I wait nervously, anxiously knowing you will be here any time. I have everything timed so that when you walk in that door your bath water will be ready for you. You have plans to take me out and i don’t know what they are…but i also have plans on preparing for it.
I hear the car parking and i run to my position in front of the door. I knee with my back arched, my hair falling down my back and my thighs wide open waiting for you to enter. You enter and my heart skips a beat as i wait for you to acknowledge me. “hi sweetbutt”. you say to me. ” hi Master my Love……i have your bath ready for you Master.” You nod your head and i rise up to my feet and take my arm waving it gracefully in front of me to show the way to the bathroom. You head there and i follow behind. You open the bathroom door and see it’s dimly lit with flowers on the counter and lit only by candles.
“I thought perhaps Master you would like to relax a little before we went out.” I help you out of your clothes and you climb into the warm water. Leaning over i begin to message your shoulders getting the kinks out working the muscles good…feeling them loosen up and you starting to relax. Taking the washcloth i later your body up and i rub the clothes down your body. You reach up and pull me into the tub with you. Laughing, you begin to wash my body off too.
Climbing out of the tub i grab a warm towel and hold it up for you to step out and dry you off. We go into the bedroom and start getting dressed for our date tonight. You have me add on a pair of nipple rings as i get dressed in my long dress that is cut like a ladder on the side, my legs and part of my skin shows thru the sides. I put my hair up and you place my collar around my neck, first removing my everyday collar for my formal one
Master had been planning a surprise for me for a while now. We went to go to the limo that was waiting for us, you told me. “Open your legs wide sub and show Me your pussy!” I spread my legs as wide as they would go as you slid a remote vibrator into my pussy. You didn’t turn it on yet as you wanted to wait until we got into the limo. Climbing in you turned it on low to give me a taste, then you turned it off. “We are going out to dinner and you are to keep this in place.” During the drive there you would reach into your pocket and turn the vibrator on at every red light and turn it off as the drope. We reached the restaurants and walked in and as the hostess showed us to our seat you again reached in and turned it on. You had at least was nice enough to ask for a corner booth away from the others there. The teasing was starting to cause me to feel my password build up inside of me and i was very aware of the violence going thru my body, trying not to let them show on my face. All during the time we were choosing our dinner you kept turning in on and off again.
We had made it thru the salad course and while we were waiting for the main course You slid your hands down onto my thighs and turned the vibrator again. My breathing was starting to get heavier as i felt the vibrator making my pussy wetter and my breasts to rise and fall heavily with each breath i took. I feel you caresing my thighs going in circles with you hand giving me feathery touches as i watched your hand go further and further up my leg and under my skirt. I tried not to let out a moan as i felt your fingers reach my clip and begin to massage it. Rubbing you fingers across my clip and going down my slit into my pussy that was beginning to ooze from my sweet hot juices. By this time the waitress was bringing our meal so you raised your hand to my mouth “Lick your juices from my fingers and suck your hot, sweet pussy juices off of my fingers.” I did so hungrily. I was being so turned on by this that i could Feel the juices oozing out of my pussy and forming a puddle on the seat underneath me. Luckily i was wearing a black dress for that was soaked already. It was all i could do to concentrate on dinner. I was so horny and my pussy was aching for you to turn the vibrator back on and to let me have my release. But you just waited, you let me rest, you didn’t want me too excited as there was more to come, or is that cum? hhmm have to think about that one. We finished dinner and you paid the check and we walked out to the limo.
When we reached the limo you turned the vibrator on again. This time as we got into the limo i started to moana because i couldn’t help myself any more. I was never so glad for the dark glass that was between the driver and us and i was then. You opened up the sunroof that was there, “Stand up thru the roof.”
“yes Master,” i said as i stood up holding on the to side of the roof looking out at the buildings and the people as we drove by. I felt you raise My skirt and i felt your tongue caresing my clip and my pussy as you turned the vibrator back on. “mmmmmmmmmm”i moaned again and squirmed. You smoked my butt and told me to stay still. I closed my eyes and got lost as i felt your tongue sliding into my sweet hole along with the vibrator. People on the street were giving me weird looks as i stood there moaning, wanting so much to release. “Oh god Master, please may i cum? Please Master.”
“Yes sweetbutt, you may.” I almost screamed as i felt my juices release and squirting into your mouth as your tongue bit my clip, sucking and licking it. My body trembled as i felt my sweet release. “Come back inside sweetbutt…we’re almost there.”
I slide back in thru the roof and sat down on the seat next to you. “Thank you Master for allowing me such pleasure.”
