The low peak of an ancient mountain lay between the Women’s School for Behavior Corrections and the little town of Stonecrest. The brother in Stonecrest belonged to Master Thomas. The distance from the school to his brother was 19 miles by the road that ran around the base of the mountain. But the distance was much shorter by way of a tunnel that ran under the mountain. The six mile tunnel connected the foundation of Master Thomas’s mansion to his brother. A third way to town ran over the top of the mountain. Master Thomas used this trail often on horseback. It was also his favorite place to hunt.
The chestnut gelding moved with a steady smooth trot under Master Thomas, as they rounded the crest of the mountain. From this vantage point he could see his entire school, spread out in the valley before him. On a normal day the sight would fill his heart with joy, but not today. It was Thursday afternoon. He had just finalized the contract with Fred Lockload. His heart felt heavy.He guided the horse around the familiar bends in the trail, jumping logs and other obstacles. He remembered the intensity pleasure he had enjoyed with his slave. He wanted more. His cock was still a little soar from the excite tightness of her fine ass.
He allowed the gelding to canter on the lower part of the trail, then forced him down to a walk as they neared the stable. The master admitted his gray calmion, thundering through the paddock to great them. The powerful horse slid to a stop on the other side of the fence. He snorted fiercely, prancing along beside them until they reached the barn. Vaulting to the ground, Master Thomas handed the reins to a groom. He walked to his mansion. He remained heavily in thought for the rest of the day.
Cheryl followed nurse Lankford through the halls of the mansion. Her exercise session had been shorter than usual. This was good because she was feeling unusually weak. She knew that she was to begin being prepared for her trip to thebrother. Her emotions were incredibly confused about the upcoming event. It was difficult overcome her deep desire to have her virginity taken by Master Thomas. She struggled hard to quell her fear of the strange man who had paid to be the first inside her. She wondered how big his penis would be, and if he would hurt her.
Nurse Lankford directed Cheryl into her cell. She obediently stood under the bar that hung from the ceiling. Soon her arms were suspended above her. The nurse left momentarily, returning with the cart loaded with bath supplies. She also carried a small chair. She approached Cheryl with a pair of tweezers. Placing her hand on the slave’s forehead, she began the tedious chore of plucking her eyesbrows. Cheryl whimpered from the excruciating stings as the tears streamed down her cheeses. The nurse remained Indifferent and swiftly shaped the eyesbrows into two beautiful arches above the girl’s glistening eyes.
The nurse sat in the chair and carefully shaved the slave’s legs and the front of her pussy. A thorough bathing came next. Nurse Lankford’s gentle hands expertly maneuvered the soapy washcloth over her skin. Cheryl always enjoyed her daily baths and enemy. Her thoughts turned to her memories of the previous evening with her master. She had never realized how wonderful it could feel to have a large object shoved into her ass. Her master had unleashed an incredible measurable of pleasure within her and she helped yearned for more.
She remembered the last command he had given her. She was to obey and serve the strange man in every way. Her only hope was to earn her master’s favor by following his command. With great determination Cheryl began to focus her mind on that goal.
It was not unusual for Nurse Lankford to indulge in Cheryl’s body after the bath, But there would not be time for that today. The nurse moved the cart next to the bed. “Turn this way.” She pulled on Cheryl’s hips until she was perched on the edge of the bed. “Lie back. Now spread your legs wide. Grab your ankles.” The nurse carefully spread a layer of foamy soup onto the tender labia, then systematically removed every speck of public hair. “All done. Get into bed now.”
The nurse collected her equipment, extinguished the light, and locked the door behind her. Cheryl was again exhausted and soon fell sound sleep.
****** Master Thomas cursed the dreams he had had during the two previous nights. His little sex slave, trapped under his body, screaming as he drove his hardened cock into her tight little body. He had to command every ounce of discipline within him as he forced his fingers to type out the orders for her to go to the brother, and be prepared for her appointment with Fred Lockload. Nurse Lankford appeared promptly at 8:00, but remained silent as she placed the coffee cup on his desk. He handed her the sheet of paper. Immediately she left the room.
