In The Rough – The Chronicles of the Diamond Prince
Chapter 13 — The Honored Guest
Content warning: strong language, mentions of PTSD/anxiety, mentions of abuse/neglect, graphic sexual content
Mistress Dani very rarely allowed other free people to touch Declan just yet, She saw him as precious and delicious, even without all the mental and physical trauma. If someone mishandled him, the repairs would be time consuming and strong. When She did on rare occasions allow it however, She had rules. Rule number one, be careful of, and don’t mention the scars. She didn’t need anyone digging up that dirt when he was supposed to be doing his job. She also didn’t want anyone marking him in anyway, he was Hers to mark. She wanted no mistake when it came to who he belonged to.
The first time She did allow it, a business associate was at the manor from another country, and this country was known to have much fewer slaves, and especially very few, if any, male.
“Now that business is concluded,” Dani said, standing and shaking the woman’s hand. “You have a few hours before your flight, could I interest you in a drink, Ms. Calada?” she asked politely.
“Yes, I’d very much like that. Travel is so tedious.” Dani led the way out of the office. “You have so many servants.” Ms. Calada remarked as they strolled towards the sitting room. “How many are slaves?” she asked with curiosity.
“Nearly all.” Dani said with a smile. “I have an employed service as head of each department, the remainder belong to me, or the rescue.”
“Really?” she said with fascination. “My household has only two slaves.”
“Female?” Dani inquired.
“Oh yes, of course.” She said as they reached the sitting room. “It is believed that males are far too aggressive to be tamed; they remain defiant throughout their service. They also never fall into their roles with the enthusiasm of females.” She explained as Dani snapped her fingers at a passing servicegirl who knelt immediately.
“What can I get you, my guest?” Dani asked.
“Oh, do you happen to have any of that lovely Nellura Red wine you served at the banquet last year?”
“Yes of course. And the white for me.” she said, turning to the girl at her feet. And have someone send in Declan and Phoenix, please.” She said giving the girl an affectionate pat. The girl smiled.
“Of course, Mistress.” She stood and left. With a bow to their guest.
“I hope it’s not too presumptuous, but I thought maybe you would like to meet a couple of males I’ve acquired.” Dani said with a knowing smile.
“You have male slaves here?…Now?” she asked with shock.
“Why, yes. I think you’ll find them quite different from what you’ve heard.” She then considered something and continued. “But please, don’t mention the scars in front of them. It does upset them so.” She trailed off with a sad smile.
“The… scars?” Ms. Calada inquired cautiously, almost like she was getting nervous.
“Yes, my newest has been through quite some intense situations in his past, he was quite a mess when he came to me, actually. But he’s on the mend now.” She recalled with fondness. After a few moments of awkward silence, the girl returned with the ladies’ drinks and knelt quietly off to the side in case they needed anything else. “Are they on their way?” She asked the girl.
“Yes Mistress, Declan needed to get dressed.” She replied to the floor.
“Ah yes, of course. Silly boy seems to have a bit of a dislike for clothing. We have to remind him that not everyone is ready to behold his dazzling body.” She mused with a chuckle to herself.
After some chatting and a refill on the wine, the boys appeared in the doorway. “Ah good; boys.” She cooed, motioning For them to enter. As much as She wanted to watch Her boys, She turned Her attention to the woman sitting with Her, whose face showed clearly, she hadn’t been ready to believe it, (or that she really did), and her body was still, mid-sip of her wine. The pair elegantly strode forward, their heights only off by mere centimeters, their hair and body type so very similar. They’d obviously taken into consideration the guest and took a moment to freshen up. Both their hair was done neighborly, and they were dressed in matching shirts (white and green, respectively) and black slacks and they both had radiant smiles on their faces. They never disappointed their Mistress.
They dropped to their knees before them and in unison, “Mistress. Ma’am” nodding to each before directing their eyes to the floor.
“Ms. Calada, may I introduce Declan and Phoenix; my personal bed warming slave, and personal service slave.” She said, reaching forward and gently running a finger down Declan’s cheese. She saw his glow of pride at Her words, and feel it surge into Her hand. Her guest continued to stare, apparently dumbstruck, so Dani continued. “Phoenix has been with me for many years. He is a pure-bred slave coming from a long-distinguished line known for their docile temperature. Declan has only been with me a few months, but he has been an absolute dream. A mixed breed, he comes from very humble beginnings and is smart, sweet and attentive.” Dani preened with pride. The woman finally managed to swallow her mouthful of wine.
