The Darkened Alley

While I’ve been here at “Literotica” for less than a month I’ve been writing for years. This story is one of the first stories I published. While it’s old… It is new here. Enjoy.


Carol awoke, stretched and greeted the morning; it was her day off, Friday, her favorite day of the week, the one-day that was hers alone. No one to answer to, no Responsibilities… well one anyway feeding the animals but that was it. After the animals were fed she could spend the remainder of the day chasing whatever trouble came into her mind.

The smell of freshly brewed coffee tantalized her nose and greedily she reached for it, thinking to herself how lucky she was to be loved by someone who, as they left for work, cared enough to leave behind a steamy cup just for her. The hot brew eased away the sleep and its warming care helped her greet the day. Lying there she wondered how she was going to spend her time. Playing on the computer? Shaking her head she dismissed that thought. Maybe a pedicure? No she was feeling too active to sit in one place for too long. Shopping! Yup, that was it. The thought of wandering the mall for hours was perfect for this Friday.

Distractedly thinking of the shops she would visit she took a shower, applied her makeup, did her hair and then looking into the mirror she knew this was going to be a good day, because her reflection said she looked scrumptious! Off to the closet, she wanted something comfortable yet sexy to blend well with how she was feeling, ah yes, a blouse that showed just a touch to much of her cleavage, a pair of her long legged jeans and a pair of naughty shoes. Not the most comfortable choice in footwear but she admired how they completed what she wore and besides they made her feel sexy… sexy on the wicked side of sexy. A little dab of her perfume and off she went.

In and out of the stores she bounced, happy and light hearted, feeling more than one masculine head turn as she passed.Yes, indeed this was a good day. Knowing that she looked tasty she passed another guy and smiled inwardly as she caught him do a double take but this time a brief spark of familiarity caused Carol to slow her pace. Coyly, she looked back over her shoulder but he had already disappeared and not being able to place the face she dismissed the feeling returning to her jaunt through the mall.

A new store loomed ahead of her with a provocative name…”The Darkened Alley”… intrigued she strolled in. This was something really new and different and it was perfect for the mood she was in. It was like a Victoria’s Secrets but with a dose of sinister wickedness added to the mix. Carol looked around and her first impression was that this place was bit more risqué than Vickie’s. The racks of blouses and dresses were a bit more revealing. The lingerie was dark and sexy and even the manufacturers added to the ambiance of the place. Looking up at one of them Carol’s eyes traveled over how they had dressed it. The manufacturer wore a black skirt, which was so short that if a real live woman wore it the cheats of her ass would flash with each step she took. The skirt was belted with a heavy chrome chain that left a linked chrome end suggestively dangling past the hem, leather cuffs highlighted by metal bars and studs surrounded its wrists, a hinged metal collar with a loop for a leash, a blouse that was nothing more than a thin scarf knotted at the neck and wait barely hiding the plaster woman’s breasts. The topper to the whole display was a black velvet blindfold… definitely this was a dark, dark Vickie’s.

The whole image was a bit over the top but the scarf was interesting. Not that she would wear a scarf this way in public but still it might be fun to see how it looked on her. She picked up a few items including a couple of scarves one of the too long, too heavy metal belts, a dress and a couple blooms. Looking along the walls she saw the sign pointing to the dressing roomsand off she headed.

The entrance to the dressing rooms was cave like, a dark entryway into an equally dark changing area. Looking up she could see a number of spotlights shooting columns of light from the high ceiling into each changing booth noting that even these spots failed to disperse the shadows. Carol moved to one of the rooms pushed the draw aside and snorted, the dark mood was sustained, as the room was just four walls painted black, open at the top to allow two columns of light to enter and a pair of full-length mirrors. An interesting effect as the room remained dark save for the columns of light. To see yourself in one of the mirrors you would have to walk into one of the bands of light. The hooks to hang your garments were medieval, oversized and battered, but interestingly they were not attached to the walls instead they were lowered into the room and were left there to dangle above you. Whoever had designed this store worked hard to keep the mood.

Carol stepped in and pulled the heavy black draw closed, she looped her pursuit and items over one of the hooks and then frozen, a movement of air on the back of her neck told her she was not alone. Ready to scream she heard a male voice say, ‘Please don’t scream Red.” Terror was now seasoned with curiosity as she wondered how this person could possibly know that name since she only used it online. Then in an instant of recall she He knew. The image of that rugged head doing a double take returned to her. No wonder she couldn’t place it as she had only seen that face as a picture on YIM.

They had connected there and over a couple of months their chat turned into a heated online fling with her cyber lover constantly begging to meet her “in real life” something she would not do. She tried to balance her life by keeping fansy and reality separate but now the delicate equilibrium had been toppled.

