Five years have passed since my life changed forever. I remember it well, in fact much clearer than many other days in that time. It was on a Saturday, and I remember . . . .
The sun in my eyes was the first thing I noticed as I awoke. A very unusual occurrence as I seldom sleep past sunrise. The second thing I noticed was Linda’s absence from her side of the bed. Another unusual occurrence as Linda is normally a late sleeper. Then I remembered today was not normal. Today was The Day.
A couple of months back we had a difference of opinion over some trivial point and a fighter was placed. We both believed so strongly in our correctness that we set aside our better judgment and bet something rather foolhardy. The loser would do “whatever” the winner demanded for a 24-hour period. In an out of character change, Linda leaves at the risk to play dictator over my life; even if it was just for one day. I do not know what Linda envisioned, but if won I know sex would play a major role. We drew up a contract, signed by each of us designing the day and duration of the loser’s servitude. There were no rules or restrictions specified, but of course I saw no need for them as I was without a doubt the winner. I was set. I knew I was correct, and I was making plans for what I would have Linda do in my 24-hours.
To paint a picture, Linda is an attractive woman with a beautiful face and average figure. Her butt is tight from exercise, and her tits, while not large, stand nicely on her chest. Linda is not the big-busted, triple-D, glamour queen men supposedly often wish they possessed. Dark auburn hair, green eyes, and an unbeatable smile completes an image of a very attractive woman. To me she is beautiful.
Our sex life was okay. I came; she came, but nothing too far from the main stream. I Couldn’t imagine Linda even contemplating some of the things I would like to try. My leanings were much broader than her’s, and it was my intent, when I won the bet, toTake her along some of the less traveled roads of sex. I repeat it was my intent, but then I didn’t win the bet.
“I see you’re awake.” I heard Linda says. “You better get up and take your morning piss because in less than an hour you belong to me.”
She sounded omino. It didn’t at all sound like Linda. Normally, she is milk handsome, and seldom very demonstrative or assertive. Had I looked at her I would have observed things telling me today would be unlike any I had ever experienced. The look on her face and the leather attende said it all, but I never looked so I didn’t know what awaited me. I remained the innocent lamb being led to slaughter.
At precisely 8AM Linda entered our room. “On your knees loser!” Linda said in a most unfriendly tone of voice. “You lost the bet and you belong to me until this time tomorrow. You will do everything exactly as you are directed. You will say nothing” Linda went on “except in response to a specific question. If you understand nodYour head.”
Linda softened her tone and quietly said; “Jim, if you do as directed all will go well. At the end of the 24-hours we will have a changed relationship on several different levels. However, I have reached my frustration limit and if you resist or refuse any talking the bet is off and you can find a new place to live.” Linda continued, “I am very serious about this. You will see the Reasons for my Stance as the day progresses. Either you play the game, or we are through. Nod if you understand the consequences?”
I was in shock at this very different Linda. I thought we were deeply in love and satisfied with each other. Apparently that was incorrect, and though I was shocked I was able to nod my head yes. Actually, I didn’t know what to do, or recognize what I was doing. An indefinable force moved my head in the required direction.
Her rules exceeded any I could have ever asked, and her consequences were unbelievably extreme. It was so out of character. How did I miss this aspect of my wife? Where was I when all this change happened?
“Go to the bathroom” she directed me “we have to start your day.”
In the bathroom she placed a blindfold over my eyes, told me to strip, instructed me to lie on my back, and position my knees so they were next to my ears. A very awkward position, and one in which I was locked as Linda moved to place her weight pinning my legs. There was no leverage I could apply that would displace her. I was captive and could do nothing.
“Jim, today you are going to experience things you have only read or dreamed of.” Linda started “This is the enema position. If I direct you to assume this position you do so immediately. As you might guess, your first new experience is a very substantial enema. It is not the last you will receive. Before we are through you will either love or hate enemyas, but you will have a completely empty bowel.”
What did she mean by “we?” Was she referring to us, or were others present?
As I wondered about “we” I felt Linda’s hand reach out and grab my balls. She began to massage them in a very enjoyable and stimulating manner that made me relax. At that moment cold lubricant touched my anus and what felt like a single finger plugged into my ass. Following a couple of in and out movements the finger began to move in a circle stretching the opening of my asshole. I began to relax, and was feeling pretty good when a second finger was inserted; a little uncomfortable, but bearable. The third and forth fingers stretched me to levels I didn’t think I could stretch, moving in, out, and round and round, continuously stretching the orifice, then suddenly the hand was gone. With its department I realized Linda’s hands were on my balls, and had never moved. It was not her fingers in my butt!
Abruptly, What felt like a garden hose was shoved in where the fingers had departed. I thought it an examination until the water began to flow. It was not an examination.A hose attached to the bathtub nozzle was stuck in my ass filling my bowels with cold water, and it didn’t take long to fill me to the maximum.
