I locked back in my chair and looked at her. She certainly cut a striking figure…..
Deep brown hair, striking blue eyes, and a curvy figure.
She’d obviously put a lot of effort into her clothes, her dress was simple, yet elegant. A sheath dress, covering her general bust, while clinging, and falling down to just above the knee, the colour shifting from a deep blue at shoulder height, to a light green at the knee.
She stood on the rug in front of my armchair, one leg crossed over the other, and her eyes downcast in shame, darting up to look at me, and then dropping down again.
“Now”, I said, “what did you want again?”
She practically understood on the spot, her fingers intertwining; her knee’s dropping then straightening, her eyes dropping further down, her voice barely audible as she said
“I’d like to play again”.
“I didn’t quite catch that”, I said, loudly.
“I’d like to play again…Sir”, she said, in a louder voice.
I looked her up and down, my lip curling in a slight sneer, as I said
“You know what you need, if you want my time and attention, Annette”.
She obviously crumbled, at the same time she let out a groan, half of pleasure, half of disbelief.
“Yes, sir, I have it here. Should I…”
She made a half motion towards the bag she’d put down at the side of the mat.
I stopped her with an upraised hand, and pointed to the corner.
“I’ll think about it”, was all I said.
Without another word, she dropped to her knees and crawled off the mat, onto the hardwood floor, and over to the corner.
Clearly remembering the last time, she pushed her shoulders back, and met her elbows behind her back, pushing her generous breasts into the wall.
She plucked her skirt up with her hands, revealing the lacy white G-string she was wearing, and the purple end of the plug poking out from her ass.
I left her there, as I turned on the TV and watched a program.
Every time I moved, and the chair creaked, she let out a littlegasp, or moan.
I smiled to myself. For many girls, the stint in the corner would have got boring after about 2 minutes.
She’d been there for 20, now, and I could strongly smell her arousal, filling the air with her scent.
When she moved, there’d be a small puddle under her.
Being ignored, especially as I hadn’t yet agreed to use her, triggered her need for degradation and humiliation.
With a loud, put-upon sight, I finally beckoned her back to me.
She crawled over to me, and knelt at my feet, looking up at me through the curtain of her hair, her eyes expected, yet begging.
I looked down at her and raised my eyes.
“Well, I’m waiting”, I said, coldly.
“I’m sorry, Sir, sorry”, she babbled as she grabbed her bag and counted out $250 in $50 notes, before kneeing, holding the money above her head, her eyes down.
“Please sir, here is the money you require, please, please play with me, I need it, please sir”.
I looked down at her. She did make a very pretty picture, and she did have the required money.
She didn’t know it, but any money she paid me was either spent on toys for her, or else put aside, to be returned when I ‘released’ her.
At the moment, taking her money was just humiliating her, as she had to pay to be abused.
I took her money, putting on the side table, and then spoke.
“Position one!”
Immediately, she smoothly stood, arms behind her head, breasts pushed out, legs should width apart.
I stood up and walked around her.
“That’s a nice dress, toy”, I said.
“Thank you, sir”.
“Is it expensive?”
“S…seven hundred dollars, sir”.
“Hmm, that’s an expensive dress to come see me in. Did you dress up for me?”
“Y…yes sir, I didn’t want to disappoint you, like last time”
Her voice trembled, as she remember the scorn I’d heaped on her for the way she’d dressed last time.
I smiled, as I reached into an open drawer and removed a pair of scissors.
I walk around in front of her, and hand her the scissors, which she takes, bewildered.
“Cut that dress off, toy. I don’t like it”
The look on her face was priceless.
I’d ripped clothes of her in previous sessions, and she might have been expecting something similar, but to have to mutilate her own new and expensive clothing was something she’d never even considered.
She started at the V of the neck, cutting straight down, till I stopped her.
“I want that dress in strips, girl” I said, my voice hard, “So you’d better get creative with your cutting”
At my words, she started to cut on a diagonal, moving the scissors around, cutting different patterns, till the whole dress slithered off her into a heap at her feet, and leaving her clad in her white lingerie.
I made a spinning motion with my finger, telling her I wanted her to turn.
She slowly turned on the spot, her ass becoming visible in her skimpy G-string.
“Bend”, I said, coldly and she did, displaying that plump, ripe ass for me.
“Now, slap thatfat ass, slut”, I said in the same voice.
I heard her groan as I called her ass fat, and her hand came around and smacked into her ass. “This fat assed slut thanks you, sir”, she said, as I’d trained her to.
