The Daughter Ch. 04

Master Thomas worked at his desk. Daily his routine began 7 am. It was Wednesday, the 18th of the month. Carefully he studied the appointment calendar. His first appointment would be at nine. Mr. Morstly’s wife had completed three months of schooling. He had brought her to The Women’s School for Behavior Corrections because she had been Lazy and uncooperative. Master Thomas took great pride in his training methods. He looked forward to the opportunity to exhibit the results.

The second appointment was for two in the afternoon. A sheriff in the neighboring county was bringing a thirty year old woman who had been caught stealing. The school had a long term contract to provide punishment services for that county. There would be very little negotiation needed. He consulted his enrollment log. The new student would be number 417. He would give her a quick examination, and assign a guard to have her enrolled and placed into field training. He continued scanning the log. His gazesettled on number 403. Cheryl was his newest and most expensive possession. He had purchased her from her parents near the end of the previous month.

Master Thomas’s face relaxed. He smiled at the thought of her innocent beautiful body in his arms. He then grew anguished with the recollection of the dilemma that faced him. Cheryl’s virginity belonged to him. He deeply wanted to take her for his very own. But the school had gone into debt during the previous year. The income from new enrollments had been slow, yet the payroll for his guards and the medical upkeep for his students had increased. The practical thing to do would be to sell Cheryl’s virginity in his brother to eliminate the debt, and secure the future of the school.

Tentatively, he planned for her to be taken on Friday, her 19th birthday. His advertising campaign had been extremely successful. Cheryl’s virginity had been purchased by Fred Lockload, a wealthy merchant in town. Master Thomas looked at his schedule,Then turned to his typewriter and began making out his orders for her. He would have her for dinner that evening. Tomorrow, her preparation would begin. He typed out the orders for Mr. Morstly’s wife to be brought to his office.

“Good morning Master Thomas. Are you ready for your coffee?” Nurse Lankford entered the office at precisely 8 am. She placed the cup of freshly brewed coffee on his desk. Master Thomas pulled the orders for Mr. Morstly’s wife from his typewriter and handed them to the nurse. Nurse Lankford left to take them to the guard at the front door, then returned.

“Have a seat Miss Lankford.” He handed her Cheryl’s orders and filled her in on the details. They discussed the day’s appointments.


Cheryl lay peacefully on her cell bunk. The days had flown by swiftly for her. She felt strong and beautiful. Nurse Lankford had taken good care of her. She had grown accustomed to her daily routine of being fed, bathed, and exercised. She had also enjoyed giving and receiving warm wonderful orgasms with Nurse Lankford. She always looked forward to the nurse’s next visit. The brand on her hip was now healed. Cheryl tenderly rubbed the scar that made her the property of Master Thomas. She longed to be in his powerful arms again, enjoying the touch of his hands upon her breasts and cliporis, and the warmth of his kiss on her lips.

“It’s time to eat number 403.” The Nurse’s cheerful voice at the cell door caught Cheryl off guard. She realized she was touching her cliporis again. Her breath caught in her throat. The unavoidable consequence became clear as Nurse Lankford’s voice grew harsh and scolding. “Get that hand away from that cliporis girl. You know better than that. Why can’t you be satisfied with the pleasure I have given you?”

Cheryl sat up on the bed. Obediently, she placed the backs of her hands on her knees, with the palms open. Nurse Lankford rolled the meal cart next to the wall and turned towards Cheryl withthe thin leather whip in her hand. It angered her to punish Cheryl. This made the force of her strokes stronger as she brought the whip down across the delicate skin of Cheryl’s fingers.

Cheryl closed her eyes. She forced herself not to close her singing hands as she heard the whip swish through the air ten times. It bit into her fingers and palms as the tears streamed down her face. Soon it was over and the nurse was wiping her face with a clothes. “I hope you learn to control yourself better, so I won’t have to do that. Now you need to eat. I have to exercise you and then get you ready to have dinner with Master Thomas this evening.” Cheryl ‘s happiness at hearing these words overwhelmed her. She eagerly ate her meal as excitement and anticipation filled her heart. She responded obediently to every command made by the nurse for the rest of the day.