“They… they obey?” she asked hesitantly.
“Phoenix?” Dani directed the question to him.
“In all things, without question Mistress. We are Yours.” He vowed, lowering his forehead to the ground momentarily.
“Wow.” The woman whispered under her breath. “And they are… so pretty.” She remarked, looking them over.
“Would you like a demonstration?” Dani asked, motioning at the service girl for another round. The woman just nodded. “Have you ever been served before?” She asked with emphasis.
“I, well, the slaves in our house of course serve us in cleaning and cooking and other household duties, and my husband will sometimes take one to bed with him when I’m not in the mood…” she murmured, clearly trying to get Dani to explain what she means more explicitly.
“Ah, so you’ve never received any personal service, and I’m assuming, never any sexual either?” Dani asked out right. Though the woman stared at them and squirmed uncomfortable, the boys remained still and stoic.
“No…” she shook her head.
“Well, then I’ll demonstrate something personal, and if you wish, after, you can experiment with something even more personal.” Dani insinuated in a low purr.
The woman gulped down another mouthful of wine and nodded. “Phoenix.” Dani called. He shuffled on his knees the short distance to Her.
“Mistress.” She tapped Her toe on his leg and he immediately began removing Her shoes, and when he’d accomplished that, he repeatedly began kissing Her foot. After a moment, he sat back and began rubbing Her feet, a look of fondness on his face. Dani looked up at Her guest, who was wcatching with rapt attention. She gestured between her and Declan in invitation. The woman turned her attention to the boy, and with a nervous sight, she called for him. He planted himself dutifully, immediately at her feet.
“Ma’am.” He acknowledged, quietly. Dani nodded at her when the woman looked to Her for confirmation. She did what she saw Dani do and tapped her foot on the boy’s thigh, and the same reaction occurred. With sure, steady hands he tended to her shoes, kissed her feet, and rubbed with precision.
After a while, our now, much more relaxed looking guest asked, “What else can they do?” and Dani snickered.
“Anything you want, that’s what personal service slaves are for.” She demonstrated. “If you want, they can be a footballstool instead.” She snapped her fingers as she said the words and Phoenix seamlessly folded himself into a ball under Her feet. “Or they can braid your hair.” She snapped again, Phoenix carefully moved out from under Her feet and walked behind Her, gently running his fingers through Her hair and beginning to separate the strands for a braid. “They can tease you with their lips in your neck.” She snapped again, Phoenix stopped where he was and leaned over, gently, sensitively kissing and licking his Mistresses neck. “Or for your viewing pleasure, they can suck the others’ cock.” She snapped again and motioned with a nod of Her head towards Declan. Phoenix dropped and crawled to Declan, working under Declan’s busy hands to pull out his semi-stiff cock, and quickly swallow it down. Declan’s hands remained at their job, steadily rubbing his temporary Mistress’s feet, though he allowed a small groan to escape him, from both Nix’s expert skill and the connection link opening.
Their guest had a look of bewilderment on her face. “Fascinating.” The woman said again under her breath. She waved her hand to signal Declan to stop and he did, planning one last kiss to her foot, he clapped his hands behind his back to allow Nix better access. “Their responses are so fluid, practiced… it’s like it’s instantual.” She told, finally out loud. Dani smiled.
“It is. These boys, when serving, they don’t think. They feel, breathe, and obey.” She pursued confidently.
“They are so much better trained than the wenches in my house. How-ever did you manage this?” she said, enraptured by Declan’s now open moans.
“My secret, is kindness and care.” She replied smoothly. The woman laughed. When Dani didn’t say anything, the woman tore her eyes away from the scene in front of her to meet Dani’s eyes.
“You’re serious?” she gawked.
“Yes. You see Phoenix, he came to me from a breeder with the same mentality. And poor sweet Declan? He came to me…” she paused and lowered Her voice to hushed tones. “He came to me in very bad shape, beaten and abused beyond recognition. I brought him back from the broke of death. He didn’t need much training at all because he was so grateful to be fed from a hand that didn’t strike him, all it took was a few words of encouragement and a gentle pat to get his engine revving. I reform all their training positively, being lenient on mistakes, and try to consider their feelings at all times. By doing so, I build a foundation of trust, and they feel they can truly let go.”
