The Debt

Renee was the sort of girl that our office rarely gets as an intern. The technology sector tends to pull in a certain kind of person, so to see a bright, bubble, pretty girl being led around on her first day certainly played against type. She settled in quickly though, and I grew to look forward to seeing her around in the office.

At 19, Renee’s skin had a luminescent quality. Her eyes Always seemed to draw me in without her making the slightest effort. She was short, no more than 5’2″, and had soft, wavy brown hair that just touched her shoulders. What caught my look the most though, especially when she wasn’t looking, were the soft curves of her body. There was no doubt that she had a very ample chest, and I loved watching her hips sway as she walked. Oftenimes as she walked away, I cursed the conservative office dress code.

Renee and I did not interact very much in the business sense. Being over 30 years her senior, I was kept busy by overseeing my staff and coordinateting projects; she was kept busy filling staff mailboxes and empty coffee filters. Still, her glowing smile was always a welcome relief from the day. As her time in the office continued, I increasingly found myself getting my coffee at the same time that Renee was in there. The kitchen nook was off to the side, private yet accessible. Our conversations had always been about nothing, of course—the weather, her studies, looking ahead to whatever time off there might be, and so forth.

Until the one Friday after lunch that things were very different.

I entered the kitchen nose, coffee cup in hand, to see Renee. Her back was turned, and my eyes crawled over her delicious, plump rear end… until I realized that she was on the phone. The conversation was heated, with sharp, hushed tones adding to the tension.

“So what am I supposed to do?” Renee hissed into the phone. There was a pause while the other person spoke unsatisfactorily. “Fine!” Renee responded. “By Monday!” She put down her phone and let out a world-weary sight, then turned around. She looked shocked that I was there.

“Is everything alright, Renee?” I asked.

She sent, her usually happy, cheery face filled with worry. “Oh it’s nothing. Just… nothing.”

I motioned to the table, wordlessly suggesting she sit. “Please, tell me.”

She sat, taking a deep breath. “It’s money stuff. I’m behind on my rent and… well, now I’m out of my place. Out as of right now. I don’t have a lot of things… my landlord has packed them up and they’re in the basement of my building…” Tears filled her large brown eyes eyes as she continued, speaking faster and faster. “I have until Monday to pick my stuff up which is great except I have no idea where to go and no money for a new place and not even a hotel and I don’t know what I’m doing when I leave here!”

Tears spilled down Renee’s round cheeses, her eyes big and watery. I put my hand on hers and looked into those sad, beautiful eyes. “Renee, listen to me.” She nodded, the tears slowly. “You aren’t going to be out on the street tonight. You can stay with me, and we’ll get things sorted out. Alright?”

Renee nodded, causing more tears to spill out. But she smiled and I told her everything would be fine.

When the work day ended, I went to discretely give her my address so that she could drive over. There was a slight pause from Renee, then she explained that she took the bus to work. Being a boss, and a well-compensated one at that, one forgets that interns are at the bottom of the heap. I would obviously have to drive her myself. We made our way to my car and I drive home—home being a well furnished apartment high up in a building located in a very good part of the city.

We ate a quick dinner, and during it I could see that Renee’s energy was fading fast. It had clearly been a long and difficult day for her. I pointed her towards the bathroom so that she could take a shower. I turned my attentionon towards making sure the spa bedroom was ready for her. But I hadn’t left her alone for more than a minute when I heard her sheepishly clear her throat behind me. I turned around.

Renee had a blushing grin on her face. “So… I’ll need to borrow some clothes. I just have what I wore to work today.”

“I’m sure we have something around here to suit you,” I responded. I gave her a terrycloth robe for starters and told her I would leave her more in the spare bedroom. In all truth, I wasn’t exactly sure what I would give her. Having been divided for a few years, there was pretty little in the spacious apartment that was not solely mine.

After Renee’s shower, she returned to the spare bedroom to find the best I could do: an old, comfortable t-shirt of mine and a pair of plaid green shorts that my daughter must have left the last time she visited. I heard her go into the bedroom and shut the door. Soon enough, she came out still in the bathrobe—presumably with the nighttime clothes beneath. She was carrying a pile of other clothes. “If I could just throw my work clothes into your washer?”

I pointed her towards the laundry room and retired to the living room to read for a bit. After a few minutes, Renee reappeared and sat next to me. We sat in a very comfortable silence for a bit, then she spoke again, her voice quiet and smoke.

