Chapter One; The Hen
“This has to be against the rules somehow” The slightly overweight dark haired women announced loudly to no one in particular. “I mean sure the golden rule is no men on the Hen.”
It’s a fake protest stated loudly only for the reaction, stated loudly enough on a brash northern accent that anyone in earshot can hear her in the crowded Irish Bar in which everyone’s Found themselves huddled around a rectangular table.
I feel Hannah’s hand squeeze my forearm as her eyes silently plead with me. She knows me too well though. She knows I’ll not bite my tongue.
“Leave it Lo…” Hannah offers on a hushed tone while ruefully shaking her head, “…She’s been dong my fucking head in all night.”
I turn to her, the chuckling loud mouth woman and I drop my head over her shoulder as she sits at the table, where she’s presuming to hold court, just behind where Hannah and I stand. It’s not like she’s any role in the proceedings
“Don’t worry sweeheart I’m not staying …you crack on with your L-Plates and Plastic Penis strategies clips …I’ll be out of your badly styled hair before you know it.” I don’t say it loud enough to be overheard, I don’t say it to make a scene and while I can’t see her face I can but assume the utterly flatberggasted look that etched across it right now as she sits a little upright in her seat. She stutters and stammers a little as I draw my head away and look across the table at the Bride to Be
“Hey there Lisa… you having a good night?”
I can see by her eyes she’s having a good night, if a good night is quantified by a glazed eyed look of inebriation. In a further clips a dishevelled looking veil sits atop of her head.
“Yes thank you Logan” Lisa offers with a pleasant little smile.I can’t help but think she looks a little the worse for wear,
So far as I was aware the party had met for a meal at 5 in the Docks and had steadily made their way, via no doubt numerous shittylittle vendors until they had ended up at O’Learys a long established Bar which was now, by the sign outside, under new ownership I’d barely arrived 2 minutes ago, with the vendor being only a 5 minute walk from The Dark Star..
I’d never visited the bar before. It seemed hospitalable enough. Nothing generally spectacular though I’d thought while stepping into O’Learys from the the heavy rain that lashed down outside. I’d picked my way through the busy Saturday evening crowd and located the party of seven in the far corner. Seven people to celebrate with, I tried my best not to judge Lisa by her number of friends. Assuming the possibility that numbers had dwindled over the last five and a half hours.
“It’s not much of a turn out,” I offer to Hannah on a hushed tone for fear of being over heard.
“You’re telling me,” Hannah answered “Although there’s two more hungers on over there at the bar.”
As she speaks I cast my eyes towards the long bar that runs most of the lengthth of one wall. Surprised to see not only Ari but Nisha sat facing one another on high backed chairs at the bar. Immediately I wrestle my conscience with the morality of having fucked both girls as I stand there with my hand wrested in the small of Hannah’s back. They both seem oblivious to my arrival. I can’t help but notice immediately how much attention one of the bar staff appears to be paying them. And how their attention is seemingly returned on him. Immediately realising that with the corrupted morality of this situation I have no moral compass by which I can dictate, let alone be suspicious, uncomfortable or jealous of a situation.
I’m generally surprised and equally glad to see Ari, although we don’t keep a day to day journal of our movements I realize that my sincere uplift in mood is more than likely caused by the fact that I’ve had no contact with her in over a week, two weeks on from that frantic late night dash to the A&E Ward of the City General Hospital. She had rested and healed with me, for a week only when I was certain she was comfortable and recovered had I let her return home. I could see her physical recovery what I couldn’t be sure of was her mental recovery from the darkness that we had descended into. I had missed her, more than I cared to think I would, and I cared for her. It was therefore, despite the ever increasing awkwardness, a pleasant surprise to see her attending Lisa’s Hen Night, as a Sister In Law to be Ari had every right to be here. I assume Nisha was tagging along for a little support or company to Ari given the demographic of the rest of the party. That Nisha, presumably a stranger to Lisa, makes up one ninth of the total party does little to dissuade my opinion on the overall popularity of the Bride to Be.
“They must be riveted,” I offer acerbically to Hannah.
“They didn’t both with the meal… I’m surprised they’ve stuck with us this long to be honest,” A long creeps across her face. “And if I’m bringinghonest I’m a little concerned about Ari… she seems a little distant almost like she’s bottling something up… something she can’t or won’t tell me.”
