The Dark Man Pt. 01

Glancing up from her book, her eyes scanned the room before she lazily reached for her coffee. Lifting it to her lightly shimmering lips and taking a long sip, she sat up straight before setting her coffee back down. Her back, as usual, was killing her. The fact that she was hunted over, completely engrossed in her book didn’t help, she was certain. Crossing her legs under the small round table and resting her hands in her lap she people watched for a moment.

She smiled when she saw the little girl with her mom, talking a mile a minute while the mom tugged her along to get in line. The old man sitting alone by himself at the table by the door, half sleep with a newspaper spread out over a table that was too big for him and him alone. The barista rushing to get drinks done and out to consumers, obvious it was her first day. Smiling to herself her eyes flicker to the man sitting in one of the plus chairs towards the back. She sits up a little straighter, her eyes lingering.

He’s a bit older, clean sanden and handsome. But dark. Very dark. Frowning slightly she continues to asses him. His legs are halfway crossed, his ankle resting comfortable on his knee. He wore a tan long sleeve shirt rolled up to just below his elbows and jeans, with brown shoes. He was very handsome.

“Hmm…” she muttered and looked back down at her book, her finger tracing the spine of it as she got sucked in again, her blue eyes dancing from word to word.

The next moment she reached for her coffee she allowed her eyes to tear away from the words and found them going directly to the dark man towards the back. The only thing that was different about him was that his book was set aside and his eyes were on her.

Instantly flushing she looked away and stared straight ahead, taking a long sip of her nearly cold coffee. Searching desperately for another person to watch or something else to stare at while taking a break from her book. Failing she glanced back at the man who was, shamelessly, still staring at her.

The blood rushed to her cheeks and she smiled at him, giving him a polite nod. He nodded back but his lips didn’t move to a smile like she imagined they would. Suddenly she was determined to make him smile. She made it her mission.

She smiled at him and raised a dainty, perfectly shaped eyebrow this time, allowing that little simple on her left Cheek to make a small appearance. His eyes softened and he glanced back down to his book. Frustrated she witnessed and closed her book, her fingers lingering on the page she last read before letting it shut completely. Standing she smoothed her blue and black maxi strapless maxi dress down in the back and shrugged off her denim jacket so her tan, slim bare shoulders were exposed.

Taking her empty coffee cup up to the line she glanced at him again. His eyes had followed her and he had softened his face a bit. Success! She was getting somewhere! She smiled at the barista and told him her ridiculously long coffee order and laughed at his “diva” comment, reaching up to tuck a loose curl behind her ear. Paying and turning to glance at the dark man she was satisfied that he was staring again. Wandering towards him to pretend to stare at the assorted coffee mugs that were on clearance was a silent excuse to get closer to him. Her heart beat faster as she did, suddenly very attracted to him.

Looking towards him and flashing her most brilliant smile at him she tapped his book, “What are you reading?”

He seemed started that she was actually talking to her and for the first time she saw a small, playful grin break out on his hard, handsome face. He cleared his voice as he responded, “A book about philosophy. What are you reading?”

Inwardly shuddering at his smooth, deep voice she smiled again and glanced at the book on her table that she had all but forgetten about before looking back at him, “Redeeming Love. It’s a Christian novel.”

He nodded and stood up, taking a hold of his book and his coffee mug, his grin still apparent as he brushed past her, walking towards the exit. Sighing she quickly grabbed her book and pursuit and walked after him, her hand landing on his shoulder as she caught up, “Wait! Walk me home?” She asked softly, absolutely shocked at how brazen she was being.

Equally as shocked he simply nodded and stuffed his book in his back pocket, his two hands moving to push into his two front pockets as they began to walk. They talked about little things such as the weather, work, religion, they exchanged names and as they walked she began to get a more clear picture of Tanner. Dark, quiet, hard worker and password about life. She was let down when she saw the front door to her flat on main street.

Pointing at her house she attempts one More bold move, unsure where her courage was coming from as she asked, “Would you like to come inside?”

Suddenly a smile broke out across his face and he nodded, took ahold of her hand and lead her to her front door. Her breath quickly as he gripped her hand and she quickly fumbled for the keys. Once inside he took a hold of her shoulders and pushed her against the wall and they kissed, a kiss that was clearly very eagerly anticipated on both sides.

Letting out a moan she wrapped her arms around his neck and felt a sudden swat on her hip and his deep, dark voice muttered, “No. Lower your arms. Now.”

Following his orders and looking up at him she slowly lowered her arms. Her heart racing. Her hands pressed flat against the wall as she silently begged them to stay still. His lips moved from hers to her chin, her neck, her shoulder, his urgency apparent.

Suddenly he pulled back, both of them gasping for breath. His eyes studying her as he glanced down the hall towardss where he assumed her bedroom was. Looking back at her he said softly, “I want you. I know you want me. You can ask me to leave now or you can beg me to stay. But choosewisely. I will go if you wish, but if you want me to stay…I will show you what you’ve done to me. I will let you see the effect you had on my body and I will not be gentle. So what is it, doll? Should I stay or should I go?”


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