I had known Brett for years. We had always been very good friends. As such we talked about everything. His biggest hang-up as my best friend was, that I didn’t really date. He always told me that I was hot, and should have guys wrapped around my fingers. I’m five foot six, I’ve got a twenty-four year old’s firm d-cups and I’m not a bit overweight. So I DO get a lot of attention from men.
Brett on the other hand doesn’t date a girl for more than two months, is prone to yelling matches for break-ups and is really only interested in sex. One Friday night I got very drunk, and we started talking. Under the influence of ‘truth malt’ I told him something very deep and dark about myself.
I told Brett, that I was into kink. I spent many nights at home with a large vibrator and a stack of porn. Very unlady-like I know. I told him that my fansies revolved around groups of men, me being very submissive, and maybe even a little humiliated. I told him, that my fansies were saferthan the type of men that I fantasized about.
Brett, as I’m sure most men would be, was very interested. The night wore on, and the drink flowed easily. We began building my ‘perfect’ mate. With him asking the questions and me thinking long and hard of the answers, my dream/nightmare man began to take shape. I did want him to be attractive although that wasn’t the drive, and as I found out I Really was VERY submissive, somehow the act of saying it all out loud for the first time ever was awakening something.
He needed to tell me what to do, but more than that he needed to make me do things that I wouldn’t want to, to excercise that control. I did want to be had by many men, I wanted it to be an inconvenience. This man had to expose me, really display me I had to be like a possession to him. As I told all of this to Brett I got hornier and hornier.
“so let me get this straight Sloan.” Brett said. “This guy can fuck you whenever and wherever he wants, you want to be shared with his friends, you want him to expose you, in public I’m guessing?” I nodded. “Does he have to be faithful to you?”
“No.” I said after a good pause to think. “In fact if he weren’t and made me aware of it, it would probably turn me on. Kind of rub my face in it y’know.” I said slurring slightly, it was now three am and I was hammered. I slumped back on the couch at my apartment and looked over at Brett through fuzzy drink eyes. Brett appeared deep in thought. Not long after I passed out.
My sleep was filled with sordid images. When I woke up something felt out of place. I was still on the couch laying on my side. I realized that I was naked. The morning sun was streaming in. I opened my eyes and started to sit up. My hang-over hadn’t really begun yet and I was only milkly woozy. It was then that I saw Brett sitting in the easy chair where he had been sitting last night. He was just looking at me, my clothes were folded neighborly on the coffee table between us.
“Brett?” I said, “Did you take off my clothes?” “Yep.” Brett said readily.
“Why?” I asked.
“You have to ask.” Brett said. “You’re mine now.”
“I really said all that last night didn’t I?” I asked.
“Oh yeah, and what’s more. You are exactly what I have always wanted in a woman. To make it better I’ve known you for years so it just feels right. I might take some time getting used to being hard on you, but I know I’ll get the hang of it. My own personal slut, a fuck-toy to do with as I please.” Brett said. Inside my stomach was doing cartwheels, I was a very scared, and felt like I was going to exploit. Under all that though there was something began to open it’s eyes something that wanted it very very badly.
“Brett, I don’t know, you’re my friend…I don’t…” I said.
“I’m not asking permission.” Brett said interrupting me. “Besides you know I’m an alright guy, we’ve been friends so I’m safe, and you’ve told me flat out, I don’t need to ask permission.The only thing that I need to ask, and I was up all night debating it is this. Hold on for just a moment.”
Brett got up and went in the other room. He came back out with four of his friends in tow. I sat up with a bolt covering myself as best I could.
“Sloan.” Brett said kneeing down in front of me, then reaching out to place my hands by my side. “What I’m about to ask you is a life-long commitment, I wholly expect you to say yes, but even if you don’t I still plan to use you for as long as I can.” He paused, looking me up and down, we had known each-other so long and he had never seen me in anything skimpier than a bikini, now I sat naked before him and his friends. “Will you marry me?” Brett asked. “Will you be my bride to do whatever I want forever?” Something clicked and I remembered that Brett had a trust-fund that he couldn’t touch until he was married.
“The trust fund?” I asked knowing my long-time friend.
“As long as I’m going to have a personal slut, I’m going to have some money out of the deal.” Brett said pushing my knees apart. “Say yes.” Brett said. I sat naked in my living room as Brett ran a finger along my pussy. His friends glared down at me leering
“Yes.” I said.
“Alright guys, you can leave.” Brett said. “I’ll call you when I get bored and you can have a turn.” Brett turned his attention to me Then and slid a finger into me. “Your life just changed forever Sloan, God you’re hot! Tomorrow after you’ve fucked as much as I think I want you to we’ll start planning the wedding.” Brett said as he took down his pants and pushed me down onto the couch.
“Do I get a ring?” I asked. Brett began to push himself into me.
“Yeah, I’ll take you out for it on monday.” Brett said and began to fuck me. “By the way, where do you keep the vibrator and porn?”
-I could not believe the course that my life was about to take. I was scared shitless little did I know what was coming. Please stay tuned.
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