The Dentist Ch. 1

This is a story straight from my imagination. Any correlation between the players in this story and actual people is purely coincidencidence.

Enjoy J

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The date is March 18th. Arianna looks to her calendar to see what appointments she has scheduled for the day. “Lets see here, Board meeting at 9am, what a way to start the day…ugh! Finance at 11am, that’s Not too bad, Lunch with Dave Conner…BORING! Wait, what’s this? Dentist at 2pm…hhhmmmm…Dr Jake…..” Arianna leans back in her plus executive leather chair and lets her mind wander for a while. In her minds eye she can picture him, Jake Mathews DDS, 6′, all muscled and tan. Rich, dark, hair and those piercing, warm brown eyes. That air of rugged Male authority that fascinates her so much. Being CEO of a major corporation, she meets so many wishy-washy people. People that she has to be in control of all day and often well into the night. But there is something different about Dr. Jake. He always seems to bein control, especially with that assistant of his

The day goes better than Arianna expected. The board meeting was quick and painful. Finance found an error in the company’s favorite, that’s good. And Dave actually had something competent to say. “All in all, not a bad morning.” And she gathers her thing to leave.

“Tammy, I have a dentist appointment, I can be reached via my cell if it gets really bad here, but only if you feel you REALLY need me ok? I’ll probably be out the rest of the day,” she tells her secretary.

“Sure thing Ms. Gallagher” is Tammy’s cheerful reply.

Arianna leaves the office knowing that Tammy can handle what ever comes along and will hold off till tomorrow those things that need the boss’s attention.

At 1:50pm Arianna pulls into the parking lot of the denists office, gets out of her car, and checks her appearance in the tinted windows of her car. She is not what anyone would consider tall by any means. But she is very pretty. Long, dark, auburn hair, that curls just above her slightly rounded hips. She is wearing a flowing, sheer white bloom under her favorite navy blue suit. The skirt is just long enough to end just under the jacket line. Simple, but classic rope chain necklace with matching earrings. For some strange reason she feels she needs to look good for the Dr. Even though he has never shown any interest in her other than professional. It just matters to her that she looks right. After checking her makeup, she goes into the office.

Arianna signs in at the desk, smiles pleasantly to Carol, the office admin, and take a seat to wait her turn. It is not long when ‘Ms. Thompson’ as she insists on being called, calls Arianna in. Ms. Catherine Thompson, dental assistant, could be a good-looking woman if it weren’t for that severe hairstyle, a serviceable bun wound tight at the nape of her neck and those shoes she always wears, “sensible I understand,” she thinks. But couldn’t they be a little stylish? Andwhat’s with those glasses? As she passes Ms. Thompson, her last thought is “I swear, if she shoves me down in that chair so roughly one more time I am just going to have to complain to the Dr.”

She takes Arianna to room 4 today and tells to her to take a seat. Halfway to completely sitting Ms. Thompson clicks her tongue and give Arianna a push, roughly putting her in the chair. While affixing the paper bib, Ms. Thompson catches a small amount of Arianna’s hair. When Arianna says something about it, Ms. Thompson simply replies with a cold look and a scornful “sorry” “That’s it!” thinks Arianna. “I don’t like sounding like a three year old, but I’m telling!” she thinks to herself.

After sitting for about five minutes and stewing about the assistant’s attitude, Dr. Jake comes in. With a bright cheerful smile he says, “Hello Arianna, how have you been?”

“Not to bad Dr. but I do have a complaint I need your help with.” She says.

“Oh, what seems to be the trouble?”the Dr. inquires taking a seat in his rolling chair and sliding up along side his patient.

“Well Dr. I don’t want to sound children here, but it’s your assistant, Ms Thompson. Every time I come here, she pushes me into the chair, she is always giving me dirty looks, and today when she was putting this bib on me…well, I am not certain that this was deliberate, but she pulled my hair.”

“Oh, dear me, I have been having some problems with her attitude of late, I promise I will have a talk with her and take care of everything. Now then, let’s have a look at those pretty teeth of yours, shall we? Lean your head back and open wide for me.”

