In the Rough – The Chronicles of the Diamond Prince
Chapter 17 — The Two Reunited
Content warning: strong language, graphic sexual content, violence, PTSD/anxiety
Declan woke to a cold, empty bed. His Mistress had not come to bed, and of course, nor did Nix. He curled in on himself and tried to stop the tears that threatened to fall. He didn’t like being alone, it reminded him of his past life, being left alone to die in that box. He felt that dread creep into his very soul at the thought. Finally, the tears fell, and he sobbed into the blankets. He could hear the communication of breakfast beginning outside, but he just continued to sob, anxiety and pain course through him.
Nix woke to sun streaming through the cracks in the curtains and stretched. He turned to see a peacefully sleeping Dani next to him, naked and tangled in the sheets. He smiled and watched as she breathed gently, content that he once again got to witness her in all her beauty. He rose, careful not to wake her, and used the bathroom and brushed his teeth, and put on coffee. He called down to place a breakfast order to the kitchen, and then crawled back under the covers, carefully placing gentle kisses on the exposed expansion of her shoulder and arm. Dani finally stirred, and smiled. “Good morning.” He purred with a wide grin.
“Morning.” She said, voice heavy with sleep. She turned to face him and reached for his face, gently placing her hand on his cheek. He covered it with his own and pulled it to his lips to give it a gentle kiss. “Sleep well?” she asked with a knowing smile.
“Absolutely.” He said, suppressing a laugh. The previous night had been a fantasy come true and he felt as though he hadn’t slept so well in years.
“Me too.” Dani said, her eyes shimmering in delight.
He leaned in and gave her a peck on the lips. “You are so glogeous.” He beamed, smiling even wider and then moving to stand. She grinned and grabbed his arm, pulling himback down.
“You can’t just leave after a comment like that.” She teased.
“Oh, I can’t?” He replied mischievously, “I’m a free man, I can do as I please.” He grabbed her and pulled her on top of him. She squeaked and giggled, running her hands over his chest. They kissed again, slow and sensitive. He wrapped his arms around her gently and held her, drinking in all that she was. She returned every movement he made with equal password.
A knock on the door brought them back to the present. Nix grinned and gave her a kiss on the nose. “Be right back.” He said cheerfully. He hoped up, throwing on his pants, (he had a right to privacy now, after all.) and opened the door. There stood Jason and Maddie, each with a tray in hand.
“Room service, Sir.” Jay jabbed playedfully. Nix grinned and gave Jason a good-natured punch in the shoulder.
“Go ahead.” He said to them, moving out of their way.
They moved to set up the table when Jason stopped, gaping. “Mistress!” he gasped out, setting down his tray and dropping to his knees. Maddie immediately followed suit. Dani smiled, and wrapping the sheet around her, stood. She shuffled over to the two slaves and ran her fingers through Jason’s hair. “Good boy. And girl.” She shuffled towards the bathroom. “I’m going to take a quick shower. I’m sure you guys have a thing or two to discuss.” With that she went to the bathroom and shut the door behind herself.
Jay stood, his jaw still open. “What in the Gods is wrong with you?” He said, incredulous, while Maddie began setting up breakfast.
“What?” Nix asked, generally confused.
“You… I expected you to pick a slave to sleep with for your first night as a free man, you could have had your pick of the litter. Shit, ALL of them at once if you wanted, and you chose, to sleep with your former Mistress — the one woman you’ve been forced to sleep with for years?” He said with examination. Nix hadn’t thought of it like that, but he also, didn’t want to.
“Yes.” He said simply. He didn’t have to explain himself to anyone anymore, and it felt good.
Maddie was obviously uncomfortable and making every effort to be invisible as she worked.
“Man, you’ve got problems. What a stupid move on her part. She could have just kept you under her thumb if she wanted to keep fucking you.” Jay spat with venom. Nix’s blood ran cold, and rage etched into his features.
“Jason Ruby, watch your mouth.” He grew through gritted teeth.
“Or what, Mr. Emerald, gunna spank me? She obviously won’t, bitch is more whipped than we are.”
Nix’s hand flew before he even knew he was doing it. He back handed Jason so hard he sent him stumbling backwards. Maddie squeaked and dropped to her knees, groveling.
“You insolent little bitch — after everything I’ve done for you, everything she has done for you, and that’s what comes out of your fucking mouth?” He stepped forward before Jay had a chance to recover andbackhanded him again. Jay fell to the ground, holding his face. Nix stepped forward again, and grabbed him by the throat, pulling him to his feet. Suddenly the height difference was very prominent, and fear filled Jason’s eyes.
