The Desert Ch. 02

Before you start reading this, I would like to extend my gratitude to the person who helped me with editing and making this story readable. So let’s all give a big hand to AVixenLiterally here on Literotica. Oh, and she’s also an amazing writer, so be sure to check out her stuff!


“Jackie, let him go!”

It was way too early in the morning for this shit. At least Joe Thought it was morning. Being awakened like this always had a quite disorienting effect on him. Not that it mattered. What mattered was that he had been just about to make love to his beloved wife when the communication outside had awakened him. Now he stood in the doorway, dressed in only his uniform pants and with a throbbing boss, looking at Jackie trying to choke the life out of a young man. He looked no more than eighteen, twenty at the most, and was dressed only in dirty rags and wound out shoes. Jackie was going to kill him; he could hear it in the way she grew with practically every breath. The boy had done something that made her mad and she was obviously out for blood. She ignored Joe’s command and continued to apply pressure to the boy’s windpipe. He was still actively resisting, so he wasn’t dying, but Joe knew it wouldn’t be too long.

He raised his voice and used the most authoritative tone he could, learned in the academic a lifetime ago. “Let him go. Now!” He emphasized every word with a step forward and, when finished, he drew and mantled his shotgun.

Jackie frozen and let the boy drop to the ground. He clutched his throat, trying to remember how to breathe. She looked up at Joe with wide eyes and a shocked expression on her face.

“You would shoot me… Over him?” Her voice was full of shock and disbelief. “Really?”

Joe smiled at her. “No, this is in case he tries to run.” He pointed at the boy and told him to stay put. Then he pointed at Jackie. “You, over here!”

She hustled over to him. He pointed at the ground next to himand she knelt. The ground was hard on her knees, even through the army pants, but this was not the time to complain about such things. She knew Joe was already quite annoyed with her.

“What did he do?” Joe’s voice was cold, intentionally.

“He molested me!” Jackie almost shouted – but managed to control herself and keep it to a mere yelp. “And he tried to steal my stuff!”

Joe looked down at her, then over to the boy. The poor kid was still trying to get his breathing back to normal. There was no way that this scrapny little boy had molested Jackie, not in any way she couldn’t have handled without killing him.

“Jackie… tell me what actually happened.” Joe’s voice was calm but his tone was demanding and it was obvious he was not interested in any bullshit.

“He grabbed my ass.” Jackie spoke, her voice low, a near whisper. She had overreacted, knew it and now she was ashamed.

“Break his arm.” Joe’s voice was calm but the tone was so cold and emotionallessit sent chills down Jackie’s spine.

“What?” Jackie and the young boy spoke in perfect unison.

“You wanted to kill him a minute ago. Breaking his arm seems like a fair compromise for molesting you.”

Jackie stared at him in shock and total disbelief. Was he serious? Did he really expect her to just break the boy’s arm, just like that? She looked up at Joe and tried to speak but words failed her. Instead she just let her mouth hang open and shoot her head slowly.

“So are you saying that you don’t want to kill him or even break his arm?” Joe was talking in a much more humorous tone now. Jackie realized he was teaching her a lesson, at this boy’s expense. “What’s it going to be? Did he molest you or not? If he did I will shoot him, right Now, without hesitation. Just say the word.”

Joe raised the shotgun and pointed it at the young boy’s head. He actually pissed himself upon seeing the gigantic barrel pointed towards him. Jackie nearly rose to her feet but stopped herself and remained kneeing, despite the increasing pain.

“Don’t! Please…” she cried out and saw the smile as it spread on his face.

“That’s what I thought.” Joe lowered the shotgun and heard the audible sight of relief from the boy. “Why don’t you tell me what actually happened?”

Jackie told him that she had gotten up to check on the water collector and found an intruder trying to empty it. When she approached he was started and, as he quickly turned towards her, his hands grazed over her ass. The touch had sent her mind into overdrive and when she had pinned him to the ground she felt a hand pressing into her tits, which she was not happy about.

“That’s about when you came out, Sir.” Her voice was strong and very matter of fact. “I apologize for waking you, Sir.”

