.

—the over mitts that had scouring pads safety-pinned to the palms.

Damn! I thought. &^%$#@ mittens! I forgot I was wearing them.

Robby frowned in puzzlement at the mittens as he handed me the beers.

“So,” he asked, “what are you baking?”

“Baking? … um,” I stammered, “… uh … nothing.” I grabbed the beers and dashed for the kitchen door before he could ask another question. As I passed by Angie, I saw her smiling at me.

I put the beers in the refrigerator. Now I had to go back out to the living room and get to my bedroom before Robby could ask a question that I didn’t want to answer. I opened the kitchen door a crack and peeked. He was bent over inserting the DVD into the player. This was my chance. Walking fast, with my hands behind my back, I made a beeline for my bedroom door. I was just 10 feet short of it when I heard Robby’s voice.

“So, what are cooking for us, Soo May?” he asked.

I stopped. “Cooking?”

“Yes,” he explained, “You’re wearing oxygen mitts and you said you’re not baking anything, so what are you cooking?”

“Um … well … you know … I haven’t really decided what to cook yet.”

“Then why are you already wearing young mitts?” he persisted, “I mean if you don’t what you’re going to cook, then you don’t know if you need them. And by the way, what’s that fastened to the mitts? Are those scouring pads?”

&^%$#@! I thought. He’s asked me a direct question and Jennie will tell Mickey that I disobeyed if I don’t tell the truth.

“[sigh] … Yes, they are scouring pads,” I admitted.

He looked puzzled again, and then looked back and forth between Jennie, Angie, and me a few times before finally stopping again at me. “What’s going on here?” he asked.

I told again and looked down, trying to hide my face as I answered. “These are … uh … naughty hands mittens. They … uh … prevent the person who’s wearing them from … uh …,” my voice dropped to a whisper, “… playing with themselves.”

There was a long silence. Robby, who was not the swiftest boat in the stream, blinked uncomprehensively several times, his mouth open and his browser furrowed as he attempted to process what I’d just said.

“But …,” he said slowly, “… you mean that … no, you couldn’t mean … that is … but why would you … um … that is … .” His face slowly turned towards Jennie and he raised one eyebrow — a request for enlightenment.

She smiled and slowly nodded her head in the affordable. Her meaning was unmistakable, even to Robby. Yes, she was signaling, this does mean whatyou think it means.

He turned back to look at me. He began to blush and a wide grin slowly formed on his face. He stared at me half in amusement and half in amazement.

“You see,” Angie broke the silence, “Soo May’s new man is out of town and he told her not to brush her muff while he’s gone.”

“So he makes her wear those while he’s out-of-town?” Robby asked.

“No, actually, the naughty hands mittens are my idea,” Jennie explained. “You see, Soo May, has already fallen off the wagon. I came home last night and found her pressing the button with her bedroom door wide open. So tonight she has to wear those.”

Robby looked at me and started laughing. “Is that true, Soo May? Did she catch you diddling?”

I hung my head. “Yes,” I whispered. My eyes were starting to water from shame.

“Oh, … huck, huck, … my … hee, hee, hee, … God!” he exclaimed, laughing so hard he could hardly talk.

“As a matter of fact, Robby,” Angie spoke up, “Wouldyou grab a couple of beers and wait on the sofa with Jennie for a few minutes? Soo May and I have something to attend to in her room.”

“Attend to what?” he asked, recovering slightly from his laughing fit.

“I think that will become clear shortly, Robby,” was her only answer. “Now, if you’ll excuse us … Soo May, let’s go to your room.”


While Robby headed for the kitchen, I led the way to my room. Angie closed the door behind us. She sat on the end of my bed and then waited until the whoosh of a beer can opening told us Robby was back in the living room. Only then did she says, “Alright, Soo May, get over my lap!” She said it loud enough to ensure that that Robby heard it Through the closed door.

With a groan, I draped myself over her lap and rested my hands and toes on the floor.

Whap! Her palm connected hard with the seat of my jeans. It didn’t hurt very much, but I realized that the sound was loud enough to be heard in the living room.She paused before the next spank to give Robby more time to figure out what was going on.

Whap! She paused again.


Finally, Robby called out to us from the living room, “Angie, are you and Soo May getting it on? Can I join in?”

“That idiot!” Angie whispered and I couldn’t help but laugh despite my humiliating position.

“No, Robby,” she said much louder, “we’re not having sex.” Then after a pause she said, “Why don’t you ask Soo May what we’re doing?” She punctuated this with another spank.


