The Debt

Stacy made the last adjustments to her outfit as she stood in front of the hallway mirror. In her WCU cheerleader uniform, she stood at 5′ 7″ with a tight white sweater that showed off her bust. She wore a white pleasant skirt with that went mid-thigh on her shaped legs. Her hair was long blonde and past her shoulders. Her face was pretty and she had blue grey eyes.

“Lookin’ good Stace. How much is this modeling gig getting ya? Her roommate Monica asked.

“Quite well thank you.” She said primping her hair and pursing her lips.

“You don’t look happy.” Monica said as she snapped Stacy’s picture on her phone.

“Oh I’m fine.”

“Do you think the university is ok with you using the uniform?”

“It’s not for publication.” She said as she headed out the door.

She sat in the car and let the reality settle in. This was her first time doing this and in spine of all the planning and precautions, she was still nervous. In reality her heart was thumbing hard and she wanted to come up with an excuse to cancel. It would be easy to do and there would be nothing they could do to her. But a deal was a deal and in this town, promises kept meant much. Her phone tweedled as she started the engine.

“Still on?” the message read.

“Yes. I’m on my way, time of arrival depends on the traffic.” She replied.

By city of Los Angeles standards, traffic wasn’t bad and she made it to her destination before she died of old age. It wasn’t a studio in Burbank as she had told her roommate, but rather a residence in a quiet neighborhood. She keyed in the code for the gate and drive up the step driveway. She stopped her car and killed the ignition. Again she thought about reneging on the deal. Technically it was illegal and not an enforceable contract in court. “Fuck it. A deal is a deal. I promised them I would do it.” She said and she left the car. Her nerves made her finger shake as she rang the doorbell and after a short wait the door opened. Stepping inside, she immediately shaded her eyes as she was greeted by a bright light in her face. Off to her right was a camera mounted on a tripod. On her left was a monitor that showed her standing in the door way. In front of her was a middle-aged man wearing nothing but shorts. He held a half consumed bottle of water as his eyes surveyed her from top to bottom. Her heart started to pound again making it feel like her head was going to pop off.

“My darling is finally here.” He said stepping up close to her, his right hand reaching over to stroke her cheek his left on her chest, kneeing her breasts.

“At least your tits are real.” He said pushing her sweater up and unhooking her bra exposing her breasts.

“What’s my name?” said as he reached under her skirt and tugged her panties down to her knees.

“Master?” She said unsure of her answer.

He flicked her nipples hard with his finger-tips.

“You don’t know? Think harder, if that’s possible.” He grabbed her nipples and began to pull.

“Dave?” she said through gritted teeth.

“Is that how you greet a superior?” He gave a twist.

“Master Dave?” She said with a tear coming down her cheek.

“A little dense huh? That’s not surprising for your fine institution of higher learning.” She stood still as he went behind her. He pressed himself against her ass and she could Feel his hard dick. Roughly he grabbed her arms and bound her hands.

“Hey hurry up Dave, don’t hog all the fun.” Came a voice from the other room.

“Do you know who that is?” Dave asked. She shook her head no expecting another pull on her nipples.

“No I’m sorry master Dave.” She said cringing. Dave’s open hand sped towards her face landing a blow across her cheek with a loud crack.

“Sorry Don, just teaching her some manners.” He said slapping her other cheese equally hard.

“His name? I hope you caught the clue numbskull.” He menaced.

“Master Don?”

“Wow your IQ must bein the double digits. That would put you on the honor roll at WCU right?” He grabbed her hair and twisted her face to look at him. A second tear followed the first down her cheek.

“Well you know our names. I guess we should know yours…if we cared. I now christen thee “Cunt” in honor of the one part of your body that seems to function properly.”

“DAAAAAAVE.” Came the voice from the other room.

He pulled her along by the hair her panties around her knees and arms tied behind her back limited her to an awkward shuffle. He ushered his stumbling charge into a living large living room in which cameras and monitors for each one had been strategically placed all about. Another middle-aged man dressed in shorts and wearing shoes was sitting on a couch.

“I think “Stupid West Cal Bitch” is a good name.” Don said.

“Accurate, but too long for her to remember.” Dave said pointing at his forehead theatrically.

“Of course. Come here cunt.” He pointed at the floor in front of him. She stumbled forward to her assigned spot at his feet. Her heart rate had calmed slightly, but she was still nervous. Looking about she could see they had monitors showing every camera angle, including one down at floor level. The man named Don was sitting there calmly rubbing his crotch in anticipation.

