The Daughter Ch. 01

Cheryl swayed back and forth as the wagon wheels churned through muddy ruts. She sat beside her mother in the back seat of the buggy, gazing out over the grassy fields. A fine mist mingled with the thick clouds above. The dreaminess of the day and her situation made her feel heavy. Occasionally she watched the fine water droplets as the tiny pools formed thin trickles down her fathers back. He drive the team of horses onward. Cheryl’s right hand was clapped tightly as her mother held it in her lap. Occasionally the buggy lurched so hard that her arm was jerked. Cheryl’s mother would not look at her. Her eyes stayed fixed upon the road ahead. Cheryl knew her mother was very mad at her and that she was going to be in big trouble.

Eventually the landscape became more rugged. Trees and brush encroached upon the roadsides as they made their way into a deep dark forest. Cheryl’s father yelled harsh words and cracked his whip, forcing the horses to work harder to pull the buggy up aStep hill. As they reached the top, they entered a long driveway to their right. A large wooden sign said Women’s School for Behavior Corrections. The large arrow underneath pointed in the direction they were going. The horses pulled the buggy up a second incline towards a large heavy iron gate.

As they drew nearer Cheryl saw a woman standing in front of the gate. She was naked except for leather harnesses Around her breasts and wait, and a leather collar around her neck. As the woman turned to pull open the gate, Cheryl noticed a chain linking the woman’s harness to the gate. The woman’s nipples had large steel rings in them. The chains ran from the gate through a ring on her back, then divided to run through rings under her arms. The chains ended with clasps latched to the rings on her nipples. Cheryl struggled to grapsp the concept of what she was seeing as they passed by the woman.

Beyond the gate She was started by the cracking of a whip over to their right. Cheryl looked past her mother to see a large bean field. A guard on a big muscle horse carried the whip. He yelled “stop pulling those bean plants!” He held his horse back, preventing it from walking into the beans. In the field several young women stopped over the bean plants pulling weeds. They were all naked except for their harnesses, which were similar to the one wound by the woman at the gate.

The guard carefully navigated his horse through the rows to get to one of the girls and flicked her bottom with his whip. “I told you not to pull any beans! We’ll see what the master has to say about this when we get home.” He yelled

The woman curried away from him and worked even harder.

The buggy approached a tomato field on their left. More women busied themselves with tending this field. Their guard Dismounted and grabbed one of the girls who had a tomato in her hand. The guard led her to a small section of wooden fence in the field. He fastened her breast harness to the fence and pulled off her bottom harness, laying it over the top rail. She cried and begged him for mercy as he pulled her thighs away from the fence to make her stop over.

“Now you’ll know better than to eat those tomatoes,” he said with a laugh. He brought the whip down hard across her back and made several more stokes across her thighs and buttons.

Cheryl’s head was turned as far back as it would go as the man was unzipping his pants and gripping the woman’s crotch. She felt a hard jerk on her arm as her mother forced her to straighten back around.

Her mother said scoldingly. “Young lady, this is the place where you are going to get what you deserve.”

Eventually the buggy made its way past all of the crop fields. They also passed by gangs of women working on the driveway with hoes and rakes. Cheryl noticed burn scars on the right hips of the women. The scars were shaped like numbers. The mounted guards nodded to the arrival guests, eyeing Cheryl with piercinglooks. She became increasingly nervous and anxious about what was going to happen to her. She huddled deeper into the buggy seat and pulled her rain coat more tightly around her lacy pink dress.

Her father guided the team around a curve and down a lane taking them past long rows of buildings. Under their guards’ watchful eyes, women were sweeping and cleaning the compound. Others scrubbed clothes against washboards in great big tubs of soapy water. Sheets, towels, and the guard’s uniforms were hung up to dry, while dry things were folded onto carts.

Women wearing harnesses with bridles on their heads were hitched in pairs in front the carts. Guards seated on the carts held their reins. These were strung through a series of rings along the women’s backs, up over their shoulders, and then through rings at the edges of the women’s mouths. The ends of the reins were clapped to their nipple rings.

The buggy team started slightly as a pair of women trotted up the lane inFront of them. Their guard lashed them with his whip to make the girls run harder up the road ahead of the buggy.

They now approached a great mansion looming on their left. Cheryl’s father turned the horses to enter the driveway. It was neatly trimmed with laws and flower gardens. Cheryl heard screams coming from her right. She looked to see a large concrete patio where two women were being tortured. One guard stood holding a scroll. He was reading to the other guard what to do.

One woman was tied face down across two hitching rails. One rail supported her chest, the other supported her tummy. Large weights hung from her nipple rings. Her legs were held spread apart by a bar. A rounded wooden stick, about four inches in diameter, protruded from her vagina. Her back and buttocks and legs were covered with bleeding whip marks.

The other woman was hanging upside down with her hands fastened behind her head. Her legs were also held apart with a bar. A guard was whippingher on her crotch buttocks and thighs.

The buggy stopped. Cheryl’s father got down. Turning to face them, he held his hand up to them. Her mother pushed her to get up and shoved her towards his grapp. Her father grabbed her waist to lift her down. He then held her arm tightly as he helped her mother. They proceed to the door of the mansion.

It opened abruptly and a large woman in a white nurses dress welcomed them in. She greeted them saying, “You must be the Webberlys we’ve been expecting you. Come right this way and I will take you to see Master Thomas.”

She lead them down a hallway made of stone to a large heavy wooden door. She knocked and they heard a man’s deep voice say “Come in.”

“Good afternoon Mr. and Mrs. Webberly. I am so glad you could Come.” Master Thomas smiled as he rose from behind his large wooden desk. Although the school master’s red hair was greying, he had a muscle build. He was tall, had a long nose, and big hands. He took off his glasses and wiped them with a handkerchief as he walked towards them with a glaiming smile. Returning the glasses to his face he shook hands with Cheryl’s father as he looked at her. “How was your trip? I hope the weather was a little cooperative.”

Cheryl’s father voiced a reply. “The drive turned out to be just fine. We found our way OK, and the horses seem fit enough to make the return trip. We have plans to stay in town tonight, then head back home tomorrow morning. Thank you Master Thomas.” The master turned to the nurse. “Miss Lankford help these fine folks take off their coats so that we can get down to business.”

Cheryl’s parents handed their coats to the woman. They turned and briskly helped Cheryl with her coat. Master Thomas placed his hand on her shoulder admiringly. “This must be Cheryl, I think this is a very pretty dress that she is wearing. I can see that you are interested in making a good impression. We should be able to work out an arrangement that will be quite suitable to all of our needs.”

His large called hand slide down beside Cheryl’s breast, under her arm, down her side, and grazed her wrist. He pulling her arm out away from her side. This made her feel graceful.

He turned and motioned her parents to the chairs in front of his desk. “Please have a seat and get comfortable Mr. and Mrs. Webberly.” With his hand still firmly on her wrist he said with a strict tone, “Cheryl, you will come over here, stand beside my desk. Stay quiet now.”

Cheryl compiled obediently. She stood by the desk, held up her head, and put her shoulders back.

Master Thomas spoke to her parents. “I believe that Cheryl will do nicely here at our school. Hard work and strict discipline will get her back on the right path. Mr. and Mrs. Webberly, let me explain the different packages that I have available. I will draw up a contract. While you two are reading it over, I can give Cheryl a through entrance exam before we sign the contract together.”

He continued. “I am confident that we have a program that will fit you budget and achieve results that make you happy. The plans that we have available vary in the length of time Cheryl will need to be here. They will also vary with the types work and discipline that will be necessary to achieve the desired results.” He removed a book from his desk that would help him explain.

Mrs. Webberly tugged on her husband’s sleep. He saw the look of determination in her eyes and took a deep breath.

Clearing his throat Mr. Webberly put his hand on the edge of the desk leaned forward and said, “Master Thomas, we have four more daughters at home. Those girls all know how to behave. You know that it has been several months since we last wrote to you about Cheryl. During that time, Things with Cheryl have gotten much worse. Just about every day she fails to get all of her chores done before dinner. She talks back to us all of the time and she is always making excuses. We haveto ask her help with cooking and to do the dishes. Last week she didn’t get the dishes clean until after sundown.

A few days later, my wife took Cheryl with her to town and told her to stay in the buggy. When she got back, she found Cheryl out on the sidewalk talking to a boy. I took a razor strap to Cheryl that night. But quite frankly, she is just about too much for me and my wife to handle any More. She will be 19 years old on the 20th of next month. We don’t want her sisters to learn to act the way she does. So Mrs. Webberly and I have decided we don’t want her to come back home.

We would like for you to think about this Master Thomas. She is a good looking girl. We thought you might like to buy her for a good price. Then you could have her to do anything you’d want with her. What would you say about doing something like that?”

During the silence, a weak tear trickled down Cheryl’s cheese as fear grow deep inside her stromach.

Master Thomas stood from his chair to take a second look at Cheryl. “Let me consider this thoroughly for a few moments. Lets see what we can do.”The Master’s eyes lit up a little and he smiled. “Before I can make this decision, I will have to give the girl a very thorough examination. I know you must understand this, do you not?”

“Well certainly sir. We understand completely. We have absolutely no problem with that.” Cheryl’s father seemed to relax a little. He sat back comfortable in his chair and patted his wife’s hand.

Master Thomas spoke to the nurse. “Nurse Lankford, I would like for you to clean this girl up for me. And then I would like for you to set her up over there on the examination table for me. Oh, and put some restraints on her wrists and ankles, just in case.”

Yes sir Master Thomas. With a small whip in her hand, the nurse firmly guided Cheryl through a door and into a wash room. The cold concrete room had hooks and rings mounted on the walls. A shower head hung from the ceiling over a floor drain in the corner to the left. Along the back wall hung a water hose and there was a toilet. A metal cabinet stood along the wall on the right. Cheryl could hear the voices of her parents and Master Thomas as they visited with each other in the next room.

“Lets get that dress off first.” The nurse unbuttoned the dress. She pushed the sleeves and collar down around Cheryl’s back and arms. “Step out of the dress dear.” Feeling embarrassed and shocked by what was happening, Cheryl didn’t move. She felt the whip sting her thigh. Cheryl replied “Yes Mam” in a quivering voice. She stepped out of the dress.

The nurse pulled the petty coat up over Cheryl’s head. Holding Cheryl’s arm, the nurse hung the clothes on a hook. She opened the cabinet to get some shades. She chained Cheryl’s left arm to a ring close to the toilet. The nurse then pulled Cheryl’s hair up on top of her head and fastened it with a rubber band. She unhooked Cheryl’s bra and removed it.

“Yes, I think Master Thomas might just like to have you young lady. This skin is so soft and smooth, and those tits are just real nice.” The nurse pulled off Cheryl’s shoes and stockings. She pointed to the toilet and said ” you’ll have to poop and pee now, so take off your panties and sit down. Cheryl obeyed. The nurse put down the shoes and placed the underwear on a hook. She went back to the cabinet to get the towels, soap and a scrub brush out of the cabinet and placed them on top.

The toilet was taller than normal. Cheryl’s feet could barely reach the floor. She was trembling all over as she looked down at herself. It was easy to tinkle but she didn’t think it would be at all possible to poop right now.

The nurse fastened a thin tube onto the end of the hose. She said “Don’t you Worry dear I have just the thing for stubborn bowels. That’s no problem at all.”

She walked over to Cheryl. She reached up to grap a metal frame that swung down from the wall above the toilett on hinges. The pipe was now a fixed object that surrounded Cheryl. It was only about three inches from her. It was level with her shoulders. The nurse brought Cheryl’s hands up, shackling each one securely to the rails beside her shoulders.

“Now bend your knee for me.” The nurse picked up each foot and shackled them to the corners formed by the pipe in front of her. Cheryl was now in a fetal type position. Her butt hole was pointed straight down over the front end of the toilet. She felt like she was just perching on it. If it had been any wider she could slide right in.

The nurse got the soap and a washcloth, turned on the water hose, and carried it to Cheryl’s side. Water squirted in a solid stream out of the rounded tip of the tube. Cheryl watched as the water ran over her pussy. Feeling helpless and humiliated, she fixed her gaze on the ceiling above. The nurse rubbed the soap with the wash clothes. Cheryl felt her firm but gentle strokes as the soapy wash clothes rubbedup and down on her genitalia. She felt the stream of water begin rinsing the soap away as the nurse pushed the soapy washcloth into her rectum just a little. Then the tube was pushing into her rectum, with the water ahead of it, and then running back out.

The nurse commented. “Now we have some poop. Here it comes! Yes I told you you would, didn’t I?”

The nurse slide the tube back out and rubbed Cheryl’s butt hole with the soapy washcloth. The nurses finger pushed the clothes into her again slightly. She followed with more rinsing before she was done.

Unshackling Cheryl’s feet and hands she returned the shackling bar to its original position. She lead her over to the shower to wash the rest of her body with the soap and scrub brush. The bristles felt rough against Cheryl’s skin as the nurse scrubbed her. The nurse dried her thoroughly with the towel. She let down her hair and ran through it with a brush.

The nurse connected Cheryl’s wrists to her ankles with chainson each side. Her hands were tugged by her feet with each step as she was lead back into the main room. She could not look at her parents as the nurse lead her past them.

The examination table was in the front of the room by the door, behind where Cheryl’s parents were seated. The nurse spread a large clean towel over the bench and helped Cheryl up on it. She adjusted the chains so that Cheryl’s legs were spread. Her feet were pushed up beside her tights. Hanging above her, she saw a huge light fixture with seven oil lamps. Cheryl watched the nurse light each of the lamp wicks. The light was the brightest she had ever seen. Cheryl felt it warm her as she watched the nurse go into a small closet. The nurse rolled out a cart with all the tools for the exam.

Master Thomas walked over to the exam table. Cheryl’s parents said nothing. They watched the Master began examining Cheryl as she lay naked on the table.

“You are a pretty girl.” He started by placing his thumb on the side of her mouth. “Miss Lankford, I need a tongue depressor. Open your mouth Cheryl.” He prodded her tongue with the wooden stick then grasped her tongue firmly with his thumb and finger. Pulling it out, he looked at her throat, gums and upper teeth. He let the tongue go and pushed it up to look under it. He pinched her cheeks, tilting her head to look in her nose and then her ears. He felt her neck. Sliding his hands down to her breasts he grasped them and squeezed them tightly. He twisted her nipples between his fingers then felt her stomach. He pressed here and there on her abdomen.

Master Thomas stepped between Cheryl’s legs. “Miss Lankford, please hand me the lubricant and the pussy spreader. The master investigated Cheryl’s public bone and cliporis. With the lubricant, he slide his fingers gently into the mouth of her vagina. He inserted the spreader just slightly into her, just enough to open her so that he could see inside. “Miss Lankford please hold the mirror up and shine some light into her for me so I can see.” The nurse did this. He gently slide his index finger into Cheryl’s rectum as he looked inside her vagina. Master Thomas smiled and nodded. “This is very good” he said. He then asked the nurse to fix Cheryl so that she could get back up on her feet.

He spoke to Mr. and Mrs. Webberly. “Your daughter is a very nice girl. And, she is Still a virgin. She will probably make someone a great slave.” He returned to examining Cheryl as she stood beside the table. He tested the strength of her arms and legs and feel her muscles with his hands. Turning her around, he ran his hands down her back and buttocks.

Thousands of confusing thoughts raced through Cheryl’s mind. She was surprised at how gentle Master Thomas had been with her. How could This man be so gentle to her but be responsible for the terrible cruelties that she had seen in the yard outside? Was Master Thomas going to buy her? What would he do to her after he bought her? Where would her parents take her if he did not buy her?

As he turned to face the Webberlys, Master Thomas struggled to compose himself so that he wouldn’t appear to be too eager. “Yes she is a fine girl Mr. and Mrs. Webberly. You will be able to sell Cheryl to just about anyone in town, if you should choose to do so. I’m sure you noticed as you were driving in, that I already have a great many women to take care of. So you see, I can’t possibly offer to pay you full value for Cheryl. Let’s go back over and sit down so we can talk this over. OK?”

Mr. Webberly was seeing dollar signs as they all sat down in the chairs. He had no idea what Cheryl’s value was. He had never considered that his daughter might actually be worth money. He held his wife’s hand to encourage her silence, as he tried to figure out what to say to the school master.

Before he could formulate a reply, Master Thomas intervened. “I can pay you $120 dollars for Cheryl. What do you think?”

Mr. Webberly reMained hesitant for a few moments. He squeezed his wife’s arm to remind her to stay silent. But he couldn’t get past his fear of her anger for very long. He said “Master Thomas, I think that would be just grand. My wife and I will be quite pleased to get that much money for Cheryl.”


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