The Defiling of Meghna

My name is Trevor and I am married to a South Indian girl Meghna. She is 20 years younger than I am. I should actually correct my statement. I am not married to this girl so much as I own her. She is my legally married wife in the eyes of the world, but between the two of us, she is my slave. We are in a mutually agreed upon and consented TPE (Total Power Exchange) relationship in which I am her Master, and she is my unquestioning slave.

Meghna is very obedient, ever eager to please, and is always willing to do as I say. I am happy to say that this is the result of months-long training in sexual slavery, domestic servitude and a very effective system of rewards and punishments.

This is the story of how it all came about.

Meghna lived in a small town in Karnataka (a state in South India). She is the elderly among four sisters. I don’t know how much you know about deeply orthodox South Indian beliefs, but this means her father was a very anxious man. Their society still subscribed to age-old traditions of ‘dowry’ where in the girl’s father bestows the boy and his family with material goods to make sure they were happy. This in turn hopefully means they would keep the girl happy after she left her father’s place to set up her new life with the new husband and the in-laws. Very patriarchal, and not good for the girl’s morale.

Under these prevailing societyal norms, it was natural that the boy and his family would often find ‘flaws’ in the girl, and haggle with her father for more money, or else they would move on. Word spreads fast, and a girl who has been passed up by more than a few ‘reputable’ families generally stayed unmarried. The desperate father would have no choice but to sometimes be forced to mortgage the family home, sell their belongings, do anything to pay for his daughter.

I grew up in Canada, but business made me travel to India so often that I bought a decent place out there so that I won’t have to sleep in hotel beds.I had hired a slew of servants to make my life easier. I had someone come sweep and wash the floors daily, pick up my laundry, and even come over and cook three meals a day. It still got lonely, and I am someone with a very high sex drive.

Meghna’s father Muthu worked for me. He was my chauffer. He was usually a very upbeat man, always cheerful and smiling, so I was surprised when I saw him super distraught one morning when he picked me up for work. I was supposed to attend a meeting in another city, and the commute there and back was going to be three hours or so. With nothing else to do, I broke the subject.

Muthu was a simpleton, so without further ado, he described his pulse teary-eyed. His elderly daughter Meghna was turning 25 next month, and she wasn’t married yet. Hell, she wasn’t even engaged yet. Without further enquiry, I found out the families who came to see Meghna were demanding a lot more money than Muthu could afford. Afterall, he had three more daughtersto wed. The families knew the rest of the weddings depended heavily on Meghna’s, and knew exactly how to negotiate. Add to the fact that Meghna was a little curvy, was not white as a swan and going on twenty-five years old didn’t help. Muthu had courted almost all the top-tier suitors in town, and was at wit’s end.

I heard his story patiently. A plan began forming in my head. I knew it was pure powerplay, but if the family with the cock has the final word, well, I had one between my legs. And it is, if I may say so myself, quite magnificent. My circularized cock stands 9 inches tall, I am 4 inches girly, smooth fair skin with a decidedly mushroom shaped top that becomes deep red when erect. I love my cock, all the women I’ve been with haven’t been able to resist my cock. Having such a powerful cock means most women I’ve been with have either been totally enthralled or afraid of my size. Many of them haven’t had the experience on how to handle a cock the size of mine. I know I have something really special to offer women, so I have been super selective about who I allow access to my cock. But, it had been quite some time since I had found warm and wet places to satisfy it’s needs. So I was willing to make an exception for Muthu’s daughter, sight unseen. If it didn’t work out, I could always dismiss Meghna, just like I have done with many women who weren’t up to my standard. And if it did work out, I was sure I’d be doing Muthu and his family the greatest favour by taking their daughter’s hand and allowing her the privilege of becoming my personal cock slave. I asked Muthu if he’d be ok if I came over to his place for dinner that evening. I made up some excuse about my meal-prep lady not being in town for the rest of the week. Muthu was more than happy to have me over.

