The Deal Pt. 02

The following morning, she received a WhatsApp from him. The moment she saw his name, she gasped involuntarily and her heart began racing. She felt like a teenager as the sudden excitement raced through her and she felt ridiculous as her fingers shook as she pressed on his message.

G: ‘I just came watching your video’

‘Oh my God…’ she whispered to herself and feel her pussy flood with heat. She pressed her phone to her chest and thought about that. Her mouth watered, her pussy throbbed with desire and wetness. He had watched her. He had watched her and wanked over her, came watching her. ‘Oh my God’ she whispered again. Why did that turn her on so much? There was nothing else for it. She was alone in the house, so went back to bed and used her new Venus Glow. She almost screamed when she came a few minutes later.

As she lay back in her bed, flushed with her recalling orgasm, completely relaxed as she melted into her bed, she thought of him again, thought of what he had made her do, thought of how much she loved it, thought of him struggling his hard cock as he watched her. She had never been this turned on by a man in her life and he wasn’t even there!

Without realising it, her hands moved from her breasts, slowly down her belly and between her thighs, her fingers very slowly struggling her throbbing clip as she thought of him wanking. Over her. Her body responded Instantly. She wanted to see it, she wanted to see his hard cock in his hand, wanted to see that lust in his eyes again, wanted to do anything to make him feel good… wanted him inside her.

Her fingers moved faster and she felt the divine tension building inside her. How had he done this to her? She thought, as her fingers sped over her bursting clip, her pussy dripping, her chest rising and falling as she felt it getting closer. Her free hand went to her breast and squeezed as she felt it getting closer, closer… Her head tilted back, eyes closed, as she pictured his face,felt his mouth on hers, imagine his thick, hard cock sliding inside her and she came, moaning loudly.

‘Fuck! Fuuuuuuuck…, ohhh…’ she moaned. Ok, this isn’t fair now, she thought. He’s made me come three times in little over 12 hours. I need to be fucked!

That evening, she went all out. This was no longer a humiliating game she had to play purely for his benefit, she needed him now and she was determined to get it. She went up into her loft and managed to find a dress she hadn’t hurt in over a decade. It was a short, very short, very tight black mini dress, one she had forgotten quite a bit in her clubbing days. She always felt fantastic in it and it never failed to get attention. So she was a little curvier these days, but this was for his eyes only and the decade had added curves in the right places. There was no way he was going to miss her arse or tits in this little baby.

That evening, she spent a little more time on her hair, made sure her make-up was flattering withought being obvious and dabbed No.19 on her neck, wrists and cleavage. No.19 was for special occasions and she wanted some special now.

He opened the door with his usual wide, warm smile, then as he closed the door behind her, he pressed her against it, his mouth on hers, his hands inside her coat. They kissed deeply, firmly, her hands around his neck pulling him into her, pressing her body against his, Feeling his hands on her back and her arse, squeezing, then wandering over her body, the little black beauty hiding nothing.

‘Wow… Come in’ he said, with that smug grin, if anything a little more smug than it had been the previous night. Tonight, he took her into the blinde before removing her coat, the murmured a low, deep, appreciated ‘wowww…’ as he stared at her. This LBD never failed.

‘Wow! That is some dress you’re almost wearing’ he smiled. ‘You look…’ he struggled for the right words for a moment, as his eyes devoured every inch of her. ‘fucking gorgeous’. She merely smiled in reply, she knew how good she looked and was glad he was stunned. Eventually, he managed to tear his eyes off her body and into her eyes, as he competed towards the stairs.

‘Upstairs, please’ he said, and she felt a warm flutter ripple inside her. History repeating. She took her time walking up the stairs, the tightness of the dress and the height of her heels making her sway her hips a little more than usual. Ok, that was billlocks. She knew he had his eyes on her arse and was making sure he knew what she was there for.

Unlike the previous evening, he ushered her into the bathroom, which surprised her. He seemed to relish her confusion and smiled widely. The harshness of the bathroom lighting did nothing to diminish her outstanding beauty and sensitivity in her LBD, but he had something else in mind this Evening.

‘You’ve got 15 minutes’ he smiled. ‘I want you to have a shower, wash your hair, then put this on and meet me in the bedroom’. She looksd at the back of the bathroom door where he had gestured and saw only a white bathrobe. She reached over to check there was nothing beneath it she had missed, but there was only the robe. She frowned. All this effort and he wanted her to have a shower?? Did she stink or what?

