The Trophy
Chapter One; Alison
I stared into Gemma’s eyes as the lift ascends; my eyes narrow before I coldly state. “I saw the way that Bar Man was looking at you.”
“Jealous?” she gently teased knowing not to break away from my grip around her waist.
“No …..because I know you’re mine,” I respond pulling her closer. I could’ve been he was closer to her age than I was but what I built with Gemma transcended such limits as age; although I’ll admit the status of a young attractive blonde girlfriend was powerful.
As her hands rest flat on my chest she tilts her head back and I kiss her passwordately. As we embrace her hands move up around my neck and she clings to me while my hands move around onto her ass through the short dark red dress she wears, coupled with knee high black boots.
Unawares I’d watched her dress earlier. I knew therefore that matching black underwear and natural colour hold ups were defeat under her dress. I kept her dressed in onlythe finest. I’d already planned exactly how I would undress her; spent the duration of the meal we’d just had mentally plotting how I’d use the young blonde. Constructing such a mental picture in truth had been infinitely preferable to her conversation about the latest happenings on her Beauty Therapy course.
The melodic chime indicating the lift had reached the 14th floor disorders us as I press her against the far wall of the lift. Breaking the kiss Gemma looks up at me with a playful smile
“Mind you he probably thought you were my Dad.”
“Are you trying to get yourself in to trouble?”
I shake my head as the lift doors slide open behind me, “I was going to take it easy with you tonight.”
“Oh please…” Gemma continues to playfully provoke, “When do you ever take it easy?”
Grabbing her wait I drag her from the Lift into the foyer that leads to the apartment.
“You’ll regret that,” I state adopting a menuing tone “I’m going to take you and….”
My words trail off as slightly off guard I realise we aren’t alone in the foyer. Gemma laughing crashes gently against me under the momentum by which I pulled her from the Lift.
On the far side of the foyer a male and female stand at the doorway to the apartment opposite of mine.
In the two months I’ve lived here the apartment that shares the top floor has been empty. I’d heard comings and goings Recently but not come across my new neighbors until now.
He’s tall, fair haired with an athletic build and dressed in a sharp black suit.
She is a vision, her backless black dress clings perfectly to her every curve, I cast my eye along the seam that runs up the back of the hosiery that adorns her calm muscles, dissecting her lower leg all the way to the hem of the dress and presumably beyond from the strap of Her expensive looking heels.
Natural hazel brown hair falls straight to her shoulder. She turns first as Gemma and I stumble into the foyer a smilee comes to her demure face, the smile accentuated by perfect chef bones.
“Oh Hi neighbors,” I state as he continues to try to work the key card in the door but they seemingly can’t gain access. “Having problems?”
She looks embarrassed as he turns on hearing my voice and then he looks over at me.
“These fucking key cards ……it’s like a fucking hotel,” he angrily interjects in response to my question. “All this fucking money and…”
“Not ideal I agree,” I interject as I step towards the couple “Although you might find it’s the door.”
I step up to the door mentally noting how she instinctively steps behind him. Turning to face them I heavily pound my heel against the base of door. Taking the gold coloured key card from his hand I place it in the slot and resist a smug grin as I hear the door unlock.
“Speak to Frank on the front desk he’ll get maintenance to look at it ….it’s probably misaligned ….mine used to do the same.”
I hand him back his key. “Logan by the way,” and I offer him my hand “Logan Hughes.”
He shakes my hand with a steel grip in response but doesn’t thank me for my assistance I note “Mark Mathews,” his tone is almost business like “My Wife… Alison.”
“Hi there Alison.” I smile at her.
“Oh please …’s Ali,” she states from behind him, “there’s no need to be so formal.”
I recognize the look of disdain he attempts to hide; despite her barely chatising him.
“Well Mark and Ali,” I smile to her again, once again spotting a flash of his ire, “Good to meet you… oh I’m sorry this is my… this is Gemma …my Girlfriend.”
I flash a smile at Gemma having been so tempted to introduce her as my daughter in elaborate reversal of Gemma’s earlier comment in the lift. I realized immediately just how wrong that would look.
Another round of polite hello’s ensures as I slip back in Gem’s direction.
“Been anywhere nice?” I state to be civil as we turn backs on one another.
“The French place by the water front.” Mark answers, “Abysmal service and awful food. “
‘Thanks for the Trip Advisor review,’ is the unspoken comment that runs swiftly through my head. “I’ve always found it quite pleasant,” I instead honestly counter.