Joe looked at her with a knowing smile on his face. He just loved the way this woman could change from raging homicidal maniac to loving, caring girlfriend and then to horny, teasing slut, all in the course of a few seconds. She saw his smile and tried her best to frown at him but failed miserably. There was just wasn’t any anger left in her, and what she now felt made her want to rip off his pants and have a long, drawn out session with his dick. But she wasn’t about to let him know that. Instead, what she did was to bend down and kiss his boots. She hoped that this act of submission would be enough to get her out of whatever trouble she was in, but deep down she knew it wouldn’t help her much. It did, however, draw a big smile from him; in her own way she felt it was a small victory.

“So…” Joe tried his best to sound upset with her. “You tried to kill a man for touching your stuff, and when questioned about it you lied, making up a story about being molested? Is that about right?”

She knew there was no way she would win this argument so she figured her best option was to play along and just be honest.

“Yes Sir,” her voice now small and fragile. “You know how I get about my things. And then, when I feel his hands on me… I just snapped. You know… I didn’t really want to want to kill him.”

Joe smiled at her and then turned to the boy, who was still sitting on the ground where Jackie had left him. He was a mess but that wasn’t really surprising, considering what he’d been through in the last few minutes.

“You, what’s your name, son?” Joe’s tone was now calm and friendly.

“Stephen, Sir… I’m Stephen…” The poor boy was still terrified, but tried putting on a brave face. “I wasn’t trying to steal anything. I’m just so thirsty. I’ve been lost in this damn desert for a few days now and drank the last of my water yesterday. I’m not a thief! Honest!”

There was something about this boy that made Joe a little uneasy but he shook it off, ascribing it to the stressful events of the morning. He took a bottle of water from his belt and throw it over to the boy, who greedily started gulping down the clean, some fresh liquid. An idea popped into Joe’s head just then. He wasn’t sure if it was a good one, but it would be amusing at least. And it would hopefully teach Jackie a lesson.

“How would you like to have this lovely woman treat you to a blow job?” His voice was still calm and friendly, but with a slightly humorous undertone.

Jackie’s head snapped towards him so fast he thought she’d get whiplashed. The look on her face was something between shock and disbelief, but her eyes were ablaze with both lust and curiosity. She really didn’t want to get the dirty boy’s cock in her mouth, but if Joe told her to, she knew she would do it. Not out of fear or because she had to but, for a reason she couldn’t fully understand, she wanted to please him.

The look on Stephen’s face wasn’t much different than Jackie’s. He couldn’t make out if the big man with the big gun was trying to set him up for some sort of joke, or if he actually intended to let the beautiful blonde girll go down on him. After a short struggle with himself, he decided to believe the latter and just nodded slowly.

“Well then…” Joe looked down to Jackie, who had her best puppy dog ​​eyes on him, and just smiled. “I think you owe our guest and apology. Don’t you?”

She didn’t want to, but she silently agreed with him as she nodded her head slowly and looked down in shame. Her whole face was dark red and she could feel the burning in her cheeses. Without being told she started to crawl towards the young boy.

Once she got to him he quickly undid his dirty, soaked pants and freed his hard, member. It wasn’t the biggest she’d seen, but it wasn’t shamefully small either. She actually thought she might enjoy having it in her, should Joe let her have the pleasure. With tentative hands she started to slowly rub his cock while she had her tongue taste the head of it. She cringed a bit as she tasted the remnants of his little accident, but she stuck with it, secretly enjoying the added shade of licking his urine from his flesh.

She didn’t enjoy tasting him like she had hoped she would, though she wrote it off as just being nervous. Then, suddenly and completely, she devoured him. In one quick motion she took all of him all the way down her throat and held her face to his belly. Though she started to gag around his cock from not being able to breathe she held firm for almost a minute before she lifted her head, took a couple of breaths and descended onto him again. He wasn’t able to hold on for very long before he filled her mouth with his load and gave a loud grunt as he did so. After swallowing as much as she could she licked him clean and turned around to look at Joe putting a brave smile on her face.

