The Dildo Mask

She was fashionablely late, but he of course did not dare comment. He had been instructed to be at home at 7 pm, naked, kneeing, eyes closed. When he heard the door open his dick hardened, his entire body tingling with anticipation. Her perfume and heels on the bare floor made his skin flush and he felt pearls of sweat form on his upper lip. She was now standing directly in front of him, her silk dress lightly brushing Against his face. He had been wondering for months what her voice sounded like. They had engaged in online F/m play all spring; now that she was here, he struggled to keep his precum from dripping onto his thighs.

“You will wear your mask for the first time today.”

The words started and soothed him at the same time. Her voice was sensitive, slightly husky. She put a mask on his face and adjusted it.

“Now lie on your back.”

He obeyed, welcome the cool surface of the hardwood floor. He listened as she undressed and was excited that she kept her heels on. She lowered herself onto his masked face, using the large dildo as she might a real dick. Slowly at first, then faster, she grinded and twisted her pussy around, up and down the dildo. Her moans were low, drawn out. The sound of her wet pussy and the dildo meeting was both incredibly painful and joyful to him. He badly wanted to feel her on his mouth, drink every drop of her juices. For a moment he hated the mask and the dildo; he loved it too. His submissive nature always won out – he was her toy, her slave; his desires were not important. Her breathing and moans told him she was close to cumming and he made sure to keep his head still. When she came, he felt precum leaking from his dick and he felt shame and excitement.

“You will wear your mask while you edge yourself. I will watch.”

She got up, walked away to a chair a few feet away; he knew she would be staining it with her juices and welcomed it.

“Stroke your dick. Slowly.”

He did as he was told.

He did as he was told.


He was very close to cumming.

“Caress the head.”

He obeyed, feeling more precum coating the tip.

“Stop. Come over here.”

He got up and walked in the direction of her voice. She took off the mask and he found himself looking into her beautiful face.

“Close your eyes.”

She put her finger on his lips; it was coated with her juices.

“Open your mouth.”

The cent and taste of her pussy was sweet and salty, intotoxicating. He slowly licked her finger until she withdraws away.

“Lie down on your back, close your eyes.”

He obeyed and she lowered herself onto his face, smoothing him, coating his chin, mouth, nose, cheeses, eye lids, and forehead with her juices, letting him safe her pussy. When she came, she cried out, remaining in the position for minutes.

“Keep your eyes closed.”

He heard her get dressed, walk to the door. She was gone. His dick was harder than it had ever been, but he knew not to touch it; she had forbidden it. She would allow him an orgasm at some point, but not today. He got up, dressed, and went for a walk. He could still taste her pussy on his tongue. When would she be back? Perhaps she would email him later and tell him.


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