She opens her mouth as the Dr. reaching to the tray and picks up the metal hook-looking thing and starts to poke around at her teeth. This gives Arianna ample time to take a deep breath and relax. She can smell his cologne and thinks, “Flannel, mmmmmm my favorite”

“Uh oh, seems you have developed a cavity, Let’s get an X-Ray just to see how far it has gotten”

“Do you think it’s bad Dr. Jake?”

“It doesn’t look that way, but let’s see what the X-Ray says and I’ll let you know. I will send Patricia in to take it and while we’re waiting for the film to develop I will have a talk with Ms. Thompson, ok?”

“Do you feel it necessary to do that now Dr.? I mean, well, I mean You seem to be in a good mood, I wouldn’t want to spoil it.”

“I feel it is necessary to always take care of problems as this right away to prevent further occurrences.” He says with a comfortable smile.

“As you wish Dr. it’s your office.” She says returning his smile.

Before getting up, Dr. Jake pats her on the shoulder and reach behind the chair and turn the dial and the Nitrous tank. Just enough so that when he returns his patient will be completely relaxed with out being incoherent, and leaves to go have that talk with his assistant.

“Pat, will you please take an X-Ray of Ms. Gallagher’s fourth lower occupitalmolar please? She’s in room 4 today.”

“Sure thing Doc.” Is Pat’s happy reply.

“Catherine, could you please come to my office, I need to talk to you.”

“Yes Dr.”

As they enter his office he tells her take a seat. “Catherine, we have a problem here.”

“What’s that Master?” is a breathy response to the stern look she is getting. Knowing that that bitch in room 4 told on her and hoping that being coy will get her out of punishment.

“How long have I been your Master Catherine?” he asks.

“For just over 2 years Master” she says lowering her eyes submissively, but less than respectful.

“And how long have I allowed you to be my assistant here at the office?”

“For just over 6 months Master.”

“And what have I always asked of you in regards to my patients?”

“Be polite and respectful, and not let them know that you are my Master, the owner of this slaves body. And that any infection of these rules will result in immediate discipline.” Is her submissive reply.

“That is correct Catherine, however, I have noticed over the last several weeks, a slow change in your attitude regarding my patients. Today Ms. Gallagher has complained about you. What do you have to say for yourself slave?” he says looking displeased with her.

Just under her breath she says to herself “uppity bitch” and then a bit louder she answers “I am sorry Master, there is just something about her that, well, I don’t know, she just pushes all the wrong buttons in me Master.” She says, trying to look contrite.

“First of all, I hear that! I do not have an ‘uppity bitch’ for a patient. You will come with me to room 4 and assist with what will appear to her as a filling, but will actually be your punishment, is that Understood slave?”

“Yes Master” is her only response.

“For now though, you will wait over there in the corner, on your knees, with your hands locked together behind your head until I return then. Is that understandd slave?”

“Yes Master.” Is her answer and she moves to the corner to take her place and instructed.

When he has made certain that his slave has taken the order position he leaves the office to see if the film for Arianna is ready.

“Pat, do you have that film for me?”

“It’s hanging up in the viewer Dr.” she answers brightly.

“Good, now then ladies” he says rubbing his hands together, “as Ms. Gallagher is my last scheduled patient for the day, I am feeling in a general mood. Have the rest of the day off, with pay of course, and get out and enjoy the sunshine. Ms Thompson will remain to assist me with anything I might need.”

With a whoop of joy, the girls gather their things and leave. Dr. Jake makes certain that the office door is locked and that the ‘Closed’ sign is in place before going to get his naughty slave.

“On your feet slave and follow me. NOW!”

With out a word, she complies.

Before entering the room he quietly tells Catherine to wait in the hall till he calls for her. She stand with her hands folded in front of her and her head and eyes downcast.

“Well Arianna, lets have look, shall we? Hmm, not to bad, you don’t need a full filling, so I won’t need to give you any Novocain and I promise that it won’t hurt a bit, ok?”

“What ever you think is best Dr. Jake.” She says a bit breathy, feeling completely relaxed.

“I will need Ms. Thompson to assist me though, I hope you won’t mind? I did talk to her and she promised to behave.”

“Hmm? Oh sure, whatever.” She says with a passive wave of her hand.

Dr. Jake goes into the hall and tells Catherine that it is time for her punishment to begin. He tells her to take off her panties right there in the hall and leave them on the floor.