“Good girl!” Joe couldn’t help but be surprised at the sad look on her face but he let it go, thinking she was just ashamed of what she’d done. “You’ve done very well and I’m very proud of you. Now you can go back to your day as you please.”

Jackie thought it over for a few seconds, and the started to crawl back towards Joe, who looked at her with a puzzled look on his face. It wasn’t until she knelt in front of him and started to undo his pants that he understand what she was doing. He smiled at her and she beamed with pride when she saw it.

“I wouldn’t be a very good girl if I didn’t take care of my man too, now would I?” Her voice was husky with desire, the earlier events already but a faith memory, and her eyes glazed over when she freed his rock hard erection from his pants. “Now I do believe this requires some special attention.”

She put her hands behind her back as her lips closed around him. She looked up at him with pleading eyes, and he, understanding perfectly well what she wanted, grabbed a handful of her hair and roughly drive himself all the way down her throat. If not for the fact that she had already had her throat violent by a massive chunk of flesh a couple of minutes ago this probably would have caused her to gag or cought; she took all of him without any trouble.

Joe didn’t want this to be anything else than just a nice, pleasant moment. He wasn’t punishing her or trying to make a point; he had already done that. This was her, willingly giving him what they both wanted and he was truly enjoying every second of it and, judging by the look in her eyes, so was she.

As he felt Her starting to massage his cock by swallowing while it was buried in her throat, he slowly started to withdraw from her. He let her get a couple of breaths in before he once again started to bury himself in her mouth and throat. This time he didn’t stay in once he bottomed out but began to slowly and methodically fuck her mouth. This was all about pleasure and there was no feeling in the world quite like having a beautiful woman on her knees serving you.

Joe wasn’t able to last very long once he let his eyes lower to the woman in front of him. Just the way she sat, hands on herback, eyes looking up at him, she was the most beautiful thing in the world to him. He would love this woman someday, he was sure of that. Now, however, he was way too far along in his pleasure to think about anything but the orgasm he was about to have.

Just as he was about to comment on what an excellent cocksucker she was, he felt the telltale signs letting him know he had reached the point of no return. Once again he pulled her face all the way down to his stomach as his body tensed and he shot his load directly down her throat. She didn’t struggle, didn’t try to pull off, even though she was in desperate need of air. She was confident he wasn’t going to let her actually choke to death though, lost as he was in his own bliss, he forget about her for a moment. It was only when she smacked his legs with her hands that he roused from his ‘coma,’ quickly pulling his softening member from her mouth.

She gasped for air and doubled over in a cought pile on the ground in front of him. He felt terribly guilty at having almost killed her with his desire and was just about to knee down beside her when she forced herself to lift her head towards him and smile.

“Thank… you… Sir…” she said between gasps and cooughs. “That was seriously…” She thought about it for a moment and found the right word “exhilarating!”

Joe looked at her in complete surprise and it must have shown, because she smiled her warm smile at him and shuffled back on her knees. She took his hands in her own and kissed them tenderly and thanked him again. He wasn’t really sure what it was that she was thanking him for but guessed she would explain it to him eventually, once she had calmed down a bit and thought it through.

“You’ve been a very, very good girl, Jackie.” The pride in his voice was unmistakable and she practically glowed with joy as he spoke. “I think you deserve a reward. But it will have to wait until I come up with one worthy of your performance. Is that okay with you?”

All she could do was nod frantically as she rose to her feet and kissed him passwordately. She didn’t quite understand all of what was going on inside her but she was sure that Joe would be able to guide her through it. That thought sent a slight shiver of anticipation through her body and she couldn’t help but kiss him again before quickly running off into the house to get cleaned up a little.

Joe watched her as she walked towards the cabin and was mesmerized by her beautiful, swinging ass. He would never tire of looking at it, or at least he hoped not. It was a thing of beauty and perfection, and the fact that he could play with it whenever he wanted… well, that was just too good to be true; yet it was actually true. He shook his head, trying to clear the naughtiness out of it, and glanced over at Stephen who, having tucked himself away, was looking around at their campsite.

