The D/S Experience Ch. 05

Chapter Five: The Good, the Bad & Dirty

Authors Note: This chapter contains some subject matter that some people may find distasteful in the last scene. Read at your own discretion. The rest of the story can still be enjoyed without reading the final scene.

“Wow, what a great day!” Britany said. She was evinedly excited to be at Lori and Eric’s condo. The sun was shining and she wore a vintage dress from the 50’s. “I couldn’t never afford a place this close to the lake! This is awesome! Thanks so much for inviting me.”

Britany, Lori and Catrina had gotten together to hang out at Lori’s condominium. They were spending the afternoon drinking beer and having some girl talk about D/S stuff like relationships and contracts. It was one of those rare warm spring days. The three of them stood out on the balcony admiring the view of the lake and Toronto Island.

Catrina did not understand why Britany had to be there. Talk about a third wheel! She thought.Well okay, it was clear to her that Britany was one of Lori’s new friends. In addition, it was obvious that Lori wanted to include her as one of the girls. However, in Catrina’s mind, Britany was not very interesting. It was nothing against Britany personally. Catrina found her friendly enough and although she was on the larger side, she still thought Britany had a pretty face and was attractive in her own way. She could even be funny at times! Nevertheless, she just was not the kind of person Catrina would be friends with normally. The problem was Britany was a little. That means she liked to act like a little girl sometimes. Catrina found littles to be annoying. Well, at least she did not talk to everyone in a little girl voice, but the whole My Little Pony thing was just too much for Catrina. She could not sit watching a children’s cartoon all day and find that enjoyable. Catrina was a grown woman. She was not a little, babygirl or a princess. She thought of herself as a submissive and slave with no special twist on it. On Fetlife, she listed herself as a brat. That was also true.

Catrina liked what she had going with Lori these last few months. She was the first person in the lifestyle to meet Lori in person. She was concerned that Britany was going to get in the way of that friend. Catrina was not jealous. Well, she didn’t think she was. She was just protective of her new friend. Lori was fresh to the whole BDSM scene. Catrina felt like her guide. Unofficially, of course, but still she felt kind of like a teacher to her. There was so much that Lori could learn that Catrina wanted to show her. It was a weird sort of relationship because Lori at 35, was actually older then Catrina who was only 32. Yet their dominants, Eric and Sven, were both 40. Catrina always found it interesting how younger women always seemed to be attracted to older men, including herself. Why did it always happen that way? She pondered.

“So much better then spring time back home,” Catrina commented. She dangled the beer bottle casually over the edge. It swung as if it could drop at any moment and yet Catrina never let go of it. “Sometimes I miss it, but this time of year it will be raining a lot. The weather is sometimes better here.”

“Why did you leave Belgium to come here?” Lori enhanced her.

Lori had never asked her that before. Catrina was touched that Lori was interested. She replied. “It’s a long story. I don’t know if you want to hear it all.”

“I think it is really cool that you’re from Europe,” Britany added. “I would love to hear about it.”

Lori nodded in agreement.

Catrina surprised. She would tell some of it at least. Where Should she start though? She looked at the beer bottle in her hand and began. “I love all this craft beer you have here now,” she commented. She looked at the label on the bottle. It was a from a small batch brewery downtown. “It’s things like this thatremind me of home the most. When I first came here, they didn’t have all these craft places. I hated the watered down generic beer that everybody drank. It was all the same. But I love all these little craft places. Back home almost every town had its own brewery. Every place is unique. Now that’s starting to happen here.”

“That sounds awesome! What’s Belgium like?” Britany asked. She took a sip from her own bottle and leaned against the railing a few feet away from Catrina.