“Do you know why you are here today cunt?” he asked. She nodded dumbly.

“Say it.”

“I’m a dumb slut from a worthless school. I am here to learn about the superiority of UCSFV” She said.

“That may be the first correct answer ever given by a WCU student.” Don said as he stuck his fingers in her crotch then sniffed them as if he were sampling a fine wine.

“Hmmm smells good. I guess you passed the basic hygiene course required of all WCU undergrads though many seem to need a refresher course. Get down.” He pointed at the floor. Her arms still pinned behind her back she found it difficult to lean forward, so she kneeeled first and Dave helpfully increased the discomfort in her shoulders by holding her arms up as she slowly lowered down. Her nose ended up on top of his laces, the cent of his morning exercises assaulting her sinuses.

“Walked the dog and did some yard work. I haven’t washed these in ages.” Don chuckled.

“It’s like paradise Master.”

Dave’s hand landed hard on her ass, some of the blow softened by her skirt. “Nobody asked you!” He yelled. She could feel her skirt being hiked up and she panted in anticipation. Loud cracks reverberated off the walls sending shocks of pain through her body. She clenched her teeth around the laces and started loosening them. More blows rained down on her causing her to squeal. Don held up his hands and Dave stood back admiring his work. One of the monitors displayed her ass bright red in HD glory. One of Don’s feet came out of the shoe and rested on her face.

“Clean them cunt.” Don ordered.

Intent on licking his feet, she wasn’t paying attention to themonitors showing Dave with a butt plug in one hand and a UCSFV pennant in the other. He smiled and turned the base around to show Don the small hole he had drilled. Don nodded acknowledgement through eyes half shut in pleasure as Stacey’s warm lips and wet tongue lapped off the sweat and grime. Don inserted the flag into the base of the plug and waved it around chuckling to himself. Her first inkling of what was going to happen came from the cool sensing of lube dripping onto her asshole. Still enjoying the feeling of her ministers, Don said nothing at first as Dave placed the tip of the plug against her bunghole. Stacey yelped at Dave’s first attempt causing Don to put up his hands again to reign in his friend’s enthusiasm.

“Slow.” He said.

Dave lubed his finger and gently pushed inside. She paused briefly to focus her mind on the pressure she felt. Slowly her ass dilated allowing him to insert the plug. Finished with the top of his feet, she waited obediently untilhe lifted his soles for her to continue her work.

“Is that microphone on?” Don asked pointing at one nearby. Dave gave a thumbs up.

“Alright cunt. Up and at ’em!” he stood up and grabbed her hair pulling her up to a kneeing position. Her face about level with is crotch. At her other end the flag touched the floor like a long tail of a submissive dog. Don pushed her head close to the microphone and fished out his hard cock. She opened her mouth ready to suck but he rubbed it all over her face instead. One hand in her hair and one at the base of his cock he held it right above her mouth.

“You want it bitch?” he asked.

“Yes master.”

He then battered her face with his cock first whipping it on her lips making a sticky pop sound, then moving to her cheeks and nose. He tugged her head upwards and placed the tip on her bottom lip. She felt his manhood slowly push inward over her tongue. As it journeyed further, her gag reflex kicked in and she choked, involuntarily she tried to pull her head back to get relief from the pressure.

Instead his strong hand pulled her closer to the microphone and his cock pushed in farther. Drool and spottle tried to wash the intruder out of her mouth as her lips finally touched the base of his cock. Her nose smoked into his pubic shaft as he used both hands to hold her head firmly in place. A feeling of panic filled her as her body began to struggle against the feeling of suffocation. The seconds dragged on, her torso began to wiggle and legs began to push before he finally leg go, allowing her to breath in long, desperate gasps.

Waiting for her breath to become normal, she could see her make-up was running from the tears. Still holding her hair he roughly forced himself between her lips and began fucking her face. More liquid poured out of the corners of her lips and she made a strange GYUCK GYUCK GYUCK sound with every thrust. He pulled out again and whipped his dick across her face making a sound of meat being softened by a chef. Then again he face fucked her.

“My compliments to your professors. It looks like you were their star student.” He said as he withdraw his cock and wiped it across her lips.

“Ready Dave?”

