The Day Her Life Changed Pt. 02

Dave turned, opened and walked through the door. As he began to close the door he admonished her once more, “Remember, this is all your own fault.” As he pulled the door closed, she heard the deadbolt lock. It was then she realized the inside key wasn’t in the lock. She was locked inside. Amy began to panic, “What if there is a fire?” She ran to the door, turned the handle and attempted to pull the door open, to no avail. Releasing the cool metal knob, allowing her fear to subside as she remembered Sir would never place her in danger.

Curiosity began to itch her brain. She wondered how dangerous it was to have butt stuffed for more than a few hours. Dave had only used a plug on her a few times and it never lasted more than a couple hours at best. Making her way to her office, she could feel both invaders moving in rhythm to Her hips. The sensing wasn’t painful, just the opposite. Each step teased her womanhood ever so slightly. Amy didn’t need this right now, she had researchh to do. Quickening her steps to get to her computer seemed like the right thing to do right now. She flung her door open, approached her chair and sat down quickly. Several things happened all at once. A loud moan escaped her mouth, the silicane backed metal pressed into her hips, and both plugs dove deeper inside of her.

Instinctively she began to grind against the soft surface of the chair. The metal monsters didn’t protest, they moved with every thrust, but not quite enough. Pressing down harder didn’t seem to help, in fact it began to hurt her labia. Stopping, she reached down to rub herself and her hand only found cold, hard metal under the lovely fabric. It suddenly occurred to her that she might not be able to get any pleasure until Dave came home.

Readjusting herself in the chair, she was determined to gather the information she required. She opened her web browser expecting to see the familiar Google logo and instead she was greeted with an error screen. Apparently the internet was not working. “DAMMIT!” She exclaimed.


Meanwhile, Dave was smiling. He felt powerful. He’d finally put into action the thoughts that had been ruminating in his brain for over two years now. He had guided their foray into BDSM ever since they first met. He can remember that night so well. Dave hadn’t even thought about starting a relationship. His fance and sister had been killed the prior year. A scumbag drug dealer was running from the cops when he hit the brand new Toyota his parents had bought his sister as a high school graduation present. It was no relief that the scumbag had died too.

Dove, his sister’s best friend, had been probing Dave for months to go out clubbing with her. He always assumed she had a crush on him or something and was just trying to Work herself under his skin. Finally agreeing to meet up with her at Club Maxx, he was stunned by the leather and vinyl covered minx he saw standing next to Dove at the club. Dove saw him and waved him over. As he approached the women, Dove had the biggest smile on her face he’d ever seen. “Hey Dave, about time you showed up. I’d like you to meet my cousin Amy.” She said, “Amy, this is Dave.”

Dave couldn’t speak, all he could do was stare at Amy’s lips. Suddenly she spoke, “Hiya Dave, so what’s your deal? Dove here says you’ve been avoiding her for like forever!” Suddenly broken out of his trance, he had the glossy finish of her red lips burned into his mind and replied, “Huh? I haven’t been avoiding her, I do have a life, ya know,” he retorted. In his mind he already saw Amy on her knees, elbows touching from being tied together and those lips wrapped around his shake. Dove playedfully punched him in the arm, “Be nice Dave!” They all laughed and moved their way to the dance floor.

For what seemed like a blink, time flew. They ended the evening at a local dinner around 4 am. So much was discussed and he went home with Amy’s number and the hardest erectionhe’s ever had, it actually hurt. When he got home he quickly undressed and into bed, he had to work in just a few hours. He tried to sleep, but he could smell Amy’s musk. He had noticed right away that she hadn’t been wearing perfume. His hand found it’s way down to his shake and started stroke. Quickly he began pumping his hand and in no time he blew his load, but it didn’t really give him Relief. It was enough that he was able to sleep.

The next morning he awoke to his alarm, he felt fully rested. He started his morning routine, morning pee, shower, and started coffee in his towel. He went to the antique table that used to be used as a landline phone kiosk in the yesterday and picked up his mobile phone. As he turned on the device, he found a rash of messages from Amy:

“Hey Dave, I had so much fun, I hope we can do it again soon.”

“Oh God, I can’t get you off my mind, what have you done to me? HAHA “

“Dave, what are you doing, sleeping?”

“Did you know I own a pair of fuzzy cuffs?”


The fourth one caught his attention and the vision from last night floated back into his mind, “Fuck, is this going where I think it might?” Dave thought to himself. He began to imagine her with a deep penis gag in her throat, arms bound tightly to her sides, riding on top of him, forced to hum him without support from her arms. The thoughts immediately drew a hard on as strong as the one from the previous night. He could already hear the muffled timber of her voice as she rode him to orgasm. He knew right then he was going to make her his. He was going to own her, mind, body. and soul. She would become his toy, his doll, his pet, his little one.

