The Dark Tower Ch. 03

Welcome to the next chapter. Again it is a bit slow and not much sex in this part. It also involves maledom so if you are not interested please do not read. Always looking for feedback…


Time seemed to stand still. She could count the seconds by listening to the beat of her heart. The blood rushed inside her head at a rapid pace as her pulse remained high. Now, here was the princess, locked in the tower, waiting for her captor to return. But she was excited for his return. She almost smiled thinking about this strange twist — a captor missing her kidnapper. But here she was and this was exactly how she felt. Crazy. Irrational. But still her heart long for him. She couldn’t control that, after all! All common sense told her to be afraid and to avoid him however possible. But now, with the tower door locked, she had to wait for his return.

The princess was still very wet, even hours after the Man in Black had tied her up and had his way with her. Instinctively, she reached down and touched herself lightly, thinking about the encounter. The princess long for his touch. She would do anything to see him again; waiting for him was just short of painful. She ached for him; for every inch of his body — every part of his body.

She lightly rubbed her cliporis, thinking of him and his hard cock inside her. Her quiet moans echoed Throughout the entire chamber, vibrating off of the stone walls. So unlike a princess, her finger continued to massage herself but now more firmly. Slowly spreading her legs open, she started to lose control and slide a finger inside her wet pussy. Soon, it became two fingers. Before she knew it, she was masterbating with such incredible force, thinking of the Man in Black. It was so dirty, the way she lay prostrate on the floor, thinking of a scandalous villain such as him. Why couldn’t she stop? Banging harder and harder, now screaming out loud in the empty chamber, an orgasmic viBreak prepared to rip throughout her delicate body. Just on the brink of a tremendous explosion, ecstasy sweeped over her. The prince orgasmed so hard, like never before, screaming at the top of her lungs. All the while, thinking about the Man in Black holding her, caressing her breasts, and fucking her like a wild but passwordate animal.

After a few moments, still recovering on the floor, the princess stood up and replaced Her composition. Lightly, she brushed her dress off and straightened herself up. She almost felt guilty. Shouldn’t she be thinking of a more noble and regular prince or knight or ANYONE else other than him? She could not help blushing even though no one was there.

She turned to the window, looking outside as the cold wind blew across the night landscape. Leaves on the trees rustled and the moonlight reflected through the stone tower’s window. What had once seemed like a horror scene had now become a tranquil and peaceful existence. Gracefully, she steppedto the window to look outside. With her elbows leaning on the stone balcony, her head resting in her hands as she breathed a sight of desperation, she could not fight the hands of time. Hoping to catch a glimpse of the pathway on which her captor would return, the mist hung low near the ground and was too thick to see.

Then finally, some time later, she heard him return. It started with the quiet sound of a horse walking up the narrow pathway leading to her tower prison. Her heart leaped! He had returned! She patiently waited, making sure that she wasn’t fooling herself by simply wanting to hear the Man in Black return. After a few moments, she was positive she wasn’t simply hearing things. The noise of the horse shoes against concrete became louder and louder. The trotting along the stone pathway grow louder and echoed deeply; there was no mistaken it. Her eyes strained to see him, but the mist was too thick. Even had there been no mist, he was too far down and the dark of thenight masked the mounted man. She had only seen him wear black anyway, so the princess gave up straining her eyes hoping to catch a glimpse of the villain.

Her heart leaped, finally realizing that he would be here any minute, and she was not ready. Quickly leaving the window, the princess ran gracefully (and almost tripping in her excitement!) in her high heels to the dark cherry-stained dresser with the black and silver mirror. She wanted to look her best, as any girl would. Especially, as any princess would! She sat down in the tall padded chair with her chin up, regaining her composition and looking stately once again. She crossed her legs like a princess would, dipping them down slightly and at an angle. Reaching into one of the drawers, she began to pull out her makeup kit and started to apply it to her gentle skin and soft features. It took a balance of both rapidness and patience to pull it off. But, then again, she was a princess and had been doing this for years. If therewas one thing she was known for, it was for looking greous. She smiled at that thought, giggling at her own silly vanity.

About the time when she had finished, she heard the man coming up the stairs. Her heart fluttered and her laughing stopped. Turning around in her chair to face the door, she gracefully stood up, brushing her hair back behind her head and straightening out her dress. She looked stunning, and she knew it. For the first time in her life, however, she cared more about what someone else thought about the way she looked than herself — the man coming up the stairs.