The connection opened and Jason’s face was etched with fear as the rage Phoenix felt washed into him, consuming, chasing the boys fear, and washing away any other emotions. “You WILL, respect me, and above all, your Mistress. She may not own me, but she certainly still owns you — and I will not tolerate a slave that disrespects their Mistress, especially Her.” Jay nodded frantically as he struggled to breath, clutching Nix’s arm. “Good.” He spat. He throw Jason down and he hit the ground with a heavy thumb. Jay gasped to try and regain his lost breath. “Get out. Maddie can finish.” He grew, his temperature subsiding. Jay scrambled to his feet and breathed out
“Yes sir.” Before flying out of the room.
Maddie was still on her knees, now visibly shaking. Nix softened and walked over to her.
“It’s alright girl, you did nothing wrong.” He ran his thumb gently over her cheek, lifting her chin to look at him. He will calm and pray into her. “Just finish the job, and you may go.”
“Yes sir.” She nodded repeatedly and as soon as he let go of her, she was up and moving. Nix nodded and sat on the sofa, hand rubbing his temples. He wasn’t sure if he felt catharsis or regret. He knew Jay was bitter, and testing him, which he didn’t mind. But he couldn’t stand hearing him speak like that about Dani. It was so very wrong. After a few moments he noticed Maddie getting ready to leave and he stopped her.
“Wait, one thing…” He said, and she stopped in her tracks.
“Yes sir?” She queried wardly, turning to face him.
“…how is Declan?” He asked, suddenly reminded that he hadn’t seen his boy at all the previous day.
“I’m not sure sir, I haven’t seen him today. But yesterday, he seemed, sad, sir.” Nix’s heart dropped. He wanted to ask more questions, but he doubted the girl could answer. He nodded and waved dismissively.
Nix and Dani made their way down to the main level, hand in hand. After a satisfied breakfast and a little more cuddling and kissing, they’d dressed, and set out to run the manor. Nix had recalled his encounter with Jay to Dani on the way, and she had agreed that Jay was out of line. “I can understand him being jealous, or confused by the situation, but that’s no excuse to act out like that. You were right to be angry with him.” She said as they entered the main entranceway. Slaves and servants were bustling about, if they came close enough, would greet the free couple respectfully before continuing on their way.
They ended up back in Dani’s office, pouring over paperwork and internship options and the rescue’s financials, and neither of them so much as glanced at a clock until they had to turn the lights on for lack of sun. “Danica, I think we need to get you some dinner.” Nix said with a long stretch nearly spilling him out of his chair. After typing a few more lines she nodded, and started stacking away some of the papers. He walked around the desk and slide his arms around her wait from behind, slotting them together. He nuzzled into her neck and drew a contented sight from her as she still. They stood there, embedded comfortable for a few minutes before she turned around in his arms, and they kissed lightly. “How is work fun when I’m with you?” he asked with a grin.
“Well I’m glad someone is having fun.” She said with a playful scoff. One more kiss and they made their way out of the office and down stairs.
Nix insisted on cooking for her tonight. Having no guests, they shooed the staff out of the main kitchen and pulled together a lovely pasta dish, and ate right there at the kitchen counter. Their conversation flowed effortlessly and the meal ended with them doing their own dishes together. “I miss this.” Dani said, drying off the last of the silverware.
“Really?” Nix mused, only mildly surprised.
“Yeah, it reminds me of my mum.” She said with a small smile. Nix nodded, she had given him the quick and ugly version of her past.
“I’m sure she would be so proud of you.” He said, leaning against the counter and watching her. She nodded and abandoned her efforts for a fierce hug instead. He gently rocked her in his arms and kissed her forehead. “I’m so proud of you, Danica.” He whispered.
They made their way outside into the cool night, wandering the property, mostly in silence. “Dani, I meant to ask you something…” He said as they strolled through the garden. “it’s about, Declan.” He said, somewhat hesitantly.
“Oh?” Dani inquired, turning curiously to look at Nix.
“Yeah, I know he’s your special toy, and I have no right or claim to him…” He tried to find the words that would do justice what he felt. “But, perhaps, on occasion… I could borrow him for a while? I mean, I don’t want to impose, or anything but…” He hesitated, unsure of what came next in his sentence. Danica smiled knew very.