Opening my own door imagining him sneering Gemma heads in first “See you around” I state looking back as he nods while ushering Alison almost in through the door. I glance one last surprising look over her as the door closes and I enter my own place.
“They seem nice,” Gemma offers.
“He’s a Wanker,” I curtly reply.
Gemma lays face down naked on the King Size bed; the white cotton top sheet falls across her lower back, her hair disheveled and she breathes deeply in exhausted sleep.
I stand watching out across the plaza bathed in sunshine through the floor to ceiling window, as naked as they day I was born.
I watch people go about their lazy Sunday morning business. My mind is active thinking of the ever-growing list of tasks I need to priorities and complete before the Club can finally open. Things were dragging on far too long for my liking and draining my finances far too quickly. Loans were looking increasingly necessary.
I spot her as she weaves between a group of kids, diagonally crossing the plaza heading towards the main entrance of the Apartment block.
Gemma striss, “Do you ever lie in,” she mumbles wrapping herself in the bed sheets.
“I was just thinking about getting us coffees,” I state pulling in a pair of navy sweat pants over my naked lower torso.
“We have coffee in the cupboard.”
“And Pastries?”
“Mmmm,” Gemma props herself up a little “Now you’re talking.”
“I’ll be right back.” Slipping my feet into white training Shoes I pull a hooded sweatshirt over my head. Grabbing my keys and wallet as I head out the door.
In the entrance foyer I watch as the lift ascends up through the floors. Asthe brushed silver doors slide open she stands there before me.
“Morning,” I say softly.
Ali smiles at me, “Oh good morning.”
Her face is flushed from physical exertion her skin glistens a little as she perspires but she still looks perfect. Hair pulled back in a ponytail as she steps out of the lift wearing a black lycra bra top which accentuates her breast and reveals her toned stromach. Her legs clad in tight fitting charcoal grey lycra running trousers.
“Good run?” I say using this as an excuse to cast my eye up and down her.
“Yeah,” she breathlessly states looking to the sport band on her left wrist “Just over 5 miles….biggest problem is I’m not sure where I’m going.”
I step casually into the lift looking back at her as she lingers, “Well… I head out a couple of times a week myself,” I smile hiding my lie, “If you ever want to get to know the area as it were.”
She nods, “Um ….yeah ….I mean if that’s alright …that’d be great.”
“No problem,” I say flashing her a lopsided grin, “That’s if you can keep up.”
“Or if you can keep up with me,” Ali giggles and I briefly glimpse a confidence in her.
“I work from home give me knock,” I state as the doors start to close.
“I will,” she says as the doors close and the lift starts to descend.
A small smile creeps across my face.
I flick the TV off as the players remonstrate with the Referee as they traile off the pitch.
“Never a penalty,” I state aloud to no one as I cross the room towards the kitchen taking a slice of Pizza from a box on the side; you had to appreciate a lazy Sunday I thought to myself.
“Did you say something?” Gemma states as she enters the room from the bedroom, a black short silk dressing gown wrapped around her. Her hair wrapped in a towel.
“Just talking to myself,” I reply taking a bite of the Pizza.
“You sulking cos your team lost?” Gemma teases as she stands in the doorway and before I can answer she interjects with “So what do you think?”
Reaching up she removes the towel from her hair to reveal freshly dyed light brown hair.
“I told you it’d look good,” I state honestly while nodding my approval as I move towards her, “Looks really good.”
She looks completely different by the transformation.
“It’ll wash out… it only a semi-permanent.”
I don’t care what she says barely listening as my lust builds and I press her gently against the door frame; I pull the dressing gown open to reveal her slender naked form.
She doesn’t say a word as I back her towards the bed. Spinning her around I pull the dressing gown from her and push her face down on to the bed.
Pulling down the front of my sweatpants; I’m hard already. Positioning myself against her as I lower myself towards Gemma who frames up on to all fours and lets out a soft groan of anticipation. She attempts to look back at me but my hand slips over the back of herneck and I gently press her head away.
As I enter her I’m thinking about Ali.
Chapter Two; Running Into Trouble
Muscles starting to cramp with the exercise.
On heavy breath I keep up my momentum, my eyes never leaving her.
“Come on …..keep up …’re slacking off.”
“You’ll be the death of me,” I exhaustedly utter.
