The Daughter Ch. 02

Master Thomas grumbled to himself as he entered values ​​from his receipts into the debit side of his ledger. The expenses seemed to be growing right there before his eyes. He had just paid for an order of medicine for his girls. He would have to pay the guards in three days. His agitation strengthened as he shot a quick glance at the girl standing on the other side of the room.

He needed to decide what he is going to do about her. She was a beauty! She had soft skin and nice tits. Her wait curved in and out so beautifully above those perfect hips, and those long spindly legs. And that soft beautiful pussy! That beautiful virgin pussy. It all belonged to him. Her parents had just sold her to him for a measly $120.

He would have to make up for his investment in her soon. He had planned to charge $50 for training the Webberly’s daughter. But instead, he had spent money to buy her. Overall, he was out $170. The Master’s thoughts returned to her young softness. He wanted to take her. To be the first man inside her young hotness. But it would cost him! Her virginity would be worth $300 dollars in his brother down town. The thought made him more angry than ever.

The Master finished balancing his ledger. He could hear Nurse Lankford’s footsteps as she returned from showing the Webberly’s out. He realized she had been gone a long time.

She walked in, Speaking seriously. “Girl 387 has been seriously injured. The guards assigned to deliver the punishments were too hard on her. She would have bleed to death if I hadn’t stopped them. I washed her down with cold water to slow down the bleeding. I need to take her downstairs to a medical cell so that she can recover tonight.”

The Master nodded to her.”Thank you for catching that Nurse Lankford. Go right ahead and do what you have to do.”

The nurse anxious away.

The Master’s thoughts returned to Cheryl. He watched as she stood quietly by the examination table. Her soft light brown hair cascaded in gentle waves around her shoulders. Her arms hung beside her. The chains connecting her wrist and ankle shades dangled next to her feet. “Cheryl, come over here and stand beside me!” He ordered with a stern voice.

Cheryl was started by the surprise of his orders. She trembled from fear and anticipation as she walked over to him. Master Thomas had touched here gently during her examination. He had completed her body. She felt a slight admission for him now. She hoped that she could continue to please him.

She stood before him. Her nakedness made her blush. She hesitated to look at his eyes. Instead, she looked at his stomach.

Master Thomas grabbed her arm. He ordered her to sit on his lap. He felt the soft flesh of her bottom through his trousers. Holding her arms, he pulled her deeper into his lap. Her helplessness aroused him. Her small breast barely filled the palm of his hand. He admired its firmness as he squeezed it tightly. The nipple hardenedas he held it between his fingers. He fondled her breasts for a while. He felt her trembling gradually subside. She clearly began to enjoy herself. The master picked up her legs and dragged them over the arm of the chair so he could watch as he fondled her tender pussy. He felt himself getting hard beneath her as he lusted for her body.

Cheryl had never felt anything so thrilling in her life. She had never known that her body could make her feel so good. The hands on her breasts sent a warm rushing sensing throughout her body. The pleasant feeling of ecstasy drive away her fears. After her master lifted her closer to him, she felt his hand return to her breast and nipples. It stroked her tummy gently. She felt a strong burst of warmth within her as his fingers caresed the opening of her vagina. It was wet. He pulled her wetness up to her cliporis with his finger and rubbed it.

He continued to fondle her there and squeezed her breast and nipples with his other hand.Exotic sensings and pleasant hot tingles ran throughout her body. The rushing warm sensings seemed to grow in intensity. She suddenly felt like she was exploding. The tingling heat in her breasts created a rapidly expanding sensing. It spread across her shoulders and down her back and sides.

The nervouss from her belly button to her vagina began to tighten and twitch in spasms. Her body arched as a glorious Feeling spread over her. She felt a flood of wetness gush from her vagina.

Master Thomas kissed her open mouth. His tongue drove deep into her, licking the roof of her mouth. He swirled his tongue around hers. Cheryl giggled. She began to notice a hard object bulging between her master’s legs. She wondered what it was.

Master Thomas picked her up and sat her down on the floor in front of him. He began to unfasten his belt as he asked her, “Have you ever seen a man’s penis Cheryl?” She slowly shook her head. She gasped and her eyes widened in disbelief as he broought it out before her. It was long and thick. It looked like a great big thumb. But it didn’t bend at all. It just stuck out straight and hard.

He spoke to her with an instructive tone. “My best slave girls know how to kiss it and suck on it so that it pleases me. This will be your first lesson.”

He pulled out the desk drawer just enough to get out a long thumb switch. Closing the drawer he continued the lesson. He explained saying, “I won’t expect too much your first time. Don’t bite very hard, or you will get a whack from this switch.”

Cheryl still feel pretty good from having her first orgasmic. She feel extremely eager to please Master Thomas. At first, it was hard to stretch her lips and mouth around this strange organ. But she slide her mouth onto it as far she could. She began to suck.

He spoke encouragingly. “That’s great Cheryl. Now slide your mouth up and down on it.”

Cheryl continued to suck as she slide her mouth back out to the end of the penis.Again, she slide her lips back down it as far as she could. She continued to repeat the process. Her teeth accidentally scraped it a few times, but he didn’t hit her. Then her lips slipped between it and her teeth. As she improved, the master ordered her to go faster.

