The businessman arrived in time at the appointed location, an alley in the outskirts of town, dripping with nervous sweat, tightly gripping a suitcase. He had been warned by the police to not give in to the criminals’ demands, and he would’ve agreed with that… if it were anyone other than his wife. The sum in the suitcase was large enough to send his business under and make their future together completely uncertain… but at least they would *have* a future. The possibility that something might happen to her, that he might lose her… no amount of money in the world was too much if it means preventing that.
After several ageing minutes, in which his mind raced with the worst possible scenarios, three armed men emerged from around the corner.
“I’m alone”, he said. “I’m doing everything just like you…”
“Shut the fuck up,” one of the criminals shouted, waving a gun at his face. “You don’t get to talk.”
Another of the men walked up to the businessman, produced a clothes sack, and covered his head with it. “Remove it and both you and her die”, he said. He then pulled the suitcase from the victim’s hands; the businessman resisted at first, as he was holding the key to his beloved wife’s survival, but realized holding on to it would only hurt their chances, and let go.
They started pushing him around to make him walk, and led him through the streets in a torturous path. After a way too long time, they finally removed his hood. They were inside a grimy warehouse, a couple other thugs standing around, and a large, muscle man whose swagger easily pinpointed him as the head of the gang. And, in the center of the room… there she was.
She was laying on an OB-GYN’s examination bed. She was gagged, her wrists were handcuffed to the bed’s legs, and her ankles were tied by rope to the leg Supports. She was still clothed in the cocktail dress she had been kidnapped in, and looked distressed and somewhat bruised, probably from struggleswith her captors.
“What did you do to her?!” the businessman said, taking a step forward. As soon as he did, though, two of the goons pointed their guns at him, and one other pointed a gun at the woman’s head.
“I believe my pal here already told you that you don’t get to speak,” the leader said calmly. He walked towards the woman and touched her face with a gentle care, as she flinched away from him. “But I’ll give you this one. Only this one, though. One more word from you, and you’re both in the ground. After all, it’s not you I’m interested in talking to here. Is that clear?”
The businessman quickly nodded, a touch of confusion mixing into the fear and anger that dominated him. Wasn’t he there to negotiate her release? Who else was he going to talk to?
“Good,” the boss said. He waved to one of his underlings. “Check that suitcase, will you? Just to make sure… while I get everything ready.”
While one of the thugs brought the suitcase to a table and opended it for inspection, the leader walked up to a medical cabinet and took something from it. He turned around with a small via and a hypodermic needle. “I know what you’re wondering,” he said, “and no, you’re not the one who’s negotiating her release. She is. But first… let’s get her ready.”
He walked up to the restrained woman, who started squirming in expectation of something unpleasant. He jabbed the needle into thevial and drew a dose, and then grabbed one of his captive’s arms, pinning it against the bed as she struggled. “Don’t worry… it’s just a little price.” He chuckled to himself. “Well, *this* one, anyway.” He stuck her with the needle and carefully injected its contents, while her husband looked on, wide-eyed, struggling not to scream.
The criminal casually throw the medical equipment into a nearby trashcan. “Oh, that’s not harmonious, if that’s what you’re asking. No, it’s just some experimental drug, means to treat sexual dysfunction, lack of desire… only this is an ultra-concentrated batch my lab guys cooked up.” He caresed the sides of the woman’s face, as she fearfully squeezed her eyes shut and tried, unsuccessfully, to shrink away from his touch. “So, while the effect sets in, I’m going to lay the terms of our deal out to you. Do you understand?” He pulled the gag from her mouth.
“Please, just… just take all the money and let me go!” she cried out.
“Shhh,” he hushed her. “I haven’t given my terms, have I?” He moved to the side of the bed, the enormous bulge in his pants coming into her sight, level with her eyes. “What I am *offering*… is this.” He grabbed his crotch. “I’ll fuck you, and fuck you *hard*… if you’re willing to pay the price.” He looked into the woman’s poor husband’s eyes with a cruel gaze. The businessman opened his mouth wide, his mind racing in disbelief at what he was witnessing.
“No!” she screamed. “I won’t! You can keep the money, I’ll never betray him!”
The criminal leader laughhed, turning to look at her. “You’re jumping the gun, sweetie. I still haven’t finished explaining it. In fact, you got it all wrong.” He walked over to the bottom of the bed, caressing her leg and pulling her skirt up. She tensed at his touch… but not in fear. “No, you don’t get the money if I fuck you. The opposite, in fact…” He pulled her skirt all the way up and caressed the insides of her thighs and her crotch, which quivered in anticipation, against her consciousness will. “You walk away safe and sound, *with* your money, OR… I fuck you. Those are the options.”
The businessman’s brow furrowed, in confusion and disbelief. He looked at his wife, and could hardly believe it when the fear on her face gradually gave way to another feeling. Something wild, primary… pure desire.
“Y-you’re… insane!” she said. “Why would I choose to… to… *aah*!” she moaned, as he started kneeing her moistening pussy over her panties.