She stopped and turned him to face her. “Phoenix” she put a hand on his cheek. “You know as well as I do, that the boy belongs as much to you as he does to me.” His eyes shot up to meet hers in shock. “And especially if… this…” she intertwined her fingers with his and lifted his hand into their line of sight. “Is as real as it feels, then what’s mine is yours.” Nix let out a breath he didn’t know he had been holding. “Besides, that boy adores you, and needs you, if we’re being honest.” Nix nodded and pulled Dani in for a soft kiss.
“You’re amazing.” He said with geneuine joy. “I’ll stay.” He said with certainty.
“You will?” Dani said with more hope in her voice than she means to allow.
“Yes. This is my home.”
Phoenix grew as the spray of warm water beat down on them, washing away the evidence of their current lossof control. Dani’s legs were held over his forearms as he pounded into her against the cold tile of the shower wall. Her eyes had long since rolled into the back of her head and her grip loosened, leaving him to bear the brunt of the work, and he didn’t mind. She was two orgasms deep now, and he was chasing his own. She whimpered, indistinct noises and words that he now knew were telling him that she was beyond ecstasy, and that he would be carrying her to bed.
He groaned his release inside her again, and held still, panting into her wet flesh. “mmmmhm.” She moaned, leaning into him contentedly. He shifted her to his one side while shutting off the water, and carried her out to the bedroom, uncaring they were soaked. He left her gently on the bed and returned to the bathroom to retrieve towels. He stopped briefly to look in the mirror and saw Only the shadow of his former self. He felt so much like a new person — he felt whole and added to the beautiful woman who choose to sethim free, because she cared for him. He felt invincible in that moment.
The next morning, Nix woke before Dani, and with a kiss to her cheek wandered out into the manor. The manor had already come to life, and friendly chatter and laughs could be heard throughout. He wandered, saying his hellos and answering questions and approving requests, he began his search for his baby prince. After asking around for a While, Nix realized that it was likely that Declan had not come downstairs in days. It was nearly noon mid-week, and no one had seen him. He made his way upstairs to the master bedroom, and opened the door. The room was dark, the curtains closed and not a light was on.
After a moment of adjusting, he moved into the room, closing the door behind him. The silhouette of a lump on the bed told him the story he had guessed; his boy hadn’t left the bed yet. A pang of guilt washed over him as he realized how hard these last few days must have been on him. He sat gently on theedge of the bed and laid his hand on what he presumed to be a pile of sleeping boytoy. The warmth radiated into his hand, and the gentle breathing was enough to confirm his theory. He ran his hand gently over the mass, feeling his familiar curves and planes. After a few moments, the mass stabilized.
Declan felt warmth on his side, and it pulled him from his depressed slumber. The heat moved along his body, a soothing gesture that felt familiar and calm. He revealed in the touch a moment before the previous events flooded his mind. He turned to see who it was, and heard gasped at the face looking down at him. “Phoen…uh… Mr. Emerald!” He stammered out, scrambling to his knees. “To what do I owe the honor?” he asked, trying to mask the pain in his voice. Nix crawled forward on the bed, chasing his boy.
He placed His hand under Declan’s chin and lifted his face. “Sweet baby, I’m home. I’ve got you.” He said with a small smile. Declan’s eyes welled up and spilled over his cheeks. “I promised I wouldn’t leave you, Bright Eyes.” He pulled Declan into a tight hug, and the boys waterworks unleashed. Nix could feel days’ worth of emotion and heartbreak and fear pour out of the boy as he clung to Him. “I’m so sorry baby.” He muttered into Declan’s hair. “I’m sorry. I’m home. I’ve got you. It’s going to be ok.” He rocked His boy in His arms and listened to him sob.
After a while, Declan calmed, and his sobs were reduced to sniffles, and he pulled back to look at Him. “I… I thought I’d never see you again.” Declan said, trying to pull himself together.
“I know love, I know. But I told you, I would always find a way to you.” Nix said with a reassuring smile. Declan nodded and returned the smile. “That’s my boy. It’s alright. Everything is going to be fine.” He leaned in and rested His forehead to His boys. “I’m here.” They stayed like that, drinking in each other’s company for some time. Finally, Declan took a deep breath and pulled back.
“So…What happens now, Sir?” Declan asked meekly. Nix couldn’t help but smile.
“What happens now, is we get some food into you.”
