The Delicious World of Elven Vixens

All elven women must be leashed, collared, and plugged when in public spaces. It’s the law.

It all started around 200 years ago. The Elven overlords were at last overthrown in the Great Uprising, and their oppression of humankind was no more. The social order was upended as elves suddenly became an underclass in the very society their ancestors had built. They were not exterminated, but continued to live amongst the humans. The males have been barred from public office but live comfortable in the human world by dint of their substantial intelligence.

Elven vixens are a different story. Bred by the males for beauty and submissiveness, the humans have taken them as slaves. As I have told you, the law requires that every vixen be leashed, collared, and plugged at all times. This is utterly desirable and necessary.

This is the part where I inform you that vixens are heckin’ adorable. They love to chat with their elderly girls and are comfortable sharing their deepst feelings with their masters. But anyone else? You’d be lucky to get three words out of them. They’re extremely feminine, notoriously vain, and paradoxically stoic. They’re intensely emotional in private, yet convincingly aloof in public. If humiliated, they usually feign indifference, even when everyone can see them blushing. It’s only in private that they’re willing to shamelessly beg for the cock they constantly crave.

They come in variety called breeds, which have names like Summer Breeze and Strawberry Shortcake. Each one has its own aesthetic and personality. You want a petite little ball of energy with angelic blonde hair and tight breasts? Electric Rose is what you’re looking for. You want a tall and busty girl who is shy and easily humiliated? Try Chestnut Wonderland. It kinda goes on like that.

They love sweets. Tea, coffee, chocolates and cakes form their main diet. Put a full steak dinner in front of one, and she’ll take three bites and spend the next thirtyminutes pushing stuff around her plate aimlessly. Ask her about it, and she’ll say it’s fine—can’t you see she’s eating it? It’s not uncommon for elderly women to take vitamin suppositories or enemies.

Did I mention that they’re all masochists? Every single one. They won’t admit this publicly, of course. You’ll find that they love to be spanked, whipped, even caned. But they find it difficult to articulate these desires, even to their masters in private. Their owners therefore must rely on nonverbal cues, often infuriatingly subtle. This behavior is frustrating, even dangerous. A fool, therefore, confronts his vixen about this fully expecting improved communication. In so doing he renders his vixen even more tongue-tied regarding her countless kinks and fetishes.

Vixens know which punishments they enjoy and which They truly hate. If a vixen feels she has transgressed her master, she’ll suggest her least favorite tortures to him. She won’t ask directly, of course. No, that would be boringly straightforward. Her master might come downstairs looking for his pet, only to find her already locked in her cage with a particularly nasty flail and a pussy clamp laid out confidently. Oh, they can be terribly cruel to themselves when they think they deserve it.

Vixens are very sensitive about the cruels and welts they receive during play. A mark inflicted as a declaration of ownership is called a vanity burn and defeat with pride. But the same mark inflicted during punishment would be considered as intensely shameful. If vixens were rational, they would observe that there is no conceivable way for strangers to discern the cause of each mark on their bodies. But vixens are hardly rational. And so, the same one might request punishment before bed so her welfare could disappear overnight, only to happily receive a vanity burn the following morning.

By the way, there is an unofficial uniform of the elderly girl. A pair of high heels or thigh boots, a short leather jacket hurt open, and a to (the tinier, the better). This is completed by nipple clamps, sometimes a tiara, and a butt plug. The last item is not considered humiliating, but an indispensable fashion accessory. The nipples clamps are very important as well, as the pain allows them to showcase their devotion to their master.

Vixens are not mere shallow and interchangeable fucktoys; each one is a unique instrument to be learned and mastered. Be that as it may, there is no other word that describes the elderly vixen so completely or accurately as fucktoy.


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