“When we go back in here, you will not speak unless spoken to. You will call me Master at all times and do everything I say or your punishment will be worse. Is that clear slave?”

“Yes Master”

She slides her panties to the floor and steps out of them leaving them where they lay, and they go back into the exam room together.

“Ok Arianna, just sit back, and relax for me. Catherine, Ms. Gallagher needs only the partial filling, will you prepare the compound?”

“Yes Master” is her answer and she goes to the counter, appearing to comply.

Arianna giggles. “Did she just call you Master?”

“Yes she did.” He says smiling. “You see Catherine here is and has been my slave for the last 2 years. You understand what that means, don’t you Arianna?”

Again she giggles and says “Sure I do, I’ve been around, I know what it means. She is not just your assistant here; she is also your ‘sex slave’. I hope you spank her good for the way she has treated me.” Again she giggles.

With a smile he asks, “Would you like to watch me spank her? Just so you can be certain her punishment is what you think the offence deserves.”

“Are you kidding me? If I thought it would help, I would give her a few licks myself” and with this she giggles again.

After hearing Arianna giggle so often, he feels he has let enough Nitrous gas into the room and turn the tank off.

“Now then, first thing I am going to do is, fix your tooth. Since we can’t have you moving around too much and I am not going to give you any Novocain, I am going to stick you down a bit. I promise that it won’t be tight and that it is for your protection. I wouldn’t want you to move causing me to slip and make you need more work than is necessary, ok?”

“Yes Dr. Jake.”

“Good girl. Catherine, will you please stick Ms. Gallagher’s legs down for me, while I take care of her arms?”

“Yes Master”

“Arianna, will you please spread your legs to the edge of the chair so my slave may strap you down?”

“Yes Dr. Jake.” And she spreads her legs till she feels her ankles bump against cold metal.

Catherine ties Arianna’s legs to what feels like stirrups while Dr.Jake ties her arms down to the arms of the chair.

“Comfy? Good, now that you are safe Arianna, I want to ask you to help me with Catherine’s punishment. Since you are the one she offended after all. Can you do that for me?”

“I think that is going to be a bit difficult since I can’t move now”

“Your part is easy. All you have to do is lay back, relax, and she will do all the work. Ok?”

“I don’t quite understand, but if you think it will help with her attitude, sure, why not J”

“Catherine, take off Ms. Gallagher’s shoes and then come stand over here and raise your dress”

“Yes Master”

Once she complies with the order, Dr. Jake stands next to her and starts to explain.

“Arianna, this slave has offended you. Her humiliation will be the start of her punishment. She does not like showing her pussy to my patients, do you slave?”

“No Master” she answers with her head respectfully bowed.

“She also does not like to have peoples feet on her, but what I am going to have her do is rub her slaves pussy on your feet and list the rules of her encouragement. Is this acceptable to you? I would not wish to do anything here that would offend one of my favorite patients”

“If this is to be her punishment then so be it, I’m game Dr. Jake,” she says with a flirtatious smile.

“Good. Slave, I want you place your pussy over Ms. Gallagher’s big toe on her right foot, once there you will recite the rules.”

“Yes Master” and she steps away to comply.

“Feel free to tease her clip while she does this Arianna.”

With her pussy in place she begins the rules. “This is my Masters pussy, to do with as He sees fit. This slave will do what ever and whom ever, Master tells her to do with out hesitation. Even the slightest hesitation will result in discipline that Master deems appropriate. This slave dresses for Masters pleasure. This slave is not allowed to wear panties unless for work and then only after gaining permissionon to do so. This slave may be told at any time to remove her panties so that she may be fucked by or for Master. This slave is not allowed to orgasm unless told to by Master or whom ever he chooses to use her. The pleasure is in the serving. The serving is the pleasure”

While this is happening, Dr. Jake stands behind Arianna and starts to slowly rub her shoulders and watch as Arianna wiggles her toe and his slave’s juices drop all over Arianna’s toe. Once the rules are finished he tells his slave “Now, I want you to raise your dress over your ass, bend over and suck all your juices off Ms. Gallagher’s toe. I am going to give you 10 whacks with my hand. If Ms. Gallagher tells me that she feels your teeth, even a little, I will let her give you the next 10. Is that clear slave?”

“Yes Master” and she lifts her dress, bends over and starts to suck on Arianna’s toe.