“Belgium isn’t very big. Well at least not when compared to Canada. You have so much space here. Where I grow up, it was mostly rural. It is a lot like northern France. I grow up in a small farming community in west side of Flanders, near the French border. Everyone speaks either Dutch, Flemish or even French. In my house, we spoke Dutch and Flemish. I took English and French in school and I had friends who spoke those languages, so I’m pretty good in both. You know this city scared me when I first sawit. I never been to a big city before. I always live out in the country. I had never seen a city so big or so diverse before.” Catrina took a sip of her beer before continuing. “Where I come from there wasn’t much. Farm fields and livestock. I didn’t want to marry a farmer and raise a bunch of children. That’s not me. So, in the nearest town I got a job working tables at a local pub. Not a bad job, I got a real taste for beer, wine and other spirits there!” She raised her bottle in a silent cheer and took a big swig. The other girls laughed.

“How old were you when you left home?” Lori asked.

“Oh, barely out of my teens,” Catrina commented. “I had just finished school. I didn’t know anything back then. I dated a few local boys, but none of them impressed me. Then I met This man, much older than me. We had a lot of fun together. He showed me things…”

Catrina had trailed off lost in those moments. Britany wanted to hear more. “Sounds interesting, what kind of things?”

Catrina had to think for a moment about how to respond. She took another sip from her beer. She had been in this lifestyle almost her entire adult life. She replied. “I’ve always been a bit of brat. But one day he paid me for my sass. That first time… A grown woman grabbed by the hair, taken across the knee of an older man and spanked on the bare bottom… It awoke something in me. Something that had always been there, I just didn’t know it until that moment. I cried, out of joy! Can you believe that? After that… I knew I was born to be a submissive. That was how I was introduced to the lifestyle. That was how I found out who I was.”

There was much more, but that was all she was willing to say about it right now. Catrina was suddenly lost in her Thoughts. She thought about that time over ten years ago when she was in her early twentyties. That relationship with the older man did not last long. He turned out to be too abusive, too harsh and took advantage of her naivety. Eventually she got enough nervous to leave him. After that, she had been living in a two-bedroom apartment with another friend. An attractive young girl a couple of years younger than her. Someone she knew from her village. They both worked as servers in different pubs. Sometimes they would be home together, hang out, watch TV, and make meals. It was around this time that Catrina seized Her friend. Catrina had known from early on that she like both men and women. She was bisexual. She found both equally attractive. It was the first time she had engaged in a liaison with a woman. Although Catrina enjoyed that relationship very much, there was just one problem with it. Her friend was clearly submissive and very introverted. Catrina always ended up initiative encounters with her. The girl was pretty, soft and more than willing, but Catrina had to lead everything they did, especially in the bedroom. This just didn’t work for her. Catrina was a submissive at heart. In the end, she need someone to take a firm hand with her. To lead her. Her girlfriend just could not do it. Still, she loved that connection they had, even thought it could never last or amount to anything. It gave her butterflies to think of it even now. She didn’t really love her, but she loved touching her, tasting her and drinking in her affection and just spending time with her. Even now, that time and those memories were very special to her.

“Catrina? Catrina?” Lori was saying to her.

Catrina woke up as if from a dream. She quickly replied. “Sorry!”

“Whe did you go?” Lori enquired. “You completely left us.”

“Just thinking about home,” Catrina responded.

“I’m still waiting to hear what brought you to Canada?” Britany inquired.

“Sven,” she answered. In her mind, if she was going to be a submissive, it had to be for the right person. For her that person was Sven.

“Oh really? How did you meet him?” Lori asked.

“This is going to sound crazy, but Imet him on an international dating site for people into alternative lifestyles,” Catrina replied. “He was living here in Canada and I was still back in Belgium. It turned out we both spoke English well enough to talk to each other.”

“Oh wow! I met Eric on a dating site!” Lori related.

Catrina nodded. “Yes, but you lived close by each other. It was easy to see each other. Sven and I were on different continents! We talked online for over a year, before Sven finally invited me to come over and meet him. Video chat was very important back then! I saved up all my money and hoped a plane to Toronto. That was almost ten years ago now. I met and fell in love with Sven. He is my rock, my everything. We will be married seven years this summer.”