Her hand came around again, impacting with a loud smack.
“This dirty who thanks you, sir”
I let this continue for another 6 slaps, as she went through being an ‘ass fucking whore’, a ‘stupid dirty cunt’ and a ‘pathetic little bitch’.
“Crawl to me”, I said, lightly and she immediately fell to her knees, spun and then started towards me.
She looked up at me, while keeping her shoulders lower than her ass.
Her look was sultry, smouldering, and I could almost taste her desire to see that she pleased me, that she was having an effect.
I schooled my face to impassiveness, and watched her show.
She reached me and dropped her face to my shoes, carefully not touching them, but hovering above.
“Your slave girl asks to kiss your feet, Master”, she said in a brEathy voice. “Please”
I told, as if it was a huge imposition, and said “Very well”.
She dropped the last inch and started showing kisses on shoes, til I lightly put my hand on the back of her head, stopping her.
“This bit thanks you for touching her, Master”, she said, automatically.
“Kneel up, slut”, I said and she straightened, her ass resting on her heels, projecting her big breasts towards me, her hands going behind her head, her eyes staying locked on the floor.
I reached out slowly peeled the cup over her right breast down, popping her breast out, revealing the rock hard nipple.
I gently caressed it, then flicked it, bringing a gasp and a shudder from her.
“Hmm….this is a very pretty bra, slut. Did you wear this for me too?”
“Y..yes, Master..”, she stuttered, “I bought it for you..”, she finished in a whisper.
I gave her my ‘asshole’ smile, and reached out, ripping the left cup out completely, destroying her bra, and revealing her other pert,perky breast.
She gasped, eyes still down, and her body seemed to melt a little bit, there was nothing really different about her posture, it was just as if some of the steel went out of her, like she surrendered.
I picked up the marker I keep in the locke table and uncapped it. I leaned over and wrote “SAGGY” over her left breast and “TITS” over her right.
“Master, may this pathetic cunt speak?”, she asked, suddenly.
“No”, I said, with finality.
I deftly wrote the word URINAL across the top of her chest, and then I said “Now, you may speak, cunt”.
“Master, this girl needs to pee. May she please use the bathroom?”.
I smiled at her and said, “No, but you may get the bucket”.
She moaned and started to crawl off, opening the door of my hall cupboard, and Taking the handle of the waste bucket in her mouth. Holding it tightly, she slowly dragged it into the living room, and then sat back on her haunches and looked at me.
I picked up the bucket and moved it in front my wide open loop window. Then, I turned and beckoned to her, and she crawled over to me.
I took a handful of her hair, and lifted her to a squatting position over the bucket.
“Now, you can piss, girl”, I said and she reached down to her panties and started to slide them off. “No”, I said, sharply. “They stay on.”
She shot me a horrified, humiliated look, and groaned, as her pee began to splash into the bucket.
I watched her face, as she looked out through the window, watched the humiliation and shame grow on her face as the yellow stain bloomed on her white panties. Finally, the splashing stopped and she tried hard to stifle a sob.
“Finished, slut?”, I asked, off hand.
“Y,,,y….yes, Master”, she sobbed, as her wet panties plastered themselves to her cunt, outlining her lips clearly.
“You pissed all through your nice panties tho, slut. What sort of disgusting, little slut does that?”, I asked.
“This cunt is just a disgusting little pisswhore, Master”, sheanswered, still sobbing.
I took a handful of her hair and lifted her to her feet again, then marched her over to my entry way, standing her so she was facing the front door. “Take them off”, I ordered her. She slowly slid her panties down her legs, then picked them up and offered them to me.
“Don’t offer me your disgusting, piss stained panties, slut”, I said, feigned anger in my voice.
“Put them over your head, so people don’t have to look at your ugly face”
She cast me a look of horror and disbelief, but even as she did, her hands were bringing the panties up to her head, pulling them down over her hair, with the crotch section facing the front.
“Uh uh uh, cunt”, I said, “Position the crotch over your nose, so you can smell just how disgusting you are”.
With another stifled sob, she spun the underwear on her head.
Once it was positioned to my satisfaction, I put my hand on her shoulder, and pushed her down, so she was kneeing. “Position 2”, I said, and she smoothly spread her legs, her back going ramrod straight, her elbows coming together behind her back, pushing those big breasts out and thrusting her cunt forward.
As I turned to head into the locke again, the front door clicked open and Becky walked in.
She surveyed the scene before her, and then asked with a smile,
“Hmm, so what have we here?”.
