The Darkness Within

She knew she should not be there. It was against everything she believed in. She was, after all, in love. Love is such a fragile thing, how dare she be there waiting to risk love to fill a craving.

She had always been good with monogamy in all of her relationships she had only ever strayed once and even her girlfriends agreed that did not count because it was ex-sex. There are rules about that. It is as though you get one free go as long as it is in the first few months. But other than that she had always been the model of fidelity.

Okay, so maybe not a model. A little internet flirting…well maybe a lot. Nothing that ever would have been in the same league as what she was planning tonight.

Tonight she was going to let every repressed urge inside her out. It was just one last fling into the dark world of her fansies. She had no feelings for this man. He was just shy of being a friend and only slightly more than a stranger. That is what made him safe. There was no chance that there would be an attachment. She could just free herself in a way that she had not been allowed to in years.

She waited almost solemnly in the hotel bar. Her drinks came one after another, the ice having no chance to melt before the next would arrive. Her nerves still would not settle. She just wanted to be in that place. Anticipation was never her strong suit. He was late.

Maybe he would Not show? Maybe she had misinterpreted what they had talked about? Her head was swimming in thought, drink, fear, and excitement. She ran possible scenarios through her head. Would it be awkward? Would they share tenative small talk? She thought of the man waiting at home for her and how this would break his heart but she pushed it quickly out of her mind.

She was just clearing her head of this Thought when she felt a warmth on her neck, that feeling of someone looking at her. She turned and he was standing just a few feet away from her. He was not spectacular lookingbut he had the look, the important one in his eyes. That strong, password, domineering look she had craved for so very long. A look that said he was going to hurt her and he was going to enjoy it.

Every thought she’d had while waiting slipped away as he moved to her and slide his hand up to the roots of her hair at the nape of her neck and squeezed.

His voice was husky as he grew, “Let’s go slut.”

She did not for one moment want to pull away. She fell right into his power. All thoughts of anything or anyone else were gone. For tonight she would be his to do with as he pleased.

They entered the elevator and he kissed her roughly as they ascended. Her lips almost immediately took on the rose colored pallor that only a kiss like that could entic from them. The elevator stopped and she Followed him to the room. As they stood before the door he spoke to her one last time as a person.

“Red means stop, that is the only thing that will stop me. Do not forgetthat. Because unless I hear that word I will not hesitate to make you bleed.”

She nodded. Silent. She buried her safe word in her brain and entered the room.

He flicked the switch on one of the bedside tables and she could see why he had been late. There was an array of whips and ropes lay on the bed. She heaved a breathless sight in anticipation, recalling the times when such implements had been her dearest friends. It seemed to be a lifetime ago. The smell of new leather permeated the room. It made her feel special. He must have gotten something new, something just for her. She shivered.

He looked at her impatiently and she could read his thoughts. It was a look she had waited for. She stripped off her small black dress and left just her stockings. He walked over – strutted is more like it. His blue eyes glimmered with a wicked light as he reached out and pinched her nipples, hard. They became bright pink and rose to his fingers as she flinched.

He looked pleasesed and disappointed at the same time. She knew what that means. No flinching. He wanted her take it without a hesitation. She slide her hands behind her back to assume her pose. Her shoulders back jutting her breasts forward, her hands clapped her eyes on the floor. She offered herself to him.

He wrapped his hands in her long black hair and tugged her neck back with enough force to make her grunt. His teeth were soon buried in the flesh of her neck. The pain was so sweet. It spread throughout her body and warmed her skin. He moved across her throat with small nips that left her skin feeling raw and pinched. He left one hand tangled in her hair and the other moved to pinch her ass. He did so with random movements, some long and burning others short and singing.

It was torturous. The pain from her throat and her ass met somewhere deep in her soul making her weaker and stronger. He twisted her with the hand wrapped in her hair and pushed her over the bed. He was not going towas waste a moment. He slapped the round curve where her thigh met the cheeses of her ass. He hit over and over again for what seemed like an eternity. Her skin began to resonate a heat. She could feel its redness. She did not whimper or moan she just let the tears stream down her cheeses silently.

“Up against the wall” he ordered, “Hands over your head”

She did exactly as she was told. The wall was freezing against her flushed skin. He bound her wrists and attached it to a small coat hook on the wall. Within seconds she felt the first stings of the whip against her back, then her tights. He beat her mercilessly. She could feel the welfares rising and the brutal pain as the whip struck a wound that had already begun to swell. She fell into a trance, a trance of pain and submission. The whip made a thud as it hit the floor and she felt His hands stroking her, strong and willful. They feel so cool and soft against her flaming skin. He was gentle for a time then he would pinch or slapone of the swollen stripes on her body.

That is when he pushed against her to rip at the back of her neck again. She could feel his cock scanning against her.

