Chapter Two: Sir’s House
Lori: Hey Catrina!
Catrina: Hey yourself Lori! And call me Cat, we’re friends right!?
Lori: Okay Cat!
Catrina: How are you?
Lori: I’m good.
Catrina: That’s great! Did you have a good time last night!?
Lori: Yes!
Catrina: So what exactly happened last night when the 2 of you disappeared? I wanted details remember!? LOL
Lori: Well he wanted to show me his office. LOL
Catrina: yeah, I bet he did! Come on, spill!? Did he kiss you at least!?
Lori: Yes, of course!
Catrina: And what else? I know there is a lot more. Did he take control?
Lori: Oh yes!
Catrina: OMG! What did he tell you to do?
Lori: I’m a little embarrassed about it. Okay, he had me take all my clothes off!
Catrina: WOW! Now it gets interesting! Then what? Tell me more! You’re getting me excited!
Lori: He had this blindfold and some handscuffs that he used on me.
Catrina: OMG! In a first meeting!? I hope you were okay with that? Did you agree?
Lori: Yes, it was good. I actually really liked it. I got really excited! LOL
Catrina: I bet! Then what?
Lori: OMG! This is embarrassing…
Catrina: I’m waiting!!!
Lori: Okay. I really had to pee after that! LOL
Catrina: LOL OMG!
Lori: But I was already naked and cuffed, so he made me pee in a cup!
Catrina: OMG! You have to tell this story at the next party! People will love it! LOL
Catrina: What!?
Catrina: Seriously! People at these parties they get it, you know what I mean? It’s a funny anecdote, trust me!
Lori: I guess so? LOL
Catrina: So What happened after that?
Lori: I don’t know if I can tell you that!
Catrina: It’s just between you and me, I swear it! My cellphone is my private space. Sven doesn’t look at it, promise.
Lori: Okay, it’s just between us.
Lori: He bent me across the desk and you know… He did what he wanted!
Catrina: You had sex? Right there? In his office? OMG! I know you two were hitting it off, but WOW! I didn’t expect that! That’s like a porn scene right there!!! LOL
Lori: It just felt natural. I don’t know how to explain it. I wanted it before I even knew I wanted it. Does that make any sense!? LOL
Catrina: You don’t have worry, I Know exactly what you mean. When you know, you just know, right? And in that moment you will do anything!!!
Lori: Exactly!
Catrina: Where are you now?
Lori: I’m at Eric’s house!
Catrina: OMG! That’s so awesome! The house in Guelph?
Lori: Yes
Catrina: What do you think of it!? Awesome right!?
Lori: I haven’t seen much of it, only the bedroom. LOL
Catrina: LOL Lucky girl! Say hi to Eric for me!
Lori: He’s in the shower right now. I thought I would text you while he was gone.
Catrina: What!? You’re letting him shower alone!? Why aren’t you in there with him?
Lori: Really? Youthink I should join him? He didn’t give me any instructions.
Catrina: Hell yes! He didn’t tell you not to either! Show him how much you want him. Men love that! Go in there and suck his cock! He’ll love that! LOL
Lori: Okay, maybe I will.
Catrina: Okay, I will be waiting for you to text me later!
Lori put her phone down on the bed and looked around the room. It was a huge master suite. There was a large bay window overlooking the backyard. Everything was an off-white color. The walls, the curtains, the carpet, everything except for the bed sheets, which were a deep red. It was middle of the morning, past ten o’clock already and the sun was streaming in. The bed seamed enormous to her, a California king with a large wood carved headboard.
Lori could hear the shower. Eric was in there washing up. The bathroom door was open. She could see the counter and sink from where she was sitting on the bed. The shower reflected in the mirror.
They didn’t have sexWhen they came home to Eric’s house. Once in the office had been enough for now, but she had expected that. Her butt was still a little sore. Now it was morning. Eric had cuddled her at night until they fell asleep. When they she told her was going to have a shower. That was when she decided to text Catrina.
She and Catrina had really hit it off last night and she was eager to keep the budding friend going. Lori had a feeling she was going to be good friend of hers. Catrina was fun loving and wasn’t at all how she pictured a submissive, but then she had no idea what went on behind closed doors. Sven was quiet, almost the opposite of his submissive. However, for all she knew that was a normal part of an alternative relationship.
