Galloping throughout the night of the full moon, the strange raced across the countryside with the kidnapped princess as if several squads of soldiers were right behind. The princess could do no more than hold on tightly as her hands were tied behind her back and gagged so she could not scream. She had been through so much lately and this was the last thing she needed. She wanted to fall apart, but tried to hold on strong.
She had been captured once before, only a few months ago, but that was after she had gotten herself lost while on a hunt with her royal family. Her sense of direction wasn’t really good. She would never admit it, however — and this pride led to her downfall; instead of staying in once place and waiting for help, she wandered off in a direction that was far away from the castle. An opportunity must have seen her and figured it would be easy money to take her hostage and ransom her out.
But this time she was taken right from her bedroom. Whomever did this was a professional, not an opportunity. She ended up getting rescued just in time last time, but what were the odds it would happen twice in a row?
Racing through the forest and across the plains, much time went by. The strange reached the base of a mountain with which the princess was familiar. Finally, he stopped. He took the princess from the side of the horse and sat her upright on the horse in front of him; his touch was firm, but he was gentle with her. He could sense her shivering from the cool night air and the cold ride across the country side as he put his hands on her shoulders. After all, she was only dressed in a short white gown. He took off his black jacket and placed it upon her.
“Are you OK?” he asked in a deep voice, running his hands along the outside of the jacket upon her shoulders to create friction and warmth for her. She felt like crying and didn’t answer. “This will all be over with in a moment, I can assure you,” he said. Her heart leaped — what did he mean by that? Her life was in danger, is probably what he means, she thought.
As if he read her mind, he replied, “I won’t hurt you, princess.” There was something about him…
But as she was processing that thought, a thin black hood was placed over her head. “This is for your protection” he told her. She felt like screaming, but knew it would not do any good as she was still gagged. Holding her tightly with his right arm, and the reigns with his left, he spurred his horse on and up the mountain.
The ride up the mountain was much more comfortable than the ride to the mountain, she thought. Her stomach was still a little sore from being jostled by the galloping horse after they left the castle. The jacket also kept her warm, and his embracing arm holding her tightly against his body also keep the warmth within her. Her hands were still tied behind her back, so she had to completely trust him for balance upon the horse or else she would fall. She was almostgrateful that he held her like this to keep her from falling and to keep her warm.
The princess thought that she had caught him leaning forward and smelling her hair. But she figured she was wrong since he started to speak in a whisper in her ear. “…we are almost there, my princess,” he quietly said, his breath upon the back of her neck through the hood. She couldn’t see through the black clothes hood, but had no reason to believe he was lying.
For the remainder of the trip, she almost started to doze off in his arms. She actually felt comfortable. He was never really rough with her; even when she was thrown upon the horse it wasn’t in a violent manner. She suspected something about this man. Someone she knew, perhaps. Maybe this is why it was so easy to kidnap her? Was this someone who knew the layout of the castle and could orchestrate such a kidnapping? Perhaps this was one of the guards even? His voice seemed…familiar. “Say something,” she thought. She had to hear. The suspension was driving her crazy.
After a few minutes the horse stopped. The air seemed thinner, as if they were higher up the mountain. The man dismounted the horse while holding her arm to keep her steady; he then swept her off of the dark steering and into his arms. Gently, he stood her up upon the ground. Barefoot even, she seemed to be standing upon some kind of jacket or clothes, even though she was still outside. Quietly he removed her hood.
As the hood came off, the first thing she saw was him… It was the Man in Black!
They were somewhere up on the mountain. The thick fog was still rolling along the ground even at this higher elevation, but the moonlight still penetrated the mist. They were just outside an open cave entrance.
But her attention wasn’t on the outdoors; it was on him. With One hand he pulled out a knife with the flick of a wrist. With the other hand he grabbed her and pulled her close. A large sight escaped the shocked princes lips, althoughshe wasn’t completely frightened. Taking the knife, he reached behind her and cut the bonds that held her wrists tightly.
“Please…” he said, as if he was trying to form the right words without stuttering. “Please, hear me out.”
The princess wanted to slap him so badly. An anger surged through her body and she pulled her hand back, but she stayed her hand, lowering it. Not because she feared retribution, but because…well, she didn’t know why. “How…how could…” she stuttered; oddly enough it was her that had trouble with the words. Her arms and fists tensed up, pointing downward as her upper torso dumped forward, hair spilling into her face and over her eyes.
He firmly grabbed her shoulders. “I…You must understand,” he started. “I had to see you. There was no other way but this.”
She reacted as if it was an insult and jerked away. “No other way?” she shouted with much ferocity, surprise even herself. “No other WAY? Are you insane? I mean, I hardly know you but feel like I’ve known you for years. I thought you would return when I was in the tower but didn’t. I spent the last several months trying to get you out of my head. And you kidnap me AGAIN?” The fire in her eyes had burned brighter than ever.
Still holding her tightly, he relaxed his grip and held her firm but gently. With his left hand, he slide it between her hair and the back of her neck with such tenderness. He lightly stroked it, which seemed to relax her. Neither of them realized it, but the power balance that had shifted to the princess was slowly coming back to him. She wanted to stomp her foot and yell some more, but was more interested in his excuse and what he had to say so she remained quiet for the moment.
“Listen to me, my princess. Listen! There really WAS no other way but this,” he started to explain. “I was once in the Captain’s Guard at the castle. For a long time. Many years. In fact, I was to replace the Captain within months. I remember watching you from afar; I remember every time you would walk right by me, within a few inches, as you strolled along your way. I know you do not know me because you never once looked into my eyes.”
