Moriarty sat in the hallway, staring at the black doors. She had been waiting for the past hour, nervous and annoyed in equal measure. She had been told to be ready to make her presentation at three, but it was nearly four and she was still staring at the Board Room door. She surveyed her notes once more, practicing her commentary on the video which would form the basis of her talk.
Finally, the door drew open and a young woman in a tight black business suit that completed her dark hair appeared in the crack between the two doors.
“Dr Moriarty?” The voice was cold and brusque. Moriarty rose without a word and followed the woman along a corridor, the walls coated in dark wooden panels and the thick blue carpet almost swallowing her shoes. She saw the woman’s elegant footwear and regretted not wearing a pair of high heels, feeling inadequate and dowdy now in her plain work shoes. The passage ended with another ornate black door and the young woman, without a smile, ledMoriarty into the slightly overcast light of the Genesis Corporation’s Board Room.
The spatial room was dominated by an oak table that seated twelve, but today only eight seats were occupied by five women and three men. A woman in a bright blue jacket sat at the head of the table. Moriarty recognized Emily Fleming, Chief Executive Officer of the Genesis Corporation. She also noticed Rebecca at her side. They exchanged a smile and Moriarty felt slightly more relaxed in such exalted surroundings.
The light deserted the room as the blinds closed to cast the Board and Moriarty into darkness. The young woman handed Moriarty a remote control as a large white screen descended from the ceiling to dominate the far wall. She stepped forward and pressed the red button for Dean to appear, standing against a wall. He took a step forward and then placed his hands on his hips, legs apart as he smiled at the camera.
“This is our research subject. He is a twenty two year old male convict who has been transferred to the custody of the Corporation for the duration of the trial. As you can see he is flaccid in this sequence. I would …”
“Dr Moriarty,” Fleming shouted out from the darkness at the head of the table. “I think we can look at a film of a naked man without the need for a commentary. If anyone has any questions, they can ask them at the end of the film which, I believe, will last twelve “
Moriarty stood aside and attempted to disappear into the gloom as her audience watched Dean appears once more standing against the far wall before taking a step forward and placing his hands behind his head. The third time he stepped forward his penis bore the evidence of an injection, standing proud as he once more placed his hands behind his head. He then placed his left hand behind his back and masturbated with his right hand, moving his hips to gain friction. He looked down at his rampant penis before glancing at the camera to offer another smile.
The next three minutes was a detailed study of the expansion treatment. The men in the room groaned as the plastic rod sank into Dean’s phallus, and as soon as the segment began, Moriarty regretted showing Dean’s face as the rod vibrated from the electrical current. He was being brave, but the pain was etched into his jaw line.
The next scene followed Dean on his parade around the building. He was led in cuffs along a corridor into a room with about half a dozen desks, all occupied by young women. He went to a desk to be rubbed by a woman who offered him a shy smile as she promptly stroked his shake. The next woman was less bashful, taking a firm grip of his member and licking the tip. A third woman stopped him as he walked to the door to stroke his erection, offering him a smile and a kiss on the lips
“That’s my niece,” called out a male voice from the table. “I hope my sister doesn’t see this.”
Dean spend the next two minutes of the film strapped to the Perspexmachine while Tiffany can him as he pumped into the box. The film ended with Dean on the stage of the Performance Suite shuddering towards an orgasm, shedding his load onto the floorboards to grunts of pleasure before the three nurses sitting on the front row couches. Moriarty noted that his ejaculation ended the presentation with just a dismal discharge of milky beads. The screen turned black and began to rise as the blinds were Drawn open to shed light onto the Board and their visitors.
“Now, Dr Moriarty,” Fleming began. “We can see that your research subject, Dean, has considered potential. When can we expect him to be available?”
“Available to start making money.”
“He can begin work in a limited capacity almost straight away. As you can see his conditioning is adequate, and we …”
“Dr Moriarty, you are more fortunate than I when it comes to spending time with delicious men. Dean’s conditioning is more than adequate.”
“I mean hisemotional conditioning. He has almost reached the point at which we can expect him to engage in any sexual act. However, these acts have all taken place within the confines of the Research Centre where he is acutely aware of the consequences of a failure to perform or any evidence of disobedience. The subject may not be so … compliant in another setting.”
“Then we need to establish another setting, and test him. We cannot afford, after investing so much of your time and our money in this venture, for us to be unable to recover our outlay. Is that clear?”
“It is, Miss Fleming.”
“Gloria, you’ve been spending a lot of time looking at porn.”
The comment brought laughter from the rest of the Board members.
“Thank you, Emily. I’ve been looking at the potential revenue streams available to the Corporation arising from the Dionysus Project. The most notable feature of the adult entertainment industry is the fickle nature of male brand loyalty in comparison to female brand loyalty. The average male subscription membership for the leading company is less than six months. The figure for women is more than two and a half years, showing that women are more consistent, more loyal.” Gloria cast a glance at her male colleagues sitting either side. They smiled like schoolboys.
“We just like variety,” one explained, unable to suppress a laugh.
