The Devil To Pay Ch. 02

Anne stood before the big gothic door of the large stone building and stared at the list of names. As she might have expected Lucy’s stood out, the name FER in large, red block capitals dominating the white sheet it was written on. Anne looked intently at the name and the button beside it as if that would give her some guidance of what to do. Because she was a confused young woman.

On one hand she hated what had happened to her over the past couple of days, being spanked publicly at a college party then being literally fondled on a public street and humiliated by another young woman was just terrible. But when she thought of the physical arousal her body and mind had experienced it was on a different plane completely from anything else she had ever felt, it made her almost instantly wet between the legs just thinking about what had happened. And she couldn’t stop thinking about it. So on one hand, once again she was keen to put a stop to this whole charade, it had gone on toolong already, but on the other she wanted more. After all if she didn’t want this then why had she painstakingly, last night, done what Lucy had ordered and held all of her pubic hair from her crotch?

After experiencing the most mind-blowing orgasm of her life in the confines of the tiny, horrible cubicle of a pub (the nearest refund she could find after her encounter with Lucy in the street) Anne, had scuttled out ashamed, sure that the patrons of the bar knew what she had just done. She had been assailed by guilt then, determined that she would draw a line under this sordid relationship. But when she passed a pharmacy she remembered Mistress Lucy’s instruction to shake herself and she headed in and bought razors and hair removal cream and while still mentally telling herself she was going to resist she took a hot bath then went to work taking off every visible hair. And then, while still lying in her bath Anne had begun rubbing her newly shorn skin and fingered herself to yetAnother climax. She had never cum as much in her life as this week.

But still when she mustered the courage and pressed the bell there was a part of her that thought she was going to tell Lucy that this was all a big mistake and that if it was all the same to her she would like to call things off now, before they went any further.

And then she heard Lucy’s voice on the intercom. Harsh, trial and demanding.


All her brittle attempts to build up a defence against this girl’s power just washed away. She gave an involuntary start and stammered her response.

“Er, it’s me, er…Anne, er,Lu-, er I mean Mistress Lucy, er…”

“Good, you’re on time, I like that slave. Now get down on your knees and be like that when I come down.”

“Er, what, er, hello?”

Anne stood there wondering if she had heard correctly, knowing in her heart that she had. She glanced around. She was standing on the top of five wide stone steps that came off the sidewalkof a busy enough residential street. Swallowing hard Anne dropped slowly to her knees and prayed that Lucy would not be long. Of course Lucy was more than happy to leave Anne out there for as long as she wanted, watching from her first floor bay window and waiting for someone to come past and speak to this new slave of hers.

“Excuse me Miss, are you alright?”

Anne got the shock of her life at the voice behind her. She turned around and saw a kindly old gentleman that reminded her of her now deceased Grandfather. Panicking the blonde stammered.

“No! No, it’s Ok thanks, er I was just tying my laces, thank you.”

He looked at her long and hard, as if he knew she was lying but eventually just nodded and moved on, continuously glancing over his shoulder as he went as Anne remained submissively on her knees..

“Dumb bitch, you’re wearing slip ons!”

Anne jumped again at this voice and turned to see Lucy standing in the doorway looking down at her.

“Now crawl in here and we can see if you’ve done what I told you.”

Blushing furiously Anne crawled forward into the doorway, her role here already well established.


She had to crawl all the way up to the first floor flat, fortunately meeting nobody on the way before finally crawling into Lucy’s flat. It was an expensive flat, how a college student could afford it Anne couldn’t imagine, certainly she could only hope to have somewhere anything like a nice as this.

“Through to the living room slut and take all your clothes off.”

Lucy’s voice was so sure, so certain, it broke no argument. So Anne offered none. Instead she continued on her hands and knees into a large room that overlooked the high street with a large window and stood up and carefully took all her clothes off, any faux resistance her mind had thought she was capable of all but forgotten. It was only as she stepped out of her panties to stand completely naked in the room that she noticed the TV which was running a hardcore porn DVD. Anne could not help but look at the on screen action as a short haired blonde girl was assailed by three big breasted black women all sporting massive strap on dildo’s. They dominate her physically and verbally, calling her all the degrading names under the sun and fucking all three of her holes with their plastic dicks. Almost without realising it Anne’s hand dropped to her crotch and Despite the fact that if anyone was looking in the window they would get quite the eyeful she began to gently rub at herself while watching the lesbian pornography.

