Ashley Vines is a half-hispanic debt Collector. She has black hair and brown eyes.she is 5’8. Slim.She is beautiful. She has a butterfly tattoo on her chest.
Ashley has always been bisexual her entire life. When it comes to actual relationships she prefers males. Ashley is actually Married with a kid. However she still had a taste for women but not in the conventional way. Ashley has Always had Fantasies of Dominating women. She believed other women were only there to service her.
She originally started by making her Mom and Her Sister worship her feet. It never went any further then that. After that Ashley met the love of her life and got married. They had a kid together. However, something was still missing from Ashley’s life. It was her need to dominate women.
Finally Ashley’s prayers were answered when she discovered how many women were actually in debt. She decided to become a debt Collector. After a few years she Started her own business.
Amanda Rawlings. White Female. Age 40. Blond hair and blue eyes. She is tall and Slim. She walks into Ashley’s Office building.
There is a naked woman Sitting at the secretary’s Desk. The woman had a collar around her neck. She looks like she is in her early 20’s. Amanda starts looking around to make sure she is in the right place.
“Can I help you?” Asked the Nude Women.
“Yeah. I am looking for the Office of Mrs.Vines.” Explained Amanda awkwardly.
“What’s the name?” Asked Nude Women.
“Amanda Rawlings.” Replied Amanda.
The nude woman started searching on her computer. Amanda’s name suddenly popped up.
“Ahh Here we go. You have an appointment with my Mistress at 4:30pm. Please have a seat and I will call you when she is ready.” Said The nude Woman.
“Ok. Can I ask why your Nude?” Asked Amanda.
“Because Mistress doesn’t like us to wear clothes.” Said The nude Women.
“Mistress?” Asked Amanda in an awkward tone.
“It’s a long Story.I am trying to pay off my College debt.” Explained the nude Woman.
“Oh.” Replied Amanda. It didn’t really answer her question.
Amanda took a seat in the lobby. The minutes seem like hours. Amanda’s impatience grow. She became nervous. She didn’t like how this whole situation was going. She takes a deep breath. After 15 minutes of waiting an Office door opened. A young Black girl Walked out of the Office. She was Completely nude. Tears were in her eyes. She had a dog Collar around her neck. Her ass was red. Ashley was behind her.
“I suggest you move fast so no one sees your naked body.” Said Ashley.
“Yes, Mistress.” Said the Young black girl.
She quickly runs out of the building. Ashley turns to her Secretary.
“Tracy is my next appointment here yet?” Ask Ashley.
“Yes, Mistress. Ms.Rawling is sitting right there.” She points to Amanda.
Ashley looks at Amanda.
Ashley looks at Amanda. She was instantly attracted to her but she pretended to seem uninterested. Ashley looked ather Secretary.
“Let her in.” Ordered Ashley. Ashley walked into her office.
Tracy looked at Amanda. “Mistress we will see you now.” She said.
Amanda sat there stunned by what she had just witnessed. She slowly gets up and walks into Ashley’s Office. Ashley was sitting at her desk looking through Amanda’s file.
“Wow! I have never seen things this bad. Your 800 million dollars in debt.” Said Ashley.
Amanda took a seat across from Ashley’s desk.
“I have a Gamlbing problem. My husband left me because of it.” Replied Amanda.
“I am going to be honest this will take at least 2 decades to pay off. Your file says your unemployment. Is that true?” Asked Ashley.
“Yes, Ma’am. ” Replied Amanda.
“I don’t know then. This is pretty bad. I guess you should prepare yourself for prison. ” Said Ashley.
“No. Please. I don’t want to go to prison. There must be something we can do.” Begged Amanda.
“Well, there may be a way but I don’t think you are right for it.” Said Ashley.
“Right for what?” Asked Amanda.
“I do run a program. But you wouldn’t like it. The things you would have to do?” Said Ashley.
“I am not a lesbian.” Said Amanda.
“Neither is any of the women in the program. Tracy is supposed to get married in November. The black woman who just left here is a kindergarten Teacher who is happily married to the School Principal.” Said Ashley.
“What would I have to do in this program?” Asked Amanda.
“Whatever I want you to do. Worship my pussy and ass. Worship my feet. Work as my secretary. Work as my maid. Be my pet girl. My sex Toy. Basically whatever I want and you do it in the nude.” Said Ashley
Amanda bit her bottom lip. ” What if I don’t want any part in your Program?” She Asked.
