Chapter One: The Connection
They had been chatting online for a while, that’s how it started. When you finally meet someone that you just click with, there is a real rush that builds up quickly. At least that’s how Lori felt about it, but then dating sites could be like that, she thought. It was very easy to build up an image in your head when you hadn’t actually met that person yet. Reality wasn’t always the same. In fact, reality was never the same! It was especially true now that she had turned 35. There was something about being middle aged, having no children and living alone for a little while now that was bringing something out in her. Lori was finally admitting to herself that she had an unconventional side. It was something that had always been there, just tickling the back of her thoughts. But now it was coming forward, or at least someone special was bringing it forward, drawing it out of her personality, like smoke rising from a fire.
All of her previouss relationships had never lived up to what she wanted them to be. Well, almost all of them. There was that one man. When Lori was in her late teens she got into a romantic relationship with her best friend’s father. She was the one that actually initiated the relationship, not him. He had initially been against it, but eventually she won him over and they were together for a few years after that, despite what that had done to her friendship with his daughter. But that was the past and he had been twice her age. The men of her generation were raised to be too passive for her taste. Lori was getting a bit kinkier as she aged. She craved a man who would take control and be forceful with her.
She was a submissive, or at least that’s what she had learned about herself once she started exploring the internet. There were a lot of sites dedicated to an unimaginable number of kinks. Most were not interesting to her, but a few had caught her eye. It was then that Lori discovered that therewere many other submissive women like her out there and many more men who took an interest in that submission. When she placed an ad on a dating site, she was careful about how she spoken it. She wanted to attract a certain type of man. Still, she got many responses, but most of them sounded like form letters. They may as well have been addressed “To whom it may concern”! They were from men who never Really read her profile or understand her. It was actually quite pathetic. Lori wanted something deeper and real. Just getting fucked wasn’t going to be enough for her. There had to be a meaningful relationship behind it. A real connection.
But then one day Lori got a response from him. The one that she now called Master in her own mind even though they hadn’t met yet. His messages were smart, smooth and sophisticated. But they didn’t come off as too well practiced, like he just sent a similar message to everyone. Oh no, he had read her profile and understanding it. He proved that in his messages. He intrigued her so much that they began a regular correspondence throw the dating site. It was the good kind of conversation, the real talk between people becoming friends. The sex talk didn’t come up until later.
About a week after they started messaging each other Lori had a thought that just struck her like a bolt of lightning. This was what she really wanted out of life!
He was a man who was confident, strong willed and knew what he wanted. It was around that time that he asked for her cell number. They started texting. He wanted to know everything about her life. Lori told him everything he wanted to know, willingly. It warmed her inside to finally give in to her real nature and become the submissive she wanted to be. She carried a lot of baggage around with her and it was a relief to have someone she could talk to about it. Soon she craved only to please him and no one else, not even her own pleasure matter any more. She turned off her dating profile. She didn’t talk with other men, always waiting faithfully for her Master to send the next text. Just thinking the word Master or even saying it out loud got her excited. Lori longed to submit to him more and more every day.
As things had turned out, she didn’t live very far away from him. Less than an hours drive and there were lots of places to meet in between. So eventually they began to discuss it. What would happen if they met? What kind of things would they do together? It was all very romantic and erotic. Lori felt herself get wet whenever her Master would text her.
They had been texting about two weeks before he finally called her that first time. Lori heard that deep seductive voice, she nearly melted inside. She felt the wetness building up between her legs just hearing his voice on the phone! Luckily, Lori had been at home and not at work or driving! They had talked every day that week and Lori knew thatshe was starting to have real feelings for this man she had yet to meet. Sure, they had exchanged pictures before, nothing risky or sexual and they had dating site profiles so they had a good idea of what each other looked like, but it wasn’t the same. She wanted to meet him for real, to be touched by him.
