The Diamond Prince – Ch. 05

In the Rough – The Chronicles of the Diamond Prince

Chapter 5 — The Family Life

Content warning: Mentions of death, grieving, graphic sexual content

Tied back-to-back in the stall, waiting to be brought up for sale, they laceled their fingers together gratefully. “You doing ok hun?” Declan said quietly, turning his head as much as he could, but he couldn’t see her.

“Fine, thanks to you.” She said, and he could hear the smile on her voice. He couldn’t help but wonder what was in store for them next, but he hoped they would get to spend more time together than as rentals. They were very often rented separately, and if they could remain together as a team, they could do amazing things.

Sooner than he was ready for, they were up in front of the crowd. Ava had become a lot more comfortable in her nudity over the years, and yet he could see her squirming under all the eyes on her. “Shhh… easy.” He said as quietly as he could. She looked over at him, met his eyes and took a deep breath. She nodded to him and still. There was hesitance in getting the bids rolling, as expected. But eventually some momentum picked up, and they did sell for two hundred ninety-eight thousands Nellins.

The man that came to collect them was friendly. He greeted them, introduced Himself as Rick, and took them to a well-used SUV. He offered a sun dress to Ava, she accepted and slipped it on. It was a bit big, but Declan smiled at how cute it made her look. Rick apologized that he didn’t have anything that would fit Declan, but Declan was fine to accept a towel.

They slide into the back seat, and Ava leaned on Declan immediately. “There’s water under your seat.” Rick said as they pulled out. Declan reached down and grabbed a bottle and opened it, handling it to Ava. She gulped half the bottle down in one go. He took the bottle from her. “Slowly, girl. Slowly.” He pet her hair affectionately. He gave her back the bottle and she took deliberate, smalll sips with a blush. He reached back under and grabbed a bottle for himself and sipped on it.

“So, what’s the story here, kids?” Rick asked, far more casually than they were used to from a free person. They looked at each other and tried to decide where to start.

“Well sir, I’m not sure where to start. Perhaps you could tell me more specifically what you would like to know, or what you already know, I’d be very happy to tell you anything.” Declan said, as respectfully as he could.

“Well, I know you’ve come from a rental place, so I assume you both have experience with a lot of different types of work, yes?” Rick said.

“In a way, sir. We are both considered sex slaves and are both very experienced with all types of sexual activities, both as a pair and separate. We are both familiar with and trained in domestic duties and labor.” Declan said, honestly.

“Ah, gotcha. Well, that works for me.” He said with a smile. “I’ve never seen a pair like you. I’ve been looking for an addition to our house for a while now and you are unique.” Rick said, obviously wanting to know more about their history.

“He protects me.” Came a small voice. Declan’s head turned to look at his small companion with a raised eyebrow.

“Oh?” Rick turned his attention to Ava. “Ava, is it sweetie?” She nods. “What has happened?”

She swallowed and Worried her lip between her teeth. “When we got bought the first time, I got sick. He held me, and carried me – he wouldn’t leave me behind, sir.” She said, giving a small smile at Declan. Declan’s eyes softened with affection. “And…” she blushed and took a moment to compose herself. Rick waited patiently. “And… his first test at the rental place was to fuck me. I.. I had never…” she paused and steeled herself. “It was my first time, and I was scared. He was so kind to me. Probably lost marks for it. But he wouldn’t hurt me.” She said determinedly. “And, he’s always watching out for me, sir. He makes me feelsafe.” She said with finality. Rick nodded, obviously deep in thought.

“He loves you.” He said, with a smile.

“Wh…what?” Ava distinguished. Declan’s jaw dropped, then closed, and he divided a few more times. Most free people don’t believe that slaves should or can love. Most would never acknowledge any kind of relationship between slaves.

“It’s ok. Doesn’t affect me, as long as you two can still do your jobs.” He said with a sympathetic smile. “My wife and I have always tried to keep two slaves in the house. It works best for our lifestyle. Unfortunately, we lost one to illness six months ago. We tried to make it work with just our one sweet Candy, but it’s too much for her all on her own, especially given losing her counterpart.” Rick seemed generally morose.