Cheryl followed Nurse Lankford through the endless tunnel. The nurse set a brisk pace as she chatted words of advice and encouragement. Cheryl enjoyed the flickering light of the candles as they passed between each set. The candles were spaced every 500 feet along both tunnel walls. After they had passed them Cheryl focused on the dim light of the next set. They produced only enough light to guide them through the tunnel’s darkness. Eventually the candles marked a turning point and they came to a door.
“We are finally here.” Nurse Lankford opened the door.
****** Master Thomas looked at the notes scribbled on his appointment schedule. He would be meeting with a young woman and her parents at 9 am. They had written about how mean and cruel she was to her younger brothers and sisters. They had recently found her uncontrollable, and wanted to have her behavior corrected. He looked forward to the new business. His substitute nurse, Miss Strictel, and two guards were stationed outside the door, awaiting the arrival of the new student. He had consulted with them earlier. It was a rainy morning. He began to wonder if the appointment would be postponed.
He turned his attention to his financial records. He heard a disorder in the hall outside his office. “Mother, Father, you can’t bring me hear. This place is awful! Who would ever treat women that way.”
Miss Strictel appeared in the doorway of his office. “The new student and her parents are here Master Thomas. Will you see them now? Her voice was cut off, the scrill little voice was ranting again.
Master Thomas met her eyes with a half grin on his face. “Yes Miss Strictel, But would you please have the guards gag her first? And get her some medicine that will calm her down.” The nurse disappeared. He welcomed silence filled him with relief as his clients were escorted in. The parents were also apparently relieved. He invited them to sit in the comfortable chairs in front of his desk. The guards practically carried their daughter, forcing her tostand beside the master’s desk. They had secured her wrists to her ankles with shades, but still grazed her shoulders tightly as they stood on each side of her.
Nurse Strictel returned from the wash room. She slipped her finger between the girl’s gag, and the edge of her lip. Pulling the lip aside, she inserted the medicine into the girl’s mouth. She clamped her nose, forcing her to swallow.
Master Thomas immediately began to assess the prospective student. She was a little over five feet tall. Her angry face seemed some attractive, although her mouth was covered by the gag. She had fire in her blue eyes and long blond hair. Her nice round bust line flowed into the curve of her waist above her well rounded hips. Her white blouse hung loosely around her waist because of her struggle.
“Take her back and get her ready for her entrance exam.” The girl seemed a little less feisty as the guards forced her to fall Nurse Strictel. The parents looked pleased as Master Thomas turned his attention to them. They were eager to hear about his training techniques. Master Thomas carefully explained the different plans he had available. They discussed the various price ranges and how they correlated with amount of time that the training would require. The couple decided on a six month program. Master Thomas listened as they gave him her information, as he drew up the contract. He was a little surprised to learn that she was nineteen years old. It was hard to believe that they had waited so long to have her behavior corrected. They seemed happy and relieved as they counted out the $200 payment.
The couple got up from their seats, voicing their concerns about traveling in the bad weather. Master Thomas understand. He politely escorted them to the door and out to their carriage. After brief goodbyes, they drove away and he swiftly returned to his office. He was almost to his desk when the guards returned, escorting the new student. Her naked body wasrosy pink from the scrubbing she had received. Again, Master Thomas acknowledged her beauty to himself as he watched them secure her to the examination table.
With Nurse Strictel’s assistance, he examined the girls body, assessing her level of health and fitness. He admired her dainty pink aureolas. Her nipples felt like pencil erasers between his fingers as he squeezed them. Her gag had been removed, but she lay quietly subdued under the effects of the drug she had been given. The procedure was routine. He poked and produced her with his experienced fingers, noting that she was strong and healthy. He positioned the spreader carefully into the opening of the young woman’s vagina and opened it slowly. He leaned over to look into her as he pushed his finger into her freshly cleaned rectum. The candles on the wall behind him Perfectly illuminated her opening for him. He noted the healthy pink tone of the flesh of her interior walls. Then he saw her hymen. He hadn’t even considered the possibility of her being a virgin. His breath caught in his throat as his mind quickly began process the possibilities.