She stood and walked over to the boys, caressing Declan’s now flushed face, and he leaned into Her hands “They easily slip into a lower, primary consciousness because they feel safe and cared for, and dominated. They need not defend themselves or think about their actions, they trust me to command them and know what’s best for them.” Dani pursued, affectionately petting both boys simultaneously, secretly indulging in their shared pleasure through the connection.
Both, despite their current situation curled into her touch. Ms. Calada softened, watching as the boys leaned like cats into this young woman’s hands. She was drawn from her reverie as Dani snapped her fingers again and Nix paused his ministers. Declan shuddered as Nix halted mid stroke, his superior’s hot breath caressing his sensitive member. All four waited, silent and still.
“Call me Edina.” The guest said to Dani.
“Dani.” She said with a smile. Another pause.
“They would really stay like that forever, wouldn’t they?” Edina asked hoarsely, Nix’s mouth hovering on Declan’s hard cock.
“Yes. My good boys never disappoint me.” Dani said with fondness.
“The men in my country made it seems like a woman could never control a man…” she said, almost to herself. “But it makes so much sense… a man cannot be overpowered by a woman, but he can be seduced by one.” She said, her eyes widening in realization.
“Yes.” Dani said with a smile. “a woman can be intimidated by a man’s size and strength, but a man can be more so intimidated by a woman’s sexual prowess and nursery hand. I treat my boys with love, and they give and give and give.” She said, gently easing Nix’s mouth off of Declan.
She turned both their faces to meet her eyes. “My sweet boys, do you want me?”
“Yes Mistress.”
“Would you protect me?”
“Yes Mistress.”
“Is there anything you would not do for me?”
“No Mistress.” Both boys answered without thought at each question, panting into her gentle hands. She turned her eyes to Edina.
“Slaves who serve out of fear and pain will turn their back on their master at any given opportunity; they are constantly looking for a way out. I have earned the loyalty of an army of lovely, well-fed, well-loved creativity. I would be willing to bet everything that they would outperform any slave out there, because they care. Because they care about me, because I care about them.” She stated with conviction. Edina watched the boys faces, slack in the hands of their Mistress, eyes closed, breaths short; they looked like the picture of bliss, content and needy, waiting on orders.
“I believe you.” She whispered.
Dani stood abruptly, the boys faces’ falling from her hands, their breathing ragged. They looked as though it pained them to be parted from her, as though they had been tangled in her fingers for days. “Phoenix, you’re to take lead. Show our new boy how it’s done.” She paused and leaned into Nix’s ear. “Keep him safe.” She whispered before quickly straightening. She reached to help Edina stand. “Boys, please take your Mistress for the evening to the VIP suite and show our guest what she has been missing out on.” She gave a wicked grin to all. Edina’s breath caught as Nix took her arm and swiftly led her towards the stairs, Declan trailing behind.
They reached the suite and Nix had all the suave Declan had ever seen. The man sat her down on the couch and swiftly had her drink in hand. Declan knelt to the side, waiting for instruction from either his pseudo mistress or Nix. He found this surreal after months of having only Mistress and Nix, but he trustedThey both with his life and more. Phoenix sat beside Edina, chatting like she hadn’t just witnessed him deepthroat his counterpart. She was charmed and blushing. After some time, and another drink, Nix finally whispered, just loud enough that Declan could hear, “Sweet Mistress, what would you have of two slut boys?” she still and glanced over to the properly kneeing Declan and back to Nix.
After a moment, she cleared her throat, apparently finding her spine.
“I want to look at you. Both of you.” They could both sense her wavering conviction, but it was an order none the less.
“As you wish, ma’am.” Nix pursued in a sultry tone. He nodded to Declan who stood and joined him in her eyeline. Declan followed Nix’s pace, slowly stripping himself of his clothing, occasionally looking to their guest, who’s eyes were glued to the show in front of her. Declan’s heart raced, as this was the first free woman aside from Mistress and doctors to see his body since his… incident.He did worry so that she would find him repulsive. They stood on display for her eyes to engulf.
She stood, almost as though not of her own according. “May I…” she reached out, but not quite touching Nix’s chest.
“Mistress, we are yours to see, to touch, to use. Please use us.” He said in a breathy voice. And her eyes met his for a moment, and she was apparently convinced. She gently ran her fingers down his firm chest, her eyes following the movements of her own fingers. Her eyes darkened and her breathe hitched as Nix willed his lust into her.
