The Dark Alley

This story depicts bondage and glimpses of a dom/sub relationship. Reader discretion is advised.

They stepped out of the pub and into the chilly London night. S shivered and pressed herself into Alex’s side.

“You’re going to be late,” he said, stroking her hair. “This was supposed to be a quick drink.”

“I know,” she replied. “I’d better worry.”

“Take a shortcut down this alley.”

The alley was dark and deserted… and wasn’t much of a shortcut to the station. S looked unconvinced.

“I’m not-“

“Do what you’re told.”

“Yes, sir.”

“Don’t look back,” he added. “Just keep walking. And I’m going the other way, so I will say goodnight.”

“Goodnight, Alex.” They shared a lingering kiss, then Alex walked away in the opposite direction. S gulped, and gathered her courage.

The alley was quiet, and as she walked along – slowly, nervously, listening to the click of her boots on the wet pavement – the working streetlights became rarer. She found herself having to cross longer and longer gulfs of darkness between patches of light. There were no signs of life in the houses, and the main road was becoming too distant for her to hear the sounds of traffic. From time to time she thought she could hear someone behind her, but Alex had been very clear that she was not allowed to look back. It was almost certainly her imagination.

There was a movement in the periphery of her vision, and a fox ran out in front of her. She cried out, heart hammering in her chest, and paused for a moment, trying to regain her composition. It was embarrassing how frightening she was finding this, but she was determined to fulfill her task. Okay. Ready to go on-

And she was grabbed. A hand, large and strong, clamped firmly over her mouth, while another took control of her arms and pulled Her back into her attacker’s chest. She understood and thrashed, but found she was completely overmatched: the stranger was so much more powerful that she must be no challenge at all. Not enough gym sessions, she cursed inwardly. Or more accurately, too much time sending Alex lewd sports-bra selfies and not enough time actually exercising.

S felt a kick in the back of her legs and she yelped usefully into the silencing hand as she was forced painfully down on to her knees. It was impossible. She couldn’t get anything coherent past her captor’s hand, and there was no one awake to hear her anyway. No one was coming to her rescue. She strained her neck, but couldn’t turn her head enough to see her captor’s face, or indeed any part of them.

But suddenly there was hope. The hand moved, and S took a deep breath to scream… and then groaned as a thick strip of clothes was forced into her mouth, between her teeth. She could feel it being knotted tightly at the nape of her neck. She was being gagged! Why would a mugger both to gag her? Unless it was not a mugging… but a kidnapping?

“Hmmp mm!” she mewled softly into the muffling clothes. “N’m hmnng knndnnppmn!”

The mugger/kidnapper no longer needed to waste a hand keeping S quiet, and she could now feel her wrists being grappled firmly and yanked behind her back. They were forced up between her shoulder blades, and she squeaked into her gag – it was an agonising position. Her back arched and her breasts were thrust outwards. Soft but very strong cord was tied quickly and tightly around her wrists, and she was stuck in that position, totally helpless and unable to escape. Now effectively bound and gagged, she felt incredibly vulnerable.

“Pmmnphm! Lmph mm gn!”

The strange obviously didn’t think S was helpless enough, because he or she now set about wrapping her in yards and yards of tight restrictive rope. Her ankles and knees were bound, a harness of rope caged her arms and shoulders, and a short but alarming length was looped and tied around her throat, forming a handy leash. Finally a black cloth blindfold covered her eyes andwas tied behind her head.

At last, S was allowed to stand, but there was little chance of escape. Bound tightly hand and foot, firmly gagged, leashed and blindfolded, she was completely at her attacker’s mercy. She could barely even keep her balance, wobbling on her bound feet.

“Dnn’ph hnrph mm!” she squealed pathetically into her gag.

“Okay, baby,” said a familiar voice. “If you insist.”

The blindfold was lifted from her face, and Alex smiled down at her.

“Nlmmgh! Nph’ph ymnn!”

“Of course it’s me. I’m the only one allowed to kidnap you, sweet tits.”

S buried her face in his chest, almost crying with relief.

“Nm wmnph phn phcnrmn!”

“I know.” He stroked her hair again, then tugged softly on the leash until she raised her face obediently. Alex extricated the damp gag from between her teeth, then kissed her.

“I hope you have learned your lesson,” he said, smiling to lessen the sting of the scolding words.

She lowered her eyes in docile submission.

“Yes sir. Next time, I will wear the correct outfit.”



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