Ali turns her head back in the direction we head having flashed me the chefiest of innocent smiles. The light rain that had started to fall has abated offer no reprieve as I follow her along the narrow path that leads along the side of the murky brown canal.
My eyes cast yet again over that perfectly toned body, wrapped once again in figure hugging lycra as she starts to deliberately up her pace. The pain of the physical exertion worth the view of her tight little ass in those legends.
Two to three times a week we were heading out running now, as we had been doing so for the last month, butI’d soon come to realize I was in trouble by our arrangement. Although admittedly I was starting to feel healthy for it.
Ali from day one was far quicker and by far physically fitter. She ran with vigor and purpose whereas my lifestyle wasn’t conducive to anything more than punishing myself through exercise. I was most definitely the tortoise and I wasn’t sure I could catch this hare.
The conversations, the shared moments that had led us to coffee at the little cafe in the plaza twice now worth the blisters, the aches and the pains.
I watch it happens, helpless, such an innocent slip of her left ankle on the surface beneath her; no doubt a result of the recent rain. Ali gasps in shock as she stumbles at first, a stumble that becomes a fall, she pirouettes slightly and come to a halt jarring heavily onto the path ahead of me.
“Shit….” I crouch over her “…are you alright?”
She starts to smile, no doubt embarrassed by her own clumsiness, a smile that becomes a laugh “I’m fine” she says shaking her head as she takes the hands I extend “Only my….. ahhhhhhh fuck.”
“That would suggest you’re not,” I say letting go of her hand as she sits in the damp ground.
“My ankle,” She states and I spot the grimace as she reaches down squeeze her left ankle.
I assist her but as soon as I lay my hands over her ankle she winces again.
“Can you move it?” I enquire.
Extending her leg and rotating her ankle draws another sharp intake of pained breath through gritted teeth as I pull my phone from a zip pocket in the back of my shorts. “Yess.” she unfortunately states.
“Well with my lack of knowledge I’d say it’s not broken,” I naturally offer as I grimace, “Bad news time…..I’ve no reception and the nearest road is one we passed about half a mile back there.”
“Shit,” Ali excels again, but something in her demeanor changes. “I’ve gotta get back,” she states panicking.
“Don’t worry,” I flash a sarcastic grin, “I’m not going to leave you here.”
“No …no…” she missed my attempt at humor as she wiped dirtied hands on her lycra covered knees looking at the sport band on her left wrist “..I need to be back when Mark gets home.”
I look at my own watch, a little after 4pm. I don’t understand her urgency but her next reaction brings her hands straight to her face as she starts to sob.
“This was such a stupid idea …..the latest in a line of stupid ….” she composes herself almost immediately.
“Can you stand?” I offer not ignoring her over reaction but assuming it’s triggered in part by her frustration or embarrassment. Awkwardly yet determinedly I help Ali to her feet. Standing on her left-hand side I slip one hand around her slender wait as she runs her arm over my Shoulder.
Cautiously I bear her weight and we start awkwardly back down the narrow path. Eventually finding a steady rhythm of sorts as she holds on to me raising her left foot off the ground.
My mind still dwells on that out of context panicked exchange as the road we head for eventually come into sight; we pause, and I pull out my phone. Finding reception, I book an Ubër based on our location. “Come on then ….we’ve 12 minutes to reach that road ahead or we watch Our Driver Mustafa furiously drive up and down before he fucks off into the distance.”
Ali chuckles at my attempted humour. I turn to her as we start to make our way along the path once again. Not wishing to acknowledge that the dark clouds overhead threaten more torrential rain.
As we shuffle awkwardly along still only thing happens my mind.
“Tell me to mind my own….I mean I barely know you Ali but…” pausing as her green blue eyes meet mine but a frown creeps across her face, “Is Everything alright?” I ask sincerely.
Ali’s heavy sight as her shoulders rise and fall says it all.
“Just beating myself up,” she states softly, “I’ve …I’ve enjoyed this…… the escape this provides.” She stops looking at me, almost embarrassed “Not you …..I don’t mean that…”
“Well thanks,” I adopt a hurt expression but squeeze her wait playfully at the same time. I notice tears come to her eyes.
“I hate it here Logan.” She sobs mournfully leaning into me, her head on my chest, instinctively I embrace her gently placing my hands on her shoulders. “I wanna go home ….I’m …we’re so far away from friends ….so far from my family …..Mark works hard …he…he gives me everything ….but I’m so lonely … I’m so lonely.”
