–Just to recap my dear husband and I had lied about what we really needed to each other for far too damn long, it all came to a head when I decided to pick up my crazy sex life where I left off and fucked a tone of strangers on a boat,
Hubby John found out and he was truly going to wreck me and leave me, but life, lust and love are more complicated than that.
I had agreed to John’s demands that I be savaged by quite a few people who had always wanted to take their turn on me, I was not supposed to be enjoying myself to please him further but he was right, I was fucking loving it.–
The woman’s voice spoke up again, ‘Awe, you had enough Miko?’ and there was a titter and a murmur sufficient, the soft maddening presence of Miko moved away.
‘Well Tanaka, I guess it’s your turn.’ and I could feel Miko was replaced between my legs by someone taller, willowy, skin taut over long lean muscles. Whoever this Tanaka was, he had to bend low to get his face down to my pussy, he latched his mouth onto my clip and sucked, almost too hard. I cried out at the shock of it, feeling my clipty desire to both grow and escape his now lashing tongue. His long thin fingers latched onto my nipples and twisted hard and out to the sides, I wasn’t sure if he was trying to get me off or if it was a private sadist streak, it didn’t matter as long as I lay there and took it.
His mouth let go of My clip and I felt him stalk around the end of the bar to my head, he slid an erect and already dripping with precum cock into my mouth. I think I only had a chance to lick the head once as it cruised on past to park at the back of my throat. He was long and thin, I mean noticeably so, I could actually still find room to wind my tongue around the shake and back and forwards giving him the best tongue bath I could manage.
He just leaked and leaked precum into my mouth, standing with his hips stock still, almost like he must be gritting his teeth in an effort not to cum. Fuck him, I was going to rinse this kids balls down my gullet, I tilted my head back further and used the edge of the bar to pull myself up and slide the tip of his cock into my throat. He was thin enough that it didn’t quite jam my airways. Constantly I worked the shake with my tongue, sliding this way and that, flattening it out for the most contact, hardening the tip to pull back and trace the vein and glasses. Pulling right back to suckle the tip and then pulling myself forwards to bury him right down my esophagus.
His legs started trembling and he started making a while sound, I could feel his whole torso shaking, his fingers that had been constantly making a sensory mess of my nipples, seemed to now flex and unflex of their own voltage in the air.
Eventually he grunted and gurgled finally almost almost strange a scream in his completion, the stream of constant flow just increased to a deluge with the head buried in my throat, I gulped and gulped as his balls poured forth.
Then he staggered back, it was like I had shocked him with my appetite for his seed.
I used one hand to scoop the last of his goop into my mouth and slurped it down, even as I heard what was later explained to be the word for she devil in my direction.
I was still horny, Miko had left me a raging inferno and Tanaka had done nothing to correct that.
Also I was beginning to Wonder what the time was, they had started in on me at about 2pm, that was my best guess. There was a certain amount of haze when I was lost in orgasm land but most people when shoving their cock in me or stuffing my fingers or tongue up them, only lasted about 3-5 minutes really.
So, combine that with time just laying around waiting for them to get stuck in again, changes in position and so on, I wasn’t sure that we had even been at this longer than an hour, maybe an hour and a half.
At this rate those poor bastards at the bar would be cum, done and dusted before 4pm and that felt a little sad, they had lost after me all this time and fucked me far too little.
This is why you need to pace yourself when trying to degrade a person who wants you to destroy them, you have to hold off on your own ultimate gratification for as long as possible or all parties really will be disappointed. The magic of the fantasy will be stripped away because it was fulfilled too quickly.
I don’t know if Miranda could read my mind but she seemed to sense my body being on edge but my mind frolicking in the fields of mediocrity. I knew it was her without seeing her, she was the one who when handling me onto the pool table was fully dressed still. I went willingly and quietly to my new destination but I did chance a grope or a press or two on her.
The felt of the table top was quite pleasant across my back, I wondered if the sweat would make it itchy or just weird later.
I heard ripping of Velcro and found my body played on top of the pool table, legs andarms parted roughly, hands and feet pulled towards pockets in the corners. Yes!!! Fucking yes, Miranda was here to save the day.