“Where are you headed?” Joe spoke in a friendly voice, but caution and waRiness lay just underneath. “I’m afraid we can’t take you in here. We just don’t have the supplies or the space. But I guess I could fix you up some cooked beans if you’re hungry.”

Stephen had a look of deep gratitude on his face as he nodded his acceptance. He walked over to Joe and shook his hand firmly before they both went into the cabin and sat down by the small table.

When They entered, Jackie was just finishing up gathering all the water she had used to wash herself, collecting it in a big jar. She was going to pour it in the water purifier later in the hope that it would become clean, drinkable water again when she was done. They could hardly afford to waste any water, so she had built the purifier to allow them to wash themselves without depleting the water supplies. She also intended to use it to purify their urine but she hadn’t told Joe that part yet since the process wasn’t completely perfected. Once she had it perfected, she would tell him, after she had tasted the ‘finished product’.

As she finished up, Joe started preparing their breakfast while he carefully questioned Stephen about where he came from, where he was going, and anything else he could think to ask.

Everything about this boy seemed to be kosher but Joe still couldn’t shake the feeling that something was a bit off. Maybe it was that ever-present smile on his lips, although that could be From having just received what was probably the best blow job of his life. Or maybe it was the way his eyes were always moving around, never staying in place for more than a few seconds. It could also be the way his legs were almost constantly shaking, or the way he continued to brush some imagined strand of hair out of his face. Whatever it was, something about him just didn’t sit right with Joe.

He’s crazy, you know… You can see it in his eyes. He’s not crazy. Maybe a little high strung, but who wouldn’t be after wandering this fucking desert without water? Look at the way he’s checking out your gun man! And those eyes… crazy eyes! Just shut up.”

But the little annoying voice in his head had been right. Stephen was glancing at his shotgun every chance he got. What Joe had first thought of as an inability to keep focused on one thing for any period of time was actually an attempt to check out the gun without drawing Attention. Joe decided not to do anything just yet. He didn’t want to jump to conclusions or hurt anybody unnecessarily.

Jackie came back into the cabin after starting the purification process. She could smell the all too familiar aroma of beans being burned on the wooden stove, and she reminded herself that they would have to go to the neary (if you can call a two day hike through the desert neighbor) town and find some other source of food. Anything would be preferable to eating burned baked beans ever single day; morning, noon and night. If she had to stand those damn beans much longer shewas sure she would have a mental breakdown.

Just as Joe was taking the beans out of the stove, Steven suddenly rose from his chair and lunged for the shotgun. He was quicker than he looked and even though Joe was more or less expecting something, he had his hands full and was unable to react quickly enough. The slender youngster dove over the table, knocking down a couple of plates and mugs, and was Just about to get his hands on the prize when one of Jackie’s boots made contact with his ribcage.

The loud thud was quickly followed by an even louder scream as the boy fell to the side, his arms still reaching for the gun. Jackie had kicked it out of reach and was now standing over him, ready to kick him again should he be dumb enough to try anything else. He was, indeed, dumb enough.

Even though His position left him at quite a disadvantage, Stephen made another go for the gun. He crawled, reaching with his arms and paddling with his feet, only to be ‘rewarded’ with anothe hard impact from one of Jackie’s boots. This time she just planted her foot hard on his back, causing him to collapse and give a long, drawn out scream as the air left his lungs.

By now Joe had put the food down and walked over to pick up his gun. He was sure Jackie could keep the boy under control, so he made sure to secure the weapon and survey probably escape routes. When it didn’t seem like Stephen would go for a third attempt, he put the gun on the bed and went over and picked him up by his collar.

Jackie stood back a bit, thought about getting the gun to be able to assist in case there was trouble but decided against it. There was a good reason why she hadn’t picked it up the first time around. Joe was very possessive of that gun, not unlike she was about her contractions, and he would not like for her to be wielding it. Instead she drew her knife and took a position a few feet away from the two men.

Stephen must have realized the battle was lost, because hedidn’t struggle as Joe lifted him by the collar of his shirt and slammed him down on the floor, tying his hands behind his back with a small length of torn clothes. Once the boy’s hands had been secured his ankles received the same treatment. Joe rolled him over on his back and stood over him.


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