‘I’ve had a shower’ she frowned. His smile widened.

‘I’m sure you have, but I want you to have one here, then come and find me’. she folded her arms angrily. This was not how she planned the evening panning out.

‘Seriously? I’ve put this effort in and you want me to wash it all off?’ He smiled at her for a few moments, then nodded. This oh so pleased with himself grin could become irritating.

‘Look, I have-‘

‘You know the rules. Do it or leave and I’ll make a few phone calls’ he said, then closed the door with a ‘fifteen minutes’. She was living. This dress, this hair, make-up… this body!? And he wants me to have a fucking shower? Oh, AND the No.19!

‘Bastard’ she muttered and furiously undressed.

The shower was actually quite nice, nicer than the shower at hers and he had a lovely shower gel which was some sort of orange extract and smelled really nice, plus he had splashed out on some Coco & Eve shampoo and conditioner which she was tempted to pinch and take home.

He anger had abated by the time she stepped out of the shower and slipped into the white robe, but flared a little When she saw he LBD hanging on the door and thought of that time and lustful excitement wasted. She took a towel from the rack near the shower and wrapped her wet hair in it, then took a deep breath and walked from the bathroom to the bedroom.

He was waiting, leaning with his back to the window, a little glass of something in his hand. He smiled as she entered and put his glass down, then walked over to her, embedded her and kissed her deeply and slowly, his tongue flicking gently into her mouth. Her anger had disappeared and she remembered what she was there for.

‘Sit on the edge of the bed facing the window’ he instructed and she moved to the far side of the bed, perched herself on the edge, her back now to him, thinking oh no, please don’t just toy with me again after all this.

‘Lie back’ he ordered and she did so without the nervousness of the night before. She lay her head back, cross her legs, folded her arms and stared up at him, her body warm and moist in the bathrobe.

Once again, he turned out the light before turning on the lamps, leaving her literally in the dark for a few seconds.

‘Look at me’ he said, softly and she stared up at him. ‘You look beautiful’ he said.

‘I looked better before’ she replied, a little frostily. This only made his smile wider. She was ready for the inevitable instruction and, after the previous evening, his text and Her session with the Venus Glow earlier that day, his smile and his instructions had already made her wet. Today though, she was a little annoyed by this. Her irritation disappeared when he lowered his head and kissed her. They kissed for some time and she felt her hand rising to hold his face, touch his skin, found her legs uncrossing.

Then she felt his hand on the robe. She flinched at the unexpected touch, gasping in through her nose, as he was occupying her mouth completely with his kisses.

She felt his hands untying the belt on her robe, feel either end of it fall to her sides on the bed. He continued to kiss her, then she felt him slowly part her robe. Bastard, she managed to think through the kisses and the butterflies and the wetness. Bastard… he’s got me again.

Slowly, he pulled the robe open, exposing her. Then he stopped and stood.

‘Masturbate for me’ he said. Her heart sank and her anger crept back to the edges of her arousal.


‘Masturbate for me’ he repeated. Now she was blushing a deep, burning red, but tonight it was a mixture of embarrassment and fury. She witnessed hard through her nose, closed her eyes and reached down. The humiliation was tempered by her anger, but she was aroused, so was determined to do this as quickly possible, to come as quickly as possible, so began masturbating quickly.

Her fingers rolled over her clip more firmly than usual. She slipped her fingers inside her pussy, then wet with her juice, she stroked back onto her clip, then stroked again, making hard, fast little circles over and over her clip. She could feel the heat deep in her belly as well as on her face as she stroked, getting into the familiar rhythm.

She closed her eyes and just focused on the feeling, determined to make the show brief, frustrated by his instruction. Her fingers slipped down to her wet hole once again, then slicked, stroked up to her clip and pressed against it. Her breathing became faster and deeper and she found her free hand moved up onto her breasts, caresing her naked tits and felt his eyes on her.

‘Faster’ he ordered, then she heard a slight rustling sound above her. She stroked her clip faster as he had instructed, struggling hard and fast, then heard another rustling sound above her. She could feel the familiar sweet tension grow in her belly, as she opened her eyes.

She gasped as she saw him naked above her, his hard cock visible at last.

