The Dinner Party: Party Favors

The masked partygoers were once again becoming restless.

Andrea, the red-headed slave that had provided two hours worth of entertainment in her punishment, had long since been unbound from the table and whisked away to be cleaned and cared for. Without entertainment to distract them, and having already eaten their fill of the decade treatments carried on silver platters by the immaculate slaves, they had begun to fidget in anticipation of the next distraction.

The slaves, all uniquely beautiful women, moved throughout the crowd clad only in knee high boots. They held their platters aloft, offering refreshments and visual stimulus. They served championne flutes and expertly prepared hors d’ouvres in silence as the egg shaped vibrators each carried tucked inside her sex continued to keep them in a constant state of arousal.

The guests, an equal split of men and women, moved from group to group throughout the room. They convinced in hushed, warm tones and some, entrancedby the surrounding display of sexuality, tucked away into corners to kiss and grope one another.

Since Andrea’s mishap with the broken glasses and subsequent punishment, there had been no further mistakes and therefore no arousing theater of punishment for the guests. It was time, the Master decided, for a new diversity. He motioned for the blonde at his feet, Allison – his favorite pet, to rise and she did so, eagerly awaiting his command.

“Gather Jun, Nikki, Anika, and Zoka,” he said quietly, “and have the recruits set the stage for tonight’s entertainment.”

Allison nodded and removed herself from the dining hall to perform her tasks.

The house was massive and as decadent as the party. It would not be an understanding to call it a mansion, although the Master had always preferred the sound of chateau. It had formerly served as a boarding school and it’s new function as an intimate training school for submissives was not too far from it’s original intent. A massive staircase dominated the entry, it’s forgotten iron railings wrapped around the sides of the upstairs creating a theater like balcony effect around the room.

Directly at the top of the stairs was the Master’s library and study. To the left a door led to the master bedroom suite complete with a balcony overlooking the back gardens. To the right another door led to a hallway that contained 6 bedrooms where the submissives in training boarded two to a room, each with its own en suite bathroom. Another room at the end of the hall served as a bunk room for the newest recruits, those girls who had only recently joined the home and had not yet completed their basic training.

The chateau currently housed ten girls in various stages of training and six new recruits. Additionally, there was the staff whose rooms were on the first floor. The cook, the butler, the groundskeeper, and the maid all served primarily as tutors. Most of the actual work was performed by the slaves.

Allison opened the door to the bunk room and found the six new girls played about in a chattering fit of gossip about the party below. They all fell quietly as Allison entered the room and each listened with rapt attention as Allison instructed them in their task, excited at the prospect of seeing the party for themselves even if only to set the stage for the entertainment.

Once her message had been conveyed, Allison returned to the party and sought out the four slaves her Master had requested, leaning close to whisper in each of their ears. As each slave received their command they made their way out of the dining hall to prepare.

– – –

The six new recruits entered the dining hall in a silent line and began to move about the far end as discretely as possible. Each wore the standard uniform of the house: a school-girlesque outfit consisting of a grey plaid pleated skirt ending at mid thigh, a white, cap-sleeved blouse buttoned to show a flash of cleavage at the top, whoItem knee socks, and polished patent leather Mary Janes with a low wedge heel. The longer haired girls wore their hair pulled back in a ponytail, while the shorter haired girls kept their clipped back at the sides. They were allowed only the most minimalistic makeup.

The girls arranged four black chains at an equal distance from one another and drawn luxurious cotton towels over the seats. They placed standing candelabras a safe distance from the seats to illuminate the area. When their work was complete they swiftly left the dining hall, only the final girl in line – a petit brunette with lightly lined hazel eyes and full pouting lips – paused defiantly to glance lingeringly at the room. The Master made a mental note of the infection from his place in the shadows along the side of the hall.

The hall grew silent as the Master made quick strides to the staged area of ​​the room and the guests moved closer to the source of the impinging entertainment.

“Sirs & Madams, Itrust you are enjoying tonight’s event.” His voice filled the hall as he spoke in a low and confident town, smiling at his guests warmly.