“If you tell me to leave then I will,”

He whispered into her ear as he kissed it. Thensliding his arm around her he continued,

“Red if you tell me to stop, I will.”

Red however, remained silent. With confident, deft hands he reached up and filled them with her breasts. Leaning forward he kissed her neck and hair letting his hands roam over her. Thoughts of running still darted through her but his hands strummed her body making it vibrate to his touch and she decided she still had time to bolt should this become too scary. His hands slipped down grasped the lower edge of her blouse and began to lift it.

Carol, no she reminded herself she was now Red, her online persona, and as Red she felt excitedly sinful as she raised her arms above her to allow the blouse to be pulled completely off her body. The fine hairs on her body shifted as her blouse was casually tossed away and she shook violently as she felt the clasp of her bra open wondering if she could really let this happen.

Torn between desire and fidelity she hesitated and felt cool dark air caress her nipples as her bra glided away from her. Kisses to her ears and neck kept her glided to the floor she was caught between the two worlds and then just when this was becoming too real she saw a hand reach up and watched as one of the scarves was tugged from a hanger. Tenderly but with determined force her lover bound the scarf around her wrists and then looped her wrists over the hook, her feet just touching the ground.

She no longer had a choice, she was helpless to his lust, at least that is how she convinced herself that she wasn’t really unfaithful. She was taken against her will, was being forced to do something she would not willingly do. She felt hands travel the sides of her body searching, caressing, and brushing the outside of her breasts. Kisses rained upon the back of her neck, then her ears and she turned her mouth to him and they kissed deeply. The kisses ignored her need and untouched she felt her hardened nipples tingle. Foreign hands that somehow seemed familiar brushed her belly, loosened her belt and unbuckled her denims.

Kisses continued to be traced along her neck as her lover swung her around to face him. He wanted to watch her face as she realized he was about to strip her bare.

Red saw the lust written over his face and she gasped as she involuntarily stepped back. He smiled as her hooked wrists kept her from moving too far away and then in surprise he watched as Red boldly returned to him pushing her naked breasts into him, she lifted her head to him and they melted into another kiss… he wasn’t disappointed by her reaction. They kissed as urgent first time lovers; wet, insist and they bathed themselves in their warm desire for each other. Their lips parted and he took a step back, Red filled her eyes with him, really seeing him for the first time and she quivered when he slid his thumbs into the waistband of both her jeans and panties.

With her arms bound above her she let the kisses tease her eyes, her cheats, her neck and breasts and then lower as her pants and panties were wiggled down. She felt hot breaths on the fine hairs of her stomach and then kisses to her mons as it was gradually exposed. Then when her clothes were all the way down he softly removed first one shoe, then the other and bravely she stepped free from her jeans. Safety was just a word or a shout away but a gasp was all she mastered as Those firm hands put her feet back into her heels. New sparks of sexual hunger pounded through her as the mental picture of what she must look like buffeted her. Naked, bound, arms raised above her, breasts uncovered and vulnerable, her round bottom pushed out by the silettos it all made her feel deliciously nasty. Then her lover moved himself into one of the columns of light.

Slowly he began to remove his clothes. First his shirt, showing off a strong chest specckled with a fine light brown down, then his shoes and socks. Now lewdly, he looked Red over, hard eyes drilled into her nakedness and unbidden she felt her body blush. Her reaction was to cover herself from this invading gaze but with hands tied above her she could do nothing and her level of arousal was rocked higher. Her pussy had become so wet that in the cool air of the dressing room she felt moisture on her thigh. The last time she had felt this uncontrollable wet was somewhere back in high school.

He loosen the buckle of his belt opened his pants and smoothly removed his remaining garments. Red was transfixed by his erection. The only hair visible was the same light brown down that was on his chest and it only sparsely covered the area above his prick, which was already rigid. Its shear mass pulled it downward as it was not only long but also thick, his balls were smooth and inviting, laying there shielded behind that massive tool.

This was the image that she would burn in her memory. She ran her eyes from his face to the floor etching the light color of his hair, the color of his eyes, the tilt of his broad shoulders, the strength of his arms, the smooth muscles of his belly, the bend in his masculine legs and of course his beautiful firm cock into her mind. Adding to the mix a gentle movement of air brought her his cent a pleasant manly musk with a hint of vanilla. She guessed the vanilla came from whatever soap he used. His movement brought her back and she watched in rapture as standing there flat-footed he took himself into his hand and began to stroke his shake.

Again locking into Red’s eyes he saw her flush as he slowly approached her. After chatting with her for months he knew what she liked and he planned to replay many of the things they had done virtually, but this time in real life.