“Really?” I offer adopting my best poker face. “I mean it’s not like I’m close enough to notice but she at least strikes me as the kind to speak her mind.”
“Not always,” Hannah offers, “She’s had some tough times in the past… things I’ve never told you about… usually centres around a male and certainly a complexity when she’s distant like this.”
“I’m sure it’s nothing” I offer, furiously taking mental notes. Wondering if ignoring and stepping away from the situation Hannah perceives might be the best course of action.
“I’ll go says hello …I’ll grab one quick drink before I head back to the Club.” I offer, Already starting to make my excuses. I had only popped out to be courteous and to see Hannah I wanted to be back in the comfort of the Club not least to see the stage performance at midnight. Or the delightful looking South American girl that was set to perform. “Can I get you anything?”
“Am I fine?” Hannah offers contemplating, as she swills what remains of what I know will be a vodka and cranberry around the glass in her left hand.
“You’re more than fine” I offer with a smile brinking a flush to her cheeses, one of my favourite things being the ability to constantly catch the beautiful brunette off guard.
“You old charmer you…” she responds. “…I’ll have another… one last one …Lisa’s staying with me tonight and I’ve a feeling she’s not going to be lasting the pace much longer.”
“Less of the old,” I chuckle and pull her towards me kissing those lips, tasting the bitter sweetness of cranberry on her lips.
“Ahum… Men on a Hen” I hear the slightly rotund Northerner call out at the top of her voice and as I step away. It’s all I can do not to clip her across the back of the head with my elbow as I pass her.
Picking my way through the bar I approachAri and Nisha. Still deep in conversation with the sealed head barman they both only become aware of my presence as I literally step between the two of them.
“Hey you,” Nisha offers enthusiasically beating, dressed in a white halter neck top with a pair of black leather trousers that I’m sure I’ve seen before on her, but I fail to place where.
“Hi” Ari rather bluntly offers by comparison, dressed herself in a stunning short silver sequin spaghetti strap dress and the black thigh high boots that had adorned her legs during the brutal forty eights hours she’d been locked in the Dungeon in the Dark Stars basement, her face barely breaks a smile.
“Looks like a wild night” I offer, taking the piss.
“Oh yeah… a real white knuckle ride” Ari sarcastically adds and I see a flash oh her true personality for the first time.
“But hey at least we’ve got our friendly barmen to keep us company and topped up,” Nisha chuckles.
I fix my gaze on the cropped hairedBearded individual, in a black shirt stand the opposite site of the poisoned dark wooden bar from me. I don’t miss but don’t question Nisha’s use of the plural seeing only one barman before me.
“Well friendly Barman I’m about to make you busy…” I fix him with a grin “…I’ll have a double Brandy over a single Ice cube, a double Vodka Cranberry… with crushed ice, whatever these two girls would like and two pitchers of house champione mixed with Half a dozen cans of Red Bull… there’s a party over there that you’re doing a piss poor effort of exploiting for every penny they could be spending.”
As I speak I slide the gold coloured credit card over the bar towards him, I see Nisha and Ari both look towards one another then at the Barman.
“Same again please Steve,” Ari smirks.
“Me too …make them doubles” says Nisha slipping from her stool, taking advantage of the free drink option. “I need the little girls room …Logan makes sure my seats keep warm.”
Asthe young Indian girl makes her way through the bar I hop up onto the seat and watch Steve the Barman busying himself with my order, if he’s a bartender of note he’ll know to serve my drink first.
“I’m consciousness we haven’t spoken,” I say immediately engaging my attention on Ari. “That’s not really been deliberate, but I only now realize how it could have been misconstrued given everything that happened… how’ve you been?”
“Good considering …I’ve had assignments and plenty of stuff keeping me preoccupied to be honest… and besides I think perhaps a break was required…” Ari speaks with a quiet since she keeps her eyes on mine as she speaks but there’s very little warmth to her expression. “…All things considered.”
“We’re cool though?” I’m not sure what I seek to qualify by the enquiry as Steve sets down what I presume are the Girls vodkas.
“We’re cool…” she offers a little smile. “I shouldn’t tell you this but I fucking miss you so much when you’reNot around. Beneath the level of the bar her hand reachings out and finds mine. It’s a swift moment over before it’s began as I gently return the squeeze.