“As is the custom of my parties, tonight I have arranged for a special entertainment for you all. I have chosen four very special slaves, each impecccably trained, to serve as your party favors tonight.”

A collective sound of delight escaped the crowd and the Master let it die down before speaking again.

“Each of these slaves has completed her training and is ready to be welcomed into a new home. You may partake of this sampling of their gifts and, at the end of the night, we will hold an auction. As you know, this is a once yearly audition. I expect you’ll all be eager to bring home a new companion. Shall I introduce your party favorites?”

He clapped His hands together once and the first of his chosen submissives entered the room in a sheer gray robe and moved to stand beside him. Her dark, almond shaped eyes were cast to the ground and her blue-black hair was cut into a short bob with a blunt cut fringe across her forehead. Her knee high boots were gone and she stood barefoot.

“Jun is twenty-three and of Japanese heritage. She is five feet tall and weights one hundred and five pounds. Her breasts are a completely natural and perky b cup. She is exceptionally talented at gardening and physical manipulation. While her sex is quite petite and not able to handle some larger devices, her small hands are excellent for fisting and she is incredibly responsive to even the most light stimulus.”

He cheekily turned at some of the female guests gathered to one side.

Jun moved to the far right chain and let her robe fall and pool on the floor. She stood quiet and unabashed as the eyes of the room roved over her small, pert breasts and toned limbs. Some of the women paid particular attention to the short cropped manicured nails and thin fingers of her hands.

The Master clapped his hands again and alleyes moved to the door as the second submissive entered and stood at the head of the crowd. Bright green eyes peeked from under her long lashes and her limbs were gracefully relaxed. Her dark brown hair fell down to the middle of her back.

“Nikki is twenty-six and hairs from Georgia. She is five foot eight inches and weights one hundred and thirty pounds. Her breasts are a natural c cup with Surprisingly dark aerola that compliment her tanned skin. In her previous life, Nikki was a ballerina and she has the grace and flexibility to prove it. She is quite the talented connectionist and has high stamina and pain tolerance. She has quite the head for numbers and performs excellently at household management.”

Nikki moved to the second chair from the right and dropped her robe. Many of the men and women who had lined up to punish Andrea earlier glanced eagerly at her.

For the third time the Master clapped his hands and another robed slave entered and stood at the front of the room. Her impossible hazel eyes were heavily lidded and gave the impression of sultrine even as she gazed at the floor. Her dark, wavy hair was pulled back in a low, loose ponytail.

“Anika is twenty-two and already an impressive chest. Her Indian heritage lends itself to her beautiful eyes and incredibly talented tongue. She is five foot five inches and weights one hundred and forty pounds, most of which fills her d cup breasts and beautiful hips. Anika has learned belly dancing as a taxitech and has incorporated it into her technique. Even one night with her is unforgettable.”

Anika moved to the far left chain and shimmied out of the robe as the Master clapped and the final slave entered.

She wore her dark hair in shoulder length curls with sweeping bangs across her forehead. Her full lips were painted in a dark berry shade and her brown eyes sparkled with a hint of mischief.

“Last, but most certainly not least, we have Zoka. Five foot seven, one hundred and thirty five pounds, with natural c cups, and of Nigerian descent. As you may have already noticed, Zoka has a bit of impishness to her. While she is capable of being impecccably obedient, she would be best suited to a Master or Mistress with a taste for challenge. Zoka is incredibly organized, but playful, and is capable of more orgasms than any submissive I have ever known. She excels at all domestic arts… once she has been motivated to perform them.”

He gave her a smile and she moved to the second chain on the left, turning around and dropping her robe to show off her thick, round ass before facing forward again.

“I know you are all eager to partake of their talents, so I will briefly summarize the rules of this engagement. Each of the girls before you is more than willing and able to be used for oral, vaginal, or anal sex. They are also capable of performing any combination of these acts at once. My girls are happy to fulfill the whims of maleor female guests. They have all been tested, as you were as a requirement of your RSVP. All of my girls are fitted with IUDs and will be given morning after pills to prevent prevention. You may not draw blood, urinate, or defeat on any of my girls. Above all, please respect the safe words of ‘yellow’ – meaning slow down, and ‘red’ – meaning stop.”

