The Dinner Party Pt. 01

The Dinner Party

Submissive Perspective

We are lucky to have some very nice neighbors called Tim and Sally living next door to us. We have been living beside each other for over a year now and master thinks it might be a good idea to get them over for an evening meal. I agree with master and we decide on the following Saturday evening. I anxious round to their house and Sally answer’s the door when I knock. I explain that we would like them to come round for dinner this Saturday at around 8pm and she happily agree’s.

The following Saturday master has dressed me in a fairly modest black skirt with one of my favorite white bra’s and blooms along with a nice little thin black belt. He has tucked in my blouse into my skirt and I am feeling quite presentable to our guests shortly arriving. Obviously as per house rules I am not wearing panties but this will not be an issue with my conservative skirt not revealing anything.

The bell rings shortly after 8 and master tells me to go greet our guests. I quickly go to the front door, open and greet Sally and Tim. They are a great couple and roughly the same age as my master and me. I take their coats and lead them into our living room. Master stands up and greets them before he asks me to offer them drinks. I quickly ask what they both want before disappearing and returning with the required beverages. We then sit down and chat amiably Until master suddenly drops a bomb shell.

We are talking about what we do in our lives when master explains that we live as a practicing d/s couple in our own home. For a second it is clear that both Tim and Sally are stunned by this admission and as for me I simply want to crawl somewhere and die figuratively speaking. I cannot believe that my master has openly admitted to our neighbors that I am a submissive to him. Tim breaks the silence by asking my master to explain the life style to him cos he has always wondered. Sally looks at him and raises her eyesbrows but keeps quite. I then sit there and endure a lengthy discussion between Tim and my master on quite what d/s means in real life. Frequently I blush and just as often Sally looks across at me.

Fortunately the dinner is ready and I quickly chaperone everyone into the dining room. The dinner is fairly uneventful with Tim still asking my master some fairly intense questions on a dominant submissive relationship. I am absolutely regretting that we ever invited them round and almost suspect that my master may just have engineered this. That being the case, I have no idea just what the rest of the evening will bring and how much more of our life my master is going to explain. Hell even Sally has started asking the odd question.

I am so flustered by this whole conversation that as I clear the table away I inadvertently spill Sallys white wine onto her lap. She jumps up and starts frantically brushing her skirt with her napkin and I hurriedly try to help. She now has a clear wet patch and is repeatedly saying ‘don’t worry about it Susan’. Whilst I would happily not worry about it, my master is not of the same opinion.

‘Susan, apologize to Sally’ he tells me. I turn to Sally and again for what seems like the millionth time apologize. Unfortunately though my master has not finished. Turning to Sally he explains that under normal circumstances if his sub is being clumsy and Not careful he would spank her. I look at him not believing he is telling our neighbor this. Sally lifts her eyesbrows, looking at me and simply say ‘oh really’. He goes on to say that whilst he would normally carry out Susans punishment immediately he wonders if Sally would prefer to do it as Susans carelessness has caused discomfort to her. I absolutely cannot believe what my master is saying. He is asking our neighbor to spank me……;. please please Sally say no I pray!!!

Sally looks at me and then turn to Master. ‘well it is a brand new dress and I am pretty wet through. Perhaps Susan does need to learn a lesson’. My heart is sinking fast. This is the first time my submission has ever been tested in public. Whilst I love submitting to my master and adore him I knew I was now reaching a crossroad in our relationship. Master looks at me, ‘go to Sally for your punishment please’ he says. I look totally dejected but turn to Sally who has now pulled her chair away from the table. With slow steps I walk across to her and look down. She now has a very clear glint in her eyes and I hear master behind me saying ‘you know what to do’.

I look down at Sally’s wet lap and dejectedly draw myself across it grabbing the chair legs with my hands. I am in a total haze not believe I am drawn over my neighbors lap awaiting a spanking. I feel her smooth my skirt across my ass. I am waiting for the first smack to hit but hear master talking to Sally. He seems to be apologizing and explaining to her that a rule of our house is that unfortunately Susan must be plugged for a spanking and would this be an issue for Sally? OMG, this is going from terrible to unbelievable. Master wants Sally to plug me!!! If I were not facing down I am not sure quite what I would do. I am certainly not surprised to hear Sally say that it wasn’t a problem as she gently patted my ass. She is dam well enjoying this.

I hear master stand and then I hear him directly beside me talking to Sally who I hear say ‘thank you’. I then hear him clearly give me an instruction to lift my skirt and with a despairing motion I slowly reach back pulling my skirt up above my wait before setting back into Sallys lap. I am conscious now that my bare ass and pussy are totally exposed to Sally and probably Tim as well. I feel my cheeks being parted and hear Sally exclaiming what a cute asshole I have. To further humiliate me I hear Tim agree with her. I hear Sally ask master something about the plug before I feel the familiar trickle of KY and a smallish finger rubbing KY aroundmy asshole. Its not long before a finger is dipping into me so clearly Sally is getting into this.

I feel the familiar pressure of my plug on my asshole as it begins its journey into me. I hear Sally ask my master how many spanks she should give me and his reply appears to be ‘as many as you think she deserves’. Great!!! I am laying across my neighbors lap, butt naked and plugged, kindly put there by her. Not only that but in addition to the total embarrassment of this situation, my master has now given my neighbor cart blind on how many spanks I deserve. I feel the first smack land and am quite pleased that its actually quite a timing hit. Whilst the situation is embarrassingly bad at least the actual spanking is going to be relatively mild. How wrong could I be??? Sally seems to be warming up to this spanking and the blows are getting harder and harder. Its not long before I am squirming around on her lap crying out each time a spank lands with no care at all as to what she isseeing of my intimate area.