His footsteps grow louder and louder, approaching the top of the stairwell. Then he stopped right on the other side of the door. There was some rustling behind the door. The handle wiggled making a quiet rattle — the only noise she heard other than her own heartbeat. Soon the handle would turn and the door would open…the princess held her breath in quiet anticipation…

*SLAM*!! The princessess screamed as the man behind the prison door hit the large wooden obstacle with something extremely forcedly. The metal bands on the door rattled loudly.

*SLAM*!! Another strike to the door from the other side. What was he doing, the princess thought? Why doesn’t he just use the key?

*SMASH*!! finally with the third blow of a large battle axe, the door split in two. The man behind the door kicked down the remaining splinters of what was left of the door, stepping through the opening.

She almost screamed. What happened next, she was not ready for.

Into the room stepped a large man wearing a dark blue cloak and shining silver armor; in one hand he bore the large double-bladed axe that topped the door and in his other hand a shield bearing the symbol of her country — a blue and white griffon with its beak opened wide as if poised to strike.

This wasn’t her captor as she suspected — it wasn’t the man in black!! Leaning against the cherry desk, she almostt slipped and failed. But she held her place firmly with weak legs. Disappointment washed over her so quickly. But…this was a knight from her country sent to free her. Why should she feel any disappointment at all? She would soon be free!

The princess was amazed at how fast he moved and how strong he was. But then it struck her — this was the Captain of the Guard. The same man that she once had a crush on when she was a younger girl. The crush faded once she became old enough to sink into her own vanity and spoiled ways, but those memories slowly returned to her.

“Princess, I’m so glad you’re safe! Are you injured?” the man bellowed in a loud voice. At first she didn’t answer, mouth ago, but she managed to sound off a quiet “no”.

“Quickly, we must go…” he became her, running into the room after her in such a haste. With brazen confidence and a resounding boldness, the man took charge of the situation immediately as if this was nothing new to him. She was amazed at his lack of fear as well as his patience and sense of urgency. Before she could react or even say anything, he took her arm and turned to run out the room. He was surprised to find her initially holding back as if she wanted to stay. He dismissed it as an overwhelming shock. The large warrior didn’t say anything but jerked a bit harder. Not out of anger or spite, but simply because an energy coursed Through his veins — an energy that was on the defensive and prepared to see his enemy any second. The princess dumped forward as he tugged her, stumbling as one of her high heels came off. She kicked off the other one for balance as the warrior caught her from falling and helped her stand but still maintaining a sense of urgency to exit the tower as quickly as possible.

In a flash, they were out of the room. Her mind was caught in a whirlwind as this was the first time she was out of the stone tower’s prison bedroom; she was practically flying down the stairs barefoot as therunning warrior had a firm grasp on her with his shield hand so she would not fall.

Down the stairs they ran. Shadows danced on the wall menacingly as they descended the long, long stairwell by the soft light of the torches on the wall. After some distance down the stairs, the princess grew tired and breathed heavily from the running. He quickly sheathed his axe. Sensing the princess was out of breath, the large warrior throw her over his shoulder as if she weighed as light as a feather and continued running down the stairs without missing a beat. “We’ll be out of here soon; do not worry, your highness”, he comforted her.

As they reached the bottom of the narrow stairwell, they both could feel the fresh air of the cool night. It was hard to see through the fog, but she saw the knight’s white horse waiting for them. In a swift motion, the man jumped upon the horse, now holding her by the wait with one arm. Gracefully he slung her behind him and onto the back part of the saddle. In the blink of an eye, the warrior spurred his horse and it bolted like a white streak across the background of the night sky, leaving the domain of the Man in Black.

Holding him tightly, both arms around the knight and her purple dress even more ripped from mounting the horse, she buried her head into his back afraid she might fall off, closing her eyes as the horse launched out with incredible speed. She looked back at the tower which slowly faded into the distance. Out of nervousness she held the knight even tighter; she would be returning to her kingdom but couldn’t help prevent the single tear that ran from her eye and down to her cheek. Looking back, she saw the tower fade away with each gallop of the horse, vanishing into the night…


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