Chapter Three: Dinner with Friends
“The thing about new relationships in this day and age, is that they usually start with a lot of sex,” Catrina commented to Lori.
It was true, Lori agreed. There was a novelty effect. Something that made everything more exciting and fresh when first embarking on a new relationship.
The two women had poured themselves a glass of wine. They were out on the balcony of Eric’s condominium, where Lori was now living. Lori though about it a bit more. Her new relationship with her dominant Eric still had a novelty about it. Being in a D/S relationship was a huge change from the norm, but the amount of sex they were having every time they met was typical for a budding relationship. Living in the city had a faster pace to it. Everything felt accelerated. She hadn’t sensed it when she was only working here, but now that she was living downtown she could feel the rush. As a side effect of this rush, she had dove into this relateral with both feet and never looked back. This was not part of her normal personality, but the Lori she once was went out the window the day she met Eric.
Of course, she told Catrina how Eric came by the apartment every evening that first week. He could not get enough of her. She would get home from her job as an insurance adjust just after 5 pm and shower off. Eric would come in about an hour Later. They would usually order dinner and then talk for a few hours before going to the bedroom for that nights sex session.
It didn’t sound that exciting when Lori explained it to Catrina, but the relationship was really intense and the sex was incredible. It made her toes curl and the hairs on her arms stand on end. She begged for her orgasms, which came in powerful waves almost without end. Eric fucked hard, like an animal, often growing in her ear. It those intense moments she would feel the butterflies in her stomach. She only sensed her body float, like in an ocean. He throw her around the bed like a doll and she loved it. She had never been with anyone this aggressive, ever. It was reaching the point where she would get wet when he walked through the door. With a single look, she would instantly remove her panties from under her dress and hand them over to him. He didn’t need to say a word, half their relationship had become this unspoken bond where she already knew what he was thinking.
For her part, Catrina was a good friend and loved hearing all the details that Lori could give her. Catrina texted her often when they weren’t hanging out together. During the second week, if Eric was working late or was unable to come over, Catrina came over. She would keep Lori company and help her search for furnitures for the apartment. All of it found in posh high-end stores where Eric had an account that they could charge. Soon the apartment was looking live in. The view it had of the lake was amazing. Catrina marveled at it every time she was there.
“I do not want to know what he paid for this place,” Catrina remarked. It was warm and sunny out and the two of them stood out on the balcony looking out over the waterfront. Catrina leaned over the edge looking 20 stories down, wine glass dangling from one hand. “Do you have any idea what a lake view condo is worth!? This is Toronto! Hell, do you know what property values are like around Here for a complete shithole?”
“I’m afraid to know,” Lori said ploping down in a blind chair. The balcony was large enough for two of them and the ones that Catrina had picked out were so comfortable.
“I don’t even care and I know!” Catrina laughed. She wore a billion blue dress that caught the breeze and swirled around her carefully. “Sven and Eric are always going on about property in this city. Anyways, Eric is invested in a couple of different places you know.”
“I feel like a kept woman,” Lori complained. It was true, even though she still kept her job. She wasn’t paying any of the bills. Eric insisted on handling all of the financials. Her money was just up keeping her old place until the lease was up. As far as she was concerned, she was living here now.
“Hello!” Catrina exclaimed. She sat down in the other chair and looked at her throw her heart shaped sunglasses. “You’re a submissive! It’s your nature to be kept. It’s how dominants are with us. They keep us like pets or charms. I say embrace it, honey. I know I did and look at me now!”
“Shhh! Cat!?” Lori was alarmed at Catrina’s boisterous voice. “What if my neighbors hear you!?”
“I say fuck them! We are not for sale! They can get their own submissives!” Catrina laughed and finished her glass in a single gulp. She raised her glass. “We need a slave boy to bring us more wine. Slave boy! Top me off!“
“Oh my God! Cat are you drunk already!?” Lori laughed.
“Who knows?” She shrugged. “Probably. I may have had a glass or two before I got here.”
“What about Sven?”
“What about him? I’m allowed to have wine now and again,” Catrina replied. She gave Lori and knowing, sly look. “Sven knows I like to drink! Besides, I’m a fun drink!”