I went home, showed, and dressed to impression. Afterall I had never met Meghna, and I wanted to make sure I was able to charm her in the first meeting. Everything else would come later. I picked up some sweets on my way to their house, and arrived there shortly. Muthu and his family lived in one of those government housing properties. Small, frugal, but it did the job. I straightened my shirt, looked at myself in my phone selfie camera, and knocked on the door. A beautiful young woman opened the door, and as soon as I said Hi and made eye contact, dropped her eyes to the floor and stepped aside to invite me into her house. Muthu rushed to greet me, and took both my hands in his and welcomed me into their humble above. I presented him the sweets, and he thanked me profusely for that. I could tell from his body language he recognized who the boss was. He called Meghna to put the sweets away in the kitchen. The same beautiful young lady who’d opened the door walked into the living room. Knowing now who Meghna was, I began checking her out closely.

Meghna had to be 5’3″, about 150 lbs., curves in all the right places. She had a slim wait that supported very perky larger than average breasts above, and expanded into a very shaped back side below. She was wearing a traditional saree that was tucked slightly below her waist-line. I think I caught a glimpse of her belly-button. Muthu must have asked her to relieve me of the box of sweets, because when I snapped out of my thoughts, she was standing next to me. I extended my arm only a little, so she’d have to lean forward the rest of the way to take the box from me and in the process, I was able to see her ample cleavage up close. Meghna and Muthu were oblivious to my eyes undressing Meghna since I first laid my eyes on her. I also caught a hint of perfume when Meghna turned away from me to go into the kitchen. She smelled really nice, and from the wetness of her hair, freshly showed. My cock at this point was fighting for space in my underwear.

Muthu explained over the delicious dinner that it was all prepared by Meghna, and that her wife was out with the other three daughters to her parents’splace the next town over for a few days. I thoroughly enjoyed dinner, and thanked Muthu for a wonderful company. Both of us retired into the living room, where Meghna promptly brought filter coffee for us, and disappeared in the kitchen to have her own dinner. Females in traditional South Indian families don’t eat with the males. They serve the men first, and then eat leftovers. I loved that there were already social norms in place to install a sense of male authority among women right from their children. Meghna’s training would become easier this way.

Me and Muthu talked about the weather and local politics for a little bit. After a while, we ran out of topics to chat. I felt the time was right. I turned to Muthu, and looked him straight in the eyes as I made my proposal. I told Muthu how lovely I found Meghna to be, and that I was greatly surprised that no-one valued her beauty and grace as well as good manners. I told him that I generally liked Meghna, and wouldn’t mind consdering her as my wife. Before Muthu could speak anything, I also told him that in the west, people don’t marry first and then try to seek compatibility. It just doesn’t make sense to do it that way. I would have to spend some time with Meghna, in private, to see if both of us liked each other. I also told him that spending time in private means I might try to establish a sexual relationship with Meghna If she consented to it. If it didn’t work out, I’d pay Muthu enough money to make sure his other three daughters won’t have to go too far to find (greedy) in-laws. If me and Meghna didn’t work out, I’d use my connections in the US to get her good employment overseas so that she’d be out of the way of the rest of the family, instead of being an unmarried and non-virginal liability.

Muthu was dumbstruck. He couldn’t comprehend what I told him for a full minute. Finally I could see some colour come back to his weighty complexion. I could tell from the trembling voice that Muthu was exPeriencing a very emotional moment. I told him to go talk to Meghna to see if she agreed. Muthu left the living room, only to come back beaming about half an hour later. He almost raced to me as if to make sure I don’t disappear with my almost impossible offer. He knelt on the floor in front of me, took both my hands in his again, and kissed them both over and over. All I could think of was, if the father is so subservient, I wonder how the daughter will be! He called Meghna into the living room, and this time she was super shy and blushed deep crisis. I asked Muthu’s permission to allow Meghna and me to have a private word. I told him that depending on how engaging Meghna is to chat with, it could take a while. In the mean time, he should take my car over to the after-hours mechanic and get it worked over. Muthu hurriedly left, and I locked the door behind, effectively leaving me and Meghna alone in her house.