It was true, she knew. Not just him, but everyone in the castle; she deemed herself much better than everyone else back before her first kidnapping. Her heart sank as mentioned this part of the story.
“But I fell for you. Understand I realize many men have also fallen for you, but the way I felt for you wasn’t a childish crush like any of the other men and soldiers. It wasn’t because you were rich or because you were a princess or because of your status and glamour. It was because…” his words trailed. “It was because of you. Just you — for who you are. Because of Your eyes. The way they were filled with such password at everything you would do. But yes, I knew you were very shallow back then…”
Initially enamored, her eyes now narrowed at him. Truth or not, that made her angry.
He sly smiled seeing her reaction, but continued. “It was because of your beauty. But I am not so foolish as to know that beauty does not fade. Do you think I have not considered that, unlike any other man in your kingdom? It was because of your password. I didn’t see it for a long time, because your rudeness and pompousness hidden it,” …again she glared at him… but he continued, “But eventually I saw it.”
“Your password, in everything you did. Not with people, of course, but with everything else. The way you rode a horse lady-like trotting through the forest, or the way you gently strolled across the courtyard. It was in the way you would stare at the waterfall from your tower, every single day. The way you would admit a single rose in your rose garden. You would Choose just one, pluck it, and star at it for an eternity, it seemed.”
She frozen…how could anyone know this? How closely had he been watching, or was she just lost in her own world staring at the rose?
I wanted to be that rose…that one you saw and dreamed of despite the rest of the rose garden. The one you looked at with password and romance. Every petal that you had admired, every sweet smell that you breathed of it.”
She finally started to soften.
“This, my princess, is how I fell for you.”
Her entire body, once stiff with anger, was now melting for this man.
“But then,” he explained, “there was an incident in the castle. I was…” his words trailed. Then he finished his sentence: “Banished from the kingdom.” His words grew heavy. “I was threatened with execution should I ever return. I will not tell you the story at this time. I had much spine for the king and everyone in his kingdom, and wanted to hurt him as much as he ruined me. That was when I decided to kidnap you.”
The air turned cold. The princess held her breath. She was in disbelief at his words and had felt so used, too much in shock to cry. What could he have possible done to have been banished? Her father must not have told her this story because she certainly would have remembered it. Who was this man? Every time she thought she had him figured out, he surprised her! Was he dangerous after all?
The Man in Black paused but did not waiver in the slightest.
“But I almost did not go through with it. I did not wish to harm you — I knew I never could. In fact I Initially cancelled my plans to kidnap you. It wasn’t until I found you wandering in the forest, alone…” his voice trailed, and he couldn’t help but smile a little. The cheeses of the prince turned bright red, and she found herself smile just a little, lowering her head out of embarrassment.
“I would ask for your forgiveness, my princess. But only for the first kidnapping; not the second,” he said very matter-of-factly.
“But…why not for now? I don’t understand…” she asked.
“I risked execution returning to the castle this night. I carefully weighed this decision. The truthis, my princess, I could not live without you. I returned to the tower to take you moments too late after you were already rescued. That is why my decision to steal you this night was an easy one. I want you to be mine. MINE alone. I adore you. I will cherish you. I will have no other, only you.”
The Man in Black was very firm with his words, but not intimidating. He stand forward, brushing her golden locks of hair out of her face softly with the back of his hand, hovering over her a good half-foot.
“You are stunning, my princess. Even as you stand here in your radiant gown on this cold night of the full moon, I realize what makes it so radiant is simply YOU. You captivate and enchant me, my lady. My heart and my soul. With or without your riches and power in the kingdom, I want to spend eternity with you. It is beyond my control, to love one as stunning and graceful as you. It is not a choice that I have to make but it is truth. It is, perhaps, destiny. This is how I feel about you.”
His words trailed off. He almost choked out, “However…”
He continued, “However, you do have a choice. If you wish, I shall place you upon my calmion and send you back to the castle. He knows the way well. You will never see me again if that is your hearts desire, and will never see me again. This is my word I give you. You will have your freedom.”
She almost felt heartbroken as he said this. His words, and the password he had for her was indescribable. And for him to offer to send her back to the castle…but he continued.
“This is your first choice. Your second choice is this. You may stay with me, princess. You may be mine, as I will be yours. You will be my pet, my slave, my love, my darling one; but I will adore you and take care of you and worship you. I want this more than anything, but could never force your love. YOU control my destiny. Our destiny.” His blue eyes sparkled as he spoke. The words he spoke wavevered. The princess soon saw that the sparkle in his eye was the moonlight reflecting off of the light trace of water in his eye. With the back of his hand, the Man in Black lightly ran his fingers over her soft, warm chef. He simply wasn’t able to resist touching her. In fact, he wanted more but withheld. Why he withheld, she did not know.
She was filled with so much rage at him, but so much affect and care for him. She wanted to slap him or hit him, but his sincerity overwhelmed her. She had so much password for this man, but he was nothing like what a princess should be attracted to, and she was mad at herself for that. The lies — the audacity he had to kidnap her — showed he was dangerous and might not be able to be trusted. But here he was offering her freedom. Here before her was a chance at freedom; she knew he would keep his word and let her leave to her normal predictable but stable life. On the other hand, she could remain here with him and be his lover, hit pet…and essentially, his slave. Themere thought of this was too much to process.
She took in a deep breath.
She looked at the Man in Black, eye to eye, and unafraid for the first time ever. “I have made my decision,” she said with all the poise of a princess. But then her head lowered, unable to look him in the eye anymore, as if ashamed. “I…I have decided that…”
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