He began to develop the plan almost immediately, as he slowly closed the spreader. “Guards! Go to the storage shed. I need some light brown paint. Get the handy man to help you. Make sure it isn’t glossy. Nurse Strictel, get a blank page of paper from the back of my ledger on the desk and take it to the brander. Have him burn the paper with my personal brand of ownership and bring it back here.”
Master Thomas stroked the young woman’s thighs and legs gently as he lowered them to the table. She remained quiet. She was still under the influence of the calming drug. He went to the supply closet. He would need the 3/4 inch butt plug, the drooved one with the training ring. Finding it, he picked out a good training whip and some lubricant. He placed the items on the supply cart next to the exam table, and returned to his desk. Happily, he opened his ledger, recording the transaction. He sat back in his chair. It was 10:00. Nurse Lankford and his virgin slave were probably about a third of the way there. Her appointment with Fred Lockload was scheduled for 5:00. He would have some time, but not much.
Nurse Strictel returned about ten minutes later. Master Thomas eagerly grasped the branded sheet of paper as he moved back over to the woman on the table. He rearranged the straws that held her, positioning her on her side. “Get on the other side of her Nurse Strictel and hold the paper just like this on her hip.” The guards returned with the paint, just when he was ready for it. “Open the paint boys, and put it here on the table.” He appreciated the fact that they had brought a brush without him asking for one.
He brushed a thin layer of paint evenly across the makeshift stencil. “Sorry Miss Strictel, but you will have to hold that there for a while so that the edges of the paint can get firm enough not to run.” Nurse Strictelnodded. “I understand Master Thomas. I will be happy to do it.” The men stood around the table with the nurse, making pleasant conversation as the time went by. Master Thomas tested the paint carefully with his finger. “That feels firm enough. OK Nurse Strictel, start with the corners and pull it straight up.” He watched the paper pulling away, leaving an almost perfect replica of his personal brand on the woman’s skin. “That is beautiful! Thank you for helping me. You will all receive a bonus in your paychecks next week. thank you.”
He gave more orders as he dismissed the guards. “Have my calmion saddled and at the front steps at 2:30.” He then turned to Nurse Strictel. “I will need two more doses of the medicine for her. Then you can return to your regular duties. Be back here at 1:30”
The nurse quickly brought him the medicine. Master Thomas diligently worked on his paperwork for over an hour. When he believed that enough time had passed he returned to the woman. Satisfied that the paint was dry enough, he moved here back onto her back. She had been around and was awakened as he moved her. He fastened the shades of her legs to the shades on both sides of her body, using just enough chain to allow her to stand. He fitted an unlined leather collar round her neck. It was specially fitted with rings and a loop of chain. If he tugged down on the chain, the part around the collar would slip onto her skin, allowing him to choke her. He lifted the small training whip over her eyes and face, easing it onto her nose. “Now you will learn to obey me. And I don’t have much time.”
****** Cheryl’s squinted momentarily as Nurse Lankford lead her through the door of the brotherhel. She was leading through the beautifully decorated room and into a giant bedroom. She obeyed the Command to stand quietly as a dress was put on her and adjusted with pins. The top of the dress had thick cups that would enhance the roundness of her breasts. The attendant took some measurements then removed it promptly to make the necessary adjustments. In the mean time, she received a thorough manicure and pedicure. Women came and began rubbing scented oil into her skin, as her hair was curled and arranged. The efforts to get her ready for the evening seemed endless. The women were with her almost the entire day before she was finally dressed.
Master Thomas unbuckled the straps that held his new virgin to the table. He ordered her to stand up. “No!” replied the sassy little voice. She didn’t move. He had expected this. He felt no anger. His hand slipped into his shirt pocket, then moved swiftly to her nipple. She squealed as the clamp bit into her aureola. Her fists flew up into the empty air above her, as his hand darted to her other breast with the second clamp. Her body bolted off the table, but stopped short as her breasts became inflamed with excruciating pain.