“Well, I would have to call your creditors and tell them you have no way to pay them. They probably draft a warrant for your arrest.” Said Ashley.
Amanda Sighed. She felt trapped. She looked at Ashley.
“How long would i have to be a part of your Program?” She asked.
“Until your debt is paid which in your case will take At least two decades, maybe three with the interest rates.” Said Ashley.
Amanda grabs her hair in frustration. She doesn’t know what to do. She looks like she wants to cry.
“Look at it this way. If you Join my Program Then you can still have somewhat of a life. It may be restricted but at least you’re free to date and Stuff.” Said Ashley.
“How would it work?” Asked Amanda.
“You show up two days out of the week. I will create a schedule for you. You will show up on time. If you’re late it will result in a punishment. ” Said Ashley.
“Punishment?” Asked Amanda.
“Yes, Most punishment will result in a spanking. Stuff like not filing something on time. Not cleaning something in a timely manner. Back Talking to me. Not following my Commands. Showing up late. More serious wrongdoing will result in you spending a month in the Dungeon.” Said Ashley.
“There’s a Dungeon?” Asked Amanda.
“Follow me.” Commanded Ashley.
Ashley stands up and walks out of her Office. Amanda follows her. Tracy is on the phone talking. When she sees Ashley walking out. Tracy quickly hangs up the phone. Ashley walks over to Tracy.
“Who was that?” She demanded.
“Wrong number. Mistress.” Answered Tracy.
Ashley pushes Tracy aside and looks at the phone’s call log.
“Why is a wrong number lasting more than 7 minutes?” Asked Ashley.
Tracy has no good answer. She was trying to come up with an answer. She finally saw in defeat.
“I am sorry Mistress. I was lying. It was a personal call.” Said Tracy.
“Are we supposed to take personal calls while on my time?” Asked Ashley.
“No, Mistress I am not.” Answered Tracy.
“Bend over the desk.” Ashley Ordered.
Tracy bent over the secretary’s desk. Ashley went into one of the drawers of the desk. She pulls out a padle. Amanda looks on in awe. She decided it would be best to observe in silence. Ashley starts softly rubbing Tracy’s bare ass.
“How many Spankings do you think deserve?” Asked Ashley.
“Ten.” Said Tracy.
“Ten? Only Ten?” Scolded Ashley.
Tracy surprised. “15, Mistress.”
“Why 15?” Asked Ashley.
“Five for Taking a personal call and ten for lying about it.” Said Tracy.
“Good Girl.” Replied Ashley.
Ashley moved her wrist back. She brought the paddle down hard against Tracy’s ass.
You could hear the paddle make contact with her skin. It was a loud popping sound. Tracy closed her eyes and braced herself for the blows to come.
The pain was reflected in Tracy’s face. She was trying to hold back tears. You could tell she felt humiliated by this experience.
Amanda gulps at the Sight of Ashley spanking her SeCretary Tracy. She wanted to look away but she Couldn’t. She just sat there in shock. She couldn’t believe what she was witnessing. It has definitely been a strange day.
Tracy’s ass is turning red. Tears started falling from her eyes. She wanted to beg for mercy from her Mistress but she only had 5 more left. Tracy knew better than to ask. Ashley would only add more to her punishment.
“Are you going to make any personal calls on my time?” Asked Ashley in a very demeaning tone.
“No Mistress.” Cried Tracy.
Ashley smoked Tracy as hard as she could. Tracy actually Jumped from the smoke.
Tracy was in tears. Her ass was a light red.
“I better not catch you on another personal call. Next time you will get a strapon punishment. Do you understand?” She asked.
“Yes, Mistress.” cried Tracy.
Ashley turns to Amanda.
“I am truly Sorry about that. It deviated from our meeting. Let’s show you that Dungeon.” Said Ashley.
Ashley walked to a door that was next to the Janitor’s door. This door requires a password to open. Ashley entered her code. The door unlocked. It was a staircase that led to the basement. Ashley walked down the stairs first. Amanda hesitantly followed her down.
The Basement was extremely large. There were different sex devices throw out the Dungeon. A 25 year old Hispanic woman was sitting in a dog cage in the corner of the basement. A 53 year old blond haired woman was tied up on a whipping post. She had a ball gag in her mouth. A 34 year old Red head was tied up to a fuck machine. The fake penis was going in and out of her pussy.