At dinnertime, Cheryl found herself being lead down the mansion corridors. She was carefully groomed. Her lean, collar, and chastity belt had been cleaned and murdered. They glistened in the candlelight as Cheryl’s heart pounded with the anticipation of seeing her master. Nurse Lankford lead her into a small dining room. The walls were covered with deep green draws embroidered with roses. Master Thomas sat at the table. An abundance of fruits, vegetables, and bread surrounded a beautifully roasted chicken. Candles flickered on each side of the centerpiece of aromatic roses. Nurse Lankford instructed her to sit in a chair opposite her master. She removed Cheryl’s collar and leanh, then left the room. Cheryl longed to look at her master as she settled onto the chair in front of him. But her eyes remained on her plate. She struggled to quell the butterflies in her stomach as she awaited further instruction.

“My dear sex slave, you look beautiful tonight. How are you this fine evening?” Master Thomas’s voice was gentle and sincere.

Cheryl was surprised at how relaxed it made her feel. Her reply sounded sweet and confident. “Thank you Master Thomas. I am feeling very happy to be with you.”

“Good, I am glad you are well. I have looked forward to this evening myself. Let us enjoy this fine meal together now.” He carved a slice of chicken for her and placed it on her plate. Then did the same for himself. “You must eat some fruits and vegetables too. Eat as much as you want”

Cheryl obeyed. Her smile was endearing and her eyes filled with joy as she enjoyed her meal. Eating the delicious food with her master filled her with a sense of ecstasy. She found it impossible not to long for his gentle touches that she hoped would soon fall.

Master Thomas gazed at her charming beauty as they finished their meal together. He worked hard to control his desire for her, knowing he could only have some of her. With a firm tone, he ordered her to stand and walk to him. He rose from the table as she came to him. Taking her by the hand, he lead her through the curtains into his bedchamber. Cheryl was directed to stand before him. Master Thomas removed his trousers and sat in a large chair near the bed. Cheryl admitted the hardening object between his legs as he inspected her, running his hand along her arms and shoulders. He held her breasts in his hands. She felt tingling heat running through her, as her nipples hardened between his fingers. His hands moved gently over her stromach and onto her waist. He turned her and looked at her branded hip, mumbling an approval of his mark on her. The master reached into his pocket and pulled out his key to her chatity belt.

Cheryl felt the cool air against the wetness between her legs as he removed the leather straps from her body. He chuckled as he felt the moisture on the belt. Cheryl felt the warm blush in her cheeses. She felt his thick fingers rubbing the opening of her vagina. “I can see that you want me my sweet slave.”

“Yes Master Thomas. I want you.” Cheryl gasped. She wanted to reach out to him. The fear of offending him kept her still.

He placed her belt on a table. “Do you remember how I taught you to suck me during your first lesson with me?”

“Yes, I remember Master Thomas.”

“Good. You will do it again for me now.” He pushed Cheryl into a kneeing position between his legs. She carefully lifted his cock with her hand. It it was very long and thick. She placed her lips around it, feeling it’s head wedged between her tongue and the roof of her mouth. She began sucking on it, then slide her mouth onto it as far as she could go, slipping her lips between it and her teeth. She slide back out and licked the thin crevice on the end, before sliding her mouth back onto it a second time. Master Thomas groaned with pleasure.

She felt his hands stroking her hair, as she began bobbing her head up and down with a slow rhythm. Her throat tightened as the head of his cock penetrated it with each stroke. She didn’t want to disappoint him, so she forced herself to tolerate the disappoint. She began bobbing faster. The organ became rock hard in her mouth. She heard him grunt with pleasure, as she worked, the pride and joy of pleasure her master filled her heart. His hands grasped her head tightly. His cock became even larger as he thrust it into her hot wet mouth. His balls slapped against her chin with each stroke. She could taste the salty liquid. He collapsed backward into the chair, gasping as his organ began to twitch. Cheryl eagerly swallowed his delicious juices as they flowed into her mouth. She continued to suckle him as he lay still. She then heard his warm voice. “That was excellent. You are a good little slave.” He stroked her head gently.

