The Dionysus Project Ch. 05

Six weeks after Dean’s arrival, Patterson decided to visit her ‘pet’ project. She arrived shortly after three to learn that the subject was toning his body to ensure that he remained irresistible to women, and gay men. She stepped through the door with Moriarty to see Dean pedalling briskly on the mounted bike, his face aglow and his arms glistening in the pallid light from the neon strips overhead. Tiffany stood behind him stroking his pulsating buttons with her cane. She winded at the two women at the door.

“Come on, get that arse moving.” Patterson noticed that the bicycle was without a seat, offering the rider no respite from a relativeless pounding of the pedals.

“Are you trying?” Tiffany lightly tapped the cane against his buttons.

“Yes, Miss Tiffany.”

“Well, not hard enough.” She unleashed a blow across his back that made him wince before he feverishly turned the wheels.

“This is part of our research subject’s daily routine.” Moriarty explained.”He needs exercise to ensure that he can withstand our ‘treatment’ and to increase potential revenue. The female and gay markets admire muscle bodies.”

“His definition is excellent. He’s not too muscle, but the tone is exceptional.”

“I think it helps that he was in pretty good shape before he came to us.”

“You chose him, if I remember.” Moriarty noticed the traces of a smile on Patterson’s lips.

“I was part of the selection panel, along with you.”

“Well, I think I’ll leave my thanks with you for picking such a fine specimen. My goodness, he really does have a great cock. Kerry, this one is perfect. Why are you bothering with all these injections?”

Tiffany could him once more.

“Onto the weights and be quick about it.” He leaves from the bike and almost ran to the weight apparatus to slide into the seat and begin lifting the pulleys with his hands and raising the bars with his feet.

“Now, this is even better.” Patterson stood before himas he lay back in the seat, straining his arms and legs as he lifted the weights.

Tiffany came to stand by her captive.

“Lift those arms, you useless turd. Get moving. Do you hear me?”

“Yes, Miss Tiffany.”

“Are you trying?”

“Yes, Miss Tiffany.”

“Do you want me to get the buzzer?”

“No, Miss Tiffany.”

“Now pump that cock like the whore you are.”

She reached down and pulled his penis to raise his hips from the seat.

“Pump that cock, you piece of shit.”

Dean took hold of his penis and masturbated, thrusting out his pelvis as if presenting his genitals to the visitor.

“He does like to choke the monkey,” Patterson told Moriarty as they both observed the captive Straining his back as he grunted his pleasure.

“You can sit back, Dean. We don’t want you to pull a muscle,” Moriarty told him.

“Thank you, Dr Moriarty.” Dean collapsed into the chair and resumed his exercises.

“That’s all for now, Tiffany. You can leave the subject with me.”

Tiffany murmured her displeasure at not being allowed to continue her abuse and marched out of the gym, slamming the door behind her. Dean continued his exercise until Moriarty asked him to stop and finish with some stretching drills. Dean leaves from the machine and stood on the mat by the far wall, reaching down to his toes and arching his back as he executed a set routine.

“You’re Very lucky to have such a gorgeous hunk doting on you.”

“Well I don’t know …”

“My comparisons to Dr Walton. She has him trained to be very obedient. He never took his eyes off you as soon as we entered the room. I also saw that he was … stimulated whenever he spoke to you.”

“Are you sure?”

“I was paying close attention to his cock, I can assure you. He got harder whenever you talked to him. When you called his name he almost came in the seat. You don’t have to worry about foreplay. Every time you want a fuck him you just have to talk toget him hard.”

“I’ve never had sexual intercourse with my subject.”


“It’s true.”

“Not even a hand job, or a mouth job? I’m sure he’d be a great licker.”

“I don’t think it would be … appropriate.”

“You have tremendous self control. If I had trained a naked handsome guy with a massive cock to follow me around like a puppy, I would definitely take advantage. Let’s just hope that he never finds out.”

“Finds out?”