“What the fuck do you think you are doing slave!”

The brutal tone of Lucy’s voice smoked through Anne’s trace like state and snapped her to attention. She began apologising and explaining and stammering pathetically when Lucy flashed her a big, toothy grin.

“I’m just shitting with you bitch. God you are such a fucking feeb., I knew you would like that and I can see you do, I bet you want to know if your Nigger Mistress Lucy has got a big, hard cock like them, don’t you?”

Anne bit her lip, the N word had stung her, she just wasn’t used to it being used. She tried to figure out if she agreed with Lucy whether that might be construed as an insult.

“Um, do you have one?”

Angain she was treated to that big, shit eating grin as Lucy turned away to lift an object from behind a chair, she held it up to her crotch and the phallus jutted out obscenely at Anne.

“Big enough for ya?! Ha! You think you can take this bad boy? Well, we’ll find out tonight won’t we? Before that though I want to make a few changes to your look, that Ok, you trust your Mistress Lucy to do what’s best for you?”

Anne didn’t know what to make of that but agreed nonetheless. Lucy came and stood before Anne and ran her hand over the smooth mound above her pussy.

“You shavled, just like I told you to. Well done. You like it? You like how it feels?”

Still biting her lip (and loving the touch of Lucy’s hand on her bare skin) Anne nodded feebly. Lucy smiled then grabbed Anne’s head and had her stare at the screen.

“You like her, the white girl I mean, you want to be her?”


“See I like her haircut, I like my bitches with nice short hair that I’ve cut, make things more personal for me.”

She was running her hands through Anne’s long, blonde hair as she spoke.

Anne gave an involuntary shiver as Lucy’s hands played with her hair. She had always had long hair, since she was a child. Her mother had loved combining and styling her long blonde locks and it had been her thing. She could never remember having anything other than long hair.

Lucy’s seductive deep voice whispered at her ear.

“If you want to be treated like that white slut you are watching, then you have to make me want to do it too, have to give me something I want. And I want your hair.”

Lucy ran her hands over Anne’s shoulders, then downand cupped her breasts like she was judging them at a slave marker of old, then she ran them down over her hips and finally her right hand played over the bald area above Anne’s pussy.

“After all slave, I took this hair didn’t I? So why wouldn’t you want to please me further? I want to mould you into my slave and that continues by making your haircut my creation. Agree?”

It may have have been couched as a question but in reality Anne knew it wasn’t, she had already submitted to this intooxicatingly powerful girl and they both knew she would do as she was told, Lucy just wanted one more admission of her dominance.

“Yes, Mistress, please cut my hair to your liking.”

The fact was if Anne had had short hair then Lucy would have tried to make her grow her hair long, it was about power and holding power over others. Of course forcing someone to have longer hair was a much longer, drawn out example than this.

“I will slave. Stay there and watch the DVD while I get myscissors.”

Anne stared at the screen where the blonde actress was now on her knees and surrounded by the black fake dicks as they slapped her about the face, spat on her and fight for possession of her gasping, desperate mouth. But as Anne stood there all she could think about was her hair, all the different styles she had had through the years, all the times she and her sister or mother had played with her hair to create different looks and styles. She broke from her reminiscences by a sharp, harsh snap by her ear as Lucy shut a pair of silver scissors beside Anne’s ear.

“They are proper hairdressers scissors and comb you know, you’re hardly the first bitch I’ve shorn.”

Lucy explained before she slipped the blades right into the longest part of the blonde’s hair as it stretched half way down her bare back. Anne felt the cold steel across her skin and shiver again and jumped as they clicked together. Lucy grabbed the long clump of hair as it fell and delighted in bringing it round to display to Anne.

“That’s mine now, seconds ago it was yours, an actual part of you. And now It’s mine, I own it, I can keep it, display it, burn it, whatever I want to do with it.”

