The door was thrown open with tremendous force, swinging open wide to let its master enter the room. Standing in the darkness of the hallways was the Man in Black. He took one step into the room and then stopped, as if sizing her up. A slight smile crossed his face. Then he started to walk to her.
She was frozen in place, mouth opened wide. It wasn’t her laugh; it was the man in black.
She couldn’t move at first, until he started to walk towards her. Then she took a step back, and then another, and then turned as if she was going to run but only ran a few steps in her high heels, realizing she had no where to go. Her heart jumped into her throat. Finally, the Man in Black spoke.
“I’m not here to hurt you,” he said softly with a deep voice. She hadn’t heard him speak until now. His voice was stern, but not as frightening as she thought it would be. Still, his words seemed to hold her entire body motionless. Moving up to her, he took her arm gently from behind. Theheart of the princess seemed to stop, as if frozen in time. She knew deep down it wasn’t her knight in shining armor, but wondered if it wasn’t too late to be rescued before any harm befell her. But, she thought to herself deep down, she should have been more disappointed her knight didn’t arrive to protect her. In fact, part of her was not afraid of this Man in Black. Maybe it was because she was expecting the worst — for him to come through those doors. Maybe it was because she slowly became used to her prison tower. Maybe it was even because she believed she deserved this punishment since she was so heartless to her people. She did not know. But the moment the man’s hand touched her arm just above her elbow, goosebumps shivered throughout her entire body. She weakly tried to pull away, but the mans grip became more firm. Not hurting her, but firm.
“Whh..why did you come back? Am I free to go?” she asked weakly.
For a moment he said nothing. Then he spoke, “There were some…complications. You won’t be going anywhere just yet.”
She wondered what he meant by that. He quickly spun her around, holding her shoulders. Gasping for air, inhaling sharply, the first thing she saw was his eyes. His deep, beautiful, blue eyes. They seemed to star deep down inside her, piercing her soul. She was taken back by him, and felt as if a sledgehammer had hit her in her chest — or her very soul. His eyes were soft, not hard and called like she thought they would be. She felt weak in his arms. For a moment her eyes broke his only to look towards the door, feebly wondering if her knight would come. But then she looked back, unable to resist his eyes. For the first time, her fear slowly started to fade. And also, for the first time, she could see his hard face soften as he looked back. As a princess, if she knew one thing, it was the look of password from a man staring at her. For that moment, which probably was only a few seconds, it seemed to feel like an eternity.
His hands, still on her shoulders, relaxed. He couldn’t take his eyes off of her, but wasn’t about to tell her that. “My princess,” he started with a deep voice, as she shivered just by the way he said those two little words, “Come this way.” Taking his left hand off her shoulder and with his right hand sliding down to her wrist, he gently escorted her over to the canopy bed in the middle of the room. While he was gentle, he was also forced and guided her with no question that she was to follow. She followed the man, taking long strides as her legs slipped through the slit of her light purple gown. His hand slipped from her wrist to her fingers, intertwining his fingers with hers.
She suddenly realized from her previous feelings that it was him she was waiting for, and him she wanted to return. It sounded completely silly, falling for her captor, but she didn’t want any knight; she wanted him. That feeling of freedom she craved was deceiving; she wasn’t wanting to stayHere because she felt guilty about what she had done before, or because she felt like she deserved it, or because she was used to this place. It was because she was waiting for the man in black to return. She had such an awe for him, and the moment his fingers intertwined with hers, everything became clear as if a spark of electricity shot throughout her body.
She wasn’t frightened of him — not completely anyway. She was enamored with him. She was enrolled with him. Hypnotised. As he led her to the bed, he gently sat her down. Her look was now different, the way she looked at him. And, for the first time, he was caught off guard.
His return look was one of surprise, seeing how calm she was. He knew she was still a bit submissive to him, but now it was her eyes that were different. Her blue eyes seemed to show a Compassion and an understanding to him. He opened his mouth to speak, but no words came out. Her tender and affectionate look at him slowly turned into a smile; just a slight smile. Just knowing she knocked him off of his game for a second was enough to make her more comfortable with him, and enough to make her slowly start to trust him. She didn’t know why she was here, but at this moment she didn’t care.