“This is your plan. He seems to think that you save him from the excesses of those three pink witches, but I know that all this abuse is designed to increase his dependence upon you. It seems to be working.”

Dean completed his stretching routine and came to stand before the two women. Patterson was not insulted to notice that he was looking at Moriarty as he panted.

“I’ve finished my stretching exercises, Dr Moriarty. What do you want me to do now?”

“Well. I think you can go back to your cell for a rest. You must be tired.” She touched his arm and stroked his elbow.

“Actually,” Patterson spoke. “I was wondering if I could borrow you for a few minutes. I hear that you have been entertaining some of my colleagues in private sessions. Is that right?”

“Yes, Miss Rebecca.”

“Well, I was wondering, if you would mind if you … entered me for a while before you have a rest. How does that sound?” She moved closer, taking hold of his penis in her hands as she spoke. He was becoming firm in her gentle grapp as she gazed into his eyes.

“That would be fine, Miss. I would be happy to serve you, but …”

“But.” The tone in Patterson’s voice gained a hardened edge.

“I have been with four women today, and I’ve been milked twice. I cannot promise that I will be able to perform, even for a beautiful woman like you.”

“Thank you.” She stroked his cheek for the comment about her beauty.

“If Dr Moriarty would like to give me a dose of her special medicine. Then I can give you the performance you deserve.”

The two women exchanged a glance until Patterson smiled.

“A noble gesture. Who ever said that chivalry is dead?”

“I owe it to you Miss Rebecca, and to you, Dr Moriarty, that I am here. I wish to show you both how grateful I am.”

Moriarty Shook her head.

“I’m afraid that that’s not possible.”

“That’s a shame.” His disappointed look earned him another stroke of the cheese from Patterson.

“Never mind, my dear. I’ll have Dr Moriarty’s share. You can fuck me twice as hard for the both of us. How does that sound?” He smiled and she planted a kiss on his lips. He responded by leaning forward and stroking her arms, reaching past the elbow and taking hold of her hands. She leant over and took hold of his neck, running her fingers down his spine. Another hand reached down to his penis to find it growing in size.

“Are you sure you need Dr Moriarty?”

“It’s better to be safe than sorry, especiallyas you’re having a double ration. I want you to see me in action, to see the benefits of all of Dr Moriarty’s hard work.” He smiled at Moriarty, and Patterson could not avoid the thought that he was aware of her fascination for him.

“Kerry. Is there any chance of that injection?”

Moriarty left for her potion, returning with a syringe and two doses for her captive whore. She told him to place his foot on a chair and sent both cartridges into the base of his penis. Within seconds his erection began to grow. A minute later his phallus was almost bursting from his skin. Patterson touched the flesh to find it as hard as a dildo. A hot dildo. She allowed her hand to wander the length of the shake before caresing his scrotum.

“Now,” she turned to Moriarty. “Is there anywhere more private? Our friend here may be willing to fuck in public view, but I’m a bit of an old fashioned girl.”

Moriarty led her employee and her naked prisoner with his raging erection to his cell.

“Cosy,” Patterson commented as she sat on his bed. “I like it when a man takes me back to his place. Now,” she wasckoned him to her and took hold of his erection, running her fingers along the shake. “I think it’s time for us to become better acquainted.” She placed his tip in her mouth and began to lick the foreskin while Moriarty remained by the door, observing the couple by the bed as they commenced their union.

“Miss Patterson, Dr Walton insists that the subject is bound whenever he engages in sex.”

“Indulge me, Kerry. I can keep a secret. Can you?”

“Then … I’ll leave you … I’ll leave you to it.” Moriarty closed the door quietly and returned to her office to wait for Patterson.

Moriarty had been unsettled as soon as she heard that Patterson was Visiting the Research Centre to see Dean. Once she appeared in Moriarty’s office she already felt undermined by her presence. Patterson asked to see him at once and Moriarty was relieved that he was being tormented by Tiffany when they found him in the gym. His body was superb, hot and sweating, as he danced on the pedals of the bicycle. The fact that his penis was flaccid only heightened the attraction of his tight stromach and rippling thighs.