“Is having a slave boy a real thing?” Lori questioned after a short silence. The idea had a certain appeal to it. She thought it was cool idea to have someone in a maid uniform cleaning up the place.
“Sure. I don’t see why not,” Catrina said with a shrug. “There are lots of people out there with lots of different fetishes. You are just starting to learn about these things. There are just as many submissive men out there as there are women. Hey, maybe even more! I bet Eric could find someone who would be willing to service us. I mean, just someone to cook and clean and bring us wine and chocolates!”
“There is still so much I don’t know. Aside from Eric, I only know you and Sven. I don’t really know anyone else in the lifestyle.”
“Sure you do. You just don’tKnow it yet.”
“You probably have co-workers or friends who are into this and you don’t even know it.”
Lori Shook her head. “Not the people I work with. They are as vanilla as they come. Certainly not my friends. I can’t even tell any of them what I’m into! They wouldn’t understand.”
“Don’t be so sure of that,” Catrina said. “Believe it or not, even some of them might be involved in the fetish community. You don’t know what people do when they get home and lock the door. Maybe the take all their clothes off and run around naked. Maybe they like to fuck on the dining room table!”
Catrina had a good laugh at that. However, Lori seriously considered this for a while. She had a small number of friends that she usually hung out with, but she hadn’t talked to any of them since she moved into Eric’s place. She didn’t know how to explain what was happening to her. She was becoming someone else. Someone they might not recognize. She didn’t think theywould understand. Regardless of what Catrina said, she was sure none of her friends would be involved in this fetish lifestyle. She felt bad about not taking an interest in her old friends any more. This new life was just so intense and everything, even her quick friend with Catrina, seemed like an amp playing at maximum volume.
“Anyways, your world is about to expand,” Catrina finally said tired of the silence. “Next weekend is a party involving a lot of Eric and Sven’s friends… in the lifestyle.”
“What!?” It was the first Lori had heard of it. Only a week away too. It surprised her that Eric had not told her about it yet. Was he keeping it a secret from her? That didn’t make any sense, but then again they were only just starting to get to know each other.
“Oh, don’t worry about it,” Catrina assured her with a flip of her hand. “They aren’t swingers. It won’t be an orgy. Just a party like any other you might have been to. Now keep in mind you might see some fetishes on display. There will be lots of submissives and dominants as well, but it is still just a party.”
“Oh, okay,” Lori said. She finished her glass of wine and felt like she was going to need another one. Inside she was feeling a little nervous about meeting a bunch of people she didn’t really know. Normally she was more outgoing than this, but since embracing her submissive nature, she had felt herself becoming more passive.
“Of course, Sven and I will be there. We are Eric’s closest friends after all. Just stay close to me and I will introduce you to the important people,” Catrina reassure her. She stood up and pointed at Lori’s empty glass. “You want to finish that bottle?”
“May as well.”
“Alright, let’s go inside then,” Catrina said, then sly she added. “Where we can talk without you being so uptight about the neighbors!”
“Hey!” Lori said following her into the kitchen. Catrina’s dress flowed in her wake. Lori broke behind her like a spoiled child. “I’m not… That uptight, you know.”
“I hope not. Eric doesn’t like uptight women,” Catrina teased. She put her glass down on the counter and filled it, doing the same with Lori’s glass. She made a sad face. “Oh look! The bottle is empty.”
“Seriously Catrina, I’m a very open person,” Lori pouted. “I’m not uptight. I was willing to get into this lifestyle wasn’t I?”
“Being in the lifestyle and not being uptight are two different things. Prove you’re not an uptight little princess,” Catrina said dangling the glass of wine between her fingers.
“What do you mean?” Lori questioned. She told and reached out for the glass. Just as she was about to grab it, Catrina pulled it back and held it up next to her. A big grin spread across her face.
“Well?” Catrina mocked. “Come get your glass.”
Lori fold her arms for a moment, pouting. Catrina stood still and continued her broad grin. What was Catrina playing at? Finally, Lori stepped forward and reached out for the glass. This time Catrina let her reach it, but as Lori touched it, Catrina stepped closer to her. So close that Lori could smell the wine on her breath, mixed with her sweet perfume on her breast.
