The Devil To Pay Ch. 01

Anne looked forlornly around the large room again and fought back the urge to sight. There was no sign of Lisa, the girl she had come to this party with. Anne shouldn’t have been surprised, Lisa had seemed pretty bored with speaking to Anne and had virtually flung herself at the first guy that had chatted her up, they had disappeared to get a drink over twenty minutes again now and Anne felt sure she wouldn’t see her again that night. She shouldn’t have been surprised, although Anne Gill was a beautiful, long haired blonde young woman of 19, she was pretty timing and dull and just didn’t seem able to keep anyone’s attention for long. She had been delighted when her college class mate had invited her along to this Campus event. Had even ruin a dress, a little white number that was daringly high hemmed for her (though nothing worse than anybody else at the party).

She took another sip of her drink, winced again and wished it was lemonade, she never had taken to alcohol much but didn’t think she could admit that in these environments without looking like even more of a dork and looked about for a place she could just put the plastic beaker down and then slip away back to her dorm and maybe do a bit of reading for that test she had in couple of weeks time. And then she stopped dead, seeing for the first time the woman who would come to dominate so much of her life.

She was such a striking figure. A tall, curvy, black girl, high cheesebones, big lips, her hair in braids that were pulled back seriously and clad in a bright red mini dress and long red boots that just demanded attention and she got it from most at the party as she strode into the room. This was Lucy Fer a student on campus that Anne had not crossed paths with she knew, she would surely have remembered such a creativity.

Someone shrieked in the next room and a girl burst through the main room in her bra and panties with two laughing guys pursuing, the game of strip poker they had been having in the kitchen having reached the ‘interesting’ stage. That took attention away from Lucy as the dark girl stalked like a panther through the crowded room. Anne had been diverted too and when the shrinking girl had fled the room Anne turned around thinking again of where to dump her drink only to turn into the advancing Lucy and spill some of her drink.

Most of the spillage was to the floor, a few drops hit Lucy’s boots and a couple landed on her dress. The look Lucy shot Anne was savage and for the next few moments time seemed to stand still for the timing blonde, like the music and noise disappeared further into the background as this fearsome looking girl locked eyes with her, like they were the only two people in the place.

All at once Anne panicked and began to dab hastily a produced tissue on the damp spots on the girls dress, stuttering an apology as she did so. Lucy grabbed the blonde’s wrist and forcibly removed her hand from doing that. There was a surprise amount ofstrength in that grip.

“What. The. Fuck? What are you doing bitch? Copping a feel? Get your fucking hands off me bimbo!”

Her every word was lacened with hard hitting venom and stung Anne. She virtually recoiled away but couldn’t as Lucy kept a tight grip of her wrist. Anne stammered a pathetic, apology.

“S-Sorry. Sorry. I didn’t mean to, I-I’m not trying to, er,ah..”

It was like a light coming on for Lucy, like she suddenly realized what she was dealing with here, she had come across and dealt with this type of girl before and this one seemed even wetter and more wretched and feeble than the others. When she spoke again her voice was, if anything, even more domineering and assertive.

“Do you know how much this dress cost? And these boots? And you just fling your stingking drink all over them? What are you, looking for a fight?”

“No, no, I , er, sorry, I didn’t mean to. I’m sorry, please., I’ll pay to get them cleaned, I’ll…”

Anne broke off as she became aware of others watching on this little drama, this was so embarrassing for her, he hated being in situations like this. Unfortunately for her, Lucy thrived on this type of attention.

“Oh you’ll pay alright girl.”

And with that Lucy grabbed a neary chair sat down in it then grabbed Anne around the waist and easily flipped her over to her and in one fluid movement flipped her over so she was prostrate across the black girl’s knee, her pert bum pointing upwards. Before she had time to react at all she felt the bottom of her dress being pulled up and her bum being exposed and then she felt the warm sting of that big, black palm of Lucy’s slapping down hard on her arse!

She was being spanked. In public.

Finally, Anne began to wriggle and struggle and attempt to escape. But Lucy was too strong for her and easily held her in place and brought down another hard spank then another.

