For those who are true AfroerotiK fans and keenly observant, they will realize that this story is a sequel to the Dominant Black Tales series. For those who are not as versed in my erotic tales, they can read the story of Bryan and his wife Rebecca in Dominant Black Tales.
Everyone thinks that what they believe is right. It’s the mind’s self-preservation response. Most people aren’t self-aware enough to know what they believe or how they came to believe what they do or if their beliefs are based in truth or not, however, so they fight, argue, and debate things without considering that their core beliefs might be flawed or wrong. People’s beliefs about religion, sex, politics, and race are so deeply enrenched, so inherent to a person’s identity; they just automatically assume that anyone who doesn’t believe the same things they do is wrong. Tapping into that core belief, fucking with it, challenging it is what the very best psychological Dommes do. They canascertain a person’s core beliefs and manipulate that person’s mind until they are putty: broken and disoriented. That is exactly what happened to David Osterhaus when he encountered a Dominatrix who shattered his world and challenged everything he knew to be true.
On the outside, David didn’t quite have it all but he had enough to be respected by his peers. On the inside, his entire life was a sham. Not a nerd, not a stud, Dave was somewhere in the middle. Standing 5’10”, 180 pounds, hair that was golden blond and curly for the first 6 years of his life was now mousey brown with lots of gray. Any given stranger could stand toe to toe with him and not remember anything particularly remarkable about him ten minutes later. He was 15 years into a 30 year mortgage that he was on track to pay off in 20 on a house that was soon to be an entirely too large empty nest. His wife of 20 some odd years was nothing great to look at; she wouldn’t make anyone break their neck trying to take a second look. Some people might even say she was boring but she was a helluva scrap-booker and she could make a crispy rice treat like no one’s business. Donna was nice enough and well-thought-of in the church and community, meaning, she served her purpose and that was to be a good wife and mother and complete the image of what life was supposed to be like for middle-class suburbanites.
David’s youngest was off to College in a few months, meaning all three children would be in college at the same time, and the thought of paying yet another tuition for the next four or five years almost made him want to get in his car and start driving and never come back. He didn’t hate his job but he didn’t love it either. It was a source of income and little more than that. It more than paid the bills but he had enough debt that he couldn’t retire with no worries either. He had some savings, a retirement account, a few decent investments, a boat, and a classic muscle car he was restoring that gave him what little bit of joy he experienced in his day to day, mundane, routine, incredibly average life.
Almost every day, certainly, every other day, David would head to his neighborhood bar to have a few drinks. It was a Cheers sort of place where everybody knew everybody else’s name and they all wore their Redskin jerseys on game nights. They all sat around and complained that Obama was the worst president in history, why we need to bomb those towel heads off the Earth, and burning faggots at the stake was a popular rallying cry among the patrons. Well, okay, not literally burning people but that was the gist of their sentiments. Most conversations these days were about immigration reform. It wasn’t quite artistic that way. It was more like how those damn illegal wetbacks were taking all the jobs and getting services that Americans, hard-working, tax-paying, English-speaking, real Americans couldn’t get.
If complaining was a sport, the regular patrons of Hadley’s Sports Bar and Grille could form their own team, sponsored by the local hardware store, with uniforms and even a promotional calendar. They complained about almost everything but mostly, how America was under attack by evil forces, and by evil forces, they mean anyone who wasn’t white, male, heterosexual, Christian, Republican, and born in the good, ole’ U.S. of A. White women got a pass as long as they weren’t talking about things like equal pay and reproductive rights and rape and stuff like that AND as long as they weren’t fucking black guys. These weren’t Redneck, ne’er-do-wells who drove pickup trucks and who were missing their bicuspids and incisors. Most of Dave’s “crew” were college educated, married, gainfully employed, and average. Sickeningly average.
When a sporting event wasn’t on, Fox News was always on the TV and very few people of color ever frequentlyd the place so no one there would be offended if a racial epithet or two . . . or three . . . slipped into the conversation once in a while. The sound system at the bar played a constant stream of urban music and it was not uncommon for everyone to know all the words to the latest R&B and Hip-Hop songs, N word and all. Far from the most outspoken lush at the bar, David certainly wasn’t the meekest customer either. He made sure everyone knew that he thought just like everyone else: Trayvon Martin got what he deserved, Donald Sterling didn’t, and basically anything that any Black person stood for, he was firmly on the other side of the argument, regardless of whether it was clearly the wrong moral side or not.