“I really am appreciated that you are helping me out,” she said quietly. She looked up at me, her large dark eyes pulling me in. “I need you to know that,” she added. I opened my mouth to respond that I was only too happy… but I stopped. Renee’s hand was on my leg. She blushed, and her hand started to move upwards. “Please,” she said, her voice rising a bit in pitch, “let me show you.”

Then the curvy 19-year-old’s hand was at my zipper, pulling down. She broke eye contact with me; I suspected it was less to watch her handiwork and more to fight against the glow of embarrassment that was spreading on herface. Quickly, my hardening penis was out, her thumb slowly spreading the leaking precum. Then she started to move her soft hand up and down, up and down, slowly and softly. It felt as though she was luxury in the act, making sure that every movement of her hand was felt by me.

“Renee, you are very good at that,” I murmured into her still-drying hair. It smelled wonderful.

She responded almost automatically. “Thank you. I’ve had a lot of practice.” Her words hung in the air a moment, then I feel her nestle her head into my chest. She was clearly feeling a flush of shame from having admitted that, despite her youth, she was no stranger to having a man’s cock in her hand. She was no stranger in knowing what to do with it.

I put my arm around her, feeling her body warmth through the terrycloth robe. She picked up speed very slightly; clearly her experience had taught her that men like to take such things at a proper pace, as opposed to some boyish race to climax. MyHand rested on her shoulder for a moment, but I realized that I wanted more. I tugged at the front of the robe, and Renee took my meaning. She undid the belt of the robe with her free hand. Not once did she stop pleasing my hardness with her occupied hand.

I pulled the robe open, revealing Renee’s curves under the loaned t-shirt and shorts. I had not realized how old the white t-shirt was until I saw how her large, round breasts strained against the thin material. Her nipples, small, pink and hard, were visible; the shirt was snug against her curves like a second skin. I reached for one of her breasts, feeling its warmth and weight as it filled my hand. I ran my thumb lazily across her nipple, feeling that it was very hard. She must have liked the feeling. She groaned quietly in satisfaction and sped up with her hand.

But we men quickly want to play with the next toy. My hand slide down her side, towards her bottom. I pressed my fingertips tight against her side, knowing exActly what I wanted next. When my fingers met the band of Renee’s shorts—well, the shorts left by my daughter—they pushed under. My fingers slide onto her naked skin, drawing across her plump, perfect rear end. I feel her body tension up as I palmed a chef; this time it was my turn to groan, a sign that her curves met my approval. Feeling her body relax, I knew I had read her tension and small lack of confidence properly.

Renee was making the lust in me build and build, while dulling my sense of being proper. I watched my hand under the shorts, feeling her ass, squeezing it, seeing the hint of the crack between her round cheats as it descended under those borrowed shorts. She continued pleasure me with her hand, showing nothing but focus from her downturned head. That was, of course, until I took one good grab at her butt. It resulted in two things. One was that I parted her cheats. The other was that Renee let out the most delicious, high, girlish coo.

With that, I knew I needed much more from this young beauty. My hand slide up her back, to the collar of the t-shirt. I grabbed at it. In one fluid motion, I lightly pulled and she sat up; then with my other arm, I lightly pushed on her shoulder. The result was that she easily flopped face down onto the couch. Her right hand, slick with my precum, rested on her hip, offering mute testimony to the desire and password in the air. I stood, and Renee looked back at me through the soft brown curls half covering her face.

Smirking a bit, showing newfound confidence, she said, “Well that sped up quickly!” She looked down to my erection and half smiled, biting her lip. The girl was being coy and felt in control. Deep seen instincts told me that I did not like her feeling that way. My hands went to the small of her back. My fingers hooked into the waistband of those green shorts and pulled—pulled hard. She let out a soft cry of enthusiastic surprise, and was now naked from the waist down. I throw the shorts aside and gave a soft smack to her fleshy rear end. I suspected she was used to smacks there.

“Up,” was all I said. Having proper instincts, Renee knew exactly what I mean: she lifted her ass up, drawing her knees under her. It only accented the natural beauty to the curve of her ass. I kneeled on the couch behind her, and she let out a soft, barely audible sight. “Reach back,” I said pointedly. “Spread yourself.”