Show them how it’s done lady! The Velcro was tight but only became too tight if I pulled in any direction, as long as I didn’t flinch or cramp all would be well, but dear god it better not be well.
Miranda added something new, something never done to me Before, she added earplugs and then earmuffs over the top. My world went silent. Now my brain was not happy, I had copied just fine without sight but adding total hearing loss? But it was within the rules I had agreed to.
Next came a ball gag. It had little holes in it which would allow me to breathe quite well, I have hurt ball gags before for extended periods of time, it takes a moment to get used to the fact that you will drool everywhere and there is little you can do about it. So I was in a silent lightless place and now silenced for the most part too.
I don’t know whose hand had come down on my belly so hard but at least it had been played out. Oh shit, this was totally new territory, they had stopped short of knocking the breath out of me but it stung the skin. I cried out, I hadn’t meant to and I could hear myself inside my own skull but the outside of my ears didn’t catch it. I also convulsed and that made it apparent I was previously stretched to the limit of my comfort, any twitches would put strain on my outstretched limbs.
I was rewarded for my making sound with another slap, a smaller more feminine hand on my upper thigh. It stung and it came so quickly after the first stomach hit I hadn’t thought it through that I might get hit faster depending on my ability to remain quiet.
The ear muffs were lifted but the ear plugs were not pulled out, Miranda’s muffled voice came to me, ‘Sasha my little slut, we are going to beat you, whip you and do other things to you now for a while. I have put a decibel meter beside your slutty littlehead,’ and she tilted my head to touch my cheek to a small hard metal box of some kind.
Miranda continued, ‘It would be too much to expect you to make no sound at all, but if the meter registers sound over what I have deemed suitable you will receive a punishment suited to the crime.
‘If you can hold your whimpering and your crying to a minimum then there may be some sweet rewards after extended periods of quiet. Do you understand?’
I nodded, some tears leaking down, I was so torn about what was happening to me right now. I wanted to explore new territory but I had absolutely no idea exactly what the landscape would look like. The ear muffs came down again and I was left to my fears for a few seconds.
The flogger was not unexpected, I couldn’t hear the wind up whirl of it but the soft fronds of a light flogger skipped and caressed over my breasts, stomach and pussy with some skill, not Miranda grade skill I was sure but some thought and variation was applied.
I twisted this way and that but not away from it, rather I was trying to chase into it, the small stings becoming a cacophony of sensings. With myself laying flat on my back, the flogger was not skimming my body but mostly coming to a thudding stop.
I don’t know why my chasing after the sensing was such a problem but this seemed to piss them off for some reason and the flogger ceased it’s cascade of singing biting little ticks and I quietly whimpered or at least what I hoped was quietly whimpered into my ball gag.
It must have been quiet enough because I didn’t immediately receive a puzzle blow.
Or so I thought.
I heard a ‘clack’ from what seemed a long way away and felt a very short rumble on the pool table cloth followed by a cold fist smoking into my pussy. Holy shit! Somebody was trying to use my cunt to pot a pool ball.
They definitely succeeded in getting a true yelp from me which in turn gained me another pool ball smoking up into my pussy.
I fucking held it this time, well, almost. A tiny tiny squawk into the ball gag. It must have been quiet enough because there wasn’t another one.
I felt teeth come down on one of my nipples and another set of teeth come down on the other, gentle at the beginning and fast moving to pain territory tug of war began and the object was not to make the other lose but for me to cry out too loud.
I knew they were not allowed to permanently mark me and most likely not allowed to draw blood so I felt like I could hold my tongue for some time, especially after Miranda had been at me poolside on my ear.
How, the fuck, did she know that was what I must have been thinking about? Because I am certain it was her cruel finger tips that sunk into both my ear tips and started to grind that burning sensing afresh.
The tug of war was getting under my skin, the constant repositioning of teeth for a better grip and the holding of my boobs meant that I was able to translatete the sensings eventually into pleasure. Someone at the other end between my legs must have spotted this situation because one of the pool cues was slowly eased up my dripping cunt and a vibrator applied to my clip. I groaned, I tried to keep it low but with the earmuffs on it was just so hard to gauge it.