It wasn’t until he left the bar at night that his demonstrations started to haunt him. Mild handsome, unassuming, and painfully mediocre David sought out the extreme when it came to sex. Fifteen years ago, he was content to have a weekly, predictable, lackluster three minutes of awkward humping in the hay with his wife. Today, he was someone who needed more and more perverse stimulation. With the advent of the internet, Viagra, and some recreational drugs now and then, David had become a slave to his desires. It was a symptom of a much larger disease, having access to more than sufficient disposable income and a false sense of superiority and entitlement that told him that whatever he did was justified. His mind could rationalize that anything he did was just fine even though he would rant and rave how those exactly same behaviors were fucked up when other people did them.
Intoxicated and horny, that drive home to his run-of-the-mill life inevitably always seemed to take a detour. Rather than going straight home, he would somehow end up on the other side of town. It wasn’t the ghetto by any stretch of the imagination, it just wasn’t the manicured and homogenous suburbs either.
Pulling in to the parking lot of The Rock Hard Cafe, better known as Rock’s with trademark infrastructure being what it was and all, always gave Dave a thrill. Would he get lucky tonight? Would hego home more frustrated and horny than when he arrived? There was always a chance that he wouldn’t be able to find the thrill that he sought but he was driven like an addict to see if he could. He didn’t want to be seen in such a place, he didn’t want to run into anyone he knew but that added to the danger and the thrill. It was a small town relatively speaking. It wasn’t so small that everyone knew each Other but it wasn’t a major metropolis where he could be reasonably assured of anonymity either. If he was thinking with his big head he would only go out on the hunt in the city which was an hour away. If he was level-headed, he would have only indulged in his lusts where the likelihood of being caught was minimized. David, however, didn’t have that much control over his desires.
Rock’s was a one stop shop. Immediately inside the front door, there was a sex shop with toys, DVDs, lingerie, and sex aides galore. If you followed the hallway to the right you’d find a strip club (if two poles, four sticky sofas, and a rotation of skinny women with C-section scars, platinum blond hair, dark roots, and butterfly tattoos could be considered an actual club) and to the left were video booths, equipped with glory holes for darker pleasures. And darker pleasures were exactly what Dave always sought.
With his $20 inserted, Dave scrolled the video menu for his favorite selections. You see, Dave wanted to see interracial gay action. He got off on seeing white boys used by Black men with enormous black cocks. They offered a few titles from the “It’s Gonna Hurt” series that he had seen time and time again. Castro was the star of the videos and he had five pounds of dick that he used to eviscerate white men’s asses. His mouth watered every time he saw Castro’s huge cock on the screen. He wanted a jet black version of one that big to be pushed through his hole for him to suck. Dave wished there were more hardcore videos offered, something more extreme like he watchd at home on the internet. He loved to see white throats pounded and sissy asses sodomized and the look of pain and pleasure on their faces, preferably more pain than pleasure.
Dave LOVED sucking cock. He loved the tang of a raunchy, big black cock; he loved the feeling of it swelling in his mouth and the smell of their rank, sweaty balls. Most of all he craved the taste of sticky, thick, salty cum in his mouth. He loved giving so much pleasure to men that they had no choice but to erupt in his throat. He loved being a cock-sucking who, taking on cock after hard cock in his slutty mouth, swallowing that hot seed, craving more. He never wanted any reciprocation, never needed any stimulation of his own. He loved getting fucked as much as the next closed white guy who was addicted to big, black cocks but something about knowing that his oral skills, his mouth and tongue could give a real man so much pleasure that they pumped hot cum out their balls into his hungry mouth made him aroused in a way that couldn’t compare.