“I know… I know” I offer as she breaks her hand free, reaching for the double vodka. “Let’s meet up next week…we’ll start using the apartment… I’ll get you a key card.”
Ari chuckles gently “Oh my Logan …are you asking me to move in?”
“You know what I mean when I say not a good idea.” I match the smile that now creeps to her lips. “I’m sorry.”
“I know…” She bites at her lip. “Maybe we just need to define hard limits.”
I nod, interpreting her inference. We had gone too far. I had gone too far. Ari had let me but it had come at great peril, something I don’t think I’d yet fully Comprehensive or understand. Out of the corner of my eye I catch site of Hannah approaching.
“I’m not staying… just popped in to show face… I’m glad I did now” I offer a hurried explanation.
Ari can’t respond before Hannah steps up between us at the bar. “What are you two taking about?” She offers.
“Speed of the service in here” I nod still not having had my drink. “I’ve ordered a few live uppers for your party… he’s got my card… if I can trust you keep hold of it and make sure Lisa has a good evening.”
“You can trust me Logan,” Hannah narrows her eye stepping between her Step Sister and myself, “Can I trust you …what do you think Ari?”
“Mums fond of him.” Ari chuckles.
“Must be something about this seat” I say looking over to the far corner of the room. “Now I need a piss.”
Fifteen minutes later I look to my watch, it’s a little before half past eleven.
“I need to head back for the Club,” I offer to Hannah finishing my Brandy.
“Is it waiting for you?” Hannah quips.
“You know what I…” my sentence goes unfinished as she presses her lips to mine kissing me firmly. I break the kiss backing away. The bar seems business,Certainly livelier now then when I’d walked in. Behind me I know that Ari and Nisha will still no doubt be stringing Steve the Barman along in exchange for a couple of additional shots. Looking to my right I notice that, under the influence of the Champagne mixed with Red Bull, Lisa is turning an unusual shade of pale.
“You need to keep an eye on her,” I offer to Hannah.
“No thanks to Your daft drinks.”
“Are you blaming the player or the game?” I smile just as Lisa rises to her feet her hand to her mouth immediately as she pushes away from her seat at the table. Hannah shaking her head takes off after her immediately at a pace.
I chuckle setting my glass down on the table around which they’ve congregated. I don’t offer the civilization of goodbyes as I turn and walk away from the group who I barely introduced myself to in the first place.
Stepping out on to the damp night it’s of small blessing that the rain has finally eased off. I turn up my collar againstthe damp chill of the night all the same and head in the direction of the Club.
“Leaving without saying goodbye then are you?”
I turn in the direction of the female voice, and offer a grin. Stood in the shadows of an alley that runs alongside of the bar is Nisha shivering in her thin white top as she takes a long drag on a cigarette.
“Thought you were still at the bar” I state.
“Needed a break from Steve and his brothers pick up lines”
“His brother?” I offer confused
“Chap in a cheap suit” her eyes cast up my own attire. “Little bit sleazy.”
“You girls take care then” I raise an eyebrow as she drops her cigarette to the floor and stubs it out under the open toe Silver strapped heels that emerge from those tight black leather trousers.
“We’ve a nasty habit for being attracted to assholes” She offers whilst I’m milkly aware of the attentions of a Taxi Driver parked on the street to my right who seems more intrigued by Nisha than myself it would appear.
“Assholes?” I question Nisha
“Yeah toxic fucking assholes” she raises an eyebrow.
Five minutes later I stand behind a wheelie bin that stinks of an unimiginable cocktail of grime. My hand clutches the back of Nisha’s head through her long black hair as she croouches before me, my hips thrusting my dick deep into her accommodating mouth as she makes subtle little ‘gwack gwack gwack’ noises and I claim a hurried face fuck from her. Minutes later I feel my climax and then her talented little mouth swallow as she ingests my seed with her lips still wrapped around me.
Emerging shortly after into the night from the alley I hear the click click of her heels as she follows me from the stench and the gloom.
I don’t look back, I note the Taxi Driver glance in our direction and flash him a Knowing smile.
Chapter Two; Triumvirate
I secure the leather strap over Arabella’s right wrist as I have done countless times before. She doesn’t even bothr to test the restraint anymore knowing that the grip of the thick nylon rope coupled with the leather cuff has her.
“Why white?” she asks a perfectly entitled question given she’d always dressed in black underwear for me.
