Dave walked right up to her, but stopped short of striking his pet across the face. His anger wasn’t towards her and she didn’t deserve it. He wasn’t at the party 10 minutes before his father started in with his usual demeaning speech. He was honestly surprised he hadn’t been pulled over on the way home.Rarely did he get the chance to use the full horsepower of his beast, but today he stopped watching the speedometer after it crossed 150mph. Besides, why should he be mad at her? He always knew at heart she was a nympho, that one of the things he loved about her. She was always ready when he was, but denying her was going to be just as fun.
“Scoot back, and get in position,” he commanded. He watched as she moved back in The Chair, spread her legs fully open and laid her arms in position. He knelt down and started placing the straps with her left ankle. He pulled it snug and moved up to the one just below her knee, then tigh. After completing the same sequence on the right leghe stood for a moment and just looked into her sparkling blue eyes.
“Sir?” she whispered as he stared. He replied in a rough tone, “You know I love you, right?”
Her eyes began to tear and her face showed her anxiety. Whispering quietly, she said, “Yes Sir, I know and I love you too.” He couldn’t help but smile as he proceeded to finish confining her to The Chair. He secured each binding slowly, firmly. He fell short of placing the one on her left wrist. He stole a glance of her face and he could see her confusion.
He stood and moved his face directly to hers and smoked a strong, password kiss to those lips. God he loved those lips. So full, so soft, so good at sucking his dick. As he pulled back, he could see Amy straining against the bonds that held her throat and forehead, knowing she wanted more. He could taste her on his lips and tongue. He stepped back and took her all in, but he wasn’t satisfied. “Pet, you have too much clothing on, it’s time to remove it.” He told her.
A look of confusion crossed her face because she knew bound to the chair, she couldn’t remove her gown. He turned and left the room, leaving her there with her thoughts. She tried turning her head, but she knew it was futile. What she didn’t understand is why her left wrist was free, he hadn’t done that before and she was suddenly terrified of what he might be planning.
After what Felt like an eternity for her, he finally returned and she saw that he had changed out of his suit into his standard fare of a tank top and cotton shorts. She loved that basic outfit as it showed off the muscles of his legs and arms. It was so natural for him to, he hadn’t worked out one day since they’ve been together, yet he was toned and defined. Movement of his right hand finally brought understanding, she saw the same knife in his hand he used to ruin her catsuit.
He looked into her eyes and admonished her, “Little One, you have a knack for getting yourself into situations that I must remove you from.” Memories of the first time he had to cut her outfit from her flashed into his mind. Her need to be whole-body hugged had been her downfall. That night had started off so well…
…Walking into the club, trying to find Dove, he felt powerful in his outfit. He had chosen nearly all leather. His pants fit well, the mesh tank top kept him cool and showed off his chest well. The floor length leather trench coat, left open and near platform boots completed the ensemble. His dominant side is clearly on display. He had to suppress a chuckle every time he noticed the squeak from Amy’s caisuit.
Soon they found Dove and the look on her face said it all. “Oh my God Dave!” she exclaimed. “If I hadn’t given Amy to you, I’d have snatched you up myself… Sir!” Dove had on a tight rainbow striped latex dress that showed her curves, lums, and bumps all too clearly. He had a brief thought of a messy threesome, but he knew Amy wouldn’t share him like that so hethrow the thought out as quickly as it had entered his mind.
Amy had wished she hadn’t gotten the catsuit so tight. The zipper in the crotch was hitting all the right places at the wrong time. With each step she was stimulated. Normally she likes the long tease, but not even 5 minutes into the club, she needed to cum so badly, she doubted she could wait. “I’m so happy you two came early, I have a big announcement soon.” Dove informed them. “But until then, get out there and dance.”
Dave took Amy’s left hand in his right and led her to the dance floor. He hated dancing, but he did it for Amy’s sake, she loved it. She was pulling on his hand a bit, walking slower than he expected. They got to the dance floor and he could feel her hand shaking so he leaned into her ear and asked her, “Amy, what’s going on? What’s wrong?” Just then he saw it, the look when she came.
She leaned against Dave, trying to hold her mouth closed. At home she made all the noises she needed to. Here at the club she almost wishes she’d arrived gagged. Instead she pushed her face into Dave’s coat and let out soft moans only he could hear against the backdrop of the music. Her hips bucked out of her control, which stimulated her ever more. In between moans and breaths she said into Dave’s ear, “The zipper… it’s… oh my fucking God…. Dave…. I can’t…. Stop…. DAVE!”
In one swift motion he picked her up in his arms, looked over to Dove and yelled her name. He made his way to the backroom and Dove followed suit.