“You’re starting to feel it, aren’t you?” the man said, a cruel smile on his lips. He briefly looked at the businessman and turned up. “*Now* you’re starting to get the terms of the deal.” He pulled out a pocket knife, flipped it open, and cut the sides of her panties. He then pulled her panties out, throw them on the ground, and put his knife away. “It’s not with me that you need to negotiate, lady. It’s with your own body.”
“No…” she said in a weak, hoarse voice. “No, I would never… I wouldn’t…” She was trying to convince herself more than the criminal.
He walked back to the side of the bed, where he was in full view of both the woman and her husband. “Think about it,” he said, as he undid his belt. “Even if you refuse me… I’m gonna let you fuck your husband.” He nodded at the poor wretch, whose disbelief was giving way to impotent rage. “Right here. We’re giving you that chance. Things is… that’s gonna have to wait a bit. Or…” He pulled down his zipper, and then pulled out his massive cock. “You can haveThis right away.”
She looked hungrily at the large dick, transfixed, for several seconds, until she caught herself and closed her eyes in shame. “Don’t… please… don’t do that to me!”
“Let’s say… fifteen minutes.” He caressed her face again, and she leaned into it, quivering. “If you can hang on for fifteen minutes, I’ll hand you over to your sweetheart, you can fuck to Your heart’s content, and then you both walk away with all your money.” He drew closer to her, gently brushing the tip of his cock against her cheek. “Or… you get mine *now*, and both you and the money stay.”
She turned away from him, and locked eyes with her husband, who was whimpering and crying. She contorted her face in an apologetic look and closed her eyes, unable to face the man of her life. “I can’t… I can’t… please, don’t say that…”
“Here… I’ll help you decide.” The gangster knelt down to where her wrist was handcuffed, pulled out a small key, and undid her handcuffs. As he stood back up, he didn’t even have to direct her hand – it found his cock on its own, and gripped it tightly, hungrily. He smiled once more at the businessman.
“Like what you’ve got there?” He started fondling her breasts. She moaned with pleasure. “It could be yours… but ah, what the hell. Since you’re having a hard time going on, lemme ease it up a bit. One minute, on the clock.” She screamed in frustration. One minute sounded like an eternity to her right now. “One minute and you walk free. Deal?”
“I’m sorry, honey…” she whimpered. Her husband collapsed on the floor and started sobbing. “I’m sorry… I can’t… I just can’t…”
The gangster gestured to one of his underlings. Already knowing his methods, the man walked up to the broken-down businessman and Pulled him back up to his feet, and then walked him right next to his leader. The boss yanked the woman’s hand out of his dick – it was difficult, with how tightly she was gripping – then turned to the businessman and forced him down on his knees, beside his writing wife. The boss then walked back to the bottom of the bed, by the lady’s crotch, while his goon positioned himself beside the businessman, grabbed his hair, and pulled his head up, forcing him to look at his irrationally horny wife.
“Well, if that’s really what you want…” The gangster walked up to her, his cock bouncing up and down with each step. She nodded vigorously, desperately moaning “I’m sorry”. The man caresed her inner tighs once again, and admired her pussy, which was dripping and reddened with desire. He drew his crotch closer to hers, grabbed his member, directed it towards its target, but when he touched the tip of his dick to the opening of her vulva, he stopped.
“Come on!” she cried out in frustration. “I can’t wait! Come on!”
The gangster smiled. “You know what,” he said, “I’m sweetening the deal.” He nodded to his thug, who pulled out his gun and placed it on the woman’s hand. “I’ll count toten. That’s it. You both get off free and clear.” The underling directed the gun in her hand to her husband’s forehead. “But if you want me to fuck you… you gotta kill your husband. The very moment you pull the trigger, I’ll start pumping. I promise. You’ll never see the light of day again, of course. Those are the final terms.”
The businessman closed his eyes. *Ten seconds*, he thought. *Ten seconds, and this horror will be over.*
“Gah!” she cried out. She was squirming, pulling on all her reserves of willpower.
*She’s resisting,* the husband thought. *She can make it. I don’t know if I can get it up right now to satisfy her, but I’ll figure it out.*
“Nooo…” Her voice was a Faint, strained squeak. “I… can’t…”
BANG. The shot echoed throughout the warehouse.
As promised, the criminal plunged deep into her at the sound of the gunshot, sealing her fate. His large cock filled her from the inside, sending sparks of pleasure throughout her body. He began thrusting away in earnest, hard, with a fury to match that of her insatiable need. The gun clattered to the floor as she let go of it and grabbed her partner. She didn’t notice when did they free her other hand and legs, all she knew was that she needed that man, that *cock*, that enormous, delicious dick, more than anything in the world. She grabbed him with Both arms and wrapped both legs around him, pulling him in, hungrily, desperately.
*This is me now,* the thought rang in a corner of her mind, in the only space left by the burning instinct that filled her, as the criminal fucked her voraciously. *This is who I am. This is my world.*
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