“Why can’t you keep quiet?” I retort sternly. Slipping from my back pocket a red ball gag.
With a look of gentle resignation Ari’s mouth falls open and bringing her head forward I secure the gag firmly in place. Letting her head fall back on the single pillow I step away from the bed and admire her
The platinum blonde dressed in white lace detail bra, white crotchless panties and white hold up stockings looks up at me from those fascinating pale blue eyes. All offset by the black cotton bedding.
“Like a Virgin.” I provide her with a delayed answer, of sorts.
Briefly My mind flickers to Gemma and her initial submission, tied to the same bed in similar attire, what seemed so long ago now. Ari could look virginal but with every filterthysordid act she’d submitted to in the last eight months was proof of appearances being deceiving. Regardless my dick aches to be released from its current denim prison.
Crossing the bedroom I walk from the room leaving her there vulnerable, her head raises to watch me leave but she doesn’t protest.
I look to my watch and realize I have time to fix myself a drink. Pouring a brandy over a single ice cube. I sip on the relaxing warmth of the drink as my eye casts over the darkened City scape through the window.
My thoughts interrupted by the telephone receiver near the front door scrilly ringing.
Crossing the apartment I pick up the handset
“Good evening Mr. Hughes we’ve a Miss Colling in reception for you.”
“Yes …send her up.”
I replace the handset; opening the front door I leave it ajar and return to the Brandy, temporarily abandoned, on the kitchen unit.
I hear the lift arrive as firm heels click clack on marble floor. Looking up as thedoor pushes open and Vanessa Colling, Ness, as she insists on being called slips through the doorway.
“Evening Vanessa.”
Dressed in the same scruffy leather jacket as the first night I’d met her at the club some weeks ago. The top beneath the jacket is sheer and exposes the fact she wears no brain again. Tight faded black jeans cling to skinny legs with black little ankle boots covered in studs. She pushed the door closed behind her
“Evening,” she bites her tongue on my formal use of her full name.
“Glad to see you came around to my suggestion,” I smile draining the glass of brandy.
Her silent response is to simply hold out her hand as she approaches the opposite side of the counter.
“Brutal,” I offer sliding an envelope across the counter to her containing £300 in £20 notes. Half the fee I’d initially paid for Ari.
“You’re the expert in Brutal.”
“Fix you a drink?” I nod to the bottle also sat on the counter “Or do you wanna skip the seduction technique and just get started?”
“Got any Fireball Whisky?” She states “Half a pint should do”
“Do they all have meaning?” I cast my eye over her naked body trying to take in every complex tattoo on Vanessa’s torso.
“Yes” her blunt response, without offering laboration.
“Better than a tramp stamp of the Chinese symbol for Hoisin Duck I suppose”
Vanessa striped naked spare for a pair of black fishnet stockings and her black ankle boots stands before me. The tattoos not being the most unique aspect of her appearance as she places her hands to her hips. Given the thick black rubber dildo attached to a harness around her waist and tops of her legs.
“How about we get started” I say raising an eyebrow
“How about you keep drinking that brandy until you pass out and I fuck you for retribution?”
“So sweet,” I refuse to bite further at her comment,
Since that first night she’d worked for me, stepping away from the gang. The split lip that she’d turned up at the Club with a week later had healed as had the bruises from the beating she’d presumably taken, at the very least.
Not risking her abrasive attitude behind the bar I had her earned her long term for a role in Errol’s security team, but in the meantime I’d extremely put her into the Club pushing my supply of drugs and to her credit sales were booming.
Maybe my commission wasn’t what it was supposed to be, but she’d come to me asking for extra to cover rent three nights ago. Suggesting I wasn’t a charity I agreed, following prickly negotiations, to cover the short fall in exchange for tonight.
“Let’s see what you’ve got for me then Logan.”
She had no idea what was in store.
Ari has no idea what was in store.
Unlike myself.
“Follow me,” I command as I move from the main apartment towards the bedroom where Ari literally lays in wait.
Ari lifts her head from the pillow as I re-enter the bedroom her mouth distributed by the red gag her eyes are inquisitive; a look soon replaced by wide eyed confusion and slight repulsion as Vanessa follows me into the room.
“Ari meet Vanessa,” I look back over my shoulder at Vanessa. “Vanessa meet Ari… I mean technically you’ve already met but…”
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