“It’s a go.” He replied. Stacey was walking over to an x ​​taped to the floor. Don positioned her in front of a camera as Dave uncapped a marker and drew the number 38 on one breast and 9 on the other. Above the 38 was UCSFV and the 9 read UWC. Around her neck he hung a sign that hung below her breasts that read “We lost. No bowl for us.” Don and Dave stood back and admired their handiwork she stood there dazed with her panties at her knees, make up running and a UCSFV pennant hanging out of her ass.

“Ok stupid, smile as you read the sign.” Don ordered.

“Hello my name is Cunt, and I’m a student at WCU.”

“Say it like Betty Boop on helium.” Don ordered.

“Hello my name is Cunt and I’m a student at WCU. My major is porn with a minor in Business Administration. I hope to become a whore full time because that’s what I do best.” She said in a high squeaky voice.

“Who sucks?” Dave yelled.

“I do!” She giggled.

“No stupid, in football.”

“The UWC Thracians suck.” She smiled idiotically.

“So you’re a WCU cheerleader right? When you aren’t busy pegging male Cheerleaders, what do you do?” Dave asked.

“I cheer on the team, though it seems a waste of time.” She did a frowny face. “Our quarterback seems more interested in the tight end than me.” She finished.

“Show us a cheer.”

Stacey compiled, but with her arms still bound behind her, all she could manage were a few awkward hops and kicks almost falling over.

“CUT!” Don yelled. Eh, we need to free her arms and edit this out.”

“I dunno, I thought it was kinda funny, but sure ok.” Dave went behind her and worked on her bonds. Don went over and retrieved a carrot that was on a countertop. Free of the constraints herarms fell to her sides in relief to the growing pain and disappoint in her shoulders. After rubbing them a bit she picked up two pom-poms and struck a pose.

“Do your most common cheat. The one about how your team needs to mount a comeback.”

With her arms now free, Stacey went into a spiritual chef urging the team to at least score some points. Her tits bounced up and down then side to side as she kicked and jumped with seemingly boundless enthusiasm. When she did her final landing with legs ask, the butt plug popped out and pennant fell to the floor. The two men looked at each other grinning. Dave got his pen and drew whiskers on her face. Don took the carrot and stuck it in her pussy.

“Cunt, it’s time for a change of scenery and put your college education to good use. Do the bunny.” Dave said. Don Pulled out the carrot glistening with her juices, stuck it in her mouth. She held her hands in front of her and twitched her nose.

“Come this way little bunny wineny.” Don ordered. She hoped comically after her masters out the sliding doors to the back yard. With carrot still in mouth, she hoped past a pool and stopped and a mat on the concrete. More cameras and monitors awaited her continuing humiliation. Don laid down with his hand on his still erect cock and gestured her to sit on it. Obediently she squatted over him and lowered herself on to his waiting dick. She was surprised by how good it felt inside her and let out an involuntary moan that was only partially muffled by the carrot. She looked at him guiltily but he smiled as she gently rocked her hips. Dave adjusted a couple of the cameras before positioning himself next to her face and pulling out the carrot. He pulled out his cock and held it near her face checking the monitor.

“See? My 5 ½ years of school have really paid off.” MMMPH MMMPH her voice cut off by Dave’s cock being stuffed in her mouth her cheek bulging out like a hamster does when eating.

“This UCSFV dick tastes good. The ones on our team taste like poop.” She smiled. Dave walked around to her ass and checked the monitor one more time before squatting and sticking his cock in her butt. Both men started pumping feverishly as Stacey tilted her head back in pleasure. Her pussy ached in desire but she wasn’t allowed to show her pleasure. Her breathing increased and nipples hardened as her breasts swellowed violently above Don’s face. As if timing her movements he reached up and pinched her nipples just as she approached climax. Don shook his head in disappointment.

“After all we’ve done for you, and this is how you thank us.” He said as Dave withdraw from her rectum.

“I’m sorry master.” She said moving herself into a kneeing position.

“So selfish. This is your last chance to redeem yourself. It’s Our turn now.” She pulled down her sweater making sure the UWC logo showed and leaned forward while the two men stroked themselves close to her face.

“Look at the camera.” Don ordered.

“UCSFV ROCKS! UWC SUCKS!” She yelled enthusiastically in a squeaky voice. First Don’s cock spurted streams of white that landed in ropes across her cheek and nose with his last one somehow landing in her ear. Dave’s blasts followed up by landing on her forehead, eyes and nose. When they finished, she tilted her head slightly downward, and the jizz slid down onto her chest covering the UWC logo.