He finally spoke after a few seconds, trying to regain his composition. “Princess, things are changing. I will not explain details, but you will do as I tell you. Do you understand?”
The princess nodded. She felt herself slipping away again to him; his mere words was enough to melt her soul. No one had ever had such power over her before.
“Lay down on the bed, on your back.” Taking the initiative as he spoke, he took her by her hips and shifted her to the center of the bed. Nervously, she compiled with his request. Trying to act like the princess she was, she gently straightened out her night gown, brushing downwards, and slowly started to lay down on the bed. “Arms above your head,” he commanded.
She obeyed faithfully,Though she was shaking nervously. The man in black walked to the head of the bed behind her field of vision. She heard him do something and heard a metal *click*. She then heard the sound of a chain rattling. Looking over her left should, she saw that there was a secret compartment in the black metal bedpost that held a long chain ending in shades. Her breathing increased dramatically as she realized what was going on. The man pulled the chain a bit longer and went to take her arm. He heard her whimper softly, pulling her arm away. Gently taking his hand and placing it upon her head, he whispered “Ssshhhh…I promised I won’t hurt you, remember?” He stroked her golden locks of hair, and he felt her body relax once more. She offered her wrist to him. He gently took it, coaxing the princess, and put it in the steel shades. He then pushed a button which made the chain retract a little, ensuring her arm was well above her head.
The man in black walked around to the other side of the headboard and did the same thing. The arms of the princess were both shackled. Moving down to the foot board of the canopy bed, his fingers ran down from her beautiful golden hair, down her cheek, and lightly ran his fingernails down her chest to just between her supple breasts. A soft scar (or perhaps a quick squeal) escaped her lips as she arched her back, as if she had never been touched there in her life until Now. She tossed her head back, unable to fully comprehend the entire situation. But as he walked down to her feet, she opened her eyes and looked at him passwordately. He stole a glance at her, returning her password look — but looking a bit more cocky than she was. Almost smiling, but still grazing for air as her body still tingled from his touch, she did something a princess should never do. She subtly spread open her legs, as her short purple gown fall to the side of her thighs.
The man in black breathed in hard, seeing how she offered her leg to him to be shackled, also noticing her sexy see-through purple underwear underneath her gown. Her legs open, he feel himself getting hard. He took her leg, lightly running his fingerprintnails over it, and clamped another shade on over her ankle and above her high heels. Walking to the fourth corner of the bed, he did the same thing. But this time it was obvious he was staring between her legs, which were spread so far apart. He heard a slight moan from her lips escape, whether it was unintentional or not, as he stood back observing her beautiful spread-eagle body helpedlessly chained up.
Her eyes stared at him, completely surrendering to him. Not just physically, but also mentally and sexually. Her eyes screamed with lust and password. The man in black couldn’t help but stare back. “My princess, do you know why I did this to you?”
She shook her head no, ready to accept whatever he said.
“I…well, I…” for the first time his words betrayed him; he stumbled. But a man like him wouldn’t stay like that for long and he quickly recovered his speech. “I was going to ransom you off,” he said matter-of-factly. “Circumstances were not right, so I am biding my time. That is all you need to know for now.” That may have been a stretch on the truth. He couldn’t quite bring himself to do it. It was never about the money, really. It was about her. But she didn’t need to know that. He was weighing the situation, trying to figure out what to do. But that decision could wait — for now.
She gazed at him, a bit surprised, but not really sure what to expect.
He said point blank, “As for now, I want you. I will keep you here if I must.” He really said this to test her reaction. If she would appear afraid, he would let her go. If not, then it became a whole new adventure. He looked at her to see how she would feel.
He saw her eyes blink slowly, and saw her readjust her body where she lie. Most of all, the look on her face was one of lust and desire. She was hard to read, but he figured it out. She wanted the same thing. He WOULD keep her here, for now.
He slowly took off his shirt and heard another moan escape from her lips. “S…Sir…” she said breathlessly. “I…I….oh please…I want…” she couldn’t finish her sentence. Moving up to her, he ran his fingernails over her chest again, slowly around her breasts. “Oohh, sir…oh please take me!”
