The Day I Met Sam

{Another story I wrote for my girlfriend. Enjoy!}

Today was a special day. I knew it would be. Today would be the day that I was finally going to meet Sam! It had been more than a full year since I had asked her to be with me, I could still remember the courage I built up quickly and ask her to be with me. Although I do wish that I would have asked more straightforward. Too late to fix that.

Shrugging, I dug my hands into my pockets further. Blowing a breathe of air out I watched as it turned to fog. It was the middle of December and it was freezing out. Sam had insisted she simply just meet me at my place but I had told her nothing she said would convince me otherwise to meet her halfway.

I watched as people walked on by in thick heavy coats with their lovers and as cars drive by, melting the ice on the roads. Snow was everywhere, covering the grounds completely. It seemed like hours were passing by and worry began to set in. What was going to happen? Had Ibeen stood up? Maybe you decided not to come and I’d just missed when you told me about that. I sat down among a bus benchmark and witnessed. Preparing myself for a stand up, I shivered and waited for the bus to come and take me back home. Having waited thirty minutes and then another hour was only too much for me. I heard the loud engine of the bus pull up and stood up. I had nearly stepped onto the first step when I heard a loud yell from someone. At first I didn’t recognize the voice and glanced around quickly, letting overs onto the bus before me.


I froze. I knew that voice. Knew it like the back of my hand. I dropped my stuff and simply starred. I watched as you walked closer and closer to me. Was this a dream? I didn’t know if it was or not but I sure hoped it wasn’t. I was having an out of body experience because I felt like I was watching myself be embedded in a hug by you and I watched as I tightly wrapped my arms around you back.

You pulled back, holding me at arms length and laughed. “You’re freezing!” You said to me.

Stuttering I replied, “I was waiting for you!” I knew you had been trying to tell me that it was too cold to wait but I just didn’t want to! I wanted to be there and then go the rest of the way back to my place!

“And you nearly left.” You laughed before I grabbed your hand and began to tug you along. We Walked back to to cabin I was staying in. It was a lot warmer inside than it was outside. Shedding out of our coats, gloves, scarves and boots I headed towards the kitchen to make hot chocolate. I always loved putting marsh melts inside of it and watching as they melted. I brought back two cups of hot cocoa and curled up on the couch. There had been a fire going and the television playing Christmas jingles and movies. You had gone upstairs to take a shower while I snuggled up on the couch and listened to jingles and movies on tv.

I could hear the water running down the drains and the more I waited the more eager I became. I was shiver and the fire wasn’t doing much. I knew a shower to run down my body would warm me up quickly! Jumping off the couch, my idea fresh in mind, I raced up the stairs, listening to make sure the water was still running well I silently clicked open the door and stripped out of my clothes, joining you in the shower and wrapping my arms around you. I could feel your body pressed flat against mine as you relaxed realising it was only me. I took some soap and a scrunchy before gently rubbing your back with soap. Soft sights escaped from you and I could feel you becoming even more relaxed. I continued to let the water run as I placed soft, gentle kisses all along the nape of your neck and down your back slowly. My arms still wrapped around you as I pressed close to you. Feeling the warmth of you made me excited. I was extremely glad that I was here with you right this moment.

I turned you around to face me and kissed you gently from your lips to your neighborand down your belly, nipping gently and sucking softly. I could hear you moaning and leaning your head backwards, enjoying the pleasure. I was feeling quite confident with myself. This was so much fun! I knew it was just as much fun for you too because you couldn’t even get any full sentences out besides soft sights and moans, letting me know that what I was doing was exactly right. I pressed you against the shows wall and listened as you gasped at the coldness of it before I let the water fall down on me for a few moments and lowered myself to the bottom of the shower.

I spread your legs further apart, glancing up at you expectedly but your eyes were closed, anticipating what I was about to do. I knew by that that I was more than welcomed for what I was about to do. I rubbed up Your legs and then back down, enjoying the slowness I was taking with you. I know it was more like teasing to you but that didn’t matter to me. I pressed my hand against your thigh and leaned up to kissyou gently. I slide my hand down from your wait to where I knew you wanted me most. I wanted to make sure you were clearly wet before I began to clean you off and the water that had been streaming down was no longer on you, but it continued to flow. You pressed against my hand, eagerly accepting and wanting it.

I began to rub a little faster, pulling away every now and again to tease you like I loved to do. You whimpered softly at my soft touches. I never lingered too far, I wanted to have tons of fun! Slowly but surely I could feel you becoming more and more wet. I slowly inched one finger into you, sliding in and out slowly at first, testing you for how much you would beg for me to have my way with you. The faster I went the less words that actually came from you, rather they were inaudible grunts and moans. I laughed softly and pulled completely away when I could tell you were on the edge. It was perfect! I turned off the water and pulled you towards me. I had decided you were not going to be able to come this time.

You begged and pleaded for me to finish you off. Telling me I couldn’t stop right there. Oh, but couldn’t I? This was only too much fun. It was amazingly really, how much control I had. I controlled whether or not you were going to get pleasured or not. I loved knowing that you belonged to me. I had claimed you as my own. You were my puppy and I had no plans to give you up anytime soon. I was surprised to find myself pinned against the wall and you kissing me deeply. Demanding that I finish and play with my toy because it needed it.

Giggling I merely shrugged and turned at you. “What’re you gonna do about it?” I giggled. What could you do anyway? You were the sub and I was the dom. We didn’t play switch games, the reverse role game was not to my interest.

“I want to be played with!” You whimpered, kissing me gently, as if pleading without any spoken words.

I didn’t comment back as I wrapped my arms around you and steppedout of the shower. I grabbed a towel, not even bothering to dress. I didn’t exactly feel the need to. I watched you standing there, naked in front of me and I found myself staring, I turned at you once and turned away. “Come on.” I said and went back towards the couch where my blanket lay. I was walking around the cabin, bare naked. I could feel you staring at my back as you followed after me. I glanced back at you and laughed.

“Enjoying the view?” I asked curiously, winding.

You blushed and nodded slowly.

I reached the couch and sat down, patting beside me for you to cradle into my arms. We were both still undressed and I wrapped the blanket around us, before I continued to slowly play and tease you. Whether it was caresing your breast or even with your clip. I was going to have fun! You laid your head on my shoulder, singing in pleasure, your eyes closed.

The last thing I whispered to you softly was “I love you.” as I continued to pleasure you gently.


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