There was no real action at Rock’s that night. A few other white guys were there, strolling around to see if they could watch some action, but no one was really doing anything which was pretty typical for a Wednesday. One white guy with a decent sized cock stuck it through the hole in Dave’s booth but he was less than interested. He had sucked a few white guys off in his early days of bi-curiosity but ever since he’d been faced fucked by his first Black cock, ever since the first time he had that black meat in his throat, choking him, cutting off his air, and that Black man calling him names and slapping his face, abusing him, he knew, deep in his soul he knew that he would never be satisfied with sucking white cock again. Something about sucking off Black men felt natural to him. He never Thought about what it means, he never contemplated the larger implications. He just knew that black cock turned him on something fierce. He was born to bea white cocksucker for big, really big, black cock.
Dave stayed at Rock’s for about an hour but he figured he could get more satisfaction at home on his computer. The amateur stuff was always more hardcore than the commercial stuff and he had his favorite websites bookmarked for easy access. Walking out into the cool night air, Dave felt the sting of reality. Walking to his car he noticed a flyer affixed to all the windshields. Snatching it from under his wiper, safely inside his own car, he examined it more closely. It was an advertisement for The Dark Side, a BDSM dungeon that was home to several female Black Dommes. They had cliché names like Mistress Ebony and Dominatrix Noire and there was even a Goddess Nefertiti; all wearing leather, latex, and mean scowls on their faces. David scoffed at the flyer, offended at the very concept, disgusted by the idea of Black women thinking they were superior to anyone. He tossed the flyer in the seat next to him and put his car in reverseto back out of the parking space.
As he glanced in the rear view mirror, he noticed the reflection of someone walking around behind him. It was the person putting the flyers on the car windshields. As Dave pulled out of the parking lot, his headlights flashed the person, blinding them temporarily and almost making Dave wreck his car. It was Bryan Manetti, a guy he had gone to high school with. Their sons played on the varsity tennis team two years ago and they would see each other and speak at matches. His wife Rebecca volunteered at the homeless shelter on Thanksgivings with Donna. He knew Bryan well enough to know that he had a good job and didn’t need whatever money he was getting paid to distribute flyers, especially for a disgraceful place like that one. So distracted, so afraid that Bryan had seen him, David almost drove out into traffic in the street. Wanting to distance himself as far as he could from that place and from Bryan, he sped away, not stopping at stop signs ordoing anywhere near the speed limit.
By the time he got home, the adrenaline rush of almost being discovered, of almost being caught by someone he knew hit him and he was super horny. He went inside, closed his office door and stripped naked to jerk his cock. It didn’t work, his cock that is. It barely got hard and it would take an act of God for him to cum. But none of that stopped him from pulling it Excessively. To David, anything that made sex bad and dirty and wrong was a turn on for him. And the fantasy of being busted with a big, hard, black cock in his mouth by someone he knew was the ultimate in humiliation. And that turned him on.
He spent the entire next day at work on craigslist and several different websites trying to find a cock to suck after work but he had no luck. The drive home was long. No longer than usual but he kept flashing back to seeing Bryan in the parking lot putting those flyers on cars. Stopped at a light, he fished around the floor on the passEnger side of his car to find the flyer. He examined it again and dropped it in his lap when the horns from the cars behind him started blowing, signaling him that the light had changed. It felt like lead in his lap. He pulled his car over and examined it more closely. The address was on the other side of the city, in the opposite direction of his job. It wasn’t a bad neighborhood at all. In fact, it was in the trendy and upcoming part of the city where all the new condos and bars and even a Whole Foods were located. He expected it to be in “da hood” where the rest of the ghetto trash was because he was convinced that these black bitches were nothing more than welfare queens with free phones from Obama, food stamps, and 14 kids he was paying for with his hard-earned taxes.
Completely forgetting the fact that he was addicted to hardcore Interracial gay action and would suck any Black cock that was put in front of his face, David berated Bryan for his sexual proclivities. “Seriously? Who the hell would let some dumb, fucking Black chick beat on him with a whip or some crazy shit? How fucking lame do you have to be to get off on some fucked up shit like that?” He was alone in his car so no one could hear him but if he was at the bar, with all his friends, and saying the exact same thing there would be a resounding chorus of, “Yeah, that’s totally fucked up,” from everyone there, in stereo. The part of his brain that hated Black people was totally disconnected from the part of his libido that loved Black men. Correction. It would be a stretch to say that he even liked Black men; he really only lusted after what was between their legs, the bigger the better. The human beings attached to them were nothing more than low-life degenerates. It didn’t matter about their income, education, or status, they were all beneath him.