“I’m sorry to hear that sir. Did you intend to buy two slaves today?” Declan asked, feeling hopeful that Ava and himself could have a life with this family.

“No son, I didn’t. I’ve been searching for a matefor our current girl, but seeing you two up there, the way you looked at each other… I just thought you might fit well with us.” Rick said with a smile. Declan grabbed Ava’s hand and squeezed. She glanced his way with a look of wonder.

They pulled up to a two-story house, in decent shape with a modern lawn. Modest, but still well kept. Rick motioned them to follow, and they did Without hesitation. Hydrated and invigorated, they were eager to learn more about their new owners. He opened the door and announced that He was home. A voice came from the distance, “and?”

“I’m not empty handed!” Rick yelled. The sound of footsteps from two different directions came running. From one side of the house came a middle aged, but still well-kept woman, and her eyes widened when she saw what her husband had brought.

From the other side, came a beautifully curved woman with an ebony complexion, bright pink eyes and streaks of pink in her otherwise black hair. She clearly attempted to contain her emotional response, but her eyes lingered, following Declan’s body from floor to ceiling. Candy, as Rick had mentioned, knelt to her master. “Welcome home master.” Rick walked over to her and she kissed his feet, and sat up. He motioned for her to stand.

“Candy, meet Ava, and Declan.” Both smiled. Candy looked a bit skeptical but waved. “Helen, I know this isn’t what we planned on, but I got the pair of them for barely more than the price of one.” He went to Her and took Her hands in his. “Candy, get them set up in their room.” Candy nodded and turned on her heel. Declan and Ava followed.

Candy led them downstairs to the basement, which was nicely refurbished. It was still very obviously a basement, but it was clean, and the walls were finished. They entered a large room, it had two beds, A few chairs and couches, a table, and even a television. “This is our room, I don’t know if you guys share a bed or whatever, but someone can sleep on the couch if you need. Over there is the bathroom, and there is the playroom.” She said casually, flopping down on one of the couches. Ava sat tenatively on a chair, but Declan wandered the room, checking out the bathroom (clean, reasonably equipped) and the playroom (decent stock and not too intimidating.)

“I’m sorry to hear about… the last… guy.” Said Declan, sitting down next to Ava. Candy still and looked at Declan.

“Whatever. I’m over it.”

“…so, what’s it like living here?” Declan changed the subject. Candy surprised.

“It’s alright. The old Man and Lady like to watch. Like live porn. We do all the cooking, cleaning, and sexing. Sometimes they want one of us to play with Them a little, you know, get Them warmed up or something.” Candy said, not particularly enthused, but also not sad or unhappy.

“So… I’m sorry to ask, but, what do you think They will want from us?” Declan asked, trying to convey empathy and gender. Candy surprised again.

“They gunna want you to fuck for sure. You’ll need to fuck me too. My.. my last…” she hesitated but pushed through. “He was light coloured too, They love the mix of dark and light. I wasn’t expecting them to take on a light girl.” She said with a little venom. Ava flinched.

“I… I’m not trying to intrude…” Ava said quietly. Candy snapped

“Well that’s not my problem either!” Ava flinched, and Declan stood aggressively. Now it was Candy’s turn to flinch.

“I’m sorry.” Candy cowered. Declan deflated and sat next to Candy.

“Look, I can’t imagine how hard this is… but we are here for the same reason as you. To serve someone who bought us.” Candy nodded, a tear rolling down her cheek. Declan wrapped his arms around her, and she allowed it, leaning into him a little. He felt their connections link, and Candy witnessed, Declan’s calming nature washing through her. Ava sniffled and laid down, curling into herself defensively as she did any time she got uncomfortable or nervous.