The hose came out and my gut immediately contracted to explore the liquid. “No you don’t shit-hole.” Linda said. “ You stay right like you are until I give you permission to move, and you better not lose a drop of water.”
So there I was on my back, knees around my ears fighting to keep an enema in my butt. It was humiliating, and added to my distress was not knowing who or how many other people were observing my humiliation.
“Yes dear” I uttered. That was a mistake. “Who gave you permission to speak?” Linda roared. Then calmly she continued, “Jim, I do not want to hear your voice. To make my point you will receive punishment. Maybe in the future you will think before you open your mouth.”
God, what was going on here? Linda was being unlike I had ever known. This was not the Linda I normally slept with.
“First your plug then your punishment.” You are well stretched so we will use the large plug on you.” I didn’t have long to wonder what she means. Linda grabbed what she told me was a five-inch anal-plug and slowly pushed it into my opening. Her actions were slow but steady constantly stretching the sphincter. I felt as if I was on the end of a red-hot iron bar. My pain was intense, as Linda knew, but she never stopped until the plug was fully in my ass.
A five-inch butt-plug took my anal virginity as the last edge slipped past the sphincter, and my ass closed tightly around the shake leaving the external handle exposed. It hurt like hell going in, but as my anus adjusted I detected a new and pleasant sensing.
Linda snarled, “I have decided to defer your punishment until later, but never forget it will happen. Now, when I move you will stand up and walk to the patio. Say nothing and cover nothing with your hands no matter what you hear.”
What did that mean? I managed to standup, and using memory plus my hands, I made my way downstairs towards the patio without hitting too many walls or other things. Concentrating on my movements I at first didn’t register the sounds of people talking and moving. Only when the sounds stopped did it dawn on me there were more people here to observe me. Who was here? How many were here? Why would Linda do this? “Oh shit” I thought. “I’m naked. Everyone will see me.” Who was everyone?
“Stop!” Linda directed. “Face my voice then bend over and touch your toes. Now spread your butt cheats so we can see your plug.”
I feel my face going red. If that position was not embarrassing enough I had another problem. At the thought of an unknown group looking at my ass, my prick was starting to harden. In this bent over position my erection was not visible, but that would change the moment Linda told me to proceed to the patio. It was difficult to believe that here I was with my gut full to bursting, a huge butt plug in my ass,and a hard-on because I thought some unknown people were watching me.
“Stand up, and go on out to the patio.” Linda grew. “Wait! What is that? Is your dick hard?”
I said nothing. It was difficult, but I kept my mouth shut. The mere threat of punishment for talking was enough.
“I didn’t give you permission to have an erection. Jim, why do you have an erection?” Linda demanded.
“No excuse, mistress. It has a mind of its own.” I replied. That was neither the answer nor the tone she wanted to hear.
“On your back, NOW!” she roared. “I will teach you to not get smart mouthed with me.”
I started towards the floor, but was guided to what felt like a bed. Scared though I was, my erection was not subsiding. What was she going to do?
Suddenly, someone pulled me so my head laying off the side and tilted back. I was told to open my mouth, and almost immediately an erect penis slipped past my lips. Linda was making me suck another man’s penis. To some thatmay seem disgusting, but this was something I had wanted to experience for many years. The dick was hard and soft at the same time, and the smell was not uncomfortable. It was neither very thick nor very long, and it easily fit within my mouth.
Initially it remained still allowing me to explore the shape with my tongue. The veins, ridges, and head felt familiar, but were new and exciting from this perspective. I Began to suck hard, and tried to give the best blowjob the man had ever felt. I wanted to feel his cum in my mouth. Unfortunately, I didn’t attain that goal. At the last moment the man pulled away and sprayed his cum all over my body. No sooner had I felt his cum touch my skin than I felt other plops of cum, and someone began to piss into my mouth.
Clearly, more than one man was present. How many men deposited their seed on me? How many pissed on me? “My God, people were forcing me to taste their pee!” I thought.
The unknown dicks departed and my face was almostI know Linda’s smell and taste, and this was someone else. Besides, this one had hair on her pussy lips. Linda always shacked her pubic area leaving only a small amount above her cunt.
The pussy squirmed on my face, and I did my best to suck and stroke both opening and clip. She squirmed and moaned then shifted position so my nose penetrated her pussy as my tongue licked her ass. This was something new to me. Linda had never allowed any type of anal play.
I moved my tongue around the crinkly opening feeling the differences and trying to penetrate the asshole. I couldn’t smell the earthy scent as my nose was stuck in the woman’s pussy, but I imagined.