“Do you think I’m beautiful?” Catrina whispered to her. Her breath, hot on Lori’s neck. Catrina’s eyes were wild. They sparkling with danger and Mysterious doors that shouldn’t be opened. They burned two holes throw Lori soul. She had big pouty lips hidden beneath a layer of a dark red lipstick.
Lori could feel something between them. It had always been there. Her heart was suddenly racing. She couldn’t understand why she was suddenly sweating. “Now Catrina… Come on… You’re like, my friend… You know… I mean…”
Lori was unable to finish her stammering. Catrina suddenly kissed her. It wasn’t the first time that Lori had been kissed by another woman, but it was by far the best and most password. Lori’s mind was spinning crazy. She could feel Catrina’s arm snake around her back. When Catrina finally pulled back from the kiss, all Lori could say was “Wow!”
“Sorry,” Catrina said gently in her ear. “Sometimes I can be a bit… impulsive.”
“I… Don’t really get you,” Lori replied. Her emotions and thoughts were all mixed up and confusion. “You seem aggressive. I thought you were… submissive.”
“Oh I am,” she replied. Her voice was sweet and so seductive. “For Sven, I am only submissive and nothing else. However, I am a brat too! Some might call me a switch, but I don’t feel like I am. I do adore being provocative though. I wanted to kiss you right from the first time we meet. You looked so cute and innocent standing there by the dancefloor waiting for your dominant to summon you. I just want to eat you up right there, but I have to do as my master tells me. Therefore, I brought you up to Eric like a good little girl. I gave you a hint in the bathroom that night, do you remember?”
Lori nodded unable to do anything else in reply. It was as if she had been feeling the same thing and didn’t know it until this very moment. Catrina pushed her body into Lori’s and forced her back against the counter. They set their glasses down. Catrina kissed her again, but this time Lori was ready and kissed her back. She was getting butterflies. Why was she getting butterflies? She wondered. She loved Eric. Why was Catrina making her feel this way? Catrina was indeed beautiful, but Lori had never been that attracted to a woman before, yet there was this tension between them right from the beginning. That was what Lori had felt anyway. The wine had loosened her up. Catrina had teased her about being uptight and now this. Catrina really was a brat! Was she just playing with her feelings now? In her head, she was probably Laughing at her. Lori was blushing badly she could feel the heat on her face. It was so embarrassing to be someone else’s toy!
Moreover, what about Eric? What was going on here? Was she being unfaithful? It was just a kiss… right? Why was she having all these conflicting thoughts when she should be focusing on the kiss itself? She had her arms around Catrina’s back without even realizing she had done so. Her hands slid down a bit and touch on something. It was weird, like a belt made from metal that that went around just above the hips. Whatever it was her dress hidden it well. Lori had no idea she was wearing something beneath it.
Lori pulled back from the kiss and looked into Catrina’s eyes. They betrayed nothing. She had the biggest smile on her ruby lips that curled up at the ends. Lori had a perplexed look on her face.
Finally, Catrina said. “You’re safe with me Lori, it’s just a kiss!”
“What are you wearing under your dress?” Lori questioned. She gave Catrina a very strange look.
Catrina laughed and rolled her eyes. “I guess you were going to find out eventually.”
“Find out what?”
“If you must know, it’s a chastity belt.”
“A what?”
“A chatity belt.”
“I have no idea what that is,” Lori said truly confused now.
“Sven requires that I wear it whenever I leave the house alone or sometimes if I’m out with him,” Catrina explained. “It’s mostly just for his amusement. I am not a cheater, I’m very loyal. Do you want to see it?”
“Umm, I don’t know…” Lori had no idea what she should do. Catrina took the initiative and grabbed her arm and brought Lori’s hand down to her crotch where she made Lori touch her between the legs. Lori could feel something hard like metal that ran from the belt down in front of Catrina’s vagina and around back. Right where the vagina opening should be, the metal felt different, like it was wonted. Lori pulled back her hand as if she was burnt. “What the fuck!?” She said breathlessly.
“I keep forgetting how new this all is to you,” Catrina said. She never stopped smiling and did not seem uncomfortable talking about it with her. “You’ll come to learn all of the different fetishes. Believe me, there are a lot of them. It’s not for everyone of course. Here let me show you what it looks like.”