Declan held Candy for several minutes, gently cooing and placing her. After a while she pulled herself back together as the tough girl she had been before. “Well, I guess you’re here to stay, Rick seems to like you guys. I better get used to it.” She said with a small smile. Ava marveled quietly from across the room; Declan never ceased to amaze her with his ability to comfort and help people. It was so endearing.


A while after arrival, a bell rang in the basement, and Candy indicated that they were being called for. All three came up to the kitchen and knelt. Candy in her yoga pants and tank, Ava in her oversized dress and Declan in a pair of shorts Rick had managed to dig up. “Good evening girls and boy. I know this is unusual for everyone, but we think it can work.” He paused and glanced at his wife. “Helen likes having a woman around to talk to and help her with the house, and now we have two.

I like having a man around to help with renovations and yard work, and now I’ve got a giant.” No one could help but giggle. “And most importantly, Ava and Declan have a connection, and connection is so important to us, and we hope that connection can spread throughout this disconnected home.” Candys eyes dropped guiltily. In that moment of silence, a loud grow escaped the smallest of stomachs. Rick laughed out loud. “Alright, let’s start with dinner.”

Candy was courteous, showing Ava where everything was in the kitchen, and they worked together to create a nice dinner. Declan spent the evening charming Helen, rubbing Her feet and legs while Rick talked about their new toys’ history. Helen warmed up to the new purchases very quickly, understanding why they were chosen by Her husband. Declan was the picture of compliance, all doe eyes and submission. Rick looked Pleased.

The women finally announced that dinner was served, and they all ate together at the kitchen table. They all made amicable conversation and laughed- Declan of course wasthe star, having the whole table wrapped around his finger, everyone laughing. The slaves continued the conversation while cleaning up the table, until the Owners retired to the sitting room. Declan did what he could to help the ladies with their chores, and Candy had opened up significantly over the day.

“I’m sorry I was nasty earlier.” Candy said while drying a bowl.

“No apology necessary.” Said Declan, reaching to the top shelf to put away a cup the girls couldn’t reach.

“No, it is. I was angry, I was worried Rick was going to try to replace Jonny, but he hasn’t. He’s brought all new personalities home.” She gave a small smile.

“Well, maybe, give us a chance to show you that we aren’t here to hurt you.” Declan said, putting a hand on her shoulder.

That night, Candy slept in her bed, and Declan had the delight of snuggling up next to his Ava. She snuggled into his chest, her hands roaming over any skin she could find. “Declan?” She asked quietly.

“Hmm?” He responded, lost in her touch.

“…make love to me?” She asked quietly. His eyes shot open and locked on her.

“What? I… hun…” he lifted her chin to meet his eyes. He knew she generally disliked being made to have sex, and barely tolerated it as her job. Outside of client requests, they had never done more than cuddled. She’d not so much as kissed him.

“I don’t know When we will ever have another chance. I want you to take me like you did the first time. I’ll never forget it. I want to feel it again.” She nuzzled into his chest, kissing. In reality, she wanted to thank him, do something for him as he always did for her. She’d learned how to pleasure, and sex was Declan’s language. She wanted to speak to him, show him, tell him she cared.

“Yes ma’am.” He would never deny her anything. He shifted, putting her under him. He shimmied his underwear off, and she equally removed her dress and underwear. He quickly moved down to her hips and did the same thing he remembered so clearly the last time he was really here, and breathed against her mound. This time, she bucked up towards his face, her hands clawing at him, begging. He smiled and obliged.

He slide his fingers into his mouth and wet them, and plunged them gently into her slit and lapped at her clip. She bit her own hand to quiet her moans, and he repeated his efforts to get her off. She screamed into her hand and bucked, fucking into his face and fingers. She lay panting, and Declan crawled up her body, wiping his mouth on his arm, and kissed her gently. After a moment, Ava whispered, “switch with me.” And started shuffling out from under him. Declan was a little bewildered at first but let her shift them.