Her rhythm grew stronger. He grabbed her breasts and held them while she pumped him. Before long the penis began to twitch as she sucked. Her master grunted and leaned back. A creamy warm liquid began to squirt into Cheryl’s throat. She liked it. It tasted slightly salty. The penis shrank and became soft in her mouth as she suckled and swallowed the salty liquid. Master Thomas rubbed the top of her head with his hands.

His voice was firm but pleasant. “That was great Cheryl. You can stop now. You have pleased me well! You are a very good slave.” He reached into a side drawer of his desk. He gave her a piece of candy as a reward.

Master Thomas looked through the drawer some more. He got out a strange looking belt. The end of a wider leather strap was sewn to it. The strap had two holes with a buckle in between them.

He told her to stand up in front of him and turn around. He placed the belt around her waist. “I think that this will fit you just fine.” He said as he fastened the buckle behind her making certain it was too tight to slip down.

“Now turn around and sit up on the desk here.” He patted the desk showing her where to sit. He held the wide strap between her legs as she obeyed. “OK now lean back and lift your feet up onto the edge. Spread your legs.” He pulled the strap up hard through the buckle in front so that the chatity belt tucked snugly between her buttocks. One hole in the wide leather strap fit perfectly over her anus. He adjusted the buckle in the middle so that the other hole perfectly exposed only her urethra and cliporis. He stood her up and tested to make sure he couldn’t slide his fingers under it anywhere.

All of the buckles had locking mechanisms. He methodically inserted his key into each one and turned it. Cheryl’s virginity would remain safely in his possession until he was ready for it to be taken.

The Master told her to stand quietly by the side of his desk. He pulled out his slave girl log. Turning to the last entry, he entered Cheryl onto line 403. He got a thick piece of paper and a length of twine that would fit loosely around her neck. He wrote the number 403 on the paper then glued the twin onto the back of the paper. He placed it aside to let it dry. Turning to his typewriter he made out the orders that would begin the process of Cheryl’s enrollment into the school.

The nurse returned just as The Master pulled the fresh set of orders out of the typewriter. “Nurse Lankford, your timing is exhaust! It is time to get this girl enrolled.” He stood up with the number tag in his hand and tied it around Cheryl’s neck.

“Yes sir Master Thomas.” Nurse Lankford replied. She looked at Cheryl’s tag. “Number 403, that’s a great number. I will take her upstairs and get her started.”

The nurse led her down a hall leading away from the master’s office. Cheryl felt appreciated about the card on her neck. They climbed up a wide winding stair case and walked down a hall. They entered a room that had a very large fire place. Nurse Lankford shackled her to one of several benches in the room. An old man stood in front of the fire place. He greeted the nurse. She gave him Cheryl’s orders and left the room.

Cheryl didn’t know anything about branding. She watched the old man as he prepared her branding iron. The steel poll had a brake on one end in which numbers could be slide in and out. He created her number and placed it in the fire.

The man then picked up a special pen, a small rectangular steel plate, and small whip. He unfasted the shadowle and told her to stand on the benchmark. On her right side, he centered the steel plate on her hip. He drew around it. He ordered her toget down from the bench, then tightly secured her wrist shackles to a bar hanging above her. Turning a crank on the wall, he raised the bar, pulling her arms up over her head until she was lifted slightly. Cheryl couldn’t move much at all.

“You sure are a young one” he noted as he scratched his chin. “It might be best to blindfold you.” The man then went to a cabinet and brought back a ladder, a strip of clothes, and a jar containing a solution.

“This stuff will stop the burning before it causes too much damage.” He explained as he painted the liquid over the area where he had drawn the box. The little man pulled up the ladder, climbed it, and blindfolded her with the clothes.

All this time, Cheryl worried about the seriousness of her situation. But she stood helpfully bound.

Several minutes passed. She heard his footsteps close by. A ball of firey pain exploded on her hip. Her screams were followed with uncontrollable tears. She could not feel them as they soakedThrough the blindfold and streamed down her breast and stomach. She could only feel the pain of the fire burning on her side as her legs collapsed beneath her. The smell of her burning flesh filled her nostrils. She chased and gagged from the stench.

The man brought a towel soaked in ice water and wrapped it around her. He continued to replace the towel every few minutes. After about an hour he lowered the bar and helped her lie down on the benchmark. He unfasted her shackles from the bar and raised it back up into place. For another hour the man tended to her until Nurse Lankford returned.

“Lets see if we can get you back on your feet number 403.” Her chipper voice seemed encouraged to Cheryl, so she gave it a try. The nurse put her shoulder under her arm to support her. Cheryl hobbled along as they made their way down three flights of stairs to a medical cell close to the nurse’s office.

Cheryl collapsed into unconsciousness on the sleeping benchmark. The nurse lifted her legs to lie her down flat. She ran her hands over the young woman’s soft skin, caresing the small firm breasts. She fondled the nipples and leaned down to kiss the soft stomach. She tasted each nipple. They couldn’t respond now. She would have wait.


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