He could not believe his ears, but was so excited. He tried to play it off and maintain control. Without missing a beat, his fingers opened up her gown, exposing her beautiful gorgeous tits. She moaned loudly. His fingers slowly went around both breasts as his head moved in to her chest, kissing her stunning breasts. He slowly squeezed them, and her body arched. She moaned so loudly.
“A princess in heat, are you?” he said, teasing her. She didn’t know whether to smile, laugh, or be offended. But all she could think of was the truth — so she nodded her head. He kissed around her nipple, teasing her gently. She struggled and struggled, pulling against the rattling chains. She was used to get her own way; this was a first for her, having to serve someone else. Having to wait to receive ultimate pleasure. She didn’t like it, she thought; she loved it. Some of it. She was so conflicted. But she wanted him so badly, more than any other man. The feeling was so wrong, falling for her captor, but she couldn’t help it. If it was wrong, then she was guilty.
“Oh, fuck me, please…” she said, as he kept kissing around her nipple. He smiled. “Call me Master. That is my first command to you, my slave. Always it will be Master.”
She didn’t say anything at first, fighting her last shred of defiance. But after only a few seconds, she replied quietly, “Yes, Master.”
His lips went down on her nipple, sucking it slowly and softly. The princess squirmed in her bed and shades, twisting her body side to side, throwing her head side to side. She tried to lift her backup in order to bring her nipples deeper into his mouth. Her breath escaped her body as he sucked her sensitive nipple and started to lightly pinch her other one, and it became hard to breathe. Her gorgeous tanned body was losing control; she really couldn’t help it.
As he sucked her nipple harder and applied more pinching pressure to her other one, she started to moan loudly and steadily for several seconds. She felt her pussy soaking wet, wanting him to touch her down there. To fuck her down there — to violent her down there. Almost as if he could read her thoughts, his hand moved from her nipple down to her purple gown. He brushed it aside and felt her wet purple panties, sliding his fingers underneath.
The princess wanted to scream. How she wanted the man in black so bad, yet she knew so little about him. She had to have his cock.
But for now she had to settle for his fingers. He rubbed against her pussy gently, running his finger around her rim. It was enough todrive her crazy. “Oooh Master,” was all she could let out. Out of a nervous reflex she tried to close her legs but couldn’t because of the shadowles around her ankles — but she was glad she couldn’t. She tried to relax a little, and opened her legs a little more. His fingers softly stroked her wet pussy, lightly touching around her cliporis. The prince felt like she was going to go insane.
Eyes opened, she stared back at the man in black, realizing there was no turning back. Even if she wanted to, she couldn’t stop him. No one would hear her scream for help up in this tower. Whatever he wanted to happen WOULD happen, and she was under his control. Powerless. Never had the princess been powerless before.
Pulling her arms against the shades as sensings coursed throughout her body, she knew the man was only teasing her. But she wanted him to bury his fingers in her. She felt like she was going to exploit. Her moans echoed throughout her prison bedroom.
Kissing up her neck passwordately, making her quiver even more, he finally slide one finger inside her pussy. “OOOOHHHH!” she moaned. “Oh, Master, fuck me!” she pleased. This felt so wrong. This man was the bad guy — the villain. He wasn’t a knight in shining armor, not even close; but she couldn’t resist. Was he a wizard that somehow hypnotised her? Right now she didn’t care. She knew she would regret it, but she didn’t care.
She started screaming as he banged her pussy, finger-fucking her so hard and fast. Kissing up her neck, he slowly reached her lips. He then kissed them passwordately. She kissed back with such a frenzy, her body shaking. Her moan went from her mouth and into his, as their tongues embedded. With his free hand, he held the back of her head, sliding his hand underneath and gently raising it, still kissing her. He should have broken loose by now, but couldn’t resist her beauty. Those soft red lips. The way they felt against his. “Want” wasn’t a strong enough word for how hefelt about her. “Desire” wouldn’t do the truth justice. “Intoxication” was closer, but still not adequate. He climbed upon the bed, now taking both hands, caressing her face tenderly and kissing her. After a few moments, he unzipped his pants, pulling them halfway down. The princess moaned.