She looked down in amazed disbelief. Her nipples were being hoisted together as the chain between them was growing shorter at a rapid pace. It slipped through the rings in the two clamps until her nipples were held side by side in front of her. Her body bowed before him as the pain pulled her downward. He pushed his lubricated fingers into her rectum. Her knees buckled and she collapsed to the floor. Her ass was now in the best possible position. He was independent to her screams as he shoved more of the lubricant into her and inserted the butt plug. He stood over her, waiting patiently for her to adjust to the situation.
After a few minutes, Master Thomas picked the woman up from the floor, onto her feet. She stood trembling with fear and humiliation. Tears rolled down her cheeks and onto her slender neck. He spoke to her with commanding tones. “You will obey me slave. I am your master. You will address me as master sir. Tell me that you will obey me.”
“Yes Master Sir, I will obey you. Please don’t hurt me any more.”
“Good girl.” His voice was suddenly gentle and some soothing. He moved behind her, gently struggling her arms and shoulders. He felt her body began to relax. His hands slipped onto her stomach. Gently he raised his right hand and caressed the bottom of her left breast. He spoke to her soothingly with his voice. “I am going to take the clamps off now. It is going to really hurt. Hold still.” He felt her body Stiffen against him as the clamp was removed. She began to cry again. He rubbed her nipple gently with the palm of his left hand as he carefully removed the other clamp. Her scream filled the room. Her sobbing continued as he rubbed her tender nipples.
When she had replaced some control . He stepped back. He gently touched the ring on her butt plug, twisting it ever so slightly. She winced from the painful reminder of his control. He showed her the whip again then tapped her ass gently with it. You will walk to the desk. She took a step, then hesitated slightly as the butt plug shiftedinside her. He understand her discomfort and patiently allowed her to the time that she needed. His voice sounded proud as he compiled her behavior. He rubbed her small ass with his hand. “Would you like for me to remove the plug from your sweet ass my slave?”
The thought took the girl by surprise. “Yes Master Sir. I would like for you to remove it.”
Master Thomas spoke gently to her. “You will lean over the desk, hold onto the edge on the other side, and spread your legs wide. It will hurt, but if you are a good girl for me, I won’t hurt you any more.” He watched her bending over the desk, her arms stretched over her head. He removed the butt plug. He allowed her to recover, then proceeded with her training. He gave her an orgasm, then taught her how to suck his cock.
Nurse Strictel returned, smiling appropriately at the improvement in the new student’s behavior. “I thought you would have to keep giving her the medicine to make her behave.”
Master Thomas scowled. “No, I know how to train my slaves. But give her some now so I can control her for the ride to town.”
He stood by as the nurse placed the drug in the girl’s mouth. The nurse brought rain coats for them. They helped the woman get hers on as she became subdued by the drug. Master Thomas put on his coat and picked her up in his arms. The nurse opened the door. He moved to the horse in the torrential rain. He mounted and the guards lifted her on in front of him. With only a word, the horse surged into full speed as his master guided him onto the old trail leading over the top of the mountain. The horse did not tire as they sped up the steering path. They sailed over the small fences and logs along the way. Thunder and lightning crashed near by, but the horse showed no fear as they rode.
It was 4:00 when they galloped into Stonecrest. They slide to a stop in front of the brother. A boy took his horse as he carried the young woman inside. “I need every available hand to get thats virgin ready for Fred Lockload.” He carried her into one of the more elegant bedrooms. The women hurried in behind him as he pulled off her rain coat. They briefly assessed the situation. They noticed that she was still wearing the training collar. Recognizing the need to be cautious with her, they began to work feverishly on different tasks. Some went to find her something to wear, others began to groom her hair and body.
****** For the first time in five weeks, Cheryl was now wearing a dress. It was unlike any dress she had ever hurt. It was made of a shear light blue material and was very short. The hemline stopped just above the tiny cream of her pussy lips. It had no buttons, but was held loosely in the front by ribbons tied into bows. The women placed her in an elegant looking chair beside the bed and ordered her to stay in it. “Sit up straight slave.” Nurse Lankford stood in front of her and tapped the end of her long thin whip on the tops of Cheryl’s breasts. “You willbe a good slave. If not, I will punish you so harshly that you will never forget.” The nurse turned and left the room.
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