Ashley and Amanda walked into the Dungeon. The 25 year old Curled up in a ball. The red hair looks at her Mistress but she doesn’t say anything. The older woman tries to turn her head back but her view is blocked.
“So what did these women do to deserve a Dungeon punishment?” Asked Amanda.
“The girl in the Dog Cage was punished for a DUI. I had to bail her out of Jail. Her name is Kristen. Not only did she get a Dungeon punishment but I also added another 3 years to her service to me. The older woman here is Karen. She is getting paid because of her mouth. She is constantly being rude.
Last but not least is the girl on the fuck Machine. Her name is Anna. She has shown up late 3 times and even missed a session.” Explained Ashley.
Amanda looked around in awe at the Dungeon. She Gulped in fear. Her body was slightly shaking.
“Come we are going back up Stairs.” Said Ashley.
Amanda and Ashley head back up the Stairs. Tracy was at the secretary’s Desk. She grabbed a tissue and began wiping her tears away. Her mascara was Smeared. Ashley and Amanda walked past her. Amanda looked into Tracy’s Sad eyes. Amanda follows Ashley back into her office. Ashley walked over to her desk. Amanda sits across from Ashley.
Ashley pulls out a conservatorship Document. She throws it towards Amanda. Amanda looks through it quickly.
“The time to decide is here. If you Join the program you can slowly start paying your debt off. If you don’t you will probably end up in prison. So what is it going to be?” Asked Ashley.
Ashley passed a pen to Amanda. Amanda sat there in silence. She thought carefully about her decision. 20 or more years as a sex slave or Prison. If she choose to be this woman’s sex slave she will at least have some freedom. In prison she will have no freedom but at least she won’t have to eat out another woman’s pussy. The struggle in Amanda’s mind is real.
She takes a deep breath. A tear falls from her eye. Amanda picks up the pen and Signs the Conservatorship Document. Ashley was ecstatic but she kept a cool demeanor.
“Ok. I will be your Sex Slave.” Said Amanda.
“Ok. Start by striping off all your clothes.” Ordered Ashley.
Amanda kicked off her shoes first. Amanda was wearing mix match Socks. She then goes for her T-Shirt. She is wearing a red bra. She neatly folds her T-shirt and places it on Ashley’s desk. She then stands up and unzips her blue jeans. She slides them off and neatly folds them as well. Amanda is now in her bra and underwear. Amanda is wearing a red thong. She also still has the mix match socks on.
Amanda starts to undo her bra. It takes a moment. She was Struggling at first but after a few moments she finally unhooked it. Amanda’s breasts were nice and round. They were also bigger than what Ashley originally thought. Amanda then slips off her thong. Ashley was a bit disappointed with the reveal of her pussy. Amanda had a very bushy pussy. Ashley did like how Amanda’s ass was nice and round. Amanda may be 40 but her body looked like it was 25. Ashley stood up and walked over to Amanda. She started circulation her.
“Removed the socks”. Ordered Ashley.
Amanda quickly took off her socks and placed them on the table with the rest of her clothess. Ashley walked around Amanda a few times checking out her body. Amanda felt humiliated and degraded by Ashley’s wandering eyes. Ashley rubs her hand through Amanda’s hairy pussy.
“I don’t like my slaves to have hairy pussy before your next session you need to shake it.” Demand Ashley.
“Yes, Mistress.” Replied Amanda.
Ashley continues walking around Amanda.She was eyeing her like she was a piece of meat.
“It’s a Shame. I really wanted to taste you. Oh well. I guess I will just have to give you Anal.” Said Ashley.
Amanda gulped. She never did Anal before. She was nervous. Ashley walked back to her desk. She goes into one of her desk draws. She pulls a pink 8 inch Strap on. Amanda’s eyes went wide.
“Have you ever had Anal before?” Asked Ashley.
“No. Mistress. I have never experienced it.” Said Amanda.
“Ok. Tracy! Get in here now!” Yelled Ashley.
Tracy walked into the office.
“Yes, Mistress. How may I serve you?” Asked Tracy.
Ashley looked at Amanda. “Lean against the desk.” She Ordered.
Amanda leans against the desk. She sticks her ass out. Ashley looks back at Tracy.
“Tracy. I want you to worship that ass.” Ordered Ashley.
“Yes, Mistress.” Replied Tracy.
Tracy walks over to Amanda. She falls to her knees. She spreads Amanda’s ass cheeks apart. She Begins to lick her ass.