Well, the one thing Lori did know was that she was going to take Catrina’s advice and join Eric in the shower. She made pleasure her new dominant her main goal. She stood up and stretched out like a cat.
Lori suddenly had an urge. An urge that she could not hold back for very long. She started to break out into a sudden sweat. She was going to have to use the toilet and this time it wasn’t just to pee. She only saw the house last night when they came home. It had been dark at the time and she didn’t know her way around the place yet. She was afraid to go off exploring on her own without Eric’s permission and the only toilet she knew about was The one she was looking at in the master bathroom. This could be very humiliating and embarrassing, but she didn’t know what else to do. She really needs to have a bowel movement, right now!
Eric had been in the bathroom about ten minutes now and she didn’t want to miss her opportunity to surprise him in the shower. She could hear the water running and the glass on the shower was somewhat foggy when she timidly walked into the bathroom.
“Um, sir?” She sheepishly asked.
“I’ll only be a few more minutes,” Eric stated. It was looked like he might be washing hishair. “You can shower when I’m done.”
“Oh, thank you sir. Well, it’s just I kind of need to use the toilet…” She managed to say.
“Oh, go ahead. It won’t interfere with the shower,” Eric replied.
“Okay,” she said.
His reply caught her off guard because it was not exactly what she had meant by her statement. She hadn’t dressed so she was already naked. Lori sat down on the toilet seat. She peed first getting that out of the way. Her butt still feel a little strange from last night, but it was getting back to normal again. Once she started to push, the sensings that she had experienced from last night came back again. She went completely red in the face and covered it with her hands when she realized that Eric’s cum was dripping out of her ass! Luckily he Couldn’t really see her with all the steam and wasn’t paying attention anyways as he washed himself up. Nevertheless, in her mind, she understands what was happening and it reminded her about how he had dominated her the night before. Her ass didn’t feel like it was hers anymore. To Lori it was now his property and he could do with it as he pleased. His sperm dripping out of her anus along with her poop was just another reminded of that. Still, it felt good to have a bowel movement. She quickly cleaned up and flushed the toilet. She hoped to God that Eric couldn’t smell anything.
She really hoped Catrina was right. Lori was not normally this bold. Not in a long time anyway. She had been some bold in her youth, but that was a long time ago. Lori had been the one who pursued her best friend’s father. At first, she thought that maybe she was a dominant because she had been quite aggressive in her pursuit. When she first discovered this lifestyle, she had thought about that a lot. In the end, she concluded that her aggressiveness had only been a means to an end. Once she had her man, he took over. When they lived together, he was the dominant one and she had been quite content to letit be that way. Lori was sure that she was submissive, but she could also be bold. Not a brat though, just a bit bold when she needed to be.
Quietly she opened the shower door and entered. The shower stall was huge and could have fit several people comfortable. The showerhead mounted above in the ceiling. The water rained down on top of them. It was hot and steamy, but at a level that was enjoyable. Gentle she put her hands on his back. He suddenly stiffened for a moment not expecting her to be there. She slide her hands around to his front, pulling herself in tight against his back.
“Well, well, little one,” Eric said bemused. He seemed fine with her being there. “What brings this on?”
“Is it okay, Sir?”
“Yes, of course.”
“I… I was feeling lonely in the bed by myself,” she said. “I wanted to touch you and hold you.” She was getting butterflies in her stomach, just from touching him and feeling the muscles across his chest. He obviously worked out, but he was no body builder. He was just very fit.
“I was afraid that might happened,” he said. His back was still to her.
“Is it OK if I shower with you?” She asked. “Can I wash your back?”
He nodded. “Alright.”
Lori picked up the clothes and soap he had been using and started scrubbing his back. It was so much more sensitive then she ever could have imagined it being. She had no memory of ever doing this for anyone else. Yet it all felt perfectly normal here at this moment. She loved the feeling of his skin and the way the muscles moved beneath her touch. She felt like she was dreaming. Could a man that hot really want her!? Lori wondered. It didn’t make any sense to her. She worried that she was only here until he found someone better. She was making herself anxious. She didn’t like the feeling.
Finally, Lori moved around in front of him. Cloth still in hand, but when she went to touch him, he suddenly reached out and grabbed both of her wrists with an incredibleand intense grip. He bent down as she looked up into his eyes. He kissed her with a password that left her weak in the knees for a moment.