Tears roll over those excite cheeses as she looks up at me before I pull her back into a gentle embrace “It’s alright ….it’s alright.” I reassure Ali. Off guard and unprepared for the outpouring of emotion I’d unlocked.
“Getting out for a run….with you ….without you ….it’s my only escape.”
“Mark’s aware is he?” I press, “He knows how you feel?”
I feel I know the answer before she responds.
“I can’t talk to him about …..” once again her voice near gives way to tears, “Moving here for his job it’s the pinnacle of his career ..every he’s wanted it’s the reason we’ve got the apartment… our lifestyle …..he works so hard …. I’m sure it’ll get better …’s just.”
I desperately feel for her and her frailty as she makes excuses that justify his selfishness. My hands, I don’t Even notice, have slipped from her shoulders down her arms to her wrists. I give them a reassuring squeeze. Not wanting to overstep boundaries but realising the comfort she seeks.
“You don’t have to be unhappy ….it’s not healthy to keep things bottled up.”
Her expression tells me I only tell her what she’s all too painfully aware of. Reaching up my right hand she near flinches as I wipe a tear from her left cheek, “Don’t cry.”
She places a hand to the back of mine and our eyes meet. Those beautiful deep blue green eyes of hers framed by tears of geneuine sadness.
“You Mister Hughes?” I hear a voice call out sharply breaking what had started to feel like a stolen moment. “You booking an Uber?”
I look up sharply ahead to the road where a Silver car has pulled up, unnoticed by either of us. An Asian guy stands there having climbed out of the Driver’s seat of the car.
“Yes.” I call back. “Yes….just give us two minutes she’s hurt her ankle.”
Ali wipes her own tears on the backs of her hands as I let go of her.
“Well there’s only one thing for this ….do excuse me.” I light heartedly offer before placing her hands around my neck then sliding my arms under her toned thighs. I brace and pick her delicate frame up into my arms.
Instinctively Ali holds onto me as I stand there crackling her; our eyes meet for a time just short of lingering again.
“Oh Jesus.” she chuckles wrapping her arms around my neck “Don’t you dare drop me Logan.”
“I won’t. ” I state as I start to carry her towards the waiting Car.
It’s raining again by time the cab pulls up outside the Apartment; a short while later. The driver refuses to assist as I help Ali awkwardly from the back of the cab. I’d suggested we should head to A&E to properly check out Ali’s injured ankle, but she’d refused.
“Carry you or do you wanna lean on me?” I jokingly offer.
Refusing my offer to carry her with a now familiar routine we hobble from the cab into the building and immediately towards the private lifts that only serve the top floor apartments.
I lean her gently against the far wall of the lift as the doors close, the elevator shudders and she stumbles slightly placing a hand on my chest for stability.
“Thank you…” she softly whispers “….for everything”
I’m about to suggest she think nothing of it when she leans forward, catching me totally off guard and presses her lips deliciously to mine.
As the kiss starts to linger she breaks suddenly away “I shouldn’t have done that.” Ruefully she shakesher head. “I’m sorry I shouldn’t have done that.”
I’m about to elaborate when I see her brow furrow. “Fuck.”
Ali’s hands frantically search the waistband of her leggings, “Fuck I’ve lost my key card ….it was there when we ….it must be in the Cab.”
“Don’t worry.” I assure her “They’re easily cancelled if you’ve lost it.”
The lift doors slide open and I realize she’s possible more concerned by how she gets in. “You can come to mine.”
“He’ll ….Mark will be home by now.” she looked concerned. “He ….he won’t like that I’m with you.” Her voice instantly hushes as she makes the statement.
My own furrowed browser doesn’t escape her attention as she continues. “I haven’t told him we run together.”
I hold off in a smirk and a comment about being her secret, her reaction to the seemingly regretted kiss of moments earlier enough to have my mind spinning without this further complication.
“Mark doesn’t like me ….well you know……”
Andthat incomplete statement tells me as much as I need to know about Mark’s possessive controlling nature as any of the earlier conversation by the side of the canal had and I understand her reticence.
The way she’d always stand behind him when encountering the two of them together, her need to be home waiting his arrival at the end of a day.
Slipping my arm back around Ali’s wait and assisting her towards the gloss black front door of her apartment I squeeze her hip. Stating softly, “Follow my lead.”
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