The Feeling was Foreign to Amanda. It was a strange sensing. It was a little uncomfortable and yet it was also enjoyable all at the same time. It took a moment for Tracy to start hitting the sweet spots. Her tongue was really up in there. Amanda could feel herself getting wet. A fire in-between her legs was starting to form. She couldn’t help it. She started using her hand to rub her pussy.
Ashley considered giving her a punishment but thought against it quickly. It was her first day and she really hasn’t been trained yet. She will learn soon enough. Amanda keep rubbing herself to give her more plEasily.
Tracy is doing a great Job. She is trying to soften the areas that will be hit the hardest by Ashley. However, Tracy also realized how tight Amanda’s ass really is. It’s almost like she is a anal virgin. Nothing has really ever been up there. She thinks that Amanda had a very boring sex life before her encouragement.
Ashley looks on in enjoyment. She picks up the Strap on and starts strapping it around her waist. She licks her lips as she continues to watch Tracy eat Amanda’s asshole. She was getting wet. Her nipples were hardening. She put her hand under her shirt and started playing with her breasts.
Tracy kept up the pressure. Amanda was getting close to the climax. Her pussy was extremely wet. It was Dripping. Her hand was covered in her juices. She was so Close. Any Minute and she would have an Orgasm. Her eyes are getting blurry.
Ashley could tell Amanda was close to Cummins. She decided to pull Tracy back. She grabbed her Shoulder and pulled her away from Amanda’s ass. This Frustrated Amanda. She was clearly irritated. Ashley took note of this. Ashley grabs Tracy by her hair.
“Suck on my pink strapon and make sure it’s well lubricant.” Ordered Ashley.
Tracy began to suck on Ashley’s strapon. She tried to conjure up all her spit. Tracy began to Choke on Ashley’s Strapon. Her spit was covering the dido. Ashley waited a few minutes to make sure the Strapon was well Lubricant. Tracy kept sucking. She had almost the entire thing down her throat. She had trouble breathing. Ashley finally released her. Tracy fell back. She was Completely out of breath.
Ashley turned her attention to Amanda. Amanda was still bent over Ashley’s desk. Ashley walks over to Amanda. Amanda braces for impact. Ashley puts the Pink Dildo in Amanda’s ass. Amanda looks at Ashley with a mixture of disgust and fear on her face.
Ashley laughs.”This is so funny to me” Ashley says, still giggling.
Ashley started Thrusting.The Dildo was going in and out of Amanda’s ass. Amanda’s ass was tight. Each thrust was stretching her asshole. It was slightly painful but it was also very enjoyable at the same time. Amanda’s nipples were getting hard again. She felt a fire in her ass. It was like an orgasm in reverse. Amanda’s eyes were getting blurry. She started seeing spots. She was so close. She felt like she was going to pass out.
Amanda began to yell. She couldn’t control herself. She came hard. Amanda’s juices hit the carpeted floor. Amanda fell onto the Desk. She was completely out of breath. Ashley slowly pulled the pink Strapon from Amanda’s ass.
Ashley looks down at the dildo. She looks around for Tracy. She made Tracy lick the Strapon clean. Amanda was laying on top of Ashley’s desk. She was extremely exhausted. Her ass was extremely sore. She looks over to see Tracy licking the Strapon clean.
“Good Girl. Now go back to the Secretary’s desk.” Ordered Ashley.
Tracy gets up and walks out of the offfice. Amanda slowly gets up from the desk. Ashley walks over to her desk and puts up the Strapon. Ashley looks at Amanda.
“Come in tomorrow at 8:30. Tomorrow is your training day. You are not to be wearing any clothes when you walk through that door in morning. I also want to see that pussy be shaken clean.” Said Ashley.
“Yes, Mistress.” Replied Amanda. Amanda tries to reach for her clothes. Ashley stopped her.
“No,Ma’am. Those clothes are mine now.” Said Ashley.
“But how will I leave without my clothes?” Asked Amanda.
“I suggest you move fast so no one sees your Naked ass.” Replied Ashley.
Amanda limps out of Ashley’s Office. She tries to get to her car as fast as possible and without being seen. Unfortunately for Amanda, Ashley’s Office was located across the street from a church.
Three women were walking out of the Church. They looked over to see Amanda limping to her car Completely nude. Amanda felt extremely humiliated.
The End.
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