Holy shit! Lori thought. Is this what it means to be in a DS relationship!? Was she actually in one already? They hadn’t discussed it, yet the heat between her thighs told her to go for it! Be bolder! She began kissing him starting at his neck and working her way down his chest. The water rained down on them, soaking her completely. She worked her way down to the bottom of his chest. Eric said nothing, but he started to tilt his head back and close his eyes. His penis hung there, already semi hard. Muscular and veiny, it was the first time Lori had really seen it. Eric’s cock was more beautiful then she could have imagined it to be!
Lori deliciously kissed the large purple head and felt it twitch slightly. She began running her lips up and down the shake. She loved how it felt. So perfect, so beautiful. Was it possible for something to feel hard as steel, yet soft to the touch at the same time? Well that is how it felt to her. Finally, Lori took Eric’s member into her mouth, feeling the bottom of the shake with her touch and really tasting it for the first time. It was warm with soft skin and the hint of saltiness at the tip where the pre-cum was already starting to leak out. It seemed huge this close up. It was then that she realized that this thing had been in her ass only twelve hours ago. It was impossible! She thought. Did something this big really fit in my ass? I can barely fit it in my mouth.
Her vagina was hot and needy. It was starting to get wet. Lori’s cilt was itchy. She really wanted to touch it, but she was too afraid to do it. She didn’t know how Eric would react and she didn’t want to distract herself either.
Lori tried to Swallow as much of Eric’s cock as she could, but she struggled to get more than half of it in her mouth. It was filling her whole throat and the struggle to breathe was aActually making her hornier. What the hell was wrong with her? She wondered. It seemed unnatural to feel that way and yet her sex drive was very much awake in that moment.
She moved her mouth up and down in long strokes all the way to the tip and then back down as far as she could go, trying to go a little deep each time, but with great difficulty. It was having an obvious effect on him as well. Eric’s cock had It became impossible hard. He was gasping at certain points, especially when she went deep. This was encouraging. Lori felt a certain pride in bringing her dominant such pleasure. After a few minutes of this, his hands had snaked their way into her hair. He had a firm grip on her head and gently started to guide her the way he liked. She let this happened and felt those butterflies again as she realized how much pleasure Eric was taking from her oral skills.
Lori came up for air after nearly choking. Instead of forcing her back down on his cock, Eric suddenly hauled herto her feet by the hair. He bent down and kissed her deeply. She felt the softness of his tongue and melted inside.
He pulled her into a tight embrace. He bend down a whispered in her ear. “Do you want to get fucked?”
Holy shit!? WOW! Did she ever! The urge was overwhelming. Lori almost cried, overcome by the intensity of the moment. All she could do was scar and nod in agreement. She had no words she could use at that instant.
It all happened in a blur. Suddenly, the shower door was open. Lori stumbled, manhandled across the bathroom to the counter. Lori felt the cold marble press across the front of her body, both shocking a refreshing at the same time. The intensity of the feeling both scared her and exhilarated her. She wanted this and yet feared getting lost in the intensity of it. It was a surprise experience.
Lori felt Eric’s cock press hard against her wet slit. Her body was shuttering with the adrenaline rush. She was glad to be leaning on the countertop, at this point she didn’t think she could stand. He pulled her lips apart with his fingers and entered her in one stroke right to the base. It was all too much. She was afraid she would cum right there.
“Sir, please!?” She pleased. “I needed it!”
“Need what!?” He grew in her ear as he began to move in and out building a rhythm.
“I need… I need to cum sir! Please, I need to cum!” She panted breathlessly.
“Already!?” He put his arm around her neck from behind her as he pounded her pussy harder.
“Please sir!” She cried out as if in tremendous pain. “I can’t hold it back!”
“You may cum,” Eric granted her permission.
Lori came so hard she cried. It had never happened before. She had never cried during sex. It was an Intensity of emotion. She was utterly embarrassed and yet she could not stop it. Big salty tears ran down her cheeks. Eric fucked her hard like an animal. If he noticed, he said nothing. She came again and then again. Her breasts,Shoulders, neck and face had flushed completely red from the excitement. Her vagina was tight trying to grip his cock, but it kept moving relatively less as Eric took the full measure of his pleasure. It was like being rewarded and punished at the same time.