“Soo May?” It was Robby again. It sounded like he had walked very close to the bedroom door. “What are you two doing?”


“I’m … uh …,” my voice dropped, “getting spanked.”

“What?” he called back.

“Louder, Soo May,” Jennie called through the door, “and tell him the position you’re in too.” She must have been standing next to Robby.

Angie endorsed this command with a very hard swat.


“I— I— I’m lying over Angie’s lap getting a spanking,” I stammered loudly.

“Tell him why,” she whispered.

“I’m being punished for playing with myself without permission,” I explained to the closed door.

There was a brief pause while this sunk in. Then we heard Robby laughing again. Satisfied now that he understands, she increased her pace, landing a spank about every second.

Whap! Whap! Whap! Whap! Whap! Whap! Whap! Whap! Whap! Whap!

By now, we could hear Robby and Jennie giggling continuously. My face burned with humiliation.

Whap! Whap! Whap! Whap! Whap! Whap! Whap! Whap! Whap!

Dispite the protection of my jeans, the cumulative effect was starting to build and I began making barely audible squeals of pain.

Whap! “Ow.”

Whap! “Um.”

Whap! Whap! “Ouch.”

Whap! “Ooo, ow.”

Whap! “Ar, unh.”

Angie finished up with a flurry of hard ones.


“Ow, ow, ow! Urh! Ouch!”

“Now, up!” she commanded and I stood. My hands went instinctively to rub my seat but sound of scouring pad on cotton reminded me that I was wearing the naughty hands mittens, so all I could do was twist my hips a bit in disappoint.

Angie went straight for the kitchen timer she’d put on my dresser earlier and she set it for 20 minutes.

All right, Soo May,” she instructed, “you stay in here for 20 minutes while Robby, Jennie, and I watch the movie. When the timer goes off, come into the living room and ask Jennie to continue your spanking. Tell her that you think you need more. And be polite, the way Mr. Daniels always insists on. Understood?”

“Yes,” I said, gritting my teeth.

She stopped just before leaving the room and added a further detail. “Oh, I almost forgot, when You ask for your additional spanking, ask Jennie to pull down your pants first.” With that, she stepped out of the room and closed the door.

I could hear the three of them talking in the living room. I couldn’t make out much of it, but I heard my name a few times and several euphemisms for masturbation along with a lot of giggling. Finally, after a few minutes of this, I heard the sound of the DVD playing.


I sat on my bed feeling humiliated and sorry for myself, until …

Bing! The timer went off.

I wanted to stay in my room forever, but I feared that disobedience would ruin my relationship with Mickey, so I took a deep breath and opened the door.

I walked into the living room. They were at the far end of the room watching the DVD. I couldn’t meet their eyes, so I looked at the floor. Robby paused the film when they saw me approach.

“Um … Jennie,” I hesitated, “… um … well … “

“Yes,” she replied, trying her best to mimic Mickey’s impassive style, “is there something you’d like to say?”

I glanced up just long enough to see that Angie and Jennie were smiling at me while Robby just leered.

“Well … uh … I thnk I deserve more punishment. Would you please come back to the bedroom and pull my pants down and give me another spanking?”

Robby immediately let out a surprised leader. Apparently, no one had not told him that I was going to ask this.

“I can’t believe this,” he said laughing and shaking his head, “I just can’t believe this.”

“Gladly,” said Jennie. “This won’t take long, Robby. I’ll be right back.”

With that, she led me back to my bedroom and told me to go stand by the bed. The bed is well away from the doorway, so I was now out of sight of Robby.

Leaving the door open, she came up to me and reached for the button of my pants, saying loudly, “Ok, let’s get these jeans down.”

I jumped back, saying “Jennie, no! The door is open.”

“I know but he’s way over by the sofa and can’t see you,” she explained. Then with an evil smile she added, “Of course, there’s always a slight chance that he’s snuck over closer and will look in. But I’m not closingthe door until you are dependent, so the sooner you are, the sooner we’re in private.”

Again, she reached for my pants faster. This time I let her, while I stared at the open doorway, fearing that at any second I’d see Robby’s leering face appears from the other side. She opened the jeans and pulled them down to my ankles.

Perhaps it was my imagination, but I immediately felt a cool breeze across my bare thighs.

“Jennie, please!” I hissed.

She just smiled and walked back to the door. It was only about five steps but it seemed to me that it took forever for her to get to the door and close it.