“Come up here and sit in my lap.” He helped her, pulling her to him. She was now sitting on his soft cock. He lifted her legs apart onto the arms of the chair. Cheryl’s skin quivered under his hands as he stroked her body. His powerful hands squeezed her breasts and nipples. She enjoyed the pleasant rushes of heat evoked by his touch. His hand soon found the moist folds of her vagina as he kissed and licked the back of her neck. The tingling rushed through her neck as he nibbled her ear. The sensings ran down her body as she felt his fingers messaging her cliporis with her wet juices. Her plump nipples seemed ready to burst between his fingers. The intensity of her pleasure grow within her as he played her. She wished it would never end. But her muscles began to tighten. Her body arched and she felt the exploration of her orgasm carrying her into a complete state of ecstasy. Cheryl felt the wetness as it spilled from her vagina. She collapsed into her masters arms and he held her close to him.

They sat quietly. Cheryl retired every second of her master’s embrace. She could hear his heart beat and feel the gentle rise and fall of his chest as he breathed. She soon noticed a hard lump against the flesh of her bottom. Her body yearned for it. She wanted to feel it inside her. The sound of his voice started her. “You want me inside you. Don’t you my sweet slave?”

“Oh yes master Thomas. I want it more than anything.”

“I plan to use your virginity for another purpose. But tonight, I will take your ass for my own.” Cheryl did not understand. But her desire to please him made her obedient to his every wish.

“Get down on your hands and knees facing away from me.” Without hesitation she followed his instructions. Cheryl felt her master’s hands rubbing her bottom and thighs. “Spread your legs a little more for me.” His fingers caresed her cliporis and the tender opening of her vagina. Thrilling sensings of pleasure streamed through her as he summoned her juices with his fingers. His fingers worked with her wetness, spreading it onto the area below her rectum.

“Relax and hold still slave.” His fingers felt thick against her tender flesh. They produced their way into the crack of her bottom, spreading her juices onto the tiny opening of herrectum. Cheryl gasped as the thick finger pressed against the tightness of her sphincter. She was beginning to enjoy the gentle manipulation of her hole. Then it slowly pushed into her. The pinching pressure felt like it was burning. Her back arched involuntarily towards the floor, shifting her away from him.

“I told you to hold still.” He grabbed her thighs, repositioning her in front of him. His hand felt incredibly hard as he spanked her three times.

Master Thomas was amazed at the smallness of her anus. He had enjoyed watching his thick fingerprint disappear into her. He thrilled at the tightness of her sphincter squeezing against his finger as he watched her body respond to the disappoint. He did not want to hurt her and knew he would have to go easy on her. He removed a pot of oil from a shelf under the table near by.

Cheryl felt her masters hands apply the thick oil around her rectal opening. She forced herself to remain in position as his finger pushed its way back into her. She tried to relax against the painful pressure. More oil was added as the finger slowly stroked in and out, making its way in deeper each time. It pressed and rubbed against the walls of her rectum as it filled her. A thrilling sensing shot through her as his knuckles made contact with the mouth of her vagina.

She felt his finger retreat. He squeezed one of the cheeses of her bottom, exposing her more fully. More oil was added. She felt his thumb press into her, pulling her open, and allowing two fingers to penetrate her tight sphincter. The two fingers stroked the walls of her rectum in and out. The oil was added with each stroke. Finally she felt knuckles against her vagina again. She gasped quietly as the pleasant sensing spread through her loins. His fingers began to pump in and out of her. Her disappoint returned as he slipped the thumb of his other hand in with them, pulling her more open.

Master Thomas was pleased as he felt her tender flesh slowly relaxing against the force of his thrusting fingers. “Good girl. I think you will be ready for me now. Turn around and suck your masters cock until it is hard.”

Cheryl feel an emptiness within her as her master’s fingers left her. Eagerly she pivoted on her knees and began kissing and licking the semi emi erect organ between his legs. He grasped her breasts, messaging them forcefully as she sucked on him. She felt his hardness growing as she pumped him She wondered how it could ever fit into her tiny ass.