Just as with the cock, I did my best to make the woman cum, but she moved and I was denied the pleasure of taking her to orgasm. Hell, I was denied my own orgasm. My dick was hard, and beginning to ache.
I was not denied another bath of urine. One by one several women straddledmy body and released a stream of urine. The first and last made a point to piss on my face while someone forcibly opened my mouth. The piss on my face didn’t smell bad, and the taste in my mouth was not unpleasant.
Just as the last pussy departed, someone lifted my legs, and my butt turned to fire. The paddle was big, and one of those with holes drilled across the face. It was meant to hurt, and hurt it Did. My pain tolerance is pretty high, but I screamed and cried as the strokes rained on my butt.
“One, two, three, four, five, six, seven, eight, nine, and ten.” The collective group chanted. With ten the paddling stopped. All was quite around me. My butt burned and through the pain my cock remained engaged.
“Very good Jim. You don’t take pain very well, but that is Correctable. That was your punishment for speaking. Do so again and you will receive worse.” Linda pause, then continued, “From the look of your dick I bet you want to have an orgasm. I bet you would like to cum all over yourself. Well tough, you will just have to want.” Linda snickered. “Now stand and go to the patio.”
My challenges were many; prick hard as steel, balls blue as the night, and gut full of liquid demanding release were physical problems with clear forms of resolution. The toughest part was the vast collection of contrasting feelings, sensings, and questions circulation in my brain that made my head seems to spin.
“Jim, because of my general nature I am now going to grant you some temporary relief.” Linda proclaimed. “On the physical side we are going to remove your plug, but in a blow to you psyche you are going to take a dump in front of us. Don’t fight this, no matter how hard you might try there is no way you can retain that enema. Now; enema position!”
Fight it? I had no fight left in me. I was too much in shock. There was no way I could resist. I did as directed and felt someone began to twist and pull on the plug. There was pressure, relieve, and emptiness.
“Get on your feet!” someone directed. Linda was correct; there was no stopping my body from expelling the enema. I was immediately overtaken by the pressing demand of the enema. Before I was fully into a squat it had begun to flow. “Blessed relief.” All I wanted was for it to flow. I knew neither what came out of me, nor was I concerned with people watching.
Linda understand my sense of release just as she understand the mental anguish I would experience later when thinking of this event. I am a very private person. Bodily functions such as a bowel movement and wiping afterwards are things done alone with the door closed. No one had ever witnessed me wiping feces off my ass. I am positive it was for this reason that Linda made me shit in front of people. She wanted to play with my mind in such a way that her control would extend beyond this moment in time.
After awhile the expulsion ceased. “Jim, assume enuma position.” Linda demanded. “Move it, NOW!”
I reacted by falling to my back and putting my knees around my ears. No one spoke, but I could sense several people gather around me. A wet rag was pressed to my anus to clean me. It was not for my benefit, but rather for the guests. Lubricant was applied to my ass opening, and one, two, and more fingers worked their way into the lower region of my rectum. The pulling in many directions felt strange. It was not painful, but rather humiliating to know people were playing with my shit. Seeing it. Feeling it. Smelling it. How many people witnessed and participated in the degradation?
My asshole was not the only target for caressing. Hands manipulated my balls and dick. How strange it was to know different people held my nuts in their hands. They played and caressed. Someone even sucked me for a short while, but they didn’t let me cum.
I have no idea how long this continued, but at last all the hands removed themselves from my body. The people moved away and all was quite. THere I was on my back with my butt pointing to the sky. It was quite for just a moment when my legs were straddled to hold me in place, a hose again shoved into my ass, the water allowed to run, and the plug replaced.
“Jim, you are to leave the plug in place. However, on my command you may take off the blindfold, take a shower in the pool cabana, and then you are to clean up this mess.” Linda said calmly. “Your day has just begun. You have many more adventures awaiting you. Do not speak or try to look for clues of the future. I love you and want you to remember this 24-hours for the remainder of your life, but heed my warning. I can no longer live as we currently live. I will not live that way of life ever again.” Linda paused, then said: “Jim, this is an order, do not to touch your dick other than to clean it. Do not touch your dick for pleasure! You are not allowed to cum until I say you can cum. A violation will have instant and serious repercussions. Nod yes if you understand.” I nodded my head.
As Linda walked away she gave the command. I rolled first to my stomach and then moved to a sitting position where I took off the blindfold. I was covered in shit; my shit. A shower was both necessary and welcome. The water felt good and I was very tempted to do more than wash my cock, but Linda’s warning rang in my head and I didn’t touch for pleasure. My cock remained hard as steel.
As I began to clean the patio I glanced at the kitchen clock. The clock-face read 9AM. How could only one hour have passed? So much had happened. So many new experiences. I wondered if I could survive the 23-hours that remained in The Day.
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