“Hold that pose!” Dave ordered as the two men cleaned themselves. Don drank a bottle empty while Dave made more adjustments to the cameras. She could see her cum covered face with ruined make-up running down her face and a near idiotic smile beaming at the camera. A cool breeze kicked up causing cum to begin coagulating and the smell to enter her nose and permeate her sinuses. She felt impatient but knew they weren’t quite finished yet.

“Ok Cunt, One last token of our appreciation for what you’ve done for us today.” Don said as they positioned themselves next to her carefull not to block the cameras. They held their now limp dicks and lines of gold began to arc out. First hitting her skirt then working their way up to her chest. The lines crisscrossed her face before hitting her hair and dribbling down to her shoulders. They Shook out the last drops on her lips before Don yelled “CUT.”

The two men backed off and fist bumped in triumph. Stacey stood up and went to the pool’s edge. She looked at her reflection her was a wet mess and make-up ruined, cum clinging to a few spots not hit by the piss. Without saying a word, she leaned forward and dove into the water. Dave was busy packing up the equipment, Don had been watching her. He walked up to the edge and stood there watching with a look of puzzle bordering on concern as she stayed at the bottom. He had begun to review his knowledge of life saving techniques, when Stacey pushed off and rocketed out of the water. He smiled and gave the thumbs up.

One Year Later

“How’s the new job?”Kim asked sipping her coffee.

“Hmmmm? So far so good. They haven’t given me anything particularly challenging, but that seems normal for the new people.” Stacey answered with her eyes and attention not completely on her friend.

“That guy with the laptop.” Kim said in sotto voice.

“The one that’s been looking at me? Stacey answered.

“Yeah. Kinda cute huh?

“You can have him.”

“No fun. What’s on your mind Stace?”

She nodded in the direction of the large screen TV nearby. It was on the local news and a platinum blond was breathlessly summarizing an unfolding scandal at UCSFV. In the background was a picture of a blond woman in a UWC cheer uniform with her face pixelated. It was the picture her roommate had taken the Previous year.

“Officials are still trying to locate the victim of the brutal rape that the attackers recorded sometimes last June.”

“Oh My God. The poor thing!” Kim commented.

“Copies of the video have been found on thehard drives of several UCSFV faculty and staff. The two alleged attackers in the video have been identified as being members of the UCSFV athletic booster club.” The newscaster reported.

“How can anyone do that to another human?” Kim asked.

The screen showed a crowd of angry protecters gathered outside the administration building demanding the resignation of the chancellor for failing to provide women with a safe environment free of sexual violence. A reporter was interviewing a protein who was demanding segregation of the sexes and mandatory sensitivity training for all males.

“Let’s see what Fox news has to say about this.” Kim opened an app on her phone.

“Ladies and Gentlemen this shocking video of an innocent woman being sexually degraded is just another example of the degenerated propagated by Hollywood liberals.” The commentator paused dramatically to compose himself. “We’re not going to show the whole video, but you can see parts of it here at this link. See for yourself how the left has absolutely no decency.”

“I hope they find her soon, she must be a complete wreck.” Kim opined.

“Oh they will soon. I know that for sure. Let’s go.” Stacey announced.

Kim followed Stacey with a puzzled look. Sitting in her car Stacey got out her phone and did a quick search.

“You know something about this case? Kim asked worriedly. “Was it someone you know?”

“They know who it is. They covered it up.” Stacey said holding up the obscured picture.

“Here’s the original.” She showed her friend the picture her roommate had taken. Kim’s eyes widened in horror and tears quickly formed. “Oh Stace…I’m so sorry for you. She gave a heartfelt hug. “No matter what happens, I’ll be here for you. Is there anything I can do now? You can stay at my place if you need.” She offered.

“No, I can handle this.”

“Are you sure? Do you have a lawyer? Have you contacted police?” Kim asked. Stacey waited saying nothing until the embrace ended. Kim finally ended it looking slightly hurt.

“Am I doing it wrong? Please tell me.”

“I know your concern is geneuine and I really appreciate it. She said as Kim dabbed her eyes.

“Now what I want you to do is listen. The answer to your question is no.”

“But Stace…you can’t let them get away with it.”


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