Nix and Declan made their way down to the kitchen. They stepped into the bustling food area, and the room suddenly went still and quietly. Nix smiled and gestured widely to the room. “As you were.” Slowly, the room came to life again, slaves going about their business in this brief time to themselves. Declan’s smile was ear to ear, he greeted everyone he came across with vigor. He stumbled upon Maddie and Jason, and shocked, blurted out,
“Jay! What happened to your face?” and sure enough, Jason had a split lip and a cruele under his eye. Maddie averted her eyes as Nix stepped up behind Declan, resting His hands on the boy’s wait.
Jay bowed his head. “Good afternoon, Sir.” He said through his teeth.
“Hey, Jason. How are you feeling?” Nix asked, with geneuine concern. He’d hit the kid pretty hard.
“Good, Sir.” He said, emotionless.Declan glanced between the two, and apparently decided to save the conversation for later.
“Go get some food baby, I’ll be just over there.” Said Nix as he competed to an open table.
“Yes Sir.” Declan said with absolutely no sarcasm or malice. Just a smile and enthusiasm. Nix nodded to Maddie with approval but spared another glance at Jay, and caught a look somewhere between disgust and malice. He straightened up and with his sweetest smile, motioned for him to follow.
“I’d like a word, Jason.” He led the begrudging boy off to the hall, and as soon as they were out of sight of all others, his smile dropped he slammed the smaller man into the wall. Jason’s surprised squeak did nothing to ebb the boiling of Nix’s blood. He lacened his fingers around the boy’s throat as he spoke, in a low growl. “Jason, this is me being nice, and it’s your final warning. Get your act together.” Jay gave a look that said he was only trying to look convinced, and Nix’s eyes darkened at the boys continued refusal to take his situation seriously.
He leaned in to whisper in the boy’s ear, his breath ghosting his skin. “Do you not remember what it was like before you came here?” He felt the boy still in his hands and was willing to bet he obviously paled. “Yeah, you do. Is that what you want?” He felt the tiniest quiver and smiled to himself in his victory. He began to slowly close his grip as he continued. “I swear to the almighty Mother, if I ever see that look on your face again, and Gods help you, especially in front of your Mistress, I won’t need to send you to that hell because I will bring it right. To. You. You will wish you’d never been rescued if I hear so much as a whisper about you disrespect Her again.”
Jason began to struggle for air in Nix’s bruising grip, He let him for a few more seconds, his hot breath in his ear, before finally whispering a venomous “Good boy” And releasing him. Nix took a step back and Jason fell to his knees, gaspingand shaking. If Jason wasn’t going to respond to Dani’s affection and kindness, then he would have to be the one to hammer him into the ground. He straightened himself up and returned to find Declan.
“So… what happened? …Sir?” Declan asked between anxious mouthfuls of pasta.
“Mistress… er… Danica, had a lot of ideas about what I could achieve as a free person, and She didn’t want to ask me About them until I was free to answer honestly.” He remarked truthfully. “She saw something in me, something that deserved or needed freedom, and She gave it to me. She gave me the opportunity to take control of my own life and make choices.” Declan’s face was that of awe. He was enraptured by Nix’s every word.
“I’m sorry I didn’t come to see you sooner, we just had a lot of things we needed to work out, and I wanted to give you my undivided attention when I saw you sweetheart.”
“So… you’re not leaving?” Declan asked with a waver to his voice, afraid of the answer. At this, Phoenix generally smiled.
“No sweet one, this is my home; you are my home.” Nix reached out and touched Declan’s cheat affectionately, and Declan beamed with excitement.
“Does that make you, my Master?” He asked wardily.
“Sort of, yes, I guess.” Nix answered gently. He’d not really thought about that.
Declan beamed, then sobered. After a beat, he slipped from his chair and kneeled at Nix’s feet.
“I am yours, Master.” He grovelled, kissing each of Nix’s shoes repeatedly. Nix smiled and admired His lovely boy.
“Come here.” He commanded. Declan immediately sat up, shuffling closer to Nix. Nix took him by the Jaw and pulled him in — capturing his lips in a gentle kiss. “That’s my good boy.” Declan blushed and buried his face into Nix’s shoulder. Nix held him, unaware or uncaring of the stars from around the room.
Chapter 18 — The Holy Trinity
Content warning: strong language, medical elements, graphic sexual content, BDSM/kink elements
Nix, Dani and Declan soon found themselves in Dani’s office, with paperwork in front of them. Declan sat on the floor, clinging to Nix’s leg possessively.
“Alright, are you sure, Nix, this is what you want to do? I mean, you can always change your mind later, but for the first three months you will not be allowed to change. You have to get through the first stage of rehab before you can change course.” Dani stated, reading glasses on Her nose, flipping through the emancipation papers.
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