He stopped her. “Stand by my bed.” An oily fart escaped through her sphincter as she stood up. The embarrassment was overwhelming, as the oil spilled out of her rectum and streamed down her legs. But her master seemed not to notice. He reached under the bed, pulling out a giant bulging pillow. He tossed it onto the center of the bed. “Get on the pillow, face down. Spread your legs and grab your knees with your hands.”

Cheryl crawled onto the soft, firm pillow. It was so thick, it held up above the bed a few inches. She spread her legs, gripping her knees. Her ass was pointing up towards the ceiling. She felt totally vulnerable to her master’s wishes.

The pink flesh of the slave girls rectum looked inviting to Master Thomas as he mounted the bed behind her carrying the pot of oil. He oiled his fingers and began pressing them into her again. He worked one all the way in with a general supply of oil. He followed with a second finger messaging the walls of her tender rectum as he worked the two fingers into her. He messaged her sphincter with his other thumb. He listened carefully to her breathing, waiting as she became more relaxed and began to enjoy his invasion of her innocent body.

He saw the pleasure began to take hold within her. He oiled his cock and poured some into her rectum. He slide his hard cock into Her part way. He marveled at the tremendous pressure around the shake of his cock. He waited for her to relax, then slowly shoved himSelf into her. He held her body as it quivered from the mixed sensings of pleasure and pain.

Cheryl felt like she was having a horrible bowel movement in reverse, as her master’s cock pushed between the walls of her rectum. She felt him stop as he allowed her to get used to him. As her disappoint subsided, she felt him thrusting into her again. An erotic sense of fulfillment mingled with her pain as his scrotum settled into the mouth of her vagina. He held her closely as her body trembled. He began to rock gently in and out of her. Tingling heat filled her loins. She felt her cliporis hardening against the pillow bellow her. His oily hand slipped under her, sliding past the hardened nipple of one breast, and finding the other with his probing fingers.

He began to pump harder. His balls slapped against her vagina, sending erotic shapes of ecstasy through her body. His other hand found her cliporis and pressed against it as he thrust himself into her with great force. All of her disappoint was gone. An erotic fire filled her loins, flowing throughout her body. Her master began to groan with pleasure as it mingled with her own. His hot juices shot into her, filling her. Her orgasm exploded through her. Filling her with a pleasure more tremendous than she had ever known.

She laid there pinned tightly under his full weight as their panting subsided. His cock was now small soft mass of flesh nestled between the cheeses of her ass. She had never been so happy. She now knew that her master’s body was the only thing she would ever want.

Master Thomas rose from the bed and walked out of the room. A few minutes later, he returned and put on his trousers. Cheryl remained on the pillow, holding her knees with her legs spread. She patiently waited for his instructions. Her master said nothing as he sat back down in the chair. He sat for several minutes, gazing at her ravaged body.

“What a good slave number 403 has been.” Cheryl was started at the sound of nurse Lankford’s voice. She walked to the bedside without hesitation and immediately began washing Cheryl’s ass and tighs with a warm soapy wash clothes.

“Yes Miss Lankford, she is the best slave I have ever had.” Cheryl beamed with pride as she heard her Master’s compliment.

The nurse finished cleaning her. “Stand up slave,” ordered Nurse Lankford. Cheryl pushed herself up and onto her feet. She stood quietly as the nurse secured the chatity belt back onto her body, then buckled the collar around her neck.

“Stand before me slave.” Cheryl obeyed, surprised by the sternness in her master’s voice. “The day after tomorrow you will serve in my brother. Your virginity has been sold to a merchant in town. He is a good friend of mine. I want you to please and obey him, just as you have done for me tonight. Do you understand my slave?”

Yes Master Thomas, I understand.” Cheryl lowered her eyes hoping not to show her disappointments.”

Without another word, Cherryl was lead back to her cell, far away from her master’s chambers. She began to dread the prospect of having someone other than her master inside her. She quietly cooperated as Nurse Lankford washed the oil and her master’s semen from her rectum. The nurse put her to bed, then locked the cell door securely as she left. Cheryl felt a deep sense of loneliness and despair, but her exhaust soon overtook her. She slept soundly.


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