Suddenly her eyes opened wide and she gripped the sink tightly as she saw his reflection in the mirror. His expression was of sheer ecstasy as he finally came deep inside her. Lori’s vision went white, like stars exploding before her as she came for the last time. Thankfully, she had stopped sobbing, but she could still feel the tears rolling down her cheeses. Overcome, she collapsed on the countertop completely spent. She hadn’t even realized that Eric was still gripping her hair, holding her head so it didn’t hit the marble. She breath heavy in ragged gasps, it was all she could do at that moment.
“The bed is more comfortable,” Eric said. She saw his grin in the mirror as he squirted the last of his cum inside her.
“I’m not moving,” she stated. She couldn’t move even if she wanted. Her legs were powerless. Eric made a move to pull out. She reached back and grabbed his hand, pulling him forward. “Please, don’t! I want to feel it a little longer!”
He smiled and nodded. Eric leaned down and placed a kiss on her back. Her flesh suddenly broke out in goosebumps. His cock still hard inside her pussy. She could feel it throbbing. How did he know what to do? How did he know when to do it? She wished she could stay like this forever, but it was impossible. Eventually, she felt herself pulled up by her hair into a standing position, his cock still there, inside.
Once they were standing, Eric leaned into her ear and spoke. “Alright babygirl. I’m going to pull out and then you are going back into the shower to get cleaned up. I will be waiting for you when you get out. Understand?”
“Yes, Sir!” Her voice went up at the end as he withdraw suddenly. He had a wicked smile and sparkle in his eyes. As she stepped away to get into the shower, Eric smacked her hard on the ass cheek. Hard enough to leave a hand print. She yelped so loud it echoed in the room.
Eric laughed. He was going to love smacking that ass! He thought. Moreover, he would do it all the time. Especially at embarrassing moments for her. He took great pleasure in such things. He warned her before they met that he could be sadistic. Well, now she was getting a taste of it. He watched her face go red as she ran into the shower trying to avoid a second swat. Once was enough for now. The game they were playing together was just beginning. He had big plans for her. She was going to make a beautiful little slave girl for him. He was going to love making that face turn red. She had a pretty face, round with a broad smile. There was a quiet beauty to her that she probably wasn’t aware of and that ass of hers? By God, it was just plump enough to be beautiful and fun to play with. She probably thought it was too big, but Eric felt it was just the right size. Perfect for spanking, perfect for paddling, perfect for fucking! He thought.
Eric grabbed a fluffy white towel and dried off. He decided to leave her alone and let her shower in peace. If he could have, he would have fucked her again. However, twice in twelve hours was pretty good for a now. Heck, he had taken both holes already. This was the start, there was much more to come.
His walk-in closet was the size of some bedrooms, there was even a locker in the center to sit on. It took his a while to find just the right shirt and casual pants. It was the weekend after all. Saturday… What? Almost noon now? He had worked up an appetite. First, they were going to need some coffee.
Eric got dressed, went to the kitchen, and brewed up some coffee while His new girl was still in the shower. He came back to the master bedroom with two cups of hot coffee in his hands. She was still the shower, but she had to be almost done, he thoughht. So he went into the bathroom and set the cups down on the countertop. The same countertop he had bent her across only a short while ago. The shower glass was still steamed, but he could just make out her form through the obscurity.
Eric always keep a couple of those big, fluffy bathrobes that you might find in a luxury hotel in the bathroom. He had one in his hands when she finally stepped out of the shower. Lori was started. She had not been expecting him to be there handing her a bathrobe.
“Here put this on,” he said to her. “I brought us some coffee. I hope you like it black. That’s how I take it.”
“Sure, that’s okay,” Lori replied.
Eric watched her carefully as she wrapped the robe around herself. She still had these hints of modesty despite the things they had just done Together already. He smiled inwardly at that. It was so cute the way she blushed a little and couldn’t quite meet his eyes. It made her that much more sexy. She was a sheep and he was the wolf.
This was someone that he could really grow to love. In fact, he could already feel that it was starting. It tugged at his heart when she picked up the cup and held in her hands absorbing the heat, then took a gentle sip, and quickly looked up into his eyes. She had a twinkle in her eyes; the blue seemed brighter and more vivid against the stark white of the robe.
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