Lori was about five and a half feet tall, an average height for a woman and a little over weight, but wasn’t everyone These days! She thought. She still got her share of male attention despite it! She had long sandy blonde hair and steel blue eyes. If she had to describe her Master she would have simply said tall, dark hair, wicked smile and handsome! From what she could tell in his pictures, he was a sharp dresser as well!
Eventually, one day he wasn’t online when she had been looking for him. She tried texting him on His cell, but no response. This was unusual since he was usually always around the same time every evening. Sometimes if he wasn’t availablee he would tell her to send an e-mail, so Lori sent one wondering where he might be. An hour later she sent another one begging for him to text her when he was able. Finally, late in the evening Lori sent one finally e-mail to her Master asking him to finally meet with her in the real world and to use her as he saw fit. She had never sent a message like that before and it gave her butterfly in her stomach when she sent it. She really hoped that message would get his attention. She was going to go insane without his touch or care. It had been far too long since she had the touch of a real man against her flesh. She went to bed that night dreaming about it.
The next day there was the reply she had been waiting for all this time! It simply read: ‘Paradise Night Club, Friday night at 9 PM. make sure to look your best; make up, perfume, lacy Underwear and that black dress you wore in one of your pictures. I think you look beautiful in it. I will be there waiting for you. Although your nervousness, you will find it easy to approach me. You won’t be able to resist. This is your one and only chance to prove you are interested in pursuit a relationship with me. Please don’t let me down or I’ll be forced to find someone else… Master. P.S. You are not allowed to masturbate or touch yourself in any sexual way between now and then. Sorry, but I can be sadistic like that! LOL’.
In the minute it took to read the message her panties had gotten wet and there was nothing she could do about it! Damn it! It may have been frustrating, but she had her orders after all! Friday was two days way. How could she stand the wait?! She thought. She looked for him online, but over the next two days he was nowhere to be found. When she texted him, he simply replied “Friday, 9pm don’t forget”.
Lori followed his instructions to the letter, not wanting to displease him in any way! She had resisted the urge to touch herself, trying to keep busy and not think about it. That was really hard because whenever she thought about this meeting she really wanted release! Friday night Lori worried and fretted, hoping that she would look good enough for her Master. She knew she shouldn’t, but she couldn’t help herself. Her self-esteem just wasn’t that greatest these days. Lori wasn’t a shy person by nature, but this meeting was making her nervous in a way she never felt before. It was like a job interview for a really awesome job that she wanted really badly. She could not screw this up.
Lori showed and shavled, then spent over an hour in front of the mirror trying to get the make up just right. Dark eye shadow, ruby lips, and the subtle perfume she knew her Master wanted. She had to get it all just right. She even knew what dress she had to wear, but she changed her mind about her Underwear about a dozen times or more before finally setting on a pink lacy bra and matching thong. She wasn’t sure if her Master would be seeing them tonight. In fact, she had no idea what was going to happen. Was she going to have sex with him that night? Would he even do something like that on a first date? More importantly, could she even do something like that!? She had no idea what she was capable of, until she did it.
Once Lori felt she was as close to perfect as she was going to get, she got into her car and drive to the night club. She was on edge when she finally pulled up to the parking lot and saw the place was busy. The parking lot was three quarters full and her Toyota looked cheap next to the BMW’s, Mercedes and more exotic cars. There was a lot of money here at this place and it made her nerves get the best of her. Her heart was racing, she almost turned around and went back to the car when she walked passed the Ferrari! She was going to need a drink or two just to settle down her nerves and she was afraid about having to drive home afterwards. She had never met anyone this way before and certainly not a Master! In her own mind, she had already promised herself to him in both mind and body.
