NOTE TO READER’S: All people in this series are real. Snow White was married to a selfish and poorly endowed man.
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Adrift in a storm of emotion, Snow White, overwhelmed by the birth of her new found sexuality ponders the forces of nature that led her prince to her door. True, she had long suspected that something was missing in her life – – but until meeting this man, this resplendent man, she couldn’t have imagined the fullness of the love from which she had been so long deprived. Could the prince know the heights to which he has brought her and the depth of her feelings for him? Does he know that his touch turns her blood to molten lava? His kisses turn her liquid, drawing forth a password that has been so long denied. The mere sound of his voice is enough to cause her to become damp with need. The unbridled password that she feels in his arms cannot be expressed in mere words. He has brought her to a place that she never knew existed, and unlocked a worldd of desire that she could never have imagined.
Does the prince know what it is that draws her to him like a moth to a flame? While he may believe that it is the stormy password of their lovemaking, and the new found world of orgasms that brings her to him time and again, in truth it is not. Snow White is drawn first to his strength, a trait previously devoid in her encounters with the dwarfs. It is his power and vigor that Attracts her wear heart, so used to weak men who needed her for everything. Having powered so many for so long, Snow White felt empty and alone. However, upon meeting the prince, she learned that someone could energize her, and he in turn learned to look to her for love and support in facing the world.
The second trait of our prince that attracts Snow White is his password for life and for her. Never before had a man touched her so intimately, boring into her very soul with each tender care. The heat that ignores between them is akin to an out of control forest fire, ravenous in its need to consume and be consumed. The third trait that draws our shy princess is his sense of adventure, fun and humor. Only he could coax her to venturing out in public without underwear. Only he could tease her into sucking him off with her head in his lap while driving back from an evening of fun in the city. Only he could cajole her into venturing into a sex store with its rows of dildos and vibrators, candles and jellies, a retail experience never before seen by our pristine princess.
Never before has Snow White felt so accepted and yet so challenged to test the boundaries which previously had defined her life. Her lack of sexual experience had always left her feeling bereft. She had actually questioned at whether she was frigid, so fearful was she of intimacy. The effect of these feelings bore heavily upon her heart. Previously, Snow White had been repulsed by the very idea of a sexual encounter with her former husband, the toad. She had only gIven oral sex when made by a sense of guilt and then only for the shortest period allowable, and never to fruition. Now, Snow White loves nothing more than to sit at the feet of her master, his erect cock in her mouth, sucking and licking for all the world to see. She lives to taste his cum, to feel it run down her throat and drip from her lips. She cannot seem to quench the thirst she has for him – his scent, his taste and his texture are all the sustenance she craves.
Snow White finds pleasure in every moment spent with her handsome prince. His long, stirring looks across a crowded room lets her know what he is thinking. His care, often innocent to the unknown passerby, ignites a password deep within her. Often, she has felt the wet heat that originates at her center with only the slightest brush of his hand on the side of her breast. She craves that moment when he enters her, opening her to his thrusting cock. With each stroke, the password builds within her, consuming herand leaving her devoid of any of her senses, except for the throbbing of her aching pussy, until such time as he will fill her again. She wants nothing more than to impale her body upon his rod, squeezing him until he too can feel the power of the orgasms that rock her world.
Our princess wonderers how she could have survived for so long without his touch. In the past it was not uncommon for her to go for days – even weeks without the touch of a man, and even longer without feeling someone’s lips upon her own. Now, she craves his touch like a starving man craves noblement. Late at night she aches to have his arms around her and to feel his strong hands upon her soft skin. She longs to kiss him, to taste him and to touch him. She wants nothing more than to run her hands over his chest and down his supplies body, arousing him in a way that will lead to pleasure for both of them. A woman with a gentle heart and soul, our princess has willingly given her heart to this man who so commandingly take her body. Never submissive in the past, Snow White joyfully submits to his lead, astonished at her willingness to serve his needs and desires, while always trusting that he will love and protect her and keep her from harm. The smile that spreads across her face as she shyly casts her eyes downwards speaks of the knowledge that her touch has on him. The giggle that accompanys her eventual submission speaks to her excitement as to what envelope is to be pushed next.
The transformation of our princess from dowdy dowager to sexy seducer has not only been fast but it has reached to the very core of her heart. Now she walks with a confidence never before seen, and often in high heels that would have left the dowager shaking her head. Now she smiles with the fullness of the love in her heart. Several friends have commented on how she now glows with a newfound happiness. She knows that she merely baskets in the heartth-fire of his love. While she enjoys the attention she receiveives from others, she looks to her prince for the smile that lets her know that she has pleased him. These changes are accompanied by a bit of trepidation for our princess. Our princess has begun to experience pleasure in a way only previously fantasized about. Now she becomes aroused upon hearing the sound of his deep voice. His slightly touch leaves her aching for more.
Recently, she experienced an orgasm while merely dreaming of her prince, caught up in the sensing of his plunging into her pussy with his hard cock and fucking her ass with two fingers. When she awoke she was breathing hard, trembling, and very aware of the damp heat between her legs. Having never experienced such a dream before, our princess wonders at what it is that allows her to truly let go with him – and to feel every orgasm and every emotion to its fullest degree. She longs to make her prince the happiest of men, and worries only that in letting go and giving herself over to the power of her pleasure that she might do something to earn his crisis, and that he in turn might turn away from her. While he assures her that this is impossible, she is unsure of herself in this regard. She only needs time to prove to her that her that her advocate heart has in fact met its “match” in him. Although she does not know what will happen next, our princess is very confident that each adventure will bring her closer to this man, and closer to discovering her new self.
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