The nipple play kept on and the pool cue slide faster and faster, the digging into my ear tips was the only thing holding my orgasm at bay, one body site too many to find my way through to falling off the edge.
Then Miranda must have decided I had been good and quiet enough, because she stopped messing with my ears and I rolled over the edge, I tried to grunt my way through it and just whisper, ‘fucking yes, motherfuckers, yeeeees!!!’ I wanted to thrash my torso around but doing so would have ripped my own nipples off.
I must have gotten too loud because next thing I know there is no one touching me a split second before a shock wand went off on the underside of one of my breasts.
I screamed, my nipples had blood rushing back to them making them sing like wasps had joined us, I was cumming from being fucked with a pool cue and being zapped with a violent wand.
Of course for my translation the violence wand hit another body site, underside my feet and my orgasm was over.
Four more snaps of the wand on my skin for good measure and I learned it is possible to string screams of pain in your own throat.
The ball gag was unstrapped, my earmuffs were lifted and my blind fold was taken off too. The lights above the pool table blazed into my retina’s and I turned my head to give my eyes some relief. To my right between very shallowly open lids were what I could only assume was an Asian set of twins, Tanaka and Miko. and then there was Carol and Marlon.
I turned my head to the other side and I could see a handsome young man with a soft face who was most likely Robin, Jill my housekeeper almost wrapped around her husband Diego, a woman I rarely recognized who had used the straw on and Jacob my brother in law.
Right between my legs at the base of the table setting up some sort of machine was Miranda.
Everyone was clothed, well, mostly clothed, strap on lady was just letting the large cock dangle out of her flies an there didn’t seem to be a sock on a foot between them.
I felt revulsion for Marlon all afresh, being able to see him was exactly the horror he was supposed to be, never ever did I really want to fuck him, it was just, I, had to. Hubby said so, and it just flushed me again with pussy juice. I needed this bulky corporate man to fucking rap my pussy.
I wasn’t supposed to say anything but damn it I tried giving him the look, eventually I just gesturing to him and he perked up, came over and stood looking down at me.
I nodded at my legs with their straws and he laughed, ‘No, I am not going to be the one to untie you.’
I shook my head and then tried round two, I looked pointedly at his crotch and licked my lips, then opened my mouth wide thrusting my head in the direction of his crotch. God I didn’t want to suck this guy and yet, it was like his fat and slick with my grease cock was all that existed in the universe.
‘You like chunky boys do ya? Fuck me but I swear no one would have ever guessed!’ he grew out and reached down to unzip himself.
He pulled out the cock that had been such a thick piece of meat, in its semi flaccid state it was unremarkable except for my correct assessment, there was a large mole right on the side with little hairs coming out of it. I almost chucked up at the thought of it.
‘Carol, could you loosen her left arm a bit? I wanna slide this sluts mouth over here to go to work.’
Carol beamed at him, ‘Would you care to use that rod on me when she has you up to size? I think Mariah has other plans for her pussy.’
I looked over to Mariah working, she was attaching two fleshy dildos to the machine and it did indeed look like she was almost done.
Carol had adjusted my left arm strap allowing me to scoot closer to the right side of the table, one of Marlon’s hands grasped the top of my head and twisted my face around so my cake hole was available.
‘Open’ he commanded and I was only too happy to oblige, he slid that slug inside my mouth and pushed my head into his belly, ”Yep, damn that is the business.’ he said like he was enjoying a fine meal.
He was growing quickly to size and that mole with it’s hairs was expanding to, it rubbed on the roof of my mouth and the back of my throat making me want to throw up again all afresh.
Carol tapped Marlon on the arm, ‘Ok big boy, don’t you go losing that nut of yours down her throat, I want that for me.’
She pulled him away to the couch and lay him down to straddle him. With him on his back his belly could expose more of his thick cock. She placed it, wobbled backwards and forwards to try to seat it just right and then tried to sit on it.
‘Oh shit Marlon, this might take a minute!’ Carol almost hisssed, ‘bare with me now.’
Marlon grunted his assent and then she finally managed to relax and he slide home and inch, she wiggled her hips setting back again and again till eventually she managed to get more of him than I had.