Dr. Jake steps to the side of his slave and starts to spank her. Each hit is harder than the last, and bytime he has reached number 10, the slave’s ass is a nice rosy red.

“Arianna, did you feel this slaves teeth at any time?” she just shakes her head no “Now slave, I want you to walk over and show your ass to my patient. Once she has seen the marks of your punishment, we will continue” “Yes Master” is her only reply.

Catherine walks to the front of the chair, turns and raises her dress to show off the red marks inflicted by Dr. Jake’s hand.

“And what do you say slave?”

Catherine looks at her feet and say, “This is the evidence of my punishment. It is meant to teach me my place in Master’s life. This slave is very sorry for being rude to you and will now take another 10 whacks from Master’s paddle.”

“Slave return here and bend over. Place your hands on either side of my patients ankles and hold the rails that are there.” “Yes Master”

She walks back to her Master with out letting her dress down, bends over and take hold of the rails. Dr. Jake goes toa tall cabinet, removes what looks like a metal brief case. Placing the case upon the counter, he opens it, turns and shows the contents to Arianna. The sight that greets her is exciting and scary at the same time. The case contains a black leather flogger, some anal plugs in different sizes, a speculum, a large dildo, and a wooden paddle. He places the case back on the counter and returns to the cabinet and come back with some leather cuffs, 2 sets of nipple clamps, and a pair of scissors. All of which he places on his dental tool tray. He takes the leather cuffs and affixes them to Catherine’s wrists and then to the rails.

“This is to ensure that you do not put your hands in my way slave, now spread your legs and place them on the marks that are on the floor.” she does this and he takes a second set of cuffs and attaches her ankles to rings that are sunk into the floor. “This will keep you from closing your legs slave. Now, place your mouth over my patients toes on her left foot and start sucking.”

Dr. Jake starts the spanking again this time with the wooden paddle from the case. The sound of the wood hitting flesh echoes off the walls. By the time Dr. Jake has given his slave 5 whacks she is breathing rapidly and licking furiously. By whack seven, Arianna yelps and tried to jerk her foot away, only to be stopped but the restraints. Dr. Jake stops and looks at his patient.

“What’s the matter Arianna?”

“Teeth! I feel her teeth”

Dr. Jake goes to the case on the counter and take out one of the anal plugs.

“I told you slave, No Teeth! What do we do for use of your teeth?”

“This slave will endure anal plugging with only Master’s spit for lube and an additional 10 whacks”

“Correct. I am now going to insert this anal plug in my slave’s ass Arianna. When I am done, I am going to have her apologize properly”

“What’s a proper apology for biting?”

“You’ll see, and I bet you like it” he says with a sly grin.

Once the plug is in place, Dr. Jake goes to the back of the chair and flicks a switch that starts to raise the metal bars that are attached to Arianna’s feet. She can now see that, Yes, she is in fact strapped to OBGYN stirrups. Just as she wonders how high her legs can be lifted with the slave’s wrists attached to the outside side of her ankles, the device start to slides in, thus bringing her knees closer to her chest and then spreading farther apart. Her legs now spread wide and her ankles in the air, she feels more like she is at the gynecologists’ office rather than the dentist. Suddenly aware that her silk covered crotch is fully exposed, not only for Catherine’s view, but Dr. Jake’s as well, she starts to fidget. “What will he think when he sees the growing wet spot there?” she thinks frantically.

By this time, Dr. Jake has taken his former place behind and to the side of his slave.

“Now then slave, apologize to Ms. Gallagher properly.”

With this Catherine lowers her head and places her mouth directly against Arianna’s panty covered crotch and starts to lick rather enthusiastically.

Arianna gasps and grips the armsrests of the chair tightly and instinctively raises her hips.

Dr. Jake smiles appreciatedly and continues the spanking. Every strike causes the slave to press her mouth closer and harder against Arianna’s panty clad pussy. Suddenly, Arianna starts to moan and bounce her hips wildly as the first of many orgasms that she will have today, hits her hard.

By time Dr. Jake had finished his paddling, Arianna was nearly incoherent with ecstasy.

He stepped up to Arianna and smiled down at her lovingly. “Is it safe to say that you accept her apology?” All she could do was nod and quiver.

End Part One.


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