He paused and looked at each member of the crowd menacingly to drive his point home then smiled once again.

“They are all yours.”

With his final words the girls arranged themselves on the chains and the Master stepped away from the staging area to allow his guests access. For a moment, no one moved. Each guest was hesitant to be the first. Finally, Rebecca moved towards the mischievous Zoka and croouched down next to her chair to brush her curled hair with her fingertips.

The guests began to move then, surrounding the girls and touching them, at first hesitantly, and then with vigor as the girls responded with pleasure.

Allison watched with a mix of envy and pride from her place at the Master’s feet. She had been chosen specifically as his and therefore had not experienced an auction of her own. She imagined being surrounded, tested and judged by the various party goers, the feeling of fingerers and tongues and sexes encompassing and filling her. Her hips shifted as she grew aroused at the thought.

The Master, noticing her movement, clicked his tongue and gazed down at her.

“Are you jealous again, sweetling?” He mussed her hair affectionately.

She bit her lip and tried to convey with her eyes her deep love for him, that she was completely happy to be his.

“Perhaps I will have to arrange something special for you.”

He returned his eyes to the spectacle of his newly graduated slaves serving his guests and Allison to imagine all the possibilities of ‘something special’.

– – –

Rebecca knelt next to the beautiful dark skinned submissive and twisted the curlsof her hair between her fingertips. She had an affinity for girls who needed to be reminded of their place.

“Rebellious little Zoka…” she said in a low voice, watching the skin prickle under her warm breath.

“I might just have to take you home with me.”

Zoka turned her head to meet the Mistress’ hard blue gaze. Never pausing the movement of her fingers through thick black tempers, Rebecca’s left had shot out and slapped the girl lightly on the cheese.

“Keep your eyes lowered.” Rebecca hissed.

Zoka dropped her eyes to her own stomach instantly as her chef bloomed red from the slap. Rebecca’s long fingers ran across the red bloomom and down the girl’s long, thin neck, brushing softly over her collarbone before pinching tightly around her dark nipple.

Zoka arched her back as her stiffening nipple was twisted and pulled outward. Rebecca’s right hand twisted painfully in her hair to keep her still. She repeated the same action on the other nipple and whohen she was satisfied with the result her fingers continued down over the toned stomach and through the neighborly trimmed curls of public hair. She tugged there, gently, and Zoka moaned softly.

Rebecca captured the girl’s full lips in a kiss, slipping her tongue within to slide against Zoka’s in a skilled duel. Her hand slipped between open thighs to graze the wet sex at their apex. She brushed lightly against the girl’s clip, making her spasm and groan into Rebecca’s mouth.

“How many orgasms can you have, girl?” Rebecca asked, breaking the kiss and slipping two fingers into Zoka’s tight sex.

“I haven’t made it past twenty before passing out, Mistress.” Zoka answered in a voice husky with pleasure.

“And can you cum on command?” Rebecca asked, rubbing fingers on the spongy tissue of her g-spot expertly.

“Yes, Mistress.” Zaka whimpered, already nearing climax under the skillful prisons of the Domme.

“Would you like to cum right now?”

“Please…please, Mistress?”

Rebecca leaned down to suck one of the elongated nipples, nipping at it with her teeth as she drew the girl painfully close to orgasm. She could feel the tight walls trembling around her.

“Cum then, girl. Cum on my fingers.”

Zoka let out a long low groan as her sex began to spasm in orgasm and fluid gushed out around Rebecca’s pumping fingers. The Mistress drew her orgasm on and on, releasing all of the frustration of the evening caused by the vibrating egg.

When Zoka finally stopped trembling, Rebecca brought her fingers to her lips and tasted the girl’s juices.

“Very good.”

She stood then and moved on without a second glance at the temporarily sated submissive.


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