Fridays at work David did even less work than he did during the rest of the week. He probably only really “worked” about 10 hours a week. Therest of the time he surfed the internet looking at porn, took long lunches where he hooked up with guys to suck off in their cars or in the bathroom of gay bars, he flirted with any woman who was in a subordinate position to him, and complained about how hard he had to work. Just for shits and giggles, to break up the monotony of looking for a cock to suck, he would troll Black websites and social media, calling Black people racists, and telling them that they didn’t know anything about the real history of slavery and repeating things he heard on conservative radio as if they were facts. He felt obligated to put Black people in their place. He felt like it was his responsibility, even if he had to make up fake profiles and pretend to be a Black person to do it. That was really iningenious in his mind.
With his office door closed and his cock out, and as that 5:00 hour drew closer, Dave was on the hunt for some hardcore action. Stroking and surfing, Dave clicked on a fetish socialwebsite that he hadn’t been on for a while. Logging on, he saw that he had 12 messages waiting for him in his inbox. It was like taking candy from a baby, all he had to so now was sort through them and find someone who wanted to be served before he made his commute back to Boringville. The first message he opened was from a guy he had sucked off before and who had two . . . Dave frozen. An adertisement for The Dark Side flashed in the margins. The “white” part of his brain cursed, “What the fuck is this bullshit? Who the fuck wants to see this crap?” The part of his brain that had him jerking off at his job where anyone could walk in was . . . curious to say the least.
Black women were non-existent to David. The few who worked for his company were not anyone he would even have a conversation with let alone Willingly interact with. He didn’t have any Black friends so he didn’t know any Black wives victimly. He didn’t look at porn with Black women because . . . DUH, why would he? He didn’t want to see their big butts and big lips and ugly faces. Even the ugliest white woman was pretty than a Black woman Dave thought.
Nonetheless, he clicked on the website. He was just doing it to find out why Bryan would be passing out flyers for them, not because he was interested or anything. He just knew there would be some sort of explanation, like maybe he was an investor and he was taking a 70/30 cut of the profits from those dumb bitches.
“Yeah, yeah, yeah. I’m over 18. Let me in already. Jeez,” he mumbled, frustrated as if he didn’t have to go through the same thing on every adult website. The first thing he did was click on the sample videos. “I’ll be god damned! Son of a bitch.” There, for all the horny, perverted world to see, was his friend Bryan being flogged and beaten and sucking a big, black strapon cock. Well, he had his face covered by a mask but he remembered very clearly that Bryan had a port wine stain birthday that was shaped like the state of Idaho on his left shoulder. It was so odd and so pronounced that he had taken a lot of teasing in the gym locker room in high school because of it. It was Bryan; Dave was sure of it. He watched intently. He clicked on all the sample videos and there were only white men being abused. There was nothing mentioning the clients exclusively being white men on the website. All the women, six in all, merely talked about how they were powerful Black bitches who could break any man, leave him crying in the corner and then begging for more. Maybe, he thought, it was a coincidence that there were only white men pictured.
Indeed, there were pictures, stories, and even a message board on the website but everything directed you to the menu to set up an appointment with the Mistresses of the House. Dave created a profile with no picture of course, and Proceeded to ridicule every white man on the website who had the audacity to sing the praises of the Black women. He was more abrasive and offensive to the Black women on the message board, most of whom weren’t professionals Dommes at the club but who identified themselves as lifestyle Dommes. Over the next week, he posted on almost every topic: movies, music, politics, especially politics, even art, he insisted that he knew more than everyone. Trolling the website became his addition. He couldn’t wait to get to work or get home to log on to the site and degrade the People who had grown frustrated with him. His profile was blocked in less than a week’s time but he had multiple email addresses set up already just for the purpose of creating fake profiles. This wasn’t his first rodeo. Pissing people off on the internet was like a hobby to Dave.
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