The Darkest Knight Ch. 06

The inn keeper looked slightly askance at the party before him. It was not that he didn’t appreciate seeing a beautifully naked young woman or even that he didn’t often deal with Royalty; for he immediately recognized a Prince of the Realm when he saw one. But a man dressed as a woman? That you didn’t see every day. Gods be thanked, if this specimen was anything to go by.

‘Good evening Sire, how may I be of service?’ he enquired, trying not to stare at the man…lady… whatever.

‘We’ll be requiring two rooms good Sir,’ replied Lucius, ‘And I hope for your sake that you don’t sleep anywhere near them.’

The inn keeper, schooling his puzzled glance fairly quickly, ran to sort out the arrangements. The Prince didn’t seem like a man who liked to be kept waiting.


Rosalind looked down at herself. She was stiff, sore, frustrated and filterhy dirty. As soon as they’d left the Castle gates, Lucius’ fingers had become much softer and deliciously teasing in their mInstances. They’d left not an inch of her untouched and it had set her whole body on fire. A delicious heat she hadn’t known existed had poured itself through her blood like molten lava, but instead of exploiting, she’d been left to simmer gently. AARRGHHHH.

It hadn’t been enough to even remotely satisfy her and when she’d tried to bounce at a heavier pace, rubbing herself along the saddle, he’d held her immobile and laughed. The Bastard had laughed. She gritted her teeth tightly. Ah dear God she needed hot water and if she had to beg for it she would. Bedamned if she would beg him for an orgasm. She’d rather join a nunnery.

‘Please, Master, may I have a bath?’ she whispered tightly.

She knew she tank, with clumps of mud or worse manure flaking from her skin and bits of hay stuck in her hair.

‘Yes, you may,’replied Lucius.

Rosalind breathed a sight of relief.

‘Byron you can help the slave bath,’ said Lucius.

Byron sent and took Rosalind’s hand. He started to move towards the welcome heat of the inn door.

‘Where are you going Byron?’ asked Lucius.

‘To get your slave a hot bath,’ said Byron, thinking that was a very stupid question. Royalty weren’t always as sharp as they appeared.

‘No, dear boy, the river will do quite well. Slaves have to earn privileges, such as hot baths, with much sucking, begging and Generally pleasing behavior. But mostly sucking,’ said Lucius as an afterthought, nodding to himself.

Rosalind stiffened horribly. As well she might, because Byron knew it wasn’t much more than 10 degrees outside. Brrr.

‘She’s not to come inside until she’s clean either and nothing but a good swim will do. I entrust your head firmly in her care, if you know what I mean, so don’t lose her,’ said Lucius just before disappearing inside the very warm and comfortable looking inn.

Bloody hell! Byron had been looking forward to putting his feet up with a nice pint of ale, whilst perusing the latest employment vacancies of Servants Wanted Weekly.


Unfasting the Princess’ hands from behind her back, Byron tied one of her wrists with his. She was not going out of his sight as he quite liked his head firmly attached to his neck. Thankfully the river was only 200 yards behind the inn, so it wasn’t going to be a long walk and soon enough they were perched on the edge of it.

Rosalind looked at her reflection in the pristine water and shuddered; what she wouldn’t do to that Prince if a sharp implementation was ever put in her reach.

‘Right, bath time,’ said Byron in a cheerful type of tone, ‘sooner you get this over with the better eh?’ He made encouraging noises and started to untie his hand from hers.

The Princess stared back at Byron with a somewhat unfriendly expression. She dipped a toe in tenatively and screeched, hoping madly.

‘God almighty, it’s bloody FREEZING,’ she yelled hoping backwards in such a rush, she unbalanced Byron and sent him flying. Unfortunately he went flying the wrong way.

Even more unfortunately, Rosalind found he hadn’t quite managed to free her hand from his.


She joined Byron, who looked much like an upside down mushroom with petticoats floating everywhere, desperately trying to free his arms in order to enable himself to swim. It took some time before the bedraggled pair made it back to the edge of the river bed.