Anne remained staring at the screen (where the blonde actress was now gagging on a deep throat of one of the straw on’s) while Lucy spent herself with clipping off hair for the next half hour, carefully keeping every lock she snipped off in a zip-lock clear plastic bag. She was actually quite the stylist, as she had said this wasn’t the first time she had shorn a white slut before but also her own mother had been a hairdresser and Lucy had picked up enough to get by. By the time she finally stopped cutting and combining Anne was left with a cute little pixie cut bob that was Actually pretty professional looking. Certainly she could have left the white girl looking a mess but she would only have done that if she didn’t have further plans for her and given how pathetically submissive Anne had proved thus far Lucy had plenty more plans for her before she would discard her completely.

The DVD was long finished as Lucy turned Anne around and let her see herself in the mirror. Anne was stunned at the transformation, she looked completely different, younger certainly but the short cut also quite suited her. She instantly felt different, as if she had left part of her old self Behind. Without prompting she said.

“Thank you Mistress Lucy.”

“You’ll get plenty chance to thank me later bitch for just now get down on your knees while I think about what we’re going to wear to the party tonight.”

Again Lucy left the room, leaving Anne to her own thoughts, she couldn’t believe she had let Lucy cut her hair and now wondered what her family would say when they saw her next. When Lucy did return she was wearing thigh high black boots, a red latex shorts and a strappy, studied leather top that displayed plenty of her heavenly cleavage, her dark hair waspulled back seriously. She looked amazing. Even more so when Anne spotted the large stick on dildo and harness she held in her hands.

“Well that’s me sorted and I think you can just go as you are slave.”

It took Anne a moment or so to realize what this means, she was going to go out in public wearing not a stitch of clothing!

“No! Er, Mistress I can’t.. I mean you can’t… er, erm, please Mistress.”

Lucy’s thick, red lips curled into a cruel smile as Anne tried to responsibility to this possibility, when in truth there was no way Lucy would let it happen, sure if she was finished with the bitch she was capable of making her go out to a party star naked but not yet, that would just ruin her fun. Still it was also fun to watch her reaction and by threatening such an extreme solution the blonde bimbo would surely be happier to accept Lucy real endgame for dress code to this party. But first a bit more fun. Lucy came up to Anne and glowered down at her then delivered a stinging slap to her face.

“You don’t say no to me slut! Understand? I am your Mistress, your owner, you have willingly given yourself to me to do what I like with so If I tell you to do something you do it. Otherwise just fuck off out of here and never let me see your sorry ass again! Still here? Then I think you need to apologise to your Mistress.”

There was the chance a small part of Anne had wanted, an excuse to call this all off with just a bit of humiliation and a new haircut. Yet she did not move, her cheek went warm from the slap and she looked up at Lucy and pathetically said.

“I’m sorry Mistress Lucy, please forgive me, I’ll do whatever you want.”

“Yes you will bitch, still you’re probably right in one way I don’t want to be see with a bitch with such small titles on show so perhaps I’d better give you the chance to earn some clothes for tonight. Yes, I think I will.”

Lucy walked back and sat in her armchair facing the kneeing Anne and kicked offher boots, she wiggled her black toes at her slave.

“So you get over here and lick my feet, suck my toes, clean between them with that worthless tongue of yours and clean my soles and I’ll give you something to wear tonight. How’s that? Can’t acuse me of not giving you a fair chance, can you?”

Anne was not completely naïve, she had heard and read about people with foot fetishes Before and heard of foot sex but kneeing there just inches away from a pair of sweety, black feet she was faced with something she really did not want to do. And yet she knew another refusal so close to the last would surely be the end of their relationship and wasn’t there something gnawing at her as she thought about doing as instructed? Some deep feeling of humiliation that turned her on? Whatever, she slowly crawled across the carpet and began to lap weakly at her Mistresses right foot with her tongue.

It was as if each lick of her tongue to Lucy’s foot lowered her resistance layer by layer. She soon took her big toe into her mouth and sucked on it sensitively as if she were sucking a small cock. Then her tongue ventured between her toes and licked the space clean then she took all her toes into her mouth, stretching her lips, when Lucy’s foot came out she caught Anne’s nose between her big toe and the next on in and pinched her nostrils closed whilst rubbing her sole over Anne’s mouth. It was humiliating, it was degrading and Anne was starting to get off on it.