A crowd was gathered around them now, laughing and cheering as the strong black girl treated the preppy blonde with absolute disdain., spanking her like a naughty child. Anne blushed with embarrassment, yes her bottom hurt a bit from the beating it was taking but that was as nothing compared to the humiliation of this. But she was feeling something else too, she couldn’t place it at the time but it was the intoxicating, addictive feeling of arousal and she wasn’t the only one aware of it on some level.

In total Lucy dished out twenty five hard spanks to Anne’s poor bottom, turning her pale arse cheeses bright red by the end and by then the drunken crowd around them were counting along with each stroke. Anne whimpered but had stopped struggle, laying there weakly taking this punishment.

When she was done, Lucy shoved Anne off her and stood up tall over her while the blonde scrambled to her feet from her knees.

“Learn your lesson bitch, don’t spill drinks over you betters.”

Unbelievably, a snivelling Anne sniffed out a lame responsee.

“Y-Yess, S-sorry. I’m really sorry, I didn’t mean it.”

If Anne had been humiliated by being spanked like a naughty child by a girl of the same age at a party, then that pathetic reaction only doubled it. Lucy sneered at her, the watchers laughed at her and she curried away as quickly as she could fighting, and failing, not to cry.

She got back to her room and locked the door After her and hauled off her dress and throw it to the floor and divered into her bed, pulling the covers up and over her head, wanting to hide from the world.

Bu sleep would not come to poor Anne. Instead she was assailed by the events of the evening, the feeling of abject humiliation, the raw power and sexual energy of that girl in red, how hot she had looked, how Anne had felt… And before she knew it her right hand was between Her tights and playing with her clip as she mentally released these events. It was so vivid. At the centre of it all was Lucy treating her like that and how itmade her feel. She simply hated herself for it and revealed in it and she fell off to sleep with her fingers twitching nervously inside her.


“You had no right doing that. I would be within my right to report it to the Police.”

Anne repeated the words as she crossed the street and headed towards Lucy. The dark girl was in the High Street admiring some high heeled shoes in a shop window. Lucy saw the blonde approach in the reflection of the window and smiled, this should be good. She feigned ignorance of Anne’s presence right up until she grabbed her weakly by the supposedr and tried to turn her around. Lucy held her position so that it was her own momentum that turned around making it seems like Anne hadn’t been able to move her at all. She looked at Anne and sneered before saying.

“Oh it’s you, come to apologise again for being so careless?”

“No, I ..”

But under Lucy’s harsh gaze Anne lost her practiced admonishment and just stood stammeringand feeling like more of a fool, while Lucy seemed to grow straighter and taller and more intimidating.

“You liked it didn’t you?”

A pause, Anne couldn’t meet her questions gaze.

“You did, I can tell. It got you excited didn’t it? I bet you rushed home and cried yourself to sleep while simultaneously playing with yourself, didn’t you?”

“I, ah, no, ah..”

Lucy laughed.

“Oh my God, I’m right aren’t I? You got off on being treated like that in public, you freak! You might have stormed over here pretending you were going to confront me about it but the reality is you were hoping it would happen again weren’t you? WEREN’T YOU?”

Anne just hadn’t expected this conversation to go this way (but had she secretly hoped it might?). She wanted to turn tail and run away again but found herself unable to. Instead she just stood there took whatever Lucy said to her.

“I know I’m right aren’t I? I could tell last night you were as submissive as fuck, justa weak willed, lily white prissy little bitch, aren’t you? AREN’T YOU?”


Anne had thought it but recoiled as she actually spoke the word. Shrunk as Lucy gave a crocodile smile and loosed over her.

“What you liked the pain of me spanking your lily white ass or you liked the humiliation of me doing it in front of everyone at that party?”


A black hand came up sharply and slapped Anne’s face hard.

“Which stupid? Which did you like?”

Anne recoiled under this assault, verbal as much as physical.

“Both. Both, I liked you spanking me and I like the fact everyone could see you do it.”

Lucy reached over and took a firm, too firm, a grip on Anne’s hair.

“I know you did bitch, and from now on you refer to me as Mistress. Yes Mistress Lucy, No Mistress Lucy, that is how you address me, understanding?”

Anne stood still and kept her eyes on her shoes and whispered a pathetic.

“Yes. Mistress Lucy.”

And thought how pathetic she sounded.