I don’t know quite how many spanks I receive from Sally but believe she is enjoying every dam minute of it and has only stopped because her hand is hurting. I hear master command me to get up, thank Sally and go to my corner. I lift myself gingerly from her lap and feel my skirt fall down thank god. Turning to Sally I say ‘thank you Sally for the spanking. Are you sure you have finished?’ hating every word I am saying but know my masters rules. Thankfully Sally says that she has and I turn and head towards the corner of the dinner room trying hard to avoid Tim’s star. Once in the corner I lift my hands on my head and silently pray the evening is going to end soon. What seems like three seconds later and I feel my skirt rise and get tucked into my belt. Great!!! Now they can all see my bare spanked ass.

I get lost in my thoughts and don’t really hear the general conversation until I hear Tim says something about ‘giving it a try’. I start to listen harder and it appears that Tim is discussing submission with my master and how it might suite Sally. Sally is clearly not having any of it but it would appear that after some words between Sally and Tim, things might have changed. I am called back to the table and told to clear away the plates as master and Tim wish to play cards. I hurriedly start clearing and Sally steps up to help. My ass is still on view and I Know better than to do anything about it so I am constantly treating Tim to a view of my spanked bare ass knowing it was his girlfriend that gave me the red glow.

Soon we are cleared away and I am stood next to master, hands behind my back and thankfully the front of my skirt covering my private area. Tim has said something again to Sally and she is now standing by him looking very dejected. What has he said to her I Wonder? Tim then asks my master if he knows how to play strip poker and my heart sinks yet again. Master joyfully replies that he would love to play. Tim explains that in his game, it would be Sally and myself doing the striping and I immediately roll my eyes and look at Sally who is now showing a distinct level of concern. She starts to move away but an encouraging smack to her bottom puts her back in her place….what has Tim said to Sally I wonder.

The game is soon underway and clearly both players seem happy to be loosing. It is not long before the Only thing I am wearing is my skirt and that’s pretty much all Sally has on as well. I guess the difference being that everyone knows I have nothing under the skirt whereas I am sure Sally does. The next hand has Tim loosing and Sally is forced to remove her skirt. Now its any bodies guess who is going to be the first to be naked but I don’t know why I thought it was a 50/50 chance. Guess what? Yep master lost and I am forced to remove my skirt. I am now standing by my master totally naked and yes, still very much plugged. Tim is obviously enjoying the sight of his bare ass neighbor and Sally is standing there with a sort of sight of relief.

Sallys relief though is short lived as Tim reaching up and quickly pulls down her panties. She cries and tries to grab for them but Tim seems to warn her about something and she lets go allow him to remove them from her person. At this point master suggests we retire to the living room and I watch Sally trailing behind Tim trying to hide her pussy and tits. I have now given up hiding anything and following on behind her. Master and Tim sit down and we are told to remain standing. Master turns to Tim and ask’s him what would he like to do with our subs. Tim is now obviously very much enjoying this and is getting more and more into the role. I have no idea what he has said to Sally but she has become very compliant.

Tim declares that he has never seen two women making out and its something that he has always wanted to see. My master smiles and says he too would enjoy that before he turns back to the pair of us stood in front of them. `Susan, make out with Sally please` he simply says. This is something I have never ever done with a female and frankly I am not really sure how to go about it. I turn to Sally and moving up to her I quickly kiss her lips. She surprisingly responds and it is not long before we are kissing and fondling each others tits. I gently push her to the floor and turning, spread my legs across her face before going down deeply on her very wet pussy. I start to feel the flick of her tongue on my clip and enjoy the sensing sucking deeply down on her.

I have no idea how long the two of us have been going at it but suddenly feel hands gripping my waist and I am lifted up from Sally. I look around and see Tim gripping Sally. Our masters place us on all fours facing each other and it is with a contented Sigh I feel my masters cock enter me. I am already strung out with kissing Sally so feeling my masters cock inside me is so so good. I am looking directly into Sallys eyes as she moves back and forward with her tits swinging as Tim pounds into her and of course I too am also being pounded by my master. Both master and Tim pound us hard and Sally suddenly screams out she is cumming…… she is so so lucky to cum when she wants. I scream to master ‘may I cum please?’ but I am refused as masters cock keeps pounding into me. It seems like forever before master slapses me hard on the ass and give me permission to cum. We both exploit together at the same time and I am oblivious to everything except my masters cock. My plug is still in me and I feel it pushing down on master and its such a glorious feeling.

Master collapses down on top of me and rolls to the side slowly withdrawing. I glance across to Sally who is equally exhausted but has a happy smile on her face as she looks back at me….

Tim and Sally depart shortly after our session and I have a sneaky feeling that whatever Tim has said to Sally is permanent and my master and I may well have new d/s residents living next door to us. Tonight was the first time I have been made to show my submission to my master outside the confines of our own intimate relationship and whilst it was initially extremely embarrassing to me, I copied and as the night hurt on and things developed I became very comfortable with my master and his guests. I am sure we will be re visiting d/s with others in the future and I now can’t wait to demonstrate my absolute submission.

Dedicated to my good friend Susan.


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