[Femdom, cross dressing, impotence, knickers, panties, male chatity, orgasm denial, loving wives, SPH, whipping, non-consensual, punishment, shame, humiliation, domestic, hot wife, maid, cleaning]
Copyright (c) September 2024, by Bridget707; Bridget Stacey.
Dear Husband,
We have not even been married a year yet, and in the last few months I have learned from Others that in the tears before meeting me you wasted many girls’ time by going out with them and raising their expectations, but never being able to satisfy them.
At first I gave you time and trusted in you, because you courted me with such password and sincerity. I loved you more than enough to marry you and wanted to believe that your confidence and ability in bed would improve as you said you would once we were properly married; but now I have learned that without any doubt you are simply incapable of satisfying me sexually. This has caused me to completely re-assess our marriage and our relationship.
Having discussed this with my mum, my sister and several friends I have also taken legal advice. If you want to know how things between us are going to be in future, read on to the end of this letter. If you are too frightened to face what will happen to you if you remain my husband, just sign the following statement of annulment, which I am advised will satisfy both the church and the law:
“I,………………………………………………, confirm that I am sexually important and have never penetrated my wife sexually. I accept that this statement has the effect of making my marriage null and void, as if my wife and I had never been married.”
If you are still reading, you need to know the following:
The truth is that you have a small cock, when any girl wants a bigger cock than yours. Some men may be able to compensate for this in other ways, but you cannot.
You can’t get your cock up, even though it’s so small, surely getting it hard shouldn’t take much effort.
On the rare occasions you are capable of getting some sort of an erection, you make a mess by squirting your stuff all over the place or in your underwear, premature ejaculation as the psychiatrirs and medical experts say.
You peep up girls’ skirts all the time, yes I do notice you doing this: on trains, on escalators, sitting on steps in town during lunch hour, lying in parks… You ogle girls in the street in a completely obvious way, you flirt with waitresses openly in front of me, all as if you are capable of satisfying a girl; but you aren’t capable, so you shouldn’t waste your time. Next time you flirt with a waitress or anyone else, be sure that I will tell her something like, “He’s impossible you know, and he wears girls’ knickers.”
You waste hours every week looking at porn. And, just so you know, I worked out your password ages ago so I know exactly what you look at.
If you’re still reading this you should be blushing by now. And, as your wife, atleast at the moment, I forbid you to change your password without telling me the new one.
You prefer to wear girls’ underwear, knickers every day and even a bra sometimes, you like wearing a nightie in bed… And walking around the house in a dress…
… Well, I like doing all those things too, but I’m a girl, so it’s natural. If you do it, it’s “unnatural perversion” my lawyer says. In fact, we could get divided even more quickly one day if you would sign a letter listing your insatiable desire for all the perverted practices pictured and written about in the websites you visit all the time. This is not the time to write down a list, but it would be a long one.
You say you love doing the housework for me, which although convenient frankly I find unmanly of you (that administrative describes you) rather well in fact), but you don’t clean the house regularly enough or well enough. We will correct that.
After much reflection, I have come to the conclusion that you are simply a failure as a husband, and what’s more that the only way you can please any girl at all is with your house-cleaning work, so make sure you get absolutely perfect at that because you will be spending long hours doing it.
To help you with this, I will arrange to enrol you in an expensive but full-time residential hotel chambermaid and cleaning maid training course running for three weeks which will take up most of your summer holiday this year, but it will be worth it for our marriage to be “happy”.
They’re fine for you to wear girls’ clothes by the way, they will have a maid’s cleaning uniform ready in your size, I’ve checked. Black with a white tea apron, you know the traditional thing. You will love it and don’t worry, the organisers tell me there are usually a few men on each course, although very few cross dressers, so I hope whichever guy you’re sharing a room with is open-minded about your nights, and your knickers hanging up to dry on the shower rail andso on, clean knickers every day, remember.
So, dear husband, from today onwards, cleaning my house is the nearest you will ever get to sex with me, so make sure you do it well and satisfied me that way, because you will never be allowed to touch my pussy again, or see it for that matter.
Instead, I will whip you…
… to remind you that a whipping is the only thing you deserve…
as punishment for your failures as a husband, and also by way of payback from me and all the other girls you have led on but failed to satisfy.
You will also be whipped, hard, if I find fault with your cleaning duties or any other aspect of your duties as a husband.
In public and with our friends you will behave as everybody would expect a devoted husband to behave, you will be polite and courteous, open doors for me and do everything in public that a perfect husband would do.
You will receive no sexual satisfaction from me or any other girl, so learn that henceforth the pain of a whip, wilded by a woman, is what you get instead of sex.
Learn to enjoy the pain. Learn to enjoy the surrender of submitting to me. Learn that your place is to be subservient, to serve a woman’s household needs since you cannot serve our physical needs.
When you have completed your cleaning duties, beg me to whip you, beg me on your knees to hurt you, because the alternative when you have finished your work is to be ignored and sent home.
Beg to do more household duties, beg to clean for me because that is the only way you will get near a female.
You will never have a girlfriend, you will only have a boss, your wife. Your purpose in life will be to be my domestic service, my housemaid, my lady’s maid, and to be whipped.
Other men get sex, you will get whippings.
I never want to see your cock again, it must stay inside your knickers. Masturbation is prohibited, I want your cock to shrink smaller and smaller over time from lack of use until hopefully it atrophies completely.
Forget about sex, think only about pleasure me with your cleaning work, and think about being whipped, fear it, but perhaps one day you will love it.
For you, cleaning will be like foreplay, knowing you will clean a girl’s house is the only way a girl will be interested enough in you to even communicate with you, let alone bother to whip you. Expect to clean my friends’ houses too, when there is a need. I will send a whip along with you, they will know what to do.
That is how it will be between us.
Whipping is the nearest you will ever get to an orgasm, so make sure you learn to enjoy the pain. The pain will be your climax. Your screams of pain will replace orgasmic sounds. The cut of my whip into your skin will replace the squirting of your sperm, your trembling terror will replace the waves of orgasm a lucky husband might experience.
If you’re still reading this far, I have prepared a letter for you to sign; it reads as follows:
“I,………………………………….., hereby consent:
To you having sex with any man or any woman you wish;
To you refusing me any sexual satisfaction whatsoever.
I hereby agree never to request or expect sexual satisfaction from you again.
I promise to work in domestic servitude for you for ever.”
Husband, I expect your response by 8.00am tomorrow morning, it’s either going to be a long marriage on my terms, or a very short marriage. Which is it to be? Tell me…
… Beg me.
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