“I’ve… I’ve never been so close to, or touched a man so beautiful.” She breathed, almost to herself. Declan’s lips twitched into a smile; he felt the same way about Nix. Suddenly her hand flicked out and ran across his own torso. “Let alone two.” Declan’s heart stopped. She, she thought he was beautiful?
She spends a few minutes touching, petting, exploring, and with everything they had, the boys will their best qualities into her. Declan came to the conclusion that she was working up the nervous for more. Just as he thought it, Nix spoke, in a sultry breathy voice that turned Declan on immensely, “Please Mistress, please, take from us. Use us.” She pulled her hand away, and after only a moment, she spoke.
“Okay, uh, kiss each other.” She said in a rushed, flustered tone. Declan’s breath hitched. He had no control if Nix kissed him, he would be helpful. He looked to Nix who had a wicked, knowing grin. He melted immediately. Nix caught His boy as he almost sunk to his knees and planted His mouth on his. Declan managed to wrap his arms around Nix’s neck and hold himself up somewhat while he allowed Nix to drink in his very soul. Their lips parted and tongues tangled, Passion and want flowed between them.
“Okay.” A female voice came. Nix ripped away from His boy and faced His temporary mistress. Both recommended themselves and waited. “If, if I asked you to show me what you didto make your mistress decision that you are her favorites… could you do that?” both grinned in unison.
“Yes Ma’am.” Nix answered with no hesitation.
Nix had his lips and tongue on Her neck, periodically switching to Her lips, playing with Her nipples with his deft fingers. Declan was using his mouth to please Her further south. The pair had switched several times, and brought Her to four orgasms and seemed incapable of slowing down. She was breathless and polite, both were simply gently lapping at her, allowing her to ride the waves as She saw fit. Finally Her senses came back to Her and She Steeled herself once more. “I want one of you inside me.” She stated with more conviction than She had all night. Both men immediately stood, presenting themselves for Her. Both hard and leaking, Nix asked gently, “Choose Mistress. We are Yours.” She focused and gazed at the men before her.
She seemed unsure, but opted eventually to nod in Nix’s direction. He crawled forward andlaid his body over her, wasting no time in following Her order. He inserted himself and rocked into Her, gaining speed quickly. The noises she made were poorly ecstasy, and needy. Nix fucked her, gently, but expertly, slowly adding speed and pressure as Her moans and screams increased. She finally climaxed on him, Her body still and leaning into the bed. Nix extracted himself, sloppy and wet but Still hard, and went back to knee next to the new boy. When Edina was ready, She shuffled to the edge of the bed, and seemingly having lost her earlier reservations commanded, “Clean him while he cleans me.”
“With pleasure Ma’am” Declan said, a geneine smile on his face. He leaned back on his elbows while Nix straddled him, leaning in to lick Edina’s cunt, while Declan took Nix’s cock in his mouth.
Nix moaned very carefully, so edged from fucking, He was tight and ready to blow. Declan remained dutiful, licking and sucking and, secretly, trying to drink Nix’s cum from Him. Nix held off, managing to bring their mistress to another orgasm while cleaning Her. He pulled away, confident in His job, and Declan obliged, releasing Him. They both knelt, panting and hard, wanting but never asking. Their Mistress sat up, looking at the pair, and smiled.
“She really did it… she really enslaved a pair of men.” The guest chirped with delight.
“Yes Ma’am.” Nix said between harsh breaths. His cock twitched in need.
She grew bold. “Okay, you…” she commanded, pointing to Nix, “fuck him.” She pointed to Declan. Declan’s eyes grow soft, submitting to his Master. He hoped he could hold off his cum long enough for his Nix to gain approval from their guest, but he wasn’t sure. Nix was so good at making him lose control. Declan grew slack, melting to the floor, spreading his legs like the slut he was. Nix’s eyes met His boys, and the need nearly undid his resolve. “Turn over” He grew. Declan squeaked and turned, arching his ass towards his Master. He hadyet to be touched, he knew this would be brutal and painful, but he accepted his role as bitch. For some reason, Nix and Mistress hated that term, but he didn’t mind, it’s just what he was. He was truly a hole on either end to satisfy his betters. And besides, he knew that his soothing connection with his Master would get him through.
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