She sat on the end of my bed just as Angie had and began speaking loudly enough for Robby to hear.

“Come and stand right in front of me, Soo May.”

I did as she ordered. Instinctively, I looked down in submission.

She then ordered me over her lap. When I was, she commanded me to tell Robby and Angie the position I was in and how I was dressed.

I took a deep breath and spoke rapidly, “Robby, Angie, I’m lying over Jennie’s lap again and my jeans are around my ankles.”

“Now, tell him what’s going to happen next,” she hissed.

“I’m going to be spanked on the seat of my underwear now,” I called out.

“Ok,” Robbie called back, laughing, “thanks for keeping us posted!”

Jennie started in right away with a fast pace.

Smack! Smack! Smack! Smack! Smack! Smack! Smack! Smack! Smack!

Without the protection of the jeans, the sting built up rapidly and I was soon twisting and jerking on Jennie’s lap.

Smack! “Erg, ow.”

Smack! “Ouch.”

Smack! Smack! “Uh, uh.”

Smack! “Ow, ooo.”

Smack! Smack! “Unnah.”

She showed me no mercy and soon I was in serious pain. My cries became louder and longer.

Smack! Smack! “Arrrrgghhhh!”

Smack! “Owwwoooooh!”

Smack! “Ungah!”

Smack! “Ouch. Ow. Hurts.”

Smack! “Nnnngaah!”

Robby’s laughter grow louder and I realized with chagrin that he could now hear me. Jennie increased the force of her blows and I knew she was building towards a final peak of punishment. I kicked and twisted furiously.

SMACK! “OWW! [sob]”

SMACK! SMACK! “Nerrrhha! Please, not so hard!”

SMACK! “Oh God!”

SMACK! “Oh God!”

SMACK! “NNNhhhhh!”

Finally, it was over. Again, I forgot about the mitts and instinctively reached back to rub my bum. But one rub reminded me of the scouring pads. Even through the thin fabric of my panties, they scrapped my sore bottom and sent a new bolt of pain through me. She let me lie over her lap for a minute breathing hard, my hips still jerking in pain every few seconds.

“Up!” she finally commanded and I stood up sniffling.

She set the timer again for 20 minutes and gave me my instructions.

“Stay in here with your pants down. When the timer goes off, come into the living room with your pants around your ankles. Tell Angie that you need more spankingto learn your lesson and ask her to come and give you one on your bare bottom. And be clear about why you need it. Got it?”

“Yuh— Yuh— [sniffle] yes, Jennie,” I replied meekly.

I tried to sit on my bed, but my ass was too hot, so I knelt on it sniffling. All too soon, the timer went off.



With red eyes, I stood up and made my way to the door. With the jeans around my ankles, I had to move in tiny stutter steps. It was humiliating, but I had no choice. I opened the door and clamped both my mittened hands in front of my panties. They saw me and paused the DVD once again.

I entered the living room and headed for Jennie and Robby. Forced to walk in such small jerky steps, it seemed to take forever to get to them. Robby laughed at my comical walk, but as I got close, he seemed to grow serious and heavy-lidded at the sight of me with my pants down. His eyes traced up my bare legs and then fixed on my lower front where my mittens hidden my underwear.

“Is there something we can do for you, Soo May?” Angie asked.

“Yes, An— Angie,” I chased, “I need more spanking to really learn not to play with myself without permission. Would you please come back to the bedroom and give me a spanking on my bare ass?”

Robby sniggered again, although at this point he could hardly have been Surprised at my words.

“Certainly,” she said pleasantly, as if I’d asked her to pass the salt. “Let’s go.”

With that, she got up and pointed me back to the bedroom. I turned around and quickly shifted my mittened hands from front to back to hide my pantied butt from Robby’s eyes.

Recent, I made the extremely long stutter step journey across the room, and again I could hear Robby chuckling over the sight of me.

Once we were back in my room, Angie didn’t wait to give me my orders.

“Get those undies off!” she said, while still standing just inside the still wide open door.

I shuffled over to the bed, and with a worried glance at the open door, I quickly peeled my knickers down to rest on my pooled jeans and stepped out of both. I stood there wearing only a short T-shirt that hung to my waist and I modestly held the mittens in front of my crotch. The open door made me feel so much more exposed. I was sure that I felt a cold wind on my private forest and my bare bottom.

Then she swung the door closed and sat on the end of the bed. She patted her tighs as she called out “Now, over my lap!”


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