He reached up and slipped the knot of rope from the hook and her hands fell to her belly. He then grabbed her by the shoulders and turned her to him.

“Undress me, bitch.”

She moved her still bound hands and he shook his head

“Teeth Only. If you want my cock you are going to have to work for it,” he said with a malicious laugh.

She began to work on his shirt. Slowly wrestling with the buttons, one by one they gave way to her will. Then his pants – the button was a task that taunted her. She could feel him swollen beneath her mouth but she knew she could not be distracted. Finally it released and she gripped her teeth on the zipper. The taste was metallic in her mouth and made her teeth almost ache she dragged it down. She tugged at the fiber of the clothes until they finally fell to his feet. Shewas on her knees and his hard cock was directly in her face.

She wanted to lunch at it, to swallow it whole but she knew better. Skill like that could not be forgotten no matter how long it had lay dormant. He began struggling it slowly just inches from her face. Teasing her with it. He looked at her almost with what others could perhaps think revulsion as she began to squirm. She knew better. It was the look of a sadist watching his prey just before the capture.

Her lips pouted and parted, her breath shallow as she waited for it to be her turn. He sought out her hair again and forced her mouth upon his throbbing cock. He pushed it so deep in her throat she began to gag but he would not stop. He was not going to let her suck him. He was going to fuck her. Her mouth and anywhere else he could think of. He ripped at her hair as he slammed into her throat. He moaned loudly. She could feel him throbbing. She knew he was going to come. She relaxed her throat as best she could. Opening her mouth wide to take every inch of him that she could as he released a hot spray of liquid into her throat. Her muscles could hardly move to swallow as he emptied his balls into her. With each shot he pulled at her tighter, forcing himself in deeper. Impaling her. More tears found there way down her cheeks and he looked at her with a smile of satisfaction.

He released her hair and let her lick each last drop of his orgasm from his cock and her lips. She expected a moment of respite but there was none. He ordered her up off her knees and grabbing the bindings on her wrists he tossed her to the bed. This time he chose a paddle, solid and thuddy. He worked her ass like a blacksmith, strking blow after blow as she tried to gather her breath. Her tears were no longer a line down her cheek. She cried relentlessly but her sobs stayed silent in her throat. He would stop and stroke and pinch her. Taunting her with soft sweet cares and cruel snaps of his fingers.

She melted inside with each stroke and flew into a firestorm with each renewal of pain. Her juices were slipping down her thighs and she could feel the blood engorging her pussy. He used his knee to nudge her up on the bed and then he was gone. She did not move nor hardly breathe for those moments so afraid he had left. That it was over. She could not have been more wrong. He returned seconds later and she heard the snap of a lid then cool liquid running down the slit of her ass. Next she felt his fingers spreading her open as he found the tight ring that lay in the middle. He rubbed the slick lube over her. It stung her wounds but that only added to the pleasure. Then he worked a finger into her ass. Gently preparing her. Then he slid in another one and pumped harder. With his other hand he slapped at her playfully, just enough to keep her red and aching.

She understood at his touch. She pushed her self up onto her knees and began to slam back onto his fingers. He slapped her hard and sheHe knew to be still. His fingers withdraw leaving her feeling empty but not even long enough for her to complete the emotion. She felt it hard against her. His cock. Pulsing and swollen again, covered in lube and slipping up and down the crack of her ass. Then he lunged. Pushing himself deep into her in one swift motion. It was excruciating and sublime. She cried out and he did not scold. He wanted her sounds now. He wanted her pain. She sobbed and moaned simultaneously as he fucked her ass. His weight pushed her out on the bed and she was under him. His thrusts quickened and she could not move. She was his completely. He lay on top of her and wrapped his arms down under her body. His teeth gripped her should just as his finger found her swollen clip. He pushed at it to match the pace of his bites and his thrusts. She was lost. She was gone. She had not left her body but became only it. No heart, no soul, just a tangle of nerve endings waiting to burst.

His pressure on her clip got stronger as he bit into her more. She screamed out. Every muscle in her body began to shake.

“Come for me, whore. Come for me while I come in your ass,” he moaned.

For a moment it was as though time stopped. He pulsed inside her ass as she exploded. It lasted forever. Hours, days, lifetimes. She cried from release, from pain, from sheer pleasure. He stayed inside her and held her as They drifted sleep.

The sun was just barely peeking out as she awoke. She gathered her things and put her dress back on over her cum-strewn body. She left without a word, his slumber much deeper than hers. In the elevator she smiled as the material of her dress irritated her welts. In the front of the hotel she hailed a cab. She checked her pursuit for her ticket. Aruba. Two weeks. Just long enough for her wounds to heal. Just long enough to gather her head. Just long enough to soothe her guilt before returning home. Home to be a proper girlfriend. She had satisfied the darkness within. Hobviously forever.


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