The Death of Al

This is the story of someone’s death – a guy named Al. I liked Al, he was a great guy. Always busy with this or that and a lot of fun to be with. But he died a few years back. I know, I was there. Sure, people still see him around but now he’s known as “Linda’s Good Boy” or just “Good Boy” and is he is happier than he’s ever been. I should know, I’m am Good Boy

My ex-wife and I had been going back and forth for months about starting a female led relationship. We’d start and then it would stop. I thought we had closed the door the final time with a series of email and weeks without communication until I received an email from her. The email read:

If you want to serve me, you will come to my house tonight at 7. You will bring the box of toys. Let yourself in. There will be a bag and a note inside that bag. Follow those instructions and don’t be late. If you are not there by 7, I will lock the door and you will never see me again. Don’t worry about my daughter, she’s stayingg with a friend the next few days.

Her daughter was 11 and close in age to my own son, who was 10. When we were married they were the best of friends, but the time and distance of our separation had taken its toll on their relationship just like it had my relationship with Linda. We also had older kids. Her older daughter lived in Atlanta and probably hated me with every ounce of her being. She was spoiled and had a Mean streak about her. In short, everything I wanted Linda to be. Her older son was away in the Air Force. My older kids had a so-so attitude towards Linda, but pretty much kept to themselves.

I wondered if I should go or not. It was Tuesday night and my usual writer’s group night. She knew that. Maybe she was forcing me to make a decision or perhaps she knew that this was one night I was free of obligations to others. Either way, I had a decision to make. On one hand, serving her mean giving up my current life. On the other hand, it means pursuing a life thathad consumed my thoughts for years – decades even. It had long been my desire to live as a submissive slave to a beautiful woman like Linda – to knee before her, do her bidding and make sure she had a life of comfort and ease. I am not sure where these desires came from, only that they had been with me since a young age – maybe as young as 12 or 13. Every time I saw a woman in a dominant position on screen or in print, my heart melted. Problem was, I had so much going on, the reality of my life often conflicted with my desires and nothing could push me over – until that night with Linda. Yes, after careful consideration, I decided to go.

That evening came and despite having serious reservations about this (I didn’t want to lead Linda down a path again I was going to chicken out of), I got in my car at 6:30 and drive out to Her place. I arrived early and drove around for a while considering my options. As much as I wanted to leave, to get out of there and never have to face thisagain – to go lead a “normal” life, I was drawn to her place and at 6:55 I let myself in.

I pushed open the door and immediately saw the plastic bag on the floor. I opened it, took out the note, and read it:

I am glad you decided to come my pet.

Take off your clothes and put them back into this bag. You will not be needing them. Take out the collar, put it on and attach the leash. Put the bag in the corner. When you are done, come upstairs, find me, and knee beside me, holding up the leash handle. You are to keep your eyes down at all times.

I did as I was told. I took out the collar and leash, took off my clothes and put them in the bag. I put on the collar, attached the leash and stuck the bag of clothes in the corner. I then bowed my head and walked upstairs, a feeling of appreciation Flooding my body. Although part of me telling me it wasn’t too late to run away, I was drawn upstairs.

I got upstairs and saw Linda typing at the keyboard. I went to her side, kneeed, and held up the leash. She finished what she was doing and without a word, grabbed the leash handle and pulled me towards her bedroom with a firm yank. I followed on all fours. When we got into the bed room, she pulled me up on the bed. I looked up at her for further directions.

“Eyes down!”

I compiled without a word.

She smoked my naked butt with her hands. “Yes, Ms. Linda! You will always answer me with ‘Yes, Ms. Linda’ unless we are out in public, then a ‘yes, dear’ would be fine. Is that understand?”

“Yes, Ms. Linda.” Another smack.

“Will you ever tell me no?”

I paused, not knowing what to say.

“Good boy. I never want to hear the words ‘no’ uttered from your lips. Understood?”

“Yes, Ms. Linda.”

She pushed my head down, walked over to her dresser and picked something up. I couldn’t see from my position, only heard the rattled of brushes and who-knows-what-else. Before long I felt a sharp thwack on my naked butt. I try to pull away, but she grab my hips and hold firm. She hit me again – twice more, three times.

“I have been doing some research, talking to some Mistresses and I decided it was time for you to take your proper place at my feet.” another strike. Her blows seemed to be getting harder. “I am so pissed at the way you’ve been treating me lately – our whole time together.” More blows. “And if you I got out of the bed and kneeled before her, fast, before she could land another blow. She grabbed my hair and pulled my head up. Our eyes met. “You have to understand that there is no going back for me. Will you serve me as your royal mistress?”

I paused, swallowed. “Yes, Ms. Linda.”

“Good, now get on your feet.”

I rose, my head bowed. I was naked and my cock stood at full attention, not unnotified by Ms. Linda. She took my cock in her hands and started struggling it. She started licking my ear and whispered. “That turns you on to be my slave doesn’t it? To do as I command? To do my bidding?”

I answered with a meek, “yes, Ms. Linda.”

“That’s good, because that is going to be your life from now on. You are going to want to obey me. My will is now your command, my displeasure your disgrace. Understand?”

“Yes, Ms. Linda.”

“Now, be a good boy and go finish my dishes and clean the kitchen. I’ll be down in 30 minutes to inspect your work. Understand?”

“Yes, Ms. Linda.” And with those words, Al died, and Linda’s good boy was born.

To be continued…


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