She straddled him and leaned in to meet his lips. One of his hands threaded into her hair gently, guiding her mouth on his, and the other rest on her hip, kneeing circles in her flesh. He was hard and ready, and he wanted her. They’d fucked many times since their first time, but never of their own will, never the way they wanted to, never with any level of privacy. He was able to focus on her, feel her and make love to her now, in this moment and he wanted to drink it all in. She pulled back, gazing into his eyes and in that moment, he knew Rick was right.

He wanted to deny it, say it wasn’t what good slaves do, but he couldn’t help it. “I love you.” He said, barely above a whisper. Her eyes widened, and her mouth hung open in shock. He waited patiently; he was ready for any reply she might give. He knew it was wrong and she had every right to be angry, or scared.

After a moment of searching his face, her features softened, and a small smile crept up her lips. She rested her forehead against his and breathed out- “I love you too.” He released a breath he didn’t know he had been holding and wrapped his arms around her tightly. After a moment, she sat up with a Cheshire grin, and shuffled back, planning herself over his hard length. Hemoaned at the contact, and he felt her grind against him — teasing him with the wet heat of her beautiful entrance. He tried to hold back the whine threatening to escape him. She lifted herself off of him with a hand on his chest and one holding his cock upright, and all at once seated him deep inside her. They simultaneously moaned, her walls tight and hot around him, the feeling of fullness inside her.

She slowly began to move, rolling her hips and squeezing her walls, her face was nothing but peace and pleasure. Gone was the scared girl he’d been forced upon years ago — seated on his cock now, on display for his pleasure was a beautiful goddess of sensitivity. His hands on her hips helped take the strain off her legs as she moved faster, riding him in earnest now.

He bit his lip to keep silent and he watched her bounce above him, the small noises she was trying to hold back spurring his hips to rise to meet her with each thrust. Her breathing became erratic, he could tell she was losing her rhythm. She was close. With a low growl, he wrapped an arm around her, pulling her to his chest, and in a swift motion, flipped them over. He slotted the side of his hand into her mouth to muffle her cries as he fucked into her, angling his hips to hit that spot he knew she needed. Muffled squeals escaped past his hand, and he whispered, “cum for me baby, I wanna feel you.” And she did, clenching tight around him, pulling his orgasm from him with her. He still, holding his seed deep inside her, feeling the ripples of aftershocks subside.

He woke as the first sliders of light began to see through the small basement window. He was wrapped around the tiny ball of Kaftherian that was his Ava, who was completely engulfed in the blanket. He smiled and gently ran his hand over her sleeping form before carefully getting up and heading to the bathroom, still naked. He saved himself, washed his hands and rinsed out his mouth, and tried to make his hair look someWhat presentable before coming back out to the main room.

When he got there, Candy was sitting up in her bed. “Morning, sorry.” He said, stepping back and grabbing a towel to wrap around himself. “I didn’t know you were awake.” He said, composing himself again. He glanced at Ava, still in an unmoving ball under the blankets.

“It’s alright, not a bad view.” She said with a cheeky grin. He smiled and let the tension ease out of him. He walked the other side of the room, taking a seat in a chair near Candy’s bed.

After a moment, she spoke again. “That was quite a show you put on last night.” Her voice held no malice, just a statement of fact. Declan blushed immediately.

“Sorry, about that… I hope we didn’t keep you up…”

“Ya did, but it was worth it.” She said with a gentle smile. “I’m not sure I ever saw anything like it.” She said almost sadly. Declan tilted his head; a questioning look on his face. “I’ve seen fucking, all kinds of it. But that, that wasn’t fucking.” She said sitting up a little straighter. “That is what happens on TV in romance movies.” She said, as though he wasn’t sure if she really saw it right. Declan had never seen a romance movie, but the thought rattled around in his brain.

“I uh, I don’t know. That’s the second time we’ve done it like that…” Declan glanced over at his Ava again. “…making love.” He said with a little shrug.

“You really love her, huh?” She said, curious.

“Yeah. I think I do.” He said with a fond smile. “I would do anything for her.”


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