Becky walked over to me, a sensitive strut, knowing Annette’s eyes were glued to her, in shock and fear. She flicked her long blonde hair back over her shoulder as she greeted me a deep, open mouthed kiss, before falling to her knees and kissing each of my feet.
“Your slave greets you, Master”, she said, formally, before sliding a collar from her handbag, kissing it and lifting to me.
“Please collar your property, Master”, she asked then, her eyes downcast, the collar higher than her head.
I reached down, took the collar and buckled it around her slender neck, fasting the lock on tight. The key to it rested on a thin chain inmy wallet.
She started to remove her wrist cuffs, but I put my hand out and stopped her.
“Not tonight, my slave girl. We have someone new to play with”
She looked up at me with her wicked grin and said, her voice pitched to carry, “Who is the urinal, anyway?”
I raised my own voice slightly. “cunt, tell Becky who you are”.
“This stupid cunt is Sir’s urinal, Miss”, Annette said, obediently.
I smiled a little, and said, my voice patronising this time, “Not WHAT you are, stupid cunt, WHO you are”.
Her eyes went wide, at that, and she stammered out, “T…this cunt i…is Annette Bowning, Miss. She is t…he Senior Vice P.p..p..p..p..p..p..p..p..p..p..p..p..p..p..p..p..p..p..p..p..p.. she slithered from her knees, somehow snaking around my body, to end up with her luscious breasts pressed into my back, her arm draped across my chest, and her stance hipshot behind me.
“Senior vice president”, Becky said, her voice filled with scorn. “A pathetic little fuck rag like you?”.
I could see her face obviously wild behind her piss stained panties as Becky spoke to her. “Tell Becky how you got your job, cunt”, I said, my voice emotionless, and my face still impassive.
She was almost sobbing now, as she said “T….this c..c…cunt is too stupid to d…do her j.j…job properly, Miss Becky. S…sh…she had to fuck her wa..way there”.
I decided that Annette had had enough direct humiliation for now, so I twisted,, took a handful of Becky’s long, blonde hair, to the compliance of her swiftly inrawn breath.
“You are overdressed, slave”, I said, evenly, as I pulled her down to her knees. “Strip”.
She hurriedly began to unbutton her deep blue shirt, almost ripping buttons off in her haste, revealing her pert, B cup breasts, unsupported by a bra, before attacking the zip of her skirt, and then, finally, her lacy black G-string.
I walked around her, and as I crossed the point directly behind her, she lifted her ass, pushing her face further down, as I’d trained her too. I could see the black base of her plug poking out of her ass. I stopped and pressed sharply on the plug, to her accompanying groan.
“How long has this been in, slave”, I asked, milkly.
“2 hours, Master”, she promptly replied. “I inserted it just before I left work as usual…..oh god. I’m so sorry Master. Please, forgive me”.
I smiled, and not a nice one, as she babbled. She had standing orders to plug herself for her ride home from work, but for the last week, she was supposed to wear the plug for an extra hour, as a punishment.
I looked down at my babbling slave, Annette ignored in the entryway, and said, quietly, “Silence, slave”.
The begging cut off instantly, and I said, still in that quiet, smooth voice,
“Kneel up”.
She pulled herself up, pushing her small chest out, and spreading her knees, her eyes downcast, her arms behind her back.
I picked up the marker and wrote “CUNTLAPPER” across her chest, where I knew her downcast eyes would read it.
I then pointed across the room at Annette and said,
“well, cuntlapper, there’s your first assignment. Off you go”.
Becky looked up at me, a hint of pleading in her eyes, but I kept my own eyes iron hard, and I gestured again at the kneeing Annette.
“Crawl over and ask to lick her cunt, cuntlapper”, I said, coldly.
With a whimper, she started towards Annette, on her hand and knees, stopping, still crouched on all fours, before the kneeing girl, and asking,
“Please, Miss…urinal, may I lick your cunt”.
Annette looked down at her, with wide eyes, and whispered, “Yes”.
Becky moved closer and slowly pushed her head to Annette’s crotch. Her nose wrinkled a little at the smell, Annette hadn’t have given the chance to wipe after her bucket display, and her cunt was coated in dried piss and smelled accordingly.
Slowly, at first, then with increasing speed, Becky’s pink tongue darted out and flicked against Annette’s clean sad sex.
After the first 2 minutes, Becky had mostly cleaned Annette’s cunt, and was now starting to play with her clip, licking up and down her slit, and twirling her tongue around that sensitive little nub of flesh.