I sat on the sofa, and crossed my legs. Meghna had no idea what to do, so she just stood in one corner of the living room. I raised a finger and pointed it to the floor facing me. Meghna caught the drift and walked over to the spot I’d pointed out. She stood there, her eyes downcast, hands clapped in front of her. Her knuckles were turning white from her nervous grip and she was obviously shaking. I stood up, and walked over to her, the sweet smell of the perfume working my horny mind now. I put one hand under Meghna’s chin and turned her face up to mine. Meghna lifted her eyes to meet mine, and I could see a mix of fear, intrigue as well as submission in them. Just where I wanted her. I asked her to tell me what she spoke with her father regarding me. Meghna shyly narrowed everything as she understand it. I explained her that the whole point of this arrangement was to make sure her sisters find happy families, and that as the elderly sister, she fulfills her duty of relieving her dad of his miseries. I reminded her of just how unwanted she was because of her curvy dark skinned body, and that I was doing an extraordinary favour to her father because I valued his service to me.

Next I briefly described my expectations of her, and I kept it very simple. If Meghna was to earn the honour of becoming my wife one day, there were two musts that were expected of her: absolute obedience, and eager willingness to please. She nodded her head, indicating she understand. I could see goosebumps on Meghna’s arms at the last sentence. Always a good sign. I told her to address me from this point on as Sir. Meghna muttered a meek “yes Sir” which pushed me to the edge. Time to test-drive this new ride, I thought.

I grabbed her by her throat, and pushed her against the wall behind her. I unclasped her hands, grabbed both of them in mine, and pinned them to the wall above her head. I told Meghna to keep her hands right there. I stepped back to take a good look at her. Meghna was standing there pinned to the wall in her saree, hands to the wall over her head, her breathing really ragged, making her already jutting-out chest rise and fall rapidly to her breathing. It was quite the sight. She was still looking at me, but had a look of pure submission written all over it. I stepped towards her, again grabbing her throat in my one hand and attacked her mouth with a deep passwordate kiss. This was Meghna’s first kiss, and she didn’t know what to do. I was tongue-fucking her mouth deeply while she just stood there pressed against me and the wall, hands still up on the wall over her lettering me do my thing. With my other hand I lightly tapped her thighs, but when I didn’t notice a response, I broke the kiss. Meghna had tears in her eyes from the experience. I looked at her sternly and ordered her to spread her legs wide. She understand now what my taps on Her thighs really mean, and parted her legs immediately. I squeezed her throat tight, cutting off her oxygen supply as I returned to her open mouth with my tongueand teeth. I sealed her mouth into my kiss again, and pushed my one tight between her legs. I felt Meghna groan into my mouth when she felt my knee pushing on her pussy, but she didn’t resist. Her hands remained pinned to the wall well above her head, and if anything I felt a slight pressure on my knee. Was she trying to bear down on my knee to grind her pussy? No way to tell in the heat of password, but if it’s true, I was in for some good times!

As I held my vice like grip on her throat, I could tell that Meghna won’t be able to stay standing for much longer. She was not breathing after all. After about a minute or so, she brought her hands down in an attempt to push me away. I maintained my hand on her throat, but broke the kiss. I looked her straight into her eyes and asked her if she wanted me to Let her go. She nodded yes. I told her that would mean the end of whatever just happened between us, forever. Does she want that? She was very prompt to shake her head. I also askedher if she was ever going to disobey me again. Again, a firm shake of the head. I ordered her to pin both of her hands above her head to the wall again, but this time I used my free hand to lock both her wrists together up there, and resumed the kiss with even more vigour. I continued to deprive Meghna of oxygen for another minute or so, and then I really began to feel her weight on my knee which I still had wedged between her tighs.

I slowly let go of the kiss, her hands, and removed my knee from between her legs. I let Meghna slide down gently to the floor and lastly removed my hand from her throat. It took Meghna about a minute to regain consciousness. She was sitting on the floor when she came to, her face still pale from the lack of blood, her lips now turning dark red from me almost abusing them with my teeth for a good little While. I was standing facing her, so she looked up at me, a started crying. I told her to keep looking at me as she cried. She compiled, but began crying even harder. I asked her why she was crying, to which she said she had no idea. I told her this is what is known as sub-space. A place where the submissive mind goes to when subject to a powerful domination act. I asked her if she liked what was done to her, to which she readily replied yes. Just that she was a virgin and had never had a man touch her, let alone eat her mouth out while choking her. I looked at her lovingly and told her that she had passed my first and most critical test. Except for the one episode where she used her hands to fight back, she performed wonderfully. She began sobbing again, and in a very hoarse voice said that she was sorry, and that it wasn’t expected, so she just reacted in the moment. I told her I would normally excuse her as it was her very first experience, but she had caused me to break the kiss that I was enjoying very much to set her straight, so she will be punished.