“Also, women spent more than men, though this may arise from the greater range of merchandise. Julius Kaiser retains a membership base twice the size of the highest rated female star despite the fact that he is now above forty and …”
“He’s fat,” called out one of the other women at the table. “I went to see him last year. It was pretty grim, but the audience loved it. Our friend up there has got great potential. I would like to see some proper, studio, footage, and possibly some work with a professional photographer.”
“Good idea, Sarah.” Fleming turned to the dark haired young woman inthe sinister business suit standing in the corner. “Penelope, could you arrange a session as soon as possible. I want a top photographer, and I want a woman.” Penelope nodded and reached into her pocket for her notepad.
Gloria continued her account.
“We can use him for private shows. He has already been … entertaining some of the senior figures in our Los Angeles office. All have been impressed by his stamina, his … length and his manners.”
“His manners?” Fleming set down her expensive pen on the table.
“He’s a very polite young man. They find him … engaging.”
“Dr Moriarty. Have you noticed that your sex stud is polite and charming?”
“Yes, I’d say he does conduct himself in a deferential and respectful manner with every woman he encounters.”
Fleming turned to Rebecca to her right, but said nothing. They exchanged a look.
“Well what?”
“Gloria only has second hand information on the research subject, but I know you’ve taken him for a test drive. How did he handle? Was he a Lamborghini or was he just a Toyota?”
“He’s a supercharged Ferrari. He’s a great kisser and he’s charming.” She paused for a moment. “I’ll have to be honest. It was the greatest fuck I’ve ever had.”
“That’s quite a comment because I know you’ve had a few, Rebecca, in your time. I think I might need to pop down to LA to jump on board young Dean and take him for a spin. Fine, now let’s bring this to a conclusion. Dr Moriarty, is there anything you would like to say?”
“Yes, we also intend to increase his sperm output. We are investigating means of increasing the size of his testicles to allow for greater ejaculation. In the adult entertainment industry the amount of discharge is almost as important as the size of the penis. It is a particularly important feature for women.”
“How long will we be able to retain the services of the young man on the screen?” asked one of the men.
“He’s a convicted murderer, so he’ll be incarcerated for … decades to come.”
“By the time he’s free, he’ll be no use to us, or anyone else I would imagine. Are there any more questions?”
“Yes, can you bring him next time?” the woman at the far end of the table who had witnessed Mr Kaiser in action asked. Her female colleagues at the table all nodded in approval.
“If you wish to see me again, I will bring the research subject to the presentation.”
Fleming asked for any further questions, and when her request was greeted with silence she smiled at Moriarty.
“Thank you for coming, Dr Moriarty. Penelope will show you out.”
Penelope took the remote control from Moriarty and headed for the door without a word. Fleming was already discussing the next item on the agenda before she had even opened the door.
Six hours later, Moriarty entered the canteen in Los Angeles to find Dean still standing on the pedestal by the doorway, legs chained to the two brackets with his left hand pinned behind his back to a metal band around his waist. Only his right hand was free to manipulate his erect penis. There were few customers left in the canteen because they only served coffee and cakes after six thirty, so he was massaging his tool without an audience.
Moriarty came to stand by her captive, to see from the towel lying between his legs that the discharge was minimal. Clearly, he had been pounding his Flesh to little effect for the past two hours, and she remembered the comments of the porn star the previous week about the money shot and the importance of milking for male porn stars. She recalled the milk ending to his video that afternoon and wondered whether his magnificent thrusts could end with a white cascade rising from his shake, smoothing the who fortunate enough to share his company in a shower of semen.
The night guard arrived to join Moriarty before Dean just as three secretaries finished their coffee and headed for the door. They were wearing their coats, so they were clearly leaving for a Friday evening in the bars and restaurants by the coast road. They stopped to watch Dean, and he returned their look without shame, pulsing his hips as he once more heightened the pace of his chafing, panting as a sign of his sexual ecstasy after more than two hours perched on the plastic plinths. Moriarty could see the sweat on his thighs as he imitated password for the three ordinary office workers, none of them worthy of his attention.
One of the women, a burly woman in her thirties with unruly auburn hair, approached to stand before him. Dean massed his member with long, slow strokes, even though the well was clearly dry, and his skin was chafing from the friction.
“Come on, big boy, you can do better than that.” She took hold of his shake and seemed to twist the muscle, provoking a wince. Another girl leant down to kiss the tip of his member, and then dug her teeth into the foreskin, provoking another grimace. Moriarty was about to speak, to tell them to leave him, when they left, giggling as they passed through the canteen doors and down the stairs for a night on the town.
Moriarty told Dean to cease his futile poisoning and ordered the night guard to take him to his cell. By the time the guard removed the ankle chains, fastened his right hand to the back of the steel waistband and marched Dean through the canteen to the door, Moriarty had already decided that she would investigate the porn whore’s suggestion about the semen for her stud. She knew that, after the expansion therapy, the emotional conditioning and the stretching exercises, it would ensure that she created the greatest porn star in the world.
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