Taking her into his strong arms he ground his cock against her nakedness while kissing her deeply, their tongues darting. She witnessed and attempted to struggle away but he held her tight relishing how her struggle rubbed their sex together. Something above his head glinted and he looked up to see the heavy chrome steel belt and he reached up and brought it down. Red jumped as he wrapped it around her waist because it was down right cold. He hooked it and then let the loose end dangle. Standing back it was his turn to lock an image into his mind.

There was Red, completely naked, hands tied above her, round breasts pulled upwards by her raised arms, Her tits punctuated by erect brown nipples, a vulnerable torso, beautifully proportioned legs ending in high heels with that provocative chain as her only garment its links being pulled into a gentle arc by its own weight and the loose end falling between her legs off center just enough to leave her smooth naked slit exposed for his view. The whole image so intotoxicating that he wanted just to stroke himself to orgasm, shooting all over her as he came but as erotic as that image was he had other plans for her.

He moved behind her forcing her legs apart as Red bit her lip to keep from squealing out her desperate need to be fucked. She melted as he reached under her brushing against her inflamed lips and took the dangling chain and gently maneuvered it into the center of her pussy. Cold steel crashed against her hot clip as he pulled the chain under and around her from clip to the top of her ass and she felt her pussy lips opened and spread around the chain separating her into two distinct halves. Kneeling he mischievously lifted the chain making Red rise to her toes. She moaned in desire and then he moved the chain aside and he began to tease her ass with his tongue.

Whimpers escaped Red’s lips as he rimmed her leaving a wet trail, explorations rang within her as she felt his finger traced the line of the chain from one end of her bifurcated body to the other. After minutes of this torture he pulled back and with and evil grin he centered the chain and using a finger pushed at it watching it fold itself over as it sunk into her now lubricated ass. With the chain pushed finger deep into her ass he came around in front of her, his dick moist with pre cum and lifted Red’s legs, first one leg onto his shoulder and then the other.

Standing he had Red suspended with her chained pussy right in front of his face bringing the sight of her lips spread around the chain to his eyes. Supporting her cheeses with his hands he danced his tongue over the links of the chain right above her clip causing the chain to roll and rock against it. Desperate to taste the woman he had fucked with words he pushed at the chain again and again with his tongue finally feeling her mood coat the chain and as it crept to his tongue he saved her sweetness.

Red squirmed and moaned at each movement of the chain against her. She frantically bucked against his face wildly trying to make that chain penetrate her. Red could not believe it, this was the nastiest thing she had ever done and she convinced herself that she was powerless to fight against this wicked theater. She keep telling herself that she was forced to be her lover’s sex toy, forced to play her role in this sultry encounter simply because she was bound and helpless but as she wiggled and twisted she found that she was held defenseless not by the scarf tied to her wrists but by her own animal lust Her clandestine lover had overpowered her and was making her pussy electric with his teasing but it was she that willingly Surrendered her body to her lover. Every time the chain rolled against her clip new jolts shot through her body. Each motion of his tongue caused the chain to pull at her and she responded to the shear thrill of how she was being taken. This chance meeting coupled with the lewd nature of what they were doing created earthquakes within her. And, just as she thought she was going to burst he forced the chain away from the center of her pussy and lowered her down.

Holding his own cock in one hand he let gravity bring Red down on top of it watching as his massivetool was engulfed by Red’s hot cunt. She settled onto his shake astounded by how it filled her completely. Just when she didn’t think she could take more of it she realized that she rested on the root of his member. Grabbing the hook her hands were tied to she hefted her own weight and then wrapped her luscious legs around his waist. Now imbedded deeply within her he began a long slow symphony of strokes. Supporting Red’s behind in his hands, with chain pushed to the side they both retired a new sensing as that chain squirmed to its own oblique motion and as they fucked. Red rolled her head feeling the chain move within her as her lover passwordately pushed his organ deep into her and then pulled back till the tip of his cock became visible and in this way they screwed, starting with a slow gentle pace then gradually picking up speed as their orgasms approached.

The two of them moaned and ground themselves against each other, Red hoisting her own weight up using the hook for leverage and then slammed herself down onto his rod over and over. The chain rolled against her labia, and with her pussy stretched this wide she found with each penetration her clip would rub itself down her lovers shake and she shook violently in blind sexual hunger. In staccato squeals they pulled and separated and thrust. And in a massive wet ruption they came.

He reached up released her from the hook and brought her arms down and around his head with her wrists still tied. Together like this they kissed, still coupled, still moving against one another they continued their loving. Slow strokes as they ground themselves together wet, intooxicated and refusing to let the moment end.

Red knew this was the most erotic moment of her life but she also knew that she would have to tell her husband about this…but how to do it.


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