‘Ohhmmm…’ she gasped, seeing him at last. His hand was gripping his thick, hard cock and he was struggling it over her face. Now she really did feel like masturbating and she tried to slow her rhythm, lighten her touch. She could see his body, see his hard cock, the head dark and glistening as he stroked over her.

He lowered himself over her until she could see nothing, then felt his tight, heavy balls brush against her lips.

‘Lick them’ he ordered, his voice deep and hoarse. She could feel the rhythm of His hand wanking his cock vibrating through his balls against her lips. She opened her mouth and ran her tongue along the underside of his balls. He gave a long, low, hard moan of pleasure as he felt her tongue on his balls and she flicked the tip of her tongue hard against them, increasing the depth of his moan. ‘Yesss…’ he groaned and she almost buckled under the double pleasure of his voice and her building orgasm.

Opening her mouth wider, she took one ball into her mouth and sucked gently, rolling her tongue around it, then moving to the other ball and repeating the licking and gentle sucking, becoming more and More turned on by his groans and growls of pleasure and the increased speed of his wanking.

‘Faster’ he ordered and again she obeyed. A low moan of pleasure flowed from deep inside her as she felt it building closer, closer, closer. Her free hand moved up to his body and placed her hand against his, feeling his struggling intensify. As she did this, she FINALLY feel his free hand on her breast, squeeze hard, flicking over her nipple, his movements jerky, distracted from his wanking and his eyes on her.

Suddenly he slipped his hand off his cock and her hand wrapped around his thick hard shake. Immediately, his hand wrapped around hers and she was powerless as he wanked his cock via his hand over hers. It was her hand wrapped around his cock whilst her other was a hot sloppy blur on her clip.

‘Come… come for me’ he stammered, feeling his own orgasm building. The moment he said it, it exploded inside her. She bucked upwards, arching her back, moaning loudly against his balls as the pleasure swept through on hot, wet waves.

As she came, he slowed his stroke, still gripping her hand between his and his cock. The feeling of finally getting her hands on it as she came was overwhelming and her orgasm was intense.

As it subsided and he slowly wanked over her, trying to delay the moment and maximise the power of his own orgasm, she had an idea. She lowered her head back onto the bed, releasing his balls and spoke;

‘I’m going to count down… then I want you to come when I reachzero’ she said and his guttural moan of pleasure almost made he come again, as his grip tightened against her hand, squeezing his cock firmly.

’10… 9… 8… ‘ she murmured softly, feeling his cock harden even more in her hand. He was close.

‘7…6… 5… 4…’ she could feel his hard cock begin to twitch and he leaned back a little. She could now see her hand wanking him, above that his face, tight with pre-orgasm tension. She could feel he was ready to exploit.

‘3… 2…’ his moan tightened in his throat and she could see his jaw clnch, feel his hand tighten even further against hers.

‘1… Zero…’ she said and he bucked in her hand and came, the first hard jet of cum shooting from his cock and splashing onto her chest. At that moment, she tilted her head back, opened her mouth and pulled his cock inside, immediately tasting his delicious cock on her tongue, feel his hardness as he continued to orgasm, spurting his cum into her mouth as he spasmed and moaned loudly. She flashed her tongue over and over and over the head of his cock as he moaned in ecstasy, pumping his cum into her mouth. She swallowed every drop and continued to suck and roll her tongue over his thick head.

After a while, he pulled his cock from her mouth and stroked the head over her lips. She flicked out her tongue to continue to tease him, while her hands went to her boobs and stroked his cum across her nipples and into her skin.

A minute or two later, he lowered his head and kissed her deeply. He clearly didn’t mind that he had just come in her mouth!

Then without warning, he left the room. She flopped on the bed, legs and bathrobe wide, her pussy throbbing deliciously, her breasts sticky, the taste of his come in her mouth.

When he returned, he was wearing a bathrobe and carrying a glass of water, her bag and a toothbrush.

‘You know where the bathroom is’ he said, smiling and placed the bag and toothbrush on the pillow. She pulled her legs together, covered herself with the robe and sat up, confused. He handed her the water and she took a grateful gulp.

‘Yes’. He kissed her again.

‘You’re sleeping here tonight’ he smiled and turned to leave.