I love watching two people fuck, there is something extra sweet about seeing this fifty plus lady getting some decent cock. But my attention didn’t last there long because Mariah was done with setting up the new toy and had plans for the rest of us.
Miranda let all of my bindings go, flipped me onto my knees with encouraging slapses and set me up to receive what I would like to call ‘Ramjam 3000’
I had a stool shoved under my hips so I couldn’t put them down no matter what and then the rest of me was strapped down to make sure there was no escape.
The machine was wheeled forwards and the others were encouraged to crowd around.
‘Ok,Here is how this works, we will get her all excited and lubed up with Jacob and Tanaka and Diego getting up on the table and blowing a load each, one in her cunt, and two in her arse. That should give her enough to handle the second part of the game.
Mirada turned to the ladies, ‘here is the remote, you can set it to whatever speed and depth you like, it will fuck her arse and her pussy at the same time no matter which setting. She has to tell you how many strokes away from cumming she is and you control the machine. If she cums within two strokes of her guess then she wins the right to take a break or have the machine set to her speed of choice for another orgasm.’
Miranda grinned, ‘But you have the control of the speed and depth of course, so when she tells you where she is at, you can either pull the speed or increase it depending on what you think her body would hate.’ If she fails entirely to cum, she has to lick your pussy till you cum with the machine turned off, oryou can just use the violence wand or flog her, essentially just make up a great little punishment.’
Miko didn’t fully understand so Strap On explained it again for her. Miko’s eyes grew wide and then she laughed that little laugh they all seemed to when highly amused but embarrassed. So damn cute. I started leaking immediately.
Miranda patted the table, ‘Up you get gentlemen, get hard and give the Slut a load, she is going to need it.’
Jacob was quick to oblige, he plunged his semi hard dick into my pussy till he was as hard as before and then thumbed it into my arse. G’damn it, he really was so close to my hubby in size and length, so it wasn’t the easiest fit.
I had to do the push down and back to make it fit, then my sphincter let go and let him in.
There was that build up of heat and friction, I could feel my pussy leaking down my thighs, this functional fucking was like I was being sacrificed to the machine god behind me. I groaned as I felt his jizz srush inside me, I was surprised how quick he had cum, but it was probably for the best considering his size.
Tanaka enjoyed the gentle stroke of his cock while standing next to Miko but he stepped up to do his duty. He seemed to like the classes and slide home in my pussy again, this time I had seen him and appreciated his fine almost porcelain like skin. He took longer, long enough that I thought I might have to hold a little orgasm in. I knew if I snuck one now with the boys it might not go so well for me. Nevertheless my breathing was a rasp, I was very close as he found completion.
Jill cheered Diego on as he stepped up, ‘Go on babe, use her arse, stretch her out.’ He did his best, sliding into Jacobs previous load. It felt magical to me, I was slick from it, so no chance of tearing. But I think washing his cock in someone else’s cum bothered him because his hardness dropped away a little. I think Jill must have sensed it because she got up here with us all and kissedhim furiously ‘You shove that gorgeous fucking cock up her arse my love, she doesn’t deserve to have your babies. Use this cum dumpster shit hole, show me how it’s fucking done.’
It was all he needed, hell it was all I needed, he heaved his load from his ball sack into my trash heap of an arse, it must have been a good one because I was leaking proper from both orifices.
I also held off my orgasm with some struggle because if I did, I might flush the precious liquid out of me.
I knew what was coming up, well I thought I did but those ladies were far more brutal than the men. The lads retired to the bar to have another drink and to sit back and observe both what was happening to me and between Carol and Marlon.
‘Go on Marlon fucking giving it to her, every one needs a bit of solid fucking!’ said Jacob with a grin and Marlon grinned back at him thrusting his hips weakly but repeatedly into the older lady working hard on riding him. Marlon took a wide hand and slapped her arse, not too hard, affordable action more like and Carol fucking loved it, she groaned out, ‘Fuck yes you dirty bastard, god your cock is a revelation, I’m going to cum at least another two times on this cock or I better before you lose your load, you hear me?’ and he nodded.