Lori was getting excited and she could feel herself getting wetter by the minute as she walked inside. The ten dollar cover charge was bit ridiculous, but the atmosphere wasn’t much different from any other club. It was dark and weird dance music was pulsing throughout the build. That night the music was a crazy mixture of dance, trance and alternative music. It was a big place too. It had two levels to it. An open dancefloor and a second story that ringed it above. Lori took a seat at a small bar height table near the dancefloor where she would easily be seen. There were just too many people to spot him so her only hope was that he would spot her. She had her cellphone with her, but she had been instructed to wait for him and do not initiate contact in a later message. Clearly she was being tested so she was on her best behavior. That didn’t stop her from taking a good look around, but did not see him. Nevertheless, with so many people there and many more coming in, it was hard to tell where he might be or if he was even there yet! So there she sat waiting for his call or signal or whatever it was that was supposed to happen!
He had arrived ahead of her. This was nothing new to him, he had done this a few times before with other women and it had always gone the same. No matter how much they wanted it, the first meeting was always nervous for them. They would sit alone or wander around waiting for him. This was the part he saved the most, watching her from afar like a lion stocking his prey. He drank her nervousness and tension like a fine wine. He sat on the upper level that over looked the dancefloor making sure she would have a hard time seeing him, but he could still view her clearly. He had to admit she did look good, even better than in her pictures and he liked the dress that he had told her to wear for him. It gave him an excellence view of her cleavage. He sat there watching herfor nearly a fifteen minutes before finally making his move. A waitress finally came by and he called her over.
“You see that woman down there in the black dress?” He asked her. “The one sitting at that table?”
The waitress leaned in close to hear, the music was a bit loud. But he got an excellent view of her breasts and smile inwardly. “The one sitting alone?” She questioned.
“Yes, that’s her,” He pulled out a twenty dollar bill. “I want you to send her a drink. Something simple, like a rum and coke. Don’t tell her who it is coming from. Simply tell her that her “Master is watching over her”. She’ll understand. If you can do that for me Tina than there is another twenty in it for you.”
“Yes sir,” she said looking over large tip with a big smile. Tina was use to strange requests with big tips attached to them. But this wasn’t the first time he had done this either and the waitress knew him very well since he was here so often.
He watched patiently as the waitress went and got a drink from the bar and carried it over to the tiny table Lori sat at. Lori had told her much about her life and he drank it all in. They had a lot in common. More than Lori actually knew. He had not told her as much about himself yet. They both and lost their parents when they were young. Lori had been a teenage when first her mother had died from a rare strain of cancer and then her father was killed in a car accident. From about sixteen onward she had been raised by her aunt and uncle. He had lost his parent when he was only twenty. He hadn’t explained that to her yet. There was plenty of for that later. He had a feeling this was going to be a long relationship for both of them.
Lori was still unsure of what would happen. She hadn’t seen a waitress yet, but she was considering going up to the bar and ordering a drink, no matter what the cost, just to calm her nerves down. Suddenly the waitress appeared and Lori nearly jumped out of her skin.
“I hope this makes sense to you,” the waitress said. “But this drink has been sent over for you. I’m supposed to tell you that your Master is watching over you. I hope I got that right. Anyway it’s already paid for so here!” The waitress handed her a rum and coke, setting the drink down on the table.
Lori’s face flushed red with embarrassment, even though she didn’t know the waitress, she was still aware of what was going on! Still, Lori just had to know. “Thank you. Could you tell me where he is?” She asked scanning the crowd quickly.
“Sorry, I’m not allowed,” She replied with a shrug.
Lori felt totally humiliated! She just stared down at the drink until the waitress went away. She took a big sip. The drink was strong. Quickly, she down the rest of it! By God she needed that! The butterflies in her stomach were fight with each other now!
The Master ordered another drink for himself while he watched Lori slowly began to sip on her drink. He nearly laugh when he saw her down the drink! My, my, she was a bit nervous tonight, wasn’t she!? He thought. His drink came and he sipped on it. He watched her scan the room once again, this time she had taken the clue and look hard at the upper level. He had a small booth with a few of his friends around him. He was pretty sure she wouldn’t see him.
He leaned over to one of his Friends, a blonde hair Nordic looking man and a stylish white suit. “Sven,” He said in his ear. “Can you please send you submissive down to get her and bring her up to meet us finally?”