‘What!!? But I-‘

‘No buts. Good night’ he said, leaving and closing the door behind him. She sat and looked around the room, slightly bewildered. Then she shrugged and did as she was told.

Perhaps, she thought. Perhaps I might get a visit in the night…



The sound of the message alert on her mobile had her reaching for it instantly, a Pavlovian response. Her breath caught in her throat when she saw his name.

G: ‘Red Lion. Tonight. 7pm’

Her heart beat a little faster at the message. What? What was this, a date? She swallowed, her eyes gazing into the distance over her phone.

Were they doing this now? Going out? Together? She rechecked the message. No doubt.

He was hers. She had to do it. But out. A date. With him. In public. Her mind had almost collapsed into a monosyllabic morass of fearful excitement.

She was incredibly grateful that he was there when she arrived. She had decided on dressing as if she was dropping in after work, rather than putting in a lot of effort to dress up and look as good as she knew she could. She was therefore wearing a white shirt, dark jacket, black pencil skirt, hold-ups and sensible heels. Nice without being obviously or Friday night-y, officey. And all men loved a pencil skirt, right? she thought.

He was facing the door, eagerly awaiting her arrival and lit up with a broad smile when she nervously pushed open the door and stepped tententatively inside. He pushed a chair back slightly and patted the seat, beckoning her to join him.

‘You look beautiful’ he said and she blushed. As she sat, he leaned over and kissed her, and she blushed. She smiled back and gave a small, nervous thanks.

‘What would you like?’ he asked and shepanicked. He was asking this? Here? What was he thinking? She gulped nervously, heart racing. NO. No, no no no no, surely… no. surely he didn’t… expect her to… here?

‘To drink?’ he asked.

‘Oh god’ she gasped, involuntarily, realising she was being stupid. ‘Sorry, I thought… I mean… gin and tonic, please’ she said and fumbled in her bag, hiding her eyes and pretending to search for something. He stood and went to the bar, giving her the chance to scan the room. Nobody was looking at her and she recognized nobody. This was a huge relief. Finally resting his eyes on him. He was in profile, smiling and chatting to the barman. He was very casual, very Friday night-y; jeans, black Converse, white shirt, black buttonless cardigan. He looked good. His profile looked good.

She turned away and blushed again. What am I doing? What am I thinking!? She was sitting in a pub at his instruction. She knew he would want her to indulge in some kind of… she surprised and shook her head. Fine. I’ll do it, but I want to be fucked now, mister, she thought and smiled to herself, as drinks were placed on the table in front of her.

‘What are you thinking about?’ he asked and she blushed, looking up at him, mouth open, but no words came. ‘Ah! Nice!’ he grinned, then leaned in and kissed her again, his hand resting on her thigh. ‘Back in a sec’ he said, then moved away, allowing his hand to slide off her thigh as he moved.

She was used to male attention, from a distance, anyway. In pubs or restaurants, offices, tubes. She was even used to be hit on, but she had fallen out of the habit of having intimate male attention. She sipped at her G&T and almost cought. She was starting to enjoy it. The drink and the attention. He returned, that smug smile on his face.

‘Did you get me a large one?’ she asked, innocently.

‘I thought that’s what you wanted’ he grinned. They then sat chatting in the pub for half an hour and she relaxed. He asked her about, she talked, asked questions… it was like being real people for a while.

They had another drink.

‘Come on, let’s go’ he said, helped her into her jacket, then they left together. Outside the pub, he took her hand and they talked on the short walk back to his. Once his house came into view, the old nerves kicked back in. she hadn’t been lead to his house before. It felt a bit like… like getting lucky. Or going back to a bloke’s for the first time after a date, there was a tension sizzling between them and a warm, carnal tension growing inside her.

He opened the door, allowed her in, then pushed her against the wall and kissed her before he had even removed her coat. As he kissed her, he undid her coat and slipped his hands inside. His tongue pressed into her mouth as his hands pressed against her skin, against her breasts, down her back and squeezed her arse. She responded immediately. If she was going to be sacrificed, she might as well make the most of it. HeThen pulled back and smiled.

‘Let me take your coat’ he smiled. She was breathing hard and found she was both smiling and excited. She slipped her coat off and watched his eyes devouring her body.

He led her through the blinde and on through the doorway on the other side of the room, then onto into a kitchen. This was a surprise, but whatever was cooking smelled amazing.


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