She performed similar oral servitude on Lucy’s left foot and when satisfied the black girl pushed Anne back and strode across the room to a cupboard and brought a silver collar and lean out. She tossed them on the rug before Anne and explained.

“There you go bitch, that’s something you can wear to the party!”

The looks of dawning Understanding mixed with pathetic sadness made Lucy laugh even more, that only increased as the now short haired blonde actually lifted the collar up, fastened it aroundund her neck and had the chain and lean fall down the front separating her pert little breasts.

“Aww! Don’t look quite so sad you little baby, I’ll give you a chance to get something else to wear tonight all you got to do is crawl over here and lay a big ol’ smacker on my black ass!”

Anne was astonished at this latest task and just knelt there awestruck as Lucy sexually pulled off those oh-so-tight red shorts from her curvaceous arse and dropped them to her ankles.

“Come on bitch, get your skinny white ass over here and kiss my nigger ass!” there was undisguised relish in Lucy’s voice, she was clearly going to enjoy this.

Anne stared at the expansion of black flesh that faced her and thought this wasn’t the biggest hardship she’d ever faced. She crawled over and planted a kiss on Lucy’s right butt cheat.

“Come on bitch, and the other then do them again but this time nice and sloppy kisses!”

Anne licked her lips and did as she was told and planted severall more kisses on her black Mistress’s arse.

“Yeah, that’s it! I bet you enjoyed kissing my ass didn’t you. Well I’m a woman of my word so for doing that you get something else to wear tonight.”

With that Lucy rummaged in her cupboard again and came out with a really high pair off heeled shoes, they were real ‘hooker heels’ and she tossed them at Anne’s knees.

“See bitch your outfit’s really coming together isn’t it? What’s the matter you still too shy to go out to a party like that? Well I guess you could earn a skirt, how’d that be? You like? Well all you have to do is dig a little deeper this time. You want the skirt, then get your face back in my black ass and this time you lick my arsehole clean!”

Anne was becoming overwhelmed by the depravity of it all, but even more so that she wanted to do these things, she wanted to feel humiliated and degraded by this woman, she wanted to debase herself and was getting off on it. She watched as Lucy turned that big, curvy black ass towards her again and this time reached back to peel her ass cheats apart. In something of a daze Anne crawled forward and dipped her nose right between her cheeks and extended her tongue and began to lap enthusiastically at the other girls shit hole.

The taste and smell were perhaps not as bad as Anne would have imagined but the very fact that she was probing another woman’s anus with her tongue was right up there with the most depraved thing she had done (and that was a list that was rapidly growing since she had first crossed Lucy). For her part Lucy certainly seemed to be enjoying her rim job and was even a little breathless as she gasped.

“Damn girl, you eat ass well! I guess you are going to save me a lot of cash on toilet paper from now on. Oh yeah, just wait until I have you do this after I’ve had a nice big shit!”

Anne recoiled at this but managed to keep her tongue in place and working away until Lucy stepped forward, obviously happy with the job she’d done. This time when she went to the cupboard there was no misdirection and she threw a very short, cheap and nasty denim mini skirt on the floor beside the heels.

“Got quite the outfit now, don’t you? Suits you down to a tee girl, white trash! Anyway, you got one chance now to earn a shirt to wear to go to the party in. You want that? Yeah, I thought so. So here it is bitch, you kneel there and read this card out while I film you and you can have a top. You don’t want to then fine you can go in collar, heels and skirt.”

She handed Anne a card that she had written on earlier in the day, Anne looked at it and goggled, clearly not expecting what it said. She looked up at Lucy questioningly but wasn’t dumb enough to verbally rebel.

“That’s right, word for word, I’ll hold it up here while I film you on my phone, so you going to so it or not?”

Anne thought long and hard, seriously considered going to this party with Lucy topless, she could do it, couldn’t she? But in the end she couldn’t and gave a nod and watched as Lucy took the card back and held it up above her phone while she trained it on her slave.

“All right bitch, let’s do this.”

There was an uncomfortable silence before Anne spoke.

“Hi Daddy, it’s your little Princess Anne here. Just want you to know that I’m a piece of shit whore and that tonight my Nigger Mistress Lucy is going to fuck me harder than I’ve ever been fucked before and she’s going to spank like you should have done when I was younger. I’m her little white fuck toy now! Love you!”


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