With his cock in his hand, he put the tip against her pussy. “Oh, Master….Ooohhh….why are you…please…oh give it to me…” she rambled in ecstasy.
“I can stop if you wish, slave. Is that what you desire?” She now realized with his words that maybe he would not violent her if she said yes. She knew she must say yes, that she did not desire that. Or should not desire that. Her mouth opened to say those three simple letters. But to her surprise, with her mouth open for a few moments, the word “no” came out. “No…” she breathed. “No, I do not desire you to stop. Please…please take me, Master.”
A wicked smile overcame his face. He started to pull his tip out of her. A panic swept over her face, and her body reacted against her shadowles. “Master, please! You MUST take me!”
With a cocky smile, and a triumphant gaze, he plunged his shake into her throbbing cunt. Grabbing her hips, he shoved himself so deep inside her that her entire body convulsed. She screamed — the screams of pleasure. “OH MY, MASTER! OH, YES!” The man in black moaned as well. Her wet treasures felt so amazing, unlike anything he had ever experienced. He wanted to continue to tease her, but he himself now was enranced by her. He continued to ram himself inside this ravishing beauty.
“You are so gorgeous, my slave. I may keep you here forever,” he whispered in her ear softly. Goosebumps ran through her body. “But what if I tried to escape?” she asked throughout Several moans, wondering if he would ensure his best to keep her despite her efforts to run away. Staring back at her, he said without flinching, “I would ensure through all of my powers that you would never be able to.”The way he said it made her melt, knowing this man wanted her so badly, even if for all the wrong reasons. Maybe even the right ones, too, if she was lucky.
He became more impassioned and more forceful, tearing her gown just to slide his hands up her legs and hips much easier. He buried his cock in her, watching her body pounded by himself; chained up tightly but still so willingly accepting him inside her.
His cock began to throb. The princess could tell that her captor was about ready to cum inside her. The mere thought of that started to send orgasmic sensings throughout her clip, throughout her body. Never before had she experienced anything like this. “Oh, Master…fuck your princess,” she became him. “Take it my slave,” he replied with lust in his eyes.
His body tensed up, her body tightened. They were both seconds from cumming. Her master started to moan louder, finally moaning with such force, and she began to squeal with such pleasure, reaching the highestpitched sounds she hadn’t even reached while singing with her choir. Finally, he came so hard inside her, and she also reached an orgasm, climaxing so hard she thought she was going to pass out. Grabbing her hips, he thrust his final efforts deep within her. She felt his cum deep inside her body, mixing with her lubrication. His cum started to drip out of her body along with her juices, even with his cock still inside her. They both screamed at the top of their lungs. He collapsed on top of her, kissing her neck once again. Her eyes closed, turning her head to the side so he could have more of her neck.
Moaning, he lifted his head, turned her head gently to him by her chin, and she opened her eyes. He kissed her again, so passwordately, so tenderly, so romantically. With his cock still buried inside her, he still longed to devour her body. “Master…” she whispered, trying to recover her breath. “You…I…you were so…so…” words still escaped her. She wanted to tell him so much, she didn’t want him to go, she wanted to be with him.
After a few moments of lying on top of her, caressing her body, he stood up and buckled his pants back up. He put his shirt back on, trying to steal looks at her gorgeous body without getting caught, but she noticed his passwordate stars. After getting dressed, he walked over to her, stroking the side of her face, and pulled out a silver key from his back pocket.
Taking the key, looking at the princess, he unlocked her shadowles. The princess was too exhausted to stand up and remained lying on the bed, arms above her head still and with one leg bent backwards. She lovingly stared at the man in black, still with so many questions but still with such a password burning in her heart.
The man in black walked towards the door without looking back. He opened the door and started to step through.
The princess couldn’t believe he didn’t turn around. Her face was frozen, transfixed to the doorway where he stood, just like last time. Except this time it was different. Instead of a feeling of dread and fear for her own safety, it was a feeling of dread and fear that he would just leave without saying a word and a feeling that she might never see him again.
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