Catrina had been Sven’s submissive right from the beginning. In many ways, it seemed like a mismatch. They were opposites, but that was how Catrina liked it. She was an extrovert. Sven was introduced. He was sober and serious. She wasfun and lighthearted. Sven was her anchor. He let her personality be free, putting few constraints on how she could act around others. There were some strict protocols in their relationship, but they were not things that constricted her personality. To Catrina that was why they worked so well together. She needed someone to be her master, yet willing to nurse whom she was on the inside.

“So what do you do for a living?” Britany asked after the girls had been chatting for a little while. The beer bottles were getting rather empty.

“Oh, I don’t really work,” she answered. “I’m kind of like a housewife.” It was not a homemaker in the traditional sense. True, Catrina did not have a job. Moreover, Yes, she did take care of the household and Sven. However, Sven made enough money that she did not have to work. He was not as rich as Eric was, but they did not want for anything. Sven was involved in a couple of Eric’s businesses. The fast food restaurant and the nightclub. Both were making good money and Sven invested it well. Now he was starting a European style pub that Eric was helping to bankroll. There was another project preoccupying the guys, but Catrina didn’t know what that was and quite frankly she didn’t care. Like Eric, Sven was more of a money manager now, managing his own investment so that they grew and they always had some money to spend. Catrina and Sven had a house over in the beaches. It was originally Sven’s house and he owned it for a few years before he met Catrina. He had bought it many years ago when it was still cheap to do so. Now the house was worth a small fortune, which was leveraged into more investments. Catrina didn’t understand all the financials. She only knew that they were doing better than most people were. She was happy enough with that.

“How about you Britany?” Catrina questioned her. “What do you do for a living?”

“Oh I’m a clothing store manager at a shop over on Queen Street. Mostly classic and vintag styles,” Britany replied. “I know it’s not very glamorous, but I get by. I live with a cousin. She helps pay the bills on our crummy little apartment!”

“So what do you do with all you free time during the day?” Lori questioned Catrina.

Lori seemed very interested in knowing more about her. It was a legitimate question since Catrina had never really told her what she did. Nevertheless, Catrina was feeling a little uneasy with the conversation. These were awkward questions for her to answer. She kept her life very private. However, if Lori was a true friend it was only a matter of time before she started making these enquiries. When they first met, Catrina told her that she was an ornament. That was a bit of a joke, but it was also somewhat true. She did hang around a lot looking good.

So what did Catrina do with her time? Well for starters, she was a close gamer. She loved video games. Sven and she both had high-end computers and they would often play World of Warcraft together. Catrina also spent a lot of time by herself playing that game. Sven had a dedicated home theater room in the house and Catrina had several other consoles in there that she also liked to play. This was a secret. On the outside, she portrayed herself as an upscale sophisticated person. That is how she liked to think of herself, so the gamer geek side of her remained hidden from everyone except Sven. Even her closest friends had no idea that she played WOW. She was also impressed with the internet. She hadn’t used it much back home, but once she got to Canada and Sven gave her a good computer with a high speed connection, it was so fast and convenient that she would often get sucked into it for hours at a time.

Catrina was also an avid reader, but she liked to read novels from Europe. Mostly original French or some Dutch literature. She didn’t read much in the way of English novels, unless it was erotica. Catrina’s sexuality was the core of her being. It defined her in so many ways. She loved erotic literature. She had a copy of The Story of O in the original French as well as many of the works of the Marquis De Sade.

Catrina also loved pornography. She could sometimes spend entire afternoons watching videos, one after another. Of course, masturbation was strictly forbidden without permission. Often that was a source of endless frustration for her. Would Sven even find out if she did? Probably not, but guilt would eat her alive until she was forced to confess it to him. She didn’t care about any punishment that would be enter for her. However, his disappointment could bring her to tears. She never broke that rule, no matter how much she wanted to. Sometimes, Sven did grant her permission, about once a week and usually completely at random. Those were incredible days where she would play with all her favorite toys and watch her favorite porn movies. Mostly she liked to watch lesbian and bondage porn or anything that caughtt her eye on Fetlife. Regular people could be very creative.