“Good, you’ll learn, now I want you to reach under that skirt of yours and take off your panties and give them to me.”

Anne stared at her but managed to bite her tongue on the question she wanted to ask. And clearly by the harsh, expected look on Lucy’s face she was going to brook no questions either. .Anne looked around her, they were standing on a busy street which means there were plenty people around but none were looking at them. Feeling a familiar stirring in her crotch she carefully reached under her skirt and very quickly pulled the white, cotton panties she was wearing down to her ankles, stepped out of them and grabbed them in her hand. Lucy smiled and held her hand out expectedly. Anne soon handed them over. Lucy was not worried with hiding what she was doing, instead she held the panties up and examined them.

“Just as I thought bitch, they’re damp, going to deny you don’t get off on this now? Or maybe you pissed yourself, eh? Come on tell me!”

Anne dropped her eyes and wished Lucy would put her knickers down but mumbled her response.

“Yes Mistress, I get off on being treated like this, being humiliated and dominated by you.”

“Hmm. I know. Lift your skirt. Let me see what I’ve got.”

Anne frozen. She couldn’t do this. Not here. Not in such a public place where anybody could be watching. And yet her hands were reaching to the end of her skirt and she carefully lifted it up to her wait to show her Mistress her pussy. She made to lower it but Lucy grabbed her wrist and held it, preventing her as she made show of examining between her legs.

“Hmm, not a natural blonde then? Thought not. Doesn’t matter by the time you report to my flat tomorrow you will have shaken that pussy bald, you hear me? I don’t want a bit of hair on it, understand!”

Stunned, Anne just nodded her agreement feebly and hoped that no one was watching them yet, and amazingly no-one seemed to be. Then Lucy stepped towards Anne and slipped two fingers in between Anne’s wet pussy lips. They slipped in so easily and Anne gave a little surprised gasp as they did and as Lucy finger fucked her thereon the street with shoppers and passer-by’s walking passed the whole time. Lucy held Anne’s gaze and the blonde had to bit her lip and stifle a moan as the pressure in her pussy increased and then was suddenly withdrawn.

Then the sticky, glistening fingers were held up to Anne’s lips. She smelled her own sex on them and trembled as Lucy pushed them between her lips and into her mouth.

“Lick them clean slave” her only instruction.

Anne did it, sucking her fingers like they were a cock. She shivered again and felt a desperate need to play with herself, how she wished Lucy would take the digits from her mouth and once more plumge They inside her cunt and fuck her with them, being in public be damned. But Lucy didn’t do that instead when she removed her licked clean fingers from Anne’s mouthshe used her index finger to point down to her feet.

“And now slave, to show your dedication to serving your new Black Mistress you will drop to your knees and plant a kiss on the toe of each of my boots.”

And the nervous checking out of the people around her before she drops to her knees, pretending she’s going to tie her laces before she stops her head forward to plant a kiss on the patent leather of Lucy’s right boot and then leaning over to do her left one. Then the very audible titter of teenage laughter. Three teenage girls are stopped beside them and have clearly seen what Anne just did and laugh excitedly at her while Lucy just looks down on her slave and snarls.

“Do it again!”

Hating herself she performs the kisses again much to the girl’s amusement and now a couple of other passer-by’s have noticed and watch as Anne stops her face and kisses the black girls boots.

“That’ll do.”

With that Lucy lifted Anne up by her hair and pressed a card that had her address on it into Anne’s hand.

“Now fuck off and you better not be late tomorrow and you better have shaken well, or else…”

Anne curried away, blushing with embarrassment as the small crowd watched her go, but she wasn’t just in a hurry to avoid their looks of derision, no she was in desperate need for something else. Once out of the street and into the next one she ducked into a bar and with no-one paying her any attention she made straight for the ladies toilets. Once there she rushed to the first in a row of cubicles and locked the door violently behind her. Her fingers were at her soaking wet clip before the lock was even in place.

In her mind Anne replayed what had just occurred over and over in her mind then hurried forward with her thoughts to what exactly might happen tomorrow and with a barely stifled cry of release she came in a gushing torrent, spraying her sex juices all over the toilet floor and on the seat of the toilet itself. She felt so dirty, so nasty and loved it. She could not wait until the next day.


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