Predictably, since she had been kept in a state of high arousal for hours and denied any semblance of release, Annette was soon having a very hard time holding off her orgasm, moaning and gasping, especially when she looked over at me, and saw me watching, not her wanton display, but Becky’s cute little plugged ass.
Idly, I wondered to myself if Annette was going to remember that she was restricted from orgasms.
I guess not, I answered myself about thirty seconds later, as Annette had a shattering orgasm. As soon as Annette’s shudders received, Becky turned and looked at me, a wicked light glowing in her eyes.
She knew, even if Annette hadn’t remembered, that they were restricted.
In my head I smiled at the cunning way Becky had tried to regain Alpha status even as my face stayed blank. This was going to be fun.
I sat and considered my two girls.
Becky was still looking at me, waiting for my reaction, and Annette was still coming down from her orgasm….it had been a big one, and no wonder, I’d been teasing her for several hours and getting her to the edge, and keeping her there, for just this reason.
The more I thought about it, the angrier I was at Becky for her power play.
That was the problem with bratty alpha subs….introduce another partner and they just had to ‘put them in their place’.
I’d have to punish them both, and make it very clear to both of them what their respective places were, to stop future repeats of this.
I stood and walked over to the two. Annette had finished coming down, and had clearly remembered her orgasm restrictions, as she looked at me with heart meltingly desperate eyes, peeking through the leg holes of the panties still covering most of her face. Becky licked her lips, a smug little smile on her lips, as she slide herself out from underneath Annette.
“P..Please, Sir….” Annette stammered out “This c..cunt is so..oo very sorry for c…c…cumming without your permission. P…please punish her”.
As she finished the sentence, she dropped her eyes, pushing her chest out and spreading her legs. I reached down, and tore the panties of her head, ripping the fabric as I did so.
Coldly, I looked down at Becky, and said,
Surprise shot across her face, followed by anger, then, dismay. She hesitated for perhaps one tenth of a second, before her mouth dropped open, and her eyes found mine.
I keep my voice even as I entered,
“Not your mouth, slave”.
Smoothly, Becky snapped her mouth shut, and spread her legs wide, then reached down with the fingers of one hand and spread her cunt lips, opening herself up to my, and Annette’s, inspection.
Without hesitation, I stuffed Annette’s piss stained panties into her wet hole, thensnapped ‘release’ at her.
She let go of her lips, and looked up at me again, her face a lot more uncertain than it had been 2 minutes ago.
“Position 3”, I said, still keeping my face and voice impassive.
She rolled herself around in that uniquely boneless way she had, and put herself on her knees, legs spread to show her stuffed cunt. She then bent 90 degrees at the waist, her hands meeting on the back of her neck and her face hovering over the floor, her pert, erect nipples just brushing the floor.
I looked over at Annette.
“Were you given permission to orgasm, toy”, I asked, my voice not betraying one iota of emotion.
“No, S..sir”, she answered.
“Then why did you?” I asked, my tone light, conversational, as if I was merely curious about her answer.
“This cunt has no excuse, sir.”
Her answer gave me a moment’s pause. Most girls in her position would have at least mentioned Becky’s intervention, or tried to blow her for it.
Annette’s willingness to take the blow could be a way of finding common ground with Becky.
I decided to see how it played out.
“Very well then. Both of you crawl to the bedroom for punishment”.
At this, Becky spoke up.
“Master? what did I do?”
I whirled on her, while Annette took the chance to start crawling to the bedroom.
“Were you ordered to make her orgasm?” I asked, heat touching my voice slightly.
“N…no Master”, she answered, less sure of herself now.
“Did you stop to think that you might be ruining plans I had, by forcing her to one”, I asked.
“N…no, Master, this slave is sorry, Master, she didn’t think.”
Becky’s words tumbled out, as she realized just how badly she’d stuffed up.
“Shut up, slave and get into the bedroom for your punishment”, I said, my voice back to its emotionsless, empty quality.
I watched Annette’s purple plugged ass disappear into the master bedroom and Becky’s black plugged one start up the hallway, as I considered a fair punishment for both oftheir translations.
I walked into the bedroom to find them both in position 3. I smiled to myself, careful to let none of it show.
I gathered up a handful of Annette’s long dark hair and pulled her upright on her knees, then pushing my fist forward, I ‘walked’ her over to the end of the bed, then lifted her to her feet, and bent her over the bed, burying her face in the thick duvet, as I kicked her legs open. She gasped, as I did that, but otherwise held completely still.
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