Finally, after all this flashed through her mind Catrina responded. “Oh, the usual stuff. I like to go around and visit friends, eat out, drink and shop. I love spending Sven’s money!” She laughed. All of which was true, but in her mind she added, and play WOW, video games, surf the net, read, watch porn and masturbate!

“It’s time for a refill!” Britany sang as she Shook her empty bottle. The three women all went inside to get another drink.

Catrina was not usually one to think too deeply about herself most of the time, but today was an exception. Today she watched Lori walk in front of her to the kitchen and thought a bit more deeply about her friend. Catrina had the advantage of being someone who was very confident in who she was as a person and what she wanted from life. Lori in contrast seemed to still be discovering who she was, learning and exploring what she liked. From moment to moment, sheseems very unsure of herself and her place in the world. Catrina found this hesitancy to be both funny and attractive. Catrina was not indeed. She made her choices and lived with the consequences.

So, here was the important question; did Catrina love Lori? Well, that was a loaded question. Of course she did! As a friend certainly. Even that was not an easy thing for Catrina to admit to herself. She was not normally this free with her love, but Lori was different. She belonged to Eric. He was Sven’s best friend so that means that she would be seeing a lot of Lori whether she liked it or not so it was a good thing that Lori was great company. Lori was easy going, easy to like, willing to learn and fun to tease. What more could Catrina ask for in a friend? She thought to herself.

Was Lori sexy to her? A completely different question, but with the same answer. Yes, absolutely! Catrina had to admit that she was attracted to Lori. When she kissed her that onetime, she was being more than just a little bratty. It was something she really wanted to do. Something that she savored for quite a while afterwards.

Catrina watched Lori as she talked to Britany and opened the new beers. What was it about her that Catrina found so attractive? Lori had that round sort of pale face that seems common among eastern Europeans. Was Lori background possiblePolish or Russian? Catrina didn’t know, but she had straight blonde hair which seemed more like a northern European trait. Sven was Danish, but Catrina didn’t think Lori was of Scandinavian blood like him. What Lori did have was that cute little smile and rosy chefs that could get very red when she was embarrassed. Catrina found that to be a big turn on for her. She loved to make those chefs blush! In contrast, Catrina was tall and thin like a model. Lori was shorter and more voluptuous. She had big round breasts that Catrina envied.

Of course, Sven knew about her kiss with Lori. Catrina told Sven everything. They had no secrets, as it should be in any proper D/S relationship. Sven wasn’t surprised, in fact, he was amused by it. He also knew that Catrina was bisexual. These days she identified as heterosexual and enjoyed a normal relationship with Sven, but she often had these fansies and urges. Sven was good about letting her indulge in them from time to time. How could she not love a husband like that? He understand her and let her flourish where others may have stifled her. Catrina could not be happy locked way somewhere. She was too social for that kind of relationship.

On the other hand, did Eric know about the kiss and Catrina’s advances? Catrina guessed probably not. Lori was still finding herself. She was still a bit timing and probably afraid to say anything to him. She would get over that in time. She would have to if her D/S relationship was ever going to last. You cannot have secrets. You have to trust each other fully. There was no other way it couldwork.

They all sat down at the dining room table to look over Catrina’s contract and a few sample ones they had found on the internet.

“The most important thing is openness and trust in each other,” Catrina stated to Lori. “Don’t focus on the details in my contract. They could be anything you like.”

“Okay,” Lori replied. She studied Catrina’s copy of the contract.

“You have to have open communication between you,” Britany confirmed. “That’s the most important thing. Secrets kill a D/S relationship.”

Catrina hoped that Lori wasn’t being overwhelmed right now. She was worried that she was looking so seriously at the document. “Don’t worry about the details of my chatity belt or other things like that. You will make your own specific rules with Eric. It’s all very personal. You are lucky I’m letting you see this at all. My contract with Sven is a very personal thing to me. I don’t just show that to anyone.”

“Yeah, I get that,” Lori responded. “It’s just weird. I’ve never seen a real contract like this before. It’s not as long or as detailed as I expected.”


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