Moriarty was delighted when Patterson commented on his docile and deferential manner, but her interest in a private session with Dean changed the entire tone of the visit. When he came to stand Before they he was looking at her, but Moriarty felt that he was really displaying his body to the visitor who, he knew from the interview in the jail, was the most important woman in the room. The request for sex was eagerly accepted, and the demand for her potion told Moriarty that her stud, her personal captive sex toy, was a male whore who would fuck anyone who could help him avoid misreatment at the hands of the assistants.

The memories of her college days, when boys would walk past the short bespecacled girl in brown shoes and grey jumpers as if she was invisible, flooded over Moriarty as she watched her employer and her naked prisoner engagement in foreplay as if she was gone from the room. When they kissed she could barely control her anger and her shame. She left for the potion, her special mixture that enabled him to perform such remarkable feats of sexual prowess. He was profiting now from her expertise. She decided to administrator a double dose. After his morning injection any dose would lead to considerable disappoint after the initial exhibition. A second dose would condemn him to hours of age.

Moriarty returned to find Patterson sitting in a chair while he masturbated. She was appalled that he had sunk so low to be performing for her. She injected him with both capsules and within seconds his member was sporting an intense erection. Patterson was delighted, but Moriarty was pleased to notice that he was already looking uncomfortable by the time they arrived in his cell.

Once they were in the confinesof his cell, the sanctuary where she was meant to be his sole guardian angel, she once more disappeared from sight as they both concentrated on pleasure one another. Patterson was so oblivious of her presence that she was down to her bra and underpants before Moriarty had even left the cell.

It was nearly six when Patterson finally joined Moriarty in her office. She told her that he was a magnificent partner, a great licker and a superb kisser. She would recommend him to her friends at the Corporation in San Francisco. She apologised for taking so long, because she helped herself to a triple rather than just a double serving of young Dean. Moriarty offered a bitter smile when Patterson said that she was mistaken not to take advantage of his interest in her, explaining that while he was a research subject she could not indulge her appetites.

“So, one day, you might take advantage of what young Dean has to offer?”

“I am only saying that it is unethical and unprofessional to indulge myself.”

Patterson left for her hotel and Moriarty headed for the cell. She found Dean lying on his bed, his erection still powerful after more than two hours of sexual adventures. He rose from the bed and she led him back to the Treatment Room.

“Dr Moriarty, what have I done?”

“You have not followed my orders. I am very disappointed in you. I expected better behavior.”


“Do not under any circumstances seek to have sex with me. If I wanted to have sex with you, I would. You are naked all the time and bound half of your waking hours. I can have you anytime I want, anyway I want.”

She pushed down the table plank and he meekly stepped in front of the perforated plastic to be fastened by his hands. He was rolled horizontal and his legs bound very high, his ankles close to his wrists. He grunted from the disappoint, but her face was like stone as she stared down on his bound frame.

“I am going to teach you a lesson. You willlearn not to be anything other than a sex slave, here to service the women who choose to use and abuse you as they see fit.”

“Miss, I was serving Miss Rebecca. She wanted me to be like a lover. I wanted to impress her. I wanted to please you.”

“You are no one’s lover, is that understand?” She slapped his face to highlight her point. “You are a sex slave you will never be anything else.” She pulled the straps even tighter and went to the benchmark to return with a syringe and another two capsules. “This will keep you hard all night, and tomorrow morning Dr Walton will be dealing with your arrogance and your disobedience in her own very special way. I have spoken to her, and she’ll be staying for two hours.” She injected both doses. “Now, I suggest that you think about your mistake. You will have plenty of time before Dr Walton sees you in the morning.”

Moriarty turned down the thermostat to cool the room to no more than a few degrees above freezing before turning off the lights, to leave him shivering in the dark.


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