“No problem sweetbutt.” you said as you placed your arm around me giving me a long and tender kiss,biting my lower lip and our tongues probing each others mouths. We stopped kissing and i picked up my pursuit reaching in and getting a brush i brushed my hair, checking my makeup in the mirror and tidying up before we got to our destination, that i still didn’t know. But i didn’t care, i was with you, my Master, that’s all i needed to know.
We pulled up in front of a building and the limo stopped, Master climbed out first and offered me his hand. I took it and as i did you turned on the vibrator again and i bit my lower lip. Smiling down at me with your evil grin. “oh Master i can tell this is going to be a long night.” laughing as i stepped out of the limo. “Where are we Master?” i asked as we reached the door. “You will find out sweetbutt, patience hun.”
We wait as you knock on the door and a woman answers it and lets us in. She’s dressed in a black leather teddy with thigh highs and heels. She was quite beautiful with her long hair flowing hair hanging down her back. I looked around the room we entered. On the left was a chain rack type thing and more chains attached to the wall. There were booths around the outside of the wall except for that area and an area in the middle of the room. There was a doctor type table there with stirrups and a chair in front of it. in another corner of that area was a bondage chair. In the center of the room, in the back was a stage with a large St. Andrew’s Cross in the middle of it. The room was dimly lit except for a spot light shining on the Cross. She showed us to a booth near the cross and motioned for us to sit down, “May i get you something to drink?” she asked as we sat down. We each ordered a white wine and she went off to get it. Other girls were walking around with black corsets and thongs, their breasts resting on the tops of their corsets as though just waiting to be touched. Other people were sitting in the boots murmuring some themselves, some were laughing and others well, not sure what they were doing. A couple walked up to the doctor’s table and the male, i imagine the Master, told the girl to strip. She climbed up on the table naked and he proceeded to tie her there and to blindfold her then to tie her feet to the stirrups. After he did this he motioned to another girl to come over and had her sit in the seat in front of the girl spread eagle on the table. He had her begin to lick the girl while he flogged her egging her on.
Another couple walked over to the bondage chair and he tied her there and gagged her. I watched as he played with her breasts and then when her nipples were getting hard and she started to moan he added nipple clamps on them. As i watched i could feel my pussy getting wetter and my breasts rise and fall as i was getting excited watching. As my breast rose, i could feel my nipple rings squeezing against my nipples, they are sensitive and each breath reminds me that they’re there. You must have noticed my breathing and my eyes growing darker as i watched for you suddenly turned on the vibrator. Surprising me i couldn’t help but let out a moan. I glanced around the room hoping no one hear me. You whispered in my ear, “it’s alright sweetbutt, just relax no one is paying any attention. Listen sweetbutt, you’ll hear others moaning along with you.” I listened and I could hear others moaning softly in the room, so i relaxed. I gave up the feeling of being self consciousness and just gave into the feelings that you were creating in my body. I was so horny between what you were doing and watching what was going on in the room.
Our drinks were set in front of us and you handed me my glass. “Thank you Master my Love.” I took the glass and lifted it to my lips sipping it as i looked over the glass and watched you sip yours.
Suddenly the lights dimmed and someone came out on stage. She was a beautiful girl with nothing but a silk robe on that barely covered her. She knelt down in the middle of the stage with her back straight, her eyes lowered, her thighs were spread wide and you could see her naked pussy already glistening under the robe. Her long blonde hair was piled up on her head and her neck was naked except for a collar she wore. Her Master walked out on the stage dress in black leather pants a black leather vest and boots. In his hand he was carrying a black bag, i figured it was filled with his toys. He walked over in front of her “Rise my pet.” She rose up on her feet standing there with her legs separated, she put her arms behind her back and kept her eyes lowered. You leaned over and whispered “Sweetbutt you are not to cum until i give you permission.”
“Yes Master, i understand.” smiling up at you and moving closer to you. You placed your hand on my thigh underneath my dress. The touch of your hand on my skin sent a shock thru my body, i automatically opened my thighs wider to make myself available to you.
The Master said to his sub “Undress pet and go to the cross.” I watched as i saw her slipping her robe off showing the room her perfectly formed Figure and her full creamy breasts. She walked silently over to the cross. He placed his hand on her left breast teasing them, playing with them until they got hard. You reached over to me and slipping your hand inside my low-cut dress you started playing with my breasts, pulling on the nipple rings, pinching my nipples. I let out a moan and watched as the Master slipped a nipple clamp on her nipple, then he moved over to her right nipple and started doing the same with that one. As he did you moved over to my right nipple and started pulling the nipple ring and pinching my nipple playing with them. I let out Another soft moan as i felt a pulsing going thru my body straight down to my pussy. Feeling my pussy getting wetter i squirmed a little. “What’s the matter sweetbutt? Is something wrong?” you asked me. “No Master, i’m just getting so hot, oh my god Master.” My body let out a shudder as i melted against you, getting lost in how you were making me feel. You turned on the vibrator again and i almost screamed as i felt my pussy and clip throbbing. My breasts rising and falling as i started to breath heavier, sweat starting to form on my browser as i was trying not to make too much noise and trying not to cum until you told me i could. Oh god was that hard to do.