Catrina grabbed her dress and hiked it up until the whole thing was exposed. The chatity belt was shiny, made from stainless steel and lined with rubber against the skin. There was a band around the waist with a lock. A second band of metal ran between the legs from the front to the back. In the front, where the vagina opening was, there was a second piece made of brass that formed a tight grate.
“You have to wear this thing?” Lori was flatberggasted and fascinated at the same time.
“Sven is the master…” Catrina said with a shrug as if that explained everything.
“Is it uncomfortable?”
“At first, but I’m so use to it now that I actually find it comforting when I’m wearing it,” Catrina explained. “Does that seem weird to you?”
“I don’t know. Everything seems a little weird to me these days,” Lori shrugged. She couldn’t stop staring at it though. Then a thought came to her and she asked. “How do… You know… Use the bathroom?”
“The opening in the front that looks like a grate, that lets the pee come out.”
“Oh, okay. I guess that makes sense,” Lori said. Then she thought about it some more. Catrina let her dress fall back down. Then the full implications dawned on Lori. She tried to say it as delicate as possible. “Umm, what if you have to… You know… Have a number two?”
“Uh, well… I can’t,” she said with a sly grin. “Not without taking it off. That’s why I don’t wear it at home.”
“But what if you really had to go, like right now.”
“I can’t,” Catrina reiterated. “You see, there’s a plug that I’m wearing attached to the back.”
“What the fuck!?” Lori exclaimed. “You’re wearing a butt plug? Right now?”
“Well yes, it’s attached to the belt in the back,” Catrina seemed very relaxed talking about it. She picked up her glass and took a sip. “Lori, don’t forget your wine.”
Lori took a glass and drained it without thinking. She was still in shock at what she just found out about her friend. It was one thing when you read about these things on the internet and it was all theoretical. However, seeing things like this in real life was a completely different experience. It was intriguing, exciting and even a bit gross all at the same time. She wasn’t sure what to make of it yet.
“Wow,” Catrina said. “I guess you’re not as uptight as I thought. You are cute when your cheats get all red from the wine. I bet you look really sexy when you get embarrassed.”
“Is it weird wearing a plug for that long?” Lori asked, brushing Catrina’s comments aside for now. She and Eric had talked a little bit about toys and the subject of butt plugs had come up. Lori had never used one. She never had a boyfriend interested in these things. She wasn’t against it, she just had no experience with them. She did not know what to think about Catrina’s revelation. Did she still want to try a butt plug?
“Not really,” Catrina replied. “I grew accustom to it pretty quickly, but then I’m always going out a lot so I had to get used to it. Now it would feel weird if I left the house without it. The chatity belt gives me comfort and make me feel safe. This is probably weird, but I feel vulnerable without it.”
“How long has Sven been making you wear this thing?”
“As long as I have been his slave,” Catrina replied. “Which is about four years now.”
“I guess I barely know you,” Lori said. “Yet I feel like there’s this natural rapport.”
“You will come to know Sven and I very well. That rapport… That’s because you find me attractive,” Catrina teased.
“I never said that!” Lori could not believe how easy Catrina could make her blush.
“You didn’t have to. Your kiss told me everything I need to know.”
“Shut up!”
“I’m going to have so much fun teasing you!” Catrina laughed playfully.
“Catrina, you are just evil!” Lori declared.
“I know,” she nodded.
Just then, the two women heard the front door. Eric and Sven walked in. They had brown paper bags with them and the smell of food filled the air.
Catrina ran up to them and got down on her knees before Sven. “Please tell me you brought wine?” Catrina begged him.
“Well, how did you know that?” Sven said pulling a large bottle of rose wine from the bag he carried. Sven was dressed sharply in a black suit, but her had removed the tie and undone the top two buttons. The sly smile he wore gave him a roguish appearance. Lori had to admit her was handsome in his own way, but not as handsome as her man Eric. Still, she could appreciate why Catrina loved him so much. They both came from Europe as well, so that probably helped them bond.
Sven handed the bottle to Catrina. “Open this for us little one,” he commanded. Catrina struggled to get back to her feet withthe bottle in hand.
“It seems they have already been drinking,” Eric commented to him.
Lori came up to Eric and took the bag he was carrying from him. He said. “It’s Thai takeout.”
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