“Dave, what the fuck bro?” Dove questioned.
Trying to stifle a chuckle he said, “The catsuit, you know her and tight clothing. She got it one size too small and now it’s rubbing her all the right way, heh.”
Dove responded, “Okay, lets get it off her!”
“It’s not that easy. She got the one with the built-in zipper lock and um… we left the key at home…” He stated.
As Dave set Amy down on a chair, Dove burst out with a deep guttural laugh. “What the actual fuck am I going to do with you two?” she sputtered out. “Listen up here Suga, I have a skirt in my bag, use that knife on your belt and cut her free and I’ll go get it.”
Dave had forgotten about the knife. He felt down to his right side and pulled it free while looking into Amy’s eyes and said, “I know what you paid for this thing and I am sorry. Lean back and I will free you from this situation.” he informed her.
If she hadn’t been so turned on by the zipper and looking into her hero’s eyes, she might have cried. “Do what you have to do Dave, it was stupid of me to get this one anyway.”
Dave pinched the shiny fabric along her public bone and lifted as much as he could. Putting the tip of the knife above the zipper start, he pushed it through. The tension released and the latex rebounded and tore itself more than he had intended. There would be no repairing it. The smell of her struck him and he couldn’t resist himself. He didn’t even remember where he was and just went for it.
Her nub was poking out just right and he formed a perfect vacuum on it. He pulsed his sucking on her and actually he brought his right hand to her area. Because she was already so wet, he slipped his thumb in her slit and put his index finger on her bone above his nose and cinched, holding her firmly so she couldn’t squirm too much.
Every nervous in Her body seemed to be aflame. Freedom is what she had wished for, she wasn’t prepared for what was happening now. It didn’t take long for the next wave to burst through her, she squirted in his mouth, she couldn’t help it. But he didn’t stop, he licked it up and keep going. He almost looked animalistic, like he couldn’t get enough of her. She knew she loved this man. He knew her so well.
“HOLY SHIT GUYS!!” Dove exclaimed as she returned to the room. “I know this IS a room, but go get a room.” She handed over the cotton mini skirt to Dave who helped Amy put it on over her ruinedoutfit. “Guys, go home, I will call you later and give you the news, OK?” Dave and Amy nodded and made their way out..
Ever so softly, “Sir?” Amy asked. He walked over to her and began cutting her gown open, exposing her tits, her belly, her svelte arms, her skin aglow. He leaned in and kissed her tummy right above the chatity belt and then moved to her right nipple, pulling it into his mouth, biting down on it and flicking the tip with his tongue. “Oh Jesus, Sir!” escaped from Amy’s mouth. He reached up with his left hand and applied pressure to her neck, just enough to give the feeling of being choked, but not.
He stops and steps back, leaving her breathing heavy and in need. Getting on one knee in front of her, he pulls out a box, the box with the bracelet in it. “Pet, Amy,” he began, “Will you marry me? But before you answer, there are strings that go with it. If you say no, you will leave this house and never return. If you say yes, then know that you will becomes more than my wife. You will be my property, I will own you. Your will is whatever my will wants it to be. From what you will wear to what you eat. You will even sleep when I say and wake when I say. So once again, WIll you marry me?”
Amy was thrilled. She’d waited years for this day, maybe not like this, but this would do. “Sir, YES SIR!” was her answer. “I willingly turn myself over to you, I crave nothing else but you, thank you Sir.”
Dave rose to his feet and walked over to HIS pet and opened the box. Inside was the silver bracelet, two micro screws, and the tool for placing the screws. Obvious questions crossed Amy’s face. Dave began, “This bracelet is your symbol of ownership. Once I place it on you, you’ll never be able to remove it yourself. These micro screws have permanent thread lock on them. You’d have to break your hand to slip it off. It also serves as your engagement ring, but don’t worry, we’ll pick the perfect wedding rings.”
As he places thecircle around her wrist it dawns on her, she’s seen one like this before. Dave’s mother wears one identical to it. Now she knows how his parents have stayed together so long. The thought thrills her, she will be with Dave forever.
After he finished placing the last screw, he fastens the leather strap, holding her wrist in place. He leans up and kisses her softly and she kisses him back. He draws away and take the opportunity to bite her bottom lip and pull until it slips out of his teeth. He takes a deep look at her and steps back. “I’ll see you in the morning, pet, try to sleep well.” He turns and walks to the door, turn off the main lighting, leaving the soft glow of the LED strip around the trim of the ceiling. He looks at her before closing the door, knowing she wants to protest, but she also knows she wasn’t given permission to speak. He pulls the door closed and goes to bed himself…
The End – Stay tuned for the next installment of Dave and his property…
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