“Of course,” Sven replied with a nod. He gestured to a woman sitting at a nearby table talking with two other people. Over the noise he shouted “Catrina, to me!”
Catrina was tall and slender and wore a red velvet evening gown that night. She came over a learned down to talked to Sven. He grabbed her by the ring in her metal collar and pulled her in so he could whisper his command in her ear. She nodded obediently. The man who Lori thought of as Master, smiled broadly as he watched this exchange. Sven kissed her on the cheek before letting go of the ring. Catrina sundered over to the stairs and disappeared down below.
Lori needed another drink. The first one had done nothing for her. She didn’t even really taste it. She was going to look for that waitress and see if she could order another one, but when looked behind her she saw a tall woman with long dark hair approach her. The woman came up next to her. She had a wide white smile and wore a red evening gown. She looked too classy for this place.
“Why hello there darling!” The woman said. She had a European accent, but Lori wasn’t sure where from. Germany, maybe?
Lori looked around. “I’m sorry, but I don’t think I know you.”
“Oh, but you will soon enough,” the woman replied. She talked so smoothly and he smile never wavered. “My name is Catrina. You can call me Cat if you like. I want you to come upstairs with me. I have someone who wants to meet you!”
“Oh God!” Lori replied breathlessly. Her heart was pounding in her heart and her palms felt sweety. “I-I don’t know about this…”
“Sure you do sweetie!” Catrina replied putting a hand gently on her shoulder. “It’s why you can here tonight, right? Don’t worry I will be with you the whole time. Women like us need to stick together.”
“What!?” Lori said alarmed. How many people here know what was going on here!? How many people knew why she was here!?
“Let’s just go and have a little chat with him,” Catrina said. “I have known him for some time now. He is really quite nice!”
“Okay,” Lori squeaked after giving Catrina a good hard look. Then she added. “I’m going to need another drink though!”
“Don’t we all!?” Catrina laughed. She took Lori by the arm and slowly led her around the dancefloor to the set of stand that led up to the second level.
Lori’s heart raced, it was him! She finally saw him standing cAsuradized by the railing when they made it to the top of the stairs. He had been watching her the whole time! Her legs got a little weak that first time he turns to her and smiled, but Catrina had a good grip on her, like she knew what was going to happen! She was filled with excitement, adrenaline and fear all at the same time. She was drawn to him just as he said she would be. She never thought she would have the nerve, but Suddenly she long for him badly. He was handsome, by God he was handsome! He wore a stylish four piece black suit, tailor made with a lavender tie, in a trinity knot even! His shoulder length black hair was slick back and his smile was gentle, but it hide an edge to it. Lori became aware that her panties had become very wet.
Her orders were for her to approach him. This was her one and only chance he had said in his message. She didn’t want to make any mistake. Her legs were weak and her stomach was filled with a thousand butterflies, but this was what she wanted. She had to do it. Slowly she made her way over to him. It was maybe twenty feet, but it felt like a hundred miles! Catrina had let go of her, but staid right next to her the whole time. Just like she had promised. Her eyes were down cast, afraid to look up at him despite the fact that she found him so attractive. She was aware that there were other people here who were watching her every move. She walked right up to him, moving in close so she could talk.
“Greetings, m-my M-Master,” She struggled with the words, but she had planned what she would say for the last two days, unable to sleep thinking about how she should meet him.
Suddenly he took her hands in his, bending and kissing them lightly. “Greetings my precious one! My, my, aren’t you a pretty thing tonight!” He turned to some other people sitting near his booth. “Isn’t she beautiful?”
She noticed several people nod and raise their glasses in salute. Her heart almost stopped and it all seemed like a waking dream. She felt like someone else, like she was watching a movie and not actually living it. “I have wanted to meet you for so long, sir.” Should she call him Master or sir? She had used both now, but she wasn’t sure what she should be saying. It was still a bit confusing.
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