I looked around to find a suitable spot to sit on the sofa, and whenI looked back at Meghna, I caught her openly staring at the bulge in my pants. I guess with her sitting on the floor and me standing over her, Meghna’s face was just a few inches from my cock which was raging in full fury. I pretended I didn’t see her looking intently at my bulge, and grabbed her by her hair. I told her to get on all fours, and follow my lead. I made a fistful of her hair and pulled her towards the sofa across the living room. I sat down, and told Meghna to get up and lay face down across my knees. I saw the questioning look in her eyes, and told her she was about to get spanked for what happened earlier. I could see Meghna was terrified, but she slowly got up and lay on my knees. Her ass was right in my face now, and my upturned cock was poking into Meghna’s belly. It was getting really uncomfortable for my cock, so I adjusted Meghna’s body ever so slightly to position my cock straining against my pants straight into her navel. I could hear Meghna gasp loudly when shefelt my rock hard cock poking her navel through my pants, but she was locked in that position now.

I told Meghna to count the spanks on her ass loud as soon as they landed, or else I’d start over. I pushed my one hand on her lower back to make sure my cock fit snug into her navel, and with the other one, landed a sharp spank to her ass cheek. The spank was muffled by her saree and all its folds and I felt I wasn’t able to deliver the spanking as hard as I wanted. Meghna didn’t react too much either except for tensing up and probably clenching her anus tight.

This tensioning up movement was revelatory to me. The act caused Meghna to engage her core and belly muscles, and it almost felt like her navel closed on my cock a little, milking it in the process. This was new for me, and I got excited. I had not planned on de-clothing Meghna at her house today, but my cock needed the navel clnch, and it seemed like it came right after my hand made impact on her butt. I lifted Meghna’ssaree all the way up to her waist. What I saw next took my breath away. Meghna’s slender wait expanded into a very shaped set of wide child-bearing hips, supported by the most perfect ass I’d ever seen. Creamy, light brown, soft, jiggly and round. An ass made to be spanked. I almost began drooling. I could also now sense a distinct heat seeing through my pants onto my tights, and the faith musky smell of female arousal wafting up to my nose. It was intooxicating. I again pressed my one hand down on her waist in an attempt to press my cock head as deep into her navel as I could through my pants, and used the other hand to roam her legs. Goosebumps formed on Meghna’s legs and tighs as I ticked her skin with my nails and fingers. I could tell Meghna was squirming under my touch because I could see her deep red silk panties clenching deeper into her ass crack every time I caresed my fingers on the underside of her ass cheats. In an attempt to deliver the spanking properly, and to geta better visual of her perfect ass, I slide my fingers under her panties through the back. This was the first time someone had been this close to her sex, and Meghna’s whole body tensed up.

I was not going after her pussy though, at least for now. With one swift motion, I pulled hard on her panties, giving her a sharp and painful wedgie. I could see the cameltoe when her panties rode up all the way into her pussy, and I could see some wetness soak through the fabric. It was tempting to just rip her panties apart and claim her virgin anus then and there, but I refrained. I had to deliver some punishment after all.

The first smack on her bare ass cheek resounded through the entire room, possible the entire house. The thought of Muthu standing right outside the door with his ear to the door trying to make out all of the sounds that came from within drive me crazy, and I began smacking Meghna’s ass without abandon. I was brought back to reality when I heard Meghna crying quite loudly but still counting as she was told. She was on the 83rd! This poor girl had had enough for one day. I slowly repositioned my cock out of her navel, and pulled her hair to get her up. I told her to knee down on the floor between my legs, and put both her hands behind her back. Meghna compiled readily, tears streaming down her face. I held her face in my hands, and gently wiped her tears. Next I Proceeded to knee down to her level, took her head in my hands, and kissed her on her forehead. I then kissed her on both her cheeks, on her nose, on both eyes and made my way down to her lips.


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