The air felt thick and heavy as she did just as she was told. Her hands came back, slowly pulling her cheeses apart. I was delighted, but unsurprised, to see that her moist, pump lips were hairless. How perfect and proper she was down there. I started to lean forward, and I could tell she anticipated me entering her pussy soon. But taking my cock in hand, my eyes moved upwards a bit—to the dark pinkness of that I suspected she had less often offered up.

I pressed the head of my cock against her asshole.

“Oh!” she called out, her face turning around to me. “Hey, that’s—”

“I know,” I interrupted. I pressed harder, seeing my head just start to push into her ass. It was as beautiful a sight as could be imagined.

“Goddd,” she said through gritted teeth, her head still half-turned towards me. The start was always the toughest. “Godddd goddd…” she repeated, her voice trailing off, getting quiet. Then she whispered: “Please stop. Please…”

I slowed my entry, speaking in a direct, confident voice. “What did you say, Renee?”

I saw then exactly what I hoped for: her head lowered, her shoulders relaxed, her face pressed into the couch cushion. It was basic, heartfelt, animal submission. I repeated myself. “What did you say, Renee?”

She kept her head down but turned her, her chin and mouth pushing through the brown curls that covered her face. “Please… please keep going.”

I continued pushing in. I saw her mouth first grimace, then let out a saved smile once the head of my cock was fully in her. “There’s a good girl. Take a moment, sweetie.” I paused a moment, letting her muscles adjust I ran a hand up her bare lower back. When I reached the bottom of the t-shirt, I pushed it up as best I could. She obliged for the front, letting her big chest free, allowing me to palm a beautiful, hanging breast. Then, without being told, her hands returned to her ass, keeping herself spread wide for me.

Then I started to properly take Renee’s ass, pushing in and out of her in a steady pace. Perhaps she would have been more comfortable with me going slower, giving her more time to adjust. I didn’t care, and she didn’t speak up. Her ass felt wonderful. It was tight, and her whole body would quiver with each thrust in. I pushed into her harder, making her body unstable on the couch. In an unspoken, unplanned tandem, she moved her hands off her butt to steady herself just as my hands went to her hips. I grabbed at her, keeping her obscenely spread open for me. I looked down, revealing in the sight of my cock pushed into this girl’s ass.

Renee had been quiet to begin with, but after she steadied herself, I saw one hand disappear under her body. The naughty girl started to touch herself, and that ignored in her a new level of energy. She was now moving with me, her quiet gasps and grunts filling the air alongside my own.

I leaned forward, one hand steading myself on her ass, the Other needing to feel her breast. I closed my fingers around her nipple, softly tugging at it. I felt her sink further into the couch. She now had one hand between her legs, and her other… met mine, holding my hand tightly as I pulled at her soft, tender breast. We held hands warmly as I fucked her in the ass.

Renee panted and spoke. “I’m going… I’m getting close.” I could only deeply grunt in response. I was getting close too. I leaned up, using one hand to push against the small of her back to elevate myself. The message was clear. Stay put. My hands moved to her ass again, pulling her open, letting me push deeper than before. She raised her head, moaning through her hair. I felt the urge rising. Not just the urge to cum—the urge to mark this 19-year-old as mine.

I took her ass, speeding up, faster and faster. I could feel her fingers inside her pussy, going almost as fast. I could feel myself swelling, getting very close—and with that swelling, Renee started to cry out again. “Fuck! It hur… it feels goo…… Ddd—”

With that, her body started to shake. Looking down at this girl, her delicious curves moving with each thrust inside her ass, I came. I came hard, blindingly hard, and could barely hear her crying out with orgasm as well. As I opened my eyes again and looked down, Renee’s body was still convulsing, her face buried in the couch pillow, little moans of pleasure escaping from her mouth. I stayed in her for a few moments, my hands now lovingly caresing her bottom. She looked positively beautiful as she caught her breath, her body sweaty,her hair a mess.

I patted Renee’s bottom one more time then pulled out. Her soft moans of small disappoint and great pleasure brought a smile to my face. I stood up, and walked to the other end of the couch. She was still breathing heavy; her eyes were still closed. I kissed her forehead through her hair. “We’ll talk in the morning, sweetheart.”

I headed to bed, but not before Renee, naked, taken, spent and indebted to me, spoke. “Thank you… for everything.”

As I closed my bedroom door, the girl still recovering in my living rom, I smiled. We had quite a weekend ahead of us.


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