‘Sorr,’ tried Byron before he was cut off quite abruptly.

‘Don’t talk to me. DO NOT talk to meeeeee,’ said Rosalind, most annoyed at how her teeth chattered on that last word.


Two very soggy people greeted Lucius at his door. He raised an eyebrow at Byron.

‘Now am I that desirable you thought you’d better have a bath too?’ said Lucius, having to bite his cheek to prevent laughter escaping.

Byron scowled, but was rather forced to answer thus:

‘Oh God yes Sire, I couldn’t contain myself,’ although the enthusiasm wasn’t as bubbly as it could have been.

Lucius nodded.

‘And I do so love a swim at this time of year. It’s incredibly refreshing,’ said Byron, forcing a smile.

‘Well my thanks for getting the job done, good man. You may now retire to your room.’

Byron gave a long sight of relief.

‘Oh and Byron before you go, whilst the dress and the hair are all very attractive and I’m flattered at the attention, I’m afraid you’re really not my type. Male attire tomorrow please.’

‘Duly noted Sire,’ he replied, swiftly followed by a much softer ‘Princesses should be shot,’ as he turned in a very wet puddle and made to squelch his way back to his room.

‘But not ones that cost 750 Gold pieces,’ added Lucius, having too keen an ear for comfort.

‘Obviously not those ones,’ came the reply, which was some lacking in conviction.


Lucius closed the door with a firm tug and locked it, pocketing the key.

‘Right first things first,’ he began, ‘when in yourMaster’s room you will always crawl in his presence, unless informed otherwise.’

Rosalind stood there shivering madly, whilst desperately trying to stop her teeth chattering and just looked at him.

‘There is just you in this room right?’ she questioned.

‘Just me,’ agreed Lucius.

‘Unfortunately, you will need a very large army if you wish to see my elbows and knees in contact with your floor,’ said the princess sweetly.

‘So much for the nice approach,’ said Lucius shaking his head. ‘If you need me I’ll be in the bathroom enjoying a steaming hot, clean bath with fluffy warm towels to await me when I get out.’ He stride towards the tub.

‘Wait,’ said Rosalind almost stamping her foot in her worry to get his attention, knowing there was perhaps nothing else in the world bar a hot bath which would have served to sway her opinion.

‘It just so happens I might be moved to crawl after all,’ she managed to stammer.

Lucius thought carefully for a moment.

‘Now you see, Princess, I really quite like you but I’m sensing your enthusiasm for crawling is somehow lacking. I take that rather personally at this stage in the game. There’s nothing for it but to free you I suppose.’ Lucius took hold of Rosalind’s arm and began to lead her purposely towards the door, where he picked the key up out of his pocket and slowly opened it.

‘I Prince Lucius, hereby release you of your contract to serve me and you are now free to leave my presence.’ This was all said with great aplomb, whilst Lucius practically throw her out of his bedroom door to land on the decidedly unsavoury carpet. Then the door closed and she heard the snick of the key in the lock once more.

Free to go? How absolutely wonderful, thought Rosalind. It did seem a little bit too easy, but who was she to argue with the gift of the fates. She shook her head dazedly. What to do next? She’d need a horse and… oh lord. She looked down at herself. Clothes. Why had it just struck her that she was naked; naked and very wet. That really had to be her first priority, find some clothes and then a horse. With what though? She hadn’t any money and no jewellery to sell.

This situation was going to require some thought. Picking herself up she leaned over the staircase banner to survey the scene underneath her.

A loud bellow sounded from below as several men tried to decide If they’d seen what they actually thought they’d seen or whether the ale tonight was more potential than usual.

‘SSSShhhhhugar.’ Rosalind nearly dropped to the floor in her haste to get away from the view of the staircase but it was already too late. A stampede of footsteps on the stairs told her in no uncertain terms that she was in trouble, between a veritable rock and a VERY hard place. She’d counted four men below but didn’t think that this means much as she could currently hear several bar stools being scraped back anxiously in order to see what the communication was allAbout.