He replied to her last message and sent her, “Hey, I have to work today. Why don’t we meet up tonight? Bring those fuzzy cuffs. :P”

As he set the phone down it dinged. He looked down and read the message, “About time you got up! Sure, where do you want to meet? And yes, I’ll bring the cuffs..” He couldn’t help but smile. He knew working today would be difficult while at work. Somehow, in the course of just a few hours she had managed to work herself into his psyche. He was hooked. He sent back the message, “My place, 6PM, I’ll cook.” And he sent the address.

His day dragged on, hours felt like days. Her cute, tight ass kept floating into his brain. The way her leather pants looked painted on her legs. The smell from the computer he was repairing was his only distraction. He wondered how people could treat their PCs like this. Smokers, eww. The dust from a computer was bad enough, but when you mixed the nicotine residue with the dust, it was a smelly, glue-like mess. He always wanted to invoice extra when dealing with repairs like this, but his moral compass wouldn’t allow it.

5:00 PM finally arrived, time to close up shop and head home, he wanted to get another quick shower before Amy arrived. He hoped he’d get lucky tonight. His mind was so filled with her, he was surprised to find himself already pulling into the driveway of the apartment complex, no memory of the drive home. He parked and stepped out of his well loved, well used Chevy. As he climbed the stairs, he could smell her, the wind blowing just right in the alcohol that it pulled her scent down from the second floor. He looked up and saw her, she was early. He couldn’t suppress the grin on His face, she was perfect. She was wearing black heels, opaque black tights, skin tight booty shorts, and a whisper thin tank top with no bra. Her perky breasts teasing the inside of the fabric. She looked down at him as he approached, her teeth shining so white against the glossy red lipstick she wore. God he loved those lips already. Those blue eyes framed by the mahogany curls of her hair just made them pop.

“Hey sexy.” she remarked. “Hey there yourself, you’re early.” He replied. Moving towards the door to unlock it, he brushed against her right breast and felt the firmness of it on his arm. She quipped, “Keep that up mister and you might find yourself on the ground… under me.” He turned and looked at her and saw a twinkle in her eye and a grin on her face. “Is that so? Right here?” he teased. He unlocked the door and waved his hand like a maitre d’, ushering her into the apartment.

Following his normal routine, he closed and locked the door, hung his keys on the hook near the door, slide his shoes off and placed them next to the door on the floor as well. He turned to face her and was shocked. She had removed her shirt and held the fuzzy cuffs by one finger of her left hand. Her tits were so perfect, just more than a handful. The nipples standing at full attention, the pink of her areola blended so well into her skin tone.

They didn’t say a word, he moved swiftly to her and picked her up with ease, wrapping her legs around him and they forcedly kissed. He could taste her so deeply. Her scent, so intooxicating. Pulling backfor a moment and setting her down, she held out the cuffs to him and said, “Daddy, please?” This caused a moment of irritation to strike through him. “NO, I’m not your daddy. If you’d like, Sir will do just fine.” he said. He could see the confusion on her face for a moment, but she adjusted right away and said, “Please, Sir?”

He took the cuffs from her and gently placed one bracelet at a time on her wrists. He couldn’t help but smile while he did his work. He picked her up and carried her over to the sofa and set her down. After placing her where he wanted, he took off his shirt and pants. He always went commando, so his member was right there for all to see, standing at full attention. She reached forward with her bound hands, wrapped her tiny fingers around his shake and pulled him forward. He eagerly allowed her to place him into her mouth. It was electric, he felt a shock go through his penis, directly into his swollen sack. It even caused his butthole to contract. He knew if he allowed her to continue, he wouldn’t last long and how would that look? He wasn’t a minuteman, but she just did something to him, they just clicked. Without warning, he knew he was going to cum and she knew too, she held him there with one hand on his balls and the other on his shake and keep going. He exploded, it felt like pure fire as his load was delivered to her mouth. She sucked harder, pulling every drop out of him that she could. As she finally released the vacuum, she swallowed and began licking the bell, like she was trying to make sure she got everything cleaned up.

She looked up at him and said, “I hope that was good enough, Sir.” He knew then that she was a true submissive. He wondered if this was a dream? Had he won a lottery he didn’t know he had played? “Amy, I can’t start to tell you how good that was.” was his reply. He jokingly said to her, “Still hungry?”

To be continued…


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