The Master had his sub turn around and face the cross as he cuffed her legs and her arms to the cross. She stood there in the light spread eagle. The Master started flogging her and i could hear her starting to moan as she thanked him each time he flogged her. I could hear others in the room cum and hearing it almost made me cum. I whispered in your ear, “Master please, may i cum?”
“No hun, not yet.” You had a wicked grin on your face as i looked at you wondering if i would be able to hold it much longer. You turned the vibrator off and i took a breath, trying to calm my throbbing wet pussy down.
We watched as the Master unhooked his sub as her back was quite red and i could imagine it being quite warm and tingling. He turned her around and hooked her back up and went over to his bag of toys. He took out a dildo and walked back over to her slipping it into her wet pussy. She letout a moan as he turned it on and started flogging her breasts and her mound. Then he went up between her legs and flogged her pussy. Watching as she grew redder under the lights and sweat was pouring off her. He told her, “Cum my pet.” We heard her moan loudly and her body shake as she came. Her juices squirting out of her pussy landing in a bucket he placed under her to catch it. Hearing her cum and watching her built mine up again and again i whispered to you, “please Master now may i cum?”
“Not yet sweetbutt, not yet.” The Master unhooked her and took her over to a sybain. He ordered her to climb on top of it. The dildo on the sybain slipped easily into her pussy and he leaned over and turned it on. I watch facinated as i wish i could try it out. Knowing it had to feel awesome. As i’m watching her You turn on the vibrator again and you slide your hand under my dress reaching between my thighs touching my clip. I moaned as i felt you touching my swollen clip and you began torub it. I squirmed in my seat as i was getting so hot and so close to cumming, my own body shaking as i saw her’s start to shake. Soon i heard her let out a loud moan that echoed thru the room and watched as she came all over the sybain. My breathing was getting heavier and the sweat was sliding down my face and my chest was forming sweat as i tried so hard not to cum yet. I could hear more in the room cum and i looked on almost jealous as i wanted to be released too. You rubbed my clip faster and turned the vibrator up higher. I started moaning louder not caring who heard me i was just lost in my own pleasure that your were giving me.”Oh god Master, oh god. Master i can’t hold it any longer.”
“Sweetbutt are you ready to cum like she did?” you asked me. I nodded my head as my mouth was so dry from my heavy breathing. “Sweetbutt i can’t hear you, are you ready hun?”
“Oh god yes Master, please Master let me cum.”
“Yes sweetbutt cum.” I screamed not caring where i was orwho was listening i just knew i needed to release my juices. I screamed as my juices squirted out of my pussy wetting my dress. My body shook as i felt the last drop oozing out. I rested my head against your shoulder as i gasped for breath and waited for my head to stop spinning.
By the time i looked up the stage was clear and others were leaving. “Come on sweetbutt, time to go home.”
“Yes Master.” You slip out of the booth and offered me your hand. I stood up on knees that were wobbly so you wrapped your arm around me and helped me out to the limo.
In the limo you let me rest a bit opening the sunroof so that the cool air could clear my head and bring me back to life. We reached the house and you helped me out of the car and we walked into the house. “Come on sweetbutt let’s go up stairs.” I followed you upstairs and into the bedroom. When we reached it you helped me off with my dress kissing me passwordately and helped me onto the bed. I laid there and watched you wit dark sapphire eyes that were hungry for you as you undressed and joined me. I moaned as i felt your hard, throbbing cock slide into my wet pussy and started pumping my hips to ride your cock as you slide in and out of my pussy. We keep riding each other faster and harder as our passwords mounted, sweat pouring off of us as i felt your hard cock throbbing and swelling inside of me releasing your cum into my hot pussy. “Cum sweetbutt, cum now.” I screamed again as i felt my juices release wetting your cock oozing out onto your balls and wetting the bed beneath us.
As we both released the last drops of our cum you laid next to me holding me in your arms. Kissing me and whisping “You’ve pleased me tonight sweetbutt, i love you.”
“I love you too Master of my heart.” We drifted off to sleep in each others arms both of us smiling and content.
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