This left her with few options. She didn’t particularly want to be in any close proximity to drunken bar loouts, but unless there was a room left unlocked upstairs, which was highly unlikely — the only escape would be to knock on Lucius’ door and beg his forgiveness. Elation to desperation had taken no more than 45 seconds.

Footsteps began thudding up the stairs in all earnest.

Rosalind tried the two doors on either side of Lucius’ to find both locked. The footsteps seemed to double in number, whilst getting considerably louder.

‘Ahh Master,’ Rosalind called, ‘I think I might like to have a go at crawling after all.’

There was no response from Lucius’ room.

‘Master, can I please crawl for you?’ Rosalind asked with considerably More volume this time.

A muffled response came from behind the closed door.

‘I’ve set you free, off you go Princess. Those that I allow to crawl for me do so with great enthusiasm and I found yours somewhat wantiting. Off with you.’

That had her rocking back on her heels. Damn it. Life wasn’t supposed to be this difficult. Although considering she was still a slave, perhaps it was. No, no, wait she wasn’t a slave she’d just been relieved of duty. Her head was a whir of thoughts and now she could hear voices dangerously close to the balcony where was sitting in all her naked glory.

‘What are you going to do with ‘er, Butch? Can we watch? Hang on, maybe we could try two at once or even three at once — I think that’d be possible. Wouldn’t it Butch?’ The voice was rough, gravelly and uncultured to say the least.

Rosalind shuddered and took a deep breath.


Was that an order or a request?’ said an amused voice from behind the door.

Rosalind was quick to reply, her face sideways against his door as she screamed aloud.


She watched in horror as five men appeared on the top of the staircase and began moving towards her with purposeful intent. Oh God, Oh God, Oh God.

Just then the door opened unexpectedly and Rosalind found her head banging against the floor with some force. She barely gave the pain a thought, so quick was she to get inside that door, whilst making the quickest run/crawl ever for the other side of Lucius’ bed. Rosalind remained there cowering slightly, whilst Lucius saw fit to close the door promptly.

A cacophony of unhappy voices could be heard on the other side, their complaints of the not overly polite persistence.

‘Well let’s see some crawling then,’ said Lucius and thanked the Gods he was a seasoned professional at keeping his face straight.

His slave to her credit, began crawling immediately, doing laps around the bathroom and bed for his viewing pleasure.

She was an exclusive little thing, it had to be said. Supple, glistening wet flesh; two delicious peaks of arse cheeses bouncing up and down and very plump breasts that swwayed prettyly as she moved back and forth. He found himself musing over whether he would ever get bored of such a sweet specimen of slavery. Time would tell.

‘Right that’s enough crawling for now pet,’ he said and beckoned for her to come to him.

His slave obediently came up to him, seated on the bed as he was and rested between his legs.

‘Tonight my darling, we are to start Lesson 1 which is all about sucking. It might seem arduous at first, but always remember that nice warm bath and fluffy towels which will await you if I am well pleased.’ He smiled.

‘What would you like me to suck Master?’ Rosalind enquired, thinking that this lesson probably wouldn’t be too bad. She could suck candy, toffee apples and peppermints with no trouble whatsoever, so this would probably be easy.

She watched Lucius quietly while he began removing his pants, curious as to what he might have in there that required sucking. Why on earth would he hide it down there for heaven’s sake?

Those thoughts were left unanswered because a heavy hand came behind her neck to take a firm grip of her long, wet flaxen hair and he pulled her towards him.

A long and silky, but rather thick shake of flesh took advantage of her lips opened in surprise as it slide forward deeply.

Rosalind tried to scream but found that it was rather pointless with her mouth filled full to bursting as it was. A muffled gurgle was all that ensured. She tried to swallow around the unfamiliar thick length, pulling her head away automatically in panic, but Lucius was ready for her; his fingers tightly wound in her hair and pushing her head forwards.

